• Coldstar: Pinestripeyou are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Frozenstream, and you have shown yourself to be patient and nice. You will be the mentor of Rainpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Rainpaw.
    Pinestripe touches noses with Rainpaw, and the Clan greets the Rainpaw by calling out her name. Rainpaw!Rainpaw!Rainpaw!

  • Hey Coldstar, are there going to be other clans in the roleplay?
    Ex. FireClan, LeafClan, etc.

  • Oh and Blxssom(or Blossom!)paw needs to get a mentor. You’re the only cat currently available, Coldstar.

  • Also, Sparrowpaw(moon)
    and Moonpaw(pelt) wants to be a part of SnowClan. Here are their profiles:

    Name: Sparrowmoon/paw
    Description: White she-cat with dark brown spots and blue and brown eyes
    Mentor: Leafsky
    Rank: Apprentice

    Name: Moonpaw/pelt
    Physical Description: Small mottled black and dark gray she-cat with white flecks, one white paw and green-blue eyes
    Mentor/Apprentice Name: Coldstar(heart)!!!

  • A Little (Well, maybe a lot) Physcial Discription Update:
    Smaller than average she-cat for her age, slightly long night-black fur that is very sleek and soft, pale gray hind paws, and aquamarine eyes that shine with optism!
    (I’m sorry for commenting so much, it’s just that I’m so excited because it’s my first day on Blogclan!)

  • Who’s my mentor? I dont have one yet (I’m gonna start RP when I get one or should I start now when I’m still a kit?)

  • Blossomkit gazed out of the nursery. She was staring at her best friend Gracepaw, who was heading off to her new den. Rainpaw, who had been newly apprenticed, was also padding towards the apprentice’s den.
    Well, guess I’m alone now. Blossomkit thought boredly, rolling over in her nest to look at all the empty space in the nursery. Why did I have to be the last kit in the nursery?
    She looked around for something to do. She spotted a large leaf on the ground. The kit flung it into the air, swiping for it but missing. She continued this game for a while, wondering when the time would come to be an apprentice and join her denmates.
    But I’m almost six moons old, and time flies by quick. Blossomkit realized. A burst of energy filled her at this idea. She leapt for the leaf, tiny yet sharp claws outstretched. In a few seconds, the leaf was on the ground ripped to shreds. She purred in satisfaction.
    I’ll be an apprentice in no time!

  • Can I join?

    Name: Rainingbreeze
    Physical Description: Sleek dappled dark gray almost black tabby she-cat with unusualy pale silver spots mixed with black spots, a half sillver face, many/tons of scars, a long white winding tail, chest + under belly, paws, and muzzle and beautiful deep bright green eyes.
    Mentor/Apprentice Name: Streamy (Streampaw/splash) or Panthie (Pantherpaw/leaf) I took another apprentice but I am not sure if Panthie just had to return her chrome so we shall see when summer break is over.

    Can I be med-cat? I know all the herbs, by heart!

    I might be a bit inactive the next few days, since I have to get a new computer, so I will be on only on my phone which has a super small screen.

    Also, can I have an apprentice?

  • The first day, Med apprentice version.-
    *Watches the warrior apprentices go out of camp to explore* *Tail taps on shoulder*
    “Well, Gracepaw, you’ve got a lot to learn. I’m going to teach you 10 herbs a day. How about we first focus on the basic, most important herbs, like marigold first?” Rainingbreeze suggested.
    “Okay!” Gracepaw squealed and dashed off to the medicine cat den.
    Coldstar padded over. “Your apprentice is going to be a pawful!” Rainingbreeze purred agreement. Then she made her way into the medicine den.
    “Hmph!” A grumpy voice sounded outside the den. Gracepaw trotted out to find all the other apprentices.
    “Oh, hi Gracepaw.” Dovepaw blinked.
    “Hi Dovepaw, Moonpaw, and Rainpaw.” Gracepaw greeted them. “What can I- we, do for you?” She quickly corrected herself as out of the corner of her eye, she saw her mentor appearing out of the medicine den.
    “We have to get the ticks off the elders.” Rainpaw meowed.
    “Alright, Gracepaw. What was the thing that got ticks and fleas out of the elders’ pelts?” Rainingbreeze swished her tail.
    “Ummm… Oh, I know!” Gracepaw dashed inside, and came back holding mouse bile soaked moss on a stick.
    “Here, this is mouse bile. Press them against the elders’ ticks and fleas. Make sure you wash your paws with water, not your tounge!” Gracepaw mewed, remembering Rainingbreeze’s explanation.
    When the apprentices had each recived mouse bile-soaking moss on a stick and left towards the elders’ den, Rainingbreeze looked approvingly at her apprentice, and told her, “Correct, Gracepaw. That was very good. You can go get some fresh-kill!”
    “Thanks, Rainingbreeze!” Gracepaw’s heart soared. Being a medicine cat, even if I am still a apprentice, is the best!

  • Blossomkit sat next to Gracepaw, who was a claw-moon older than her. “What did it feel like to become an apprentice?” She demanded to the older cat.
    Gracepaw flicked her tail-tip across Blossomkit’s ear. “Don’t worry, you’ll feel all that during your apprentice ceremony, It’s in only a claw-moon, when the moon will be half!”
    “Who do you think my mentor will be?” Blossomkit danced around Gracepaw.
    “I’m not the leader, don’t ask me!” Gracepaw purred.
    “But you’re medicine cat apprentice! You must be important in the clan!” Blossomkit mewed.
    “Every cat is important.” Gracepaw told Blossomkit.
    “Alright! I’m going to be the best warrior in SnowClan!” Blossomkit announced as she climbed onto Gracepaw’s back.
    “I’m sure you are.”

  • Leader: Blossomkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Blossompaw. Your mentor will be Sparrowmoon. I hope Sparrowmoon will pass down all she knows on to you.