• SmokeClan/FallClan updates
    BITTERMOUTH: Black tom with blood colored eyes and white paws
    None(will be one of bittermouths followers most likely Lionwhsker)

    ASHSTRIPE: A pretty white she-cat with black specks and amber eyes
    CLOUDDROP: A beige she-cat with green eyes

    OAKFUR: A skinny brown tom with yellow eyes and a cream tail tip Breezefeather’s mate
    BRIGHTSONG: A beautiful, long haired tortoise shell she-cat with blue eyes
    LIONWHISKER: gold tom with amber eyes and a taste for blood. Feathercloud’s mate
    SILVERHEART: A fast gray tom with starry, like eyes Fernbreze’s mate
    Name: Feathercloud:
    Physical Description: white she-cat with green eyes and a white tail tip. Lionwhisker’s mate.
    DUSTWHISPER: A grumpy black she-cat with midnight blue eyes
    STORMWHISKER: A cheerful white tom with dull gray eyes
    BRISTLEFACE: A cream-colored tom with bright yellow eyes
    BIRCHFACE: A beige tom with light, blue eyes Maplefur’s mate
    FERNBREZE: blue pretty she-cat with green eyes, Silverheart’s mate
    GINGERSQUARE: a pretty tortoise-shell she-cat with green eyes

    DUSKPAW: a handsome gray tom with blue eyes
    TIGERPAW/BLOSSOM : Orange she-cat with white paws
    GINGERPAW: a pretty tortoise-shell she-cat with green eyes
    SMOKEPAW: a cheerful white tom with gray specks and yellow
    SOOTPAW: black she-cat with dark blue eyes
    WINDPAW: handsome black tom with light blue eyes
    SLEEKPAW: pretty tortoise-shell she-cat with blue eyes
    SLATEPAW:gray she-cat with white who is blind in one eye but still wants to be a Warrior
    FINCHPAW: blue tom with green eyes and good fighting skills
    BRIGHTPAW: Cream colored she-cat with blue eyes
    SPECKLEPAW : Khaki colored tom with amber eyes
    APPLEPAW: Beige she-cat with unusual dark red eyes

    BELLA: calico she-cat with blue eyes; former kittypet, mother of Bristleface’s five kits
    MAPLEFUR: cream colored she-cat with amber eyes, mother of Birchface’s three kits
    FERNBREZE: blue pretty she-cat with green eyes, Silverheart’s mate
    BREEZEFEATHER: Beautiful tortoise-shell she-cat with deep green eyes mother of Oakfur’s three kits

    OWLFUR: White tom with brown stripes and amber eyes
    MISTFUR: A greyish- blue shorthaired she-cat with sapphire blue eye
    FIREBREEZE: A handsome orange tom with amber eyes and gold specks

    WICKSTAR: A handsome gray tom with sky blue eyes and a white tail tip

  • Members of SnowClan! Remember this?:

    Spiderclaw watched Roseshadow and Whitenose go out for a patrol. “Why is he always with her?!” Spiderclaw thought. He had been crushing on Roseshadow ever since he came into the SnowClan camp. But he never talked to her. He wasn’t the most confident cat in the forest. But he never even got a chance. She was always busy on patrols, or she was with Whitenose. “Why don’t you take it in your own hands then?” A low voice said. Spiderclaw jumped, but he didn’t see anyone. “Maybe I could talk to Whitenose and ask if he likes Roseshadow..” he murmured. Spiderclaw shook his head. If Whitenose did like Roseshadow, he didn’t want to mess things up between them. Plus, they had been friends since they were kits. But he decided that he would try and talk to her if she went out hunting. Spiderclaw went into his den, freezing and went to sleep. He was traveling, with Roseshadow. Walking along the soft ground. Where are we going? Spiderclaw thought. Spiderclaw didn’t care. He was focused on Roseshadow, until a paw woke him up. It was Whitenose. “Wake up!” Whitenose cuffed his ear, “Lets go hunting!” Spiderclaw was suddenly awake. He wanted to go hunting with Roseshadow, but he couldn’t say no to his best friend. Whitenose and Spiderclaw were at the entrace when he saw Roseshadow. “What took you so long?” she questioned. Whitenose pointed his tail at Spiderclaw. ” This guy was sleeping like there was no tomorrow!” Roseshadow let out a mrrow of laughter. ” Well let’s get going” she said as they three cats outside went into the snow. “I’m going to hunt over there!” Whitenose mewed, running over to a rabbit hole. It left Spiderclaw and Roseshadow alone. “This is my chance,” Spiderclaw thought, “I can’t mess up now.”
    To be continued….

    The drama will continue later this week and we will see what happens. Who will she choose? What will happen to the other cat? Later this week you will find out!

    • (Sorry I have not been very active
      And maybe Roseshadow knows that Whitenose likes Stripeheart. She is probably trying to boost his confidence.)
      She sawn Whitenose and Roseshadow go out of camp again. “Do they like each other?” She thought. “But he asked me too met him at the river? What’s up with him?”
      “Where is she! She should have been here by now. Oh No! What if she didn’t like me? What if she hates me? What if? What if?…..What if she hates me so much wants to kill me?” He thought. But a little voice inside of him said “She will come. When you asked her here she had exitment and nervousness her eyes.”

      She walked around and finally found the river.
      “Hi” Stripeheart said at last.
      Awkward silence struck between them.
      “Let’s take a walk, the stars are as beautiful as you.”
      “That would be nice”
      As they walk underneath the stars she blurted out “I like you!”
      He stopped and turned around. His face was full of shock and relief. “I like you too. That’s why we are on this walk.”
      “But you are always around Roseshadow.”
      He laughed loudly. “You think I like Roseshadow!(no offense) She’s my friend and she planned this whole thing out!”
      Stripeheart laughed with him. It was late and they were tired. They fell asleep as the stars looked over them.

      • Now I just have to figure out what to do with Spiderclaw. I was going to choose his anyway.

      • This is what happened before you and Whitenose went on your walk and stuff.

        Whitenose walked to Roseshadow and mewed in her ear, “I need help, meet by where you usually hunt.” Roseshadow was confused by went to where she usually hunted anyway. By the time she was by the rabbit hole, Whitenose was already there, digging his claws in the ground nervously.
        Whitenose quickly looked up, eyes filled with excitement and worry. “What do you want?” Roseshadow asked. “Well, umm, I like Stripeheart and..” Roseshadow interrupted Whitenose. ” I already knew that, why are you so nervous?” Whitenose’s eyes were wide with shock. “You, you knew?” Whitenose was still in shock. “Of course I knew, now what were you saying?” “I asked her to meet me tonight, but I don’t know what to say or what to do.”
        Roseshadow smirked. Well, the first thing you have to do is compliments.” Roseshadow said, acting like a mentor, “And make sure you come early. You don’t want to keep her waiting.”
        Roseshadow went on and on about the things Whitenose should do that Whitenose snuck away to go to the meeting place because it was getting late.

  • Is there anything I can write?? I don’t really have that much to do here haha 😛

  • (Breezesky’s POV as promised)
    Breezesky rushed to the meeting spot she and Pineprickle agreed on. It was her first meeting with Pineprickle, so FlameClan would know what was being planned. Not long after Breezesky arrived, Pineprickle arrived. “Breezesky! Guess what!” Pineprickle purred happily. “What?” Breezesky asked. “I’m expecting kits!” meowed Pineprickle. “Really? Congratulations!” said Breezesky. Pineprickle looked at her paws. “Will DarkClan hurt my kits?” she asked. “I’ll make sure they don’t,” said Breezesky. “Anyway,” said Pineprickle. “What is DarkClan planning?” Breezesky remembered what she’d been told, and began. “They’re planning an attack at a Gathering,” said Breezesky. (remember when Coldheart said not to make DarkClan attack at a Gathering yet.) “But they don’t know which Gathering it will be yet.” Pineprickle let out a mrrow of fear. “So FlameClan won’t know when to prepare for an attack?” she asked. “I suggest getting ready at every Gathering,” Breezesky suggested. She told Pineprickle the rest of the plans so far, and then, she went back to DarkClan, to see Swiftscar. Then, she remembered what she had done with Swiftscar when they were apprentices. They did a lot together, and Breezesky remembered the brave way how Swiftscar got the huge scar on his face. After thinking about him for a while, Breezesky realized she liked him.
    (Oh yeah, and I decided to keep her unable to have kits because the idea of her having his kits sounds weird in head. Also, I’ll write Swiftscar’s backstory a.k.a. how he got his scar soon, but I’m going to need to decide on some things, which are who their old mentors were [for all three, Swiftscar, Breezesky, and Pineprickle], and because I was thinking of him getting it in a battle, I need to decide which Clan the battle was against and why it happened. I’m open to suggestions!)

  • Spice has left the chat.

  • WishClan’s updates (Aka, just making it look like the other clans)


    VIXENSTAR: Tiny light golden she-cat with white markings
    FEATHERSLIP: Spotted dark brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes and white paws

    HAILMOON: Thick-pelted light gray tom with darker tabby stripes and light-ish yellow eyes
    SKYFLOWER: Beautiful white she-cat with ginger patches and leaf-green eyes


    FOXEAR: Dark russet tom with white dipped ears and tail tip
    CALMSTORM: Gray tabby tom with blue eyes
    ORANGEFALL: Small Yellowy-orange she-cat with dark blue eyes 
    BLACKSTREAM: Smoky gray tom with a black head, and amber eyes 
    CLEARTUFT: Ragged-furred pure-white she-cat with a pink nose and amber-brown eyes 
    RAININGFLECK: Dappled golden-brown she-cat with an orange underbelly, and chest 
    STOLENGAZE: Jet-black tom with unique one lime green eye and one dark blue eye 
    CLOUDYSUN: Fluffy pale ginger and pale yellow tom
    BERRYFROST :Large frosty white tom with one large black paw
    DEWTRICKLE: Tiny gray tom with orange-brown eyes and yellow rings around their tail 
    FROSTYBRANCH: Beautiful light gray she-cat with white paws, muzzle and dark blue eyes 
    NETTLESCALE: Silver tabby she-cat with golden-brown eyes and black ears 
    PIERCINGSHADOWS: Dark gray and white tom with blue eyes and black splotches
    SHIMMERMASK: Elegant silver she-cat with a half black face and beautiful blue eyes


    LIGHTPAW: White, light yellow and light ginger tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes
    VELVETPAW: Small snow-white she-cat with soft green eyes
    PANTHERPAW: Twitchy tiny pitch-black tom with bright icy-blue eyes
    SHADOWPAW: Beautiful white and silver tabby she-cat
    SUNPAW: Handsome black tom with ginger flecks and orange eyes
    DOVERPAW: Pretty silver she-cat with black paws and green eyes
    CROWPAW: Handsome dark grey tom with pale gray speckles on his flank and blue eyes


    CLAMHEART: Feather-gray she-cat with dark brown flecks and green eyes
    Expecting Dewtrickle’s kits
    VIOLET: Dark gray she-cat with kind-yellow eyes, former kitty-pet
    Kits: Hazel, Holly and Honey


    WISHSONG: Old yellow she-cat with darker tabby marks on her tail and muzzle and wise blue eyes(the former leader of WishClan)
    NIGHTFLAME: Skinny black dark-blue eyed tom with a white chest and underbelly

  • I made a list of the cats who the SnowClan cats like have a thing for in case we needed one. I tried my best, but there may be some mistakes. Here:
    Flowersong x Dustspring
    Coldstar x Flamestar
    Rainingbreeze x Lilystar
    Stripeheart x Whitenose
    Gracepaw x Flashpaw
    Moonpaw x Firepaw (Moonpaw do you like Firepaw? I was confused)
    And Ice, even though she has been inactive, she had a thing for the FlameClan deputy I think.
    Please tell me if anything is wrong or needs to be added!

  • Maybe for spice the SmokeClan medince cat could ask SnowClan for help because they are captured by Bittermouth, then Bittermouth will find out, and attack SnowClan. And because of love and other stuff, the other clans join in which creates a war against the dark sky and all of the clans?

    • [spoiler title=”Adding on to what Rosekit/shadow said”] (Cloudpaw (Smokeclan’s med-cat app) could sneak away to the medicine-cat’s half-moon meeting at the moon pool because she doesn’t want any spies to hear her, and she recons there may be spies. Cloudpaw comes to the meeting, but she’s too late, the med-cat’s have already gone home, she decides to go to Smokeclan because she and Gracepaw are good friends, and she’s spoken with Rainingbreeze a couple of times. Cloudpaw catches up to them, almost out of breath, she explains everything. Rainingbreeze goes back to the Snowclan camp to go tell Coldstar the little information that Cloudpaw knows, meanwhile Gracepaw and Cloudpaw go fetch some catmint, so that Cloudpaw is not suspected of anything. Cloudpaw washes herself in the river, to get Gracepaw, Rainingbreeze, and Snowclan scent off of her. She goes to the twolegplace so that she smells like she’s just been to get catmint at the twolegplace. Cloudpaw goes back to Smokeclan/now Fallclan and reports to her mentor about her adventure. Little do the clans know, one of Bittermouth’s cruel ‘warriors’ (a.k.a heartless monsters XD) heard Cloudpaw report to hermentor Ashstripe of a spy that is disguised as like a lightclan cat(?) listened to Rainingbreeze explain what Cloudpaw told her and Gracepaw earlier.
      Note: Cloudpaw should go, because Bittermouth may suspect something if the med-cat has dissapeared from camp, so Cloudpaw slinks away, Ashstripe makes up some exscuse, maybe like Cloudpaw went to get catmint, since they are low in catmint or something.)[/spoiler]

      (I used the spoiler just to try and see if it works, i’ve never used it before)

  • Lilacflitter padding around camp, flicking feir tail from side to side as fey hummed to feyself, lost in thought. In fact, fey was so caught up in feir day dream that fey stumbled right into another cat. Letting out a yelp fey jumped back. “Oh I’m so sorry !” fey mewed

    • Goldenpaw turned around, feeling a slight sting of deja-vu. “It’s okay,” she assured Lilacflitter. “You’re not the first cat to bump into me,” she added, smiling in amusement,

      • Lilacflitter laughed, sitting down and twitching feir stumpy tail a little bit behind feir as fey smiled at the younger cat. “Maybe we need to decorate you with loads of bright flowers. That way no one could miss you !” Fey gave a flick of feir large, shredded ears as fey looked down at the smaller cat. “How’s your training going anyway, I remember when I was an apprentice I’d always try to run off an catch butterflies instead of working.”

        • Goldenpaw let out a mrrow of laughter at Lilacflitter’s suggestion. “There’s a big bush of flowers near the camp exit. Maybe I should use those!” She sat down next to fem.“Midnight’s a great mentor!” Goldenpaw exclaimed, with a flick of her tail. “We haven’t reviewed any battle moves though.” She shuddered. “I would prefer to chase butterflies than fight…”

  • Hey, Snowclan! Really sorry I’ve been inactive on this page, I’ve just been waiting for more spice.

  • I changed my purrsona but I will still be role playing as Roseshadow so there is no confusion 🙂

  • Raining I know this has nothing to do with the story but your temporary apprentice Streamsplash doesn’t know if your active or not. She doesn’t want to take on a new mentor if your active. I told them I would tell you