• Ottersplash renewed the scents of the border, making sure to stay on the MistClan side of the territory. She was anxious, her eyes wide and her ears pricked. While doing so, she spotted a rabbit, her instincts pulling her after it. She swiftly but quietly prowled towards it, the breeze blowing her scent away from the unsuspecting victim. Suddenly, the wind shifted its direction, blowing Ottersplash’s scent towards it. The rabbit immediately bolted away, Ottersplash darting after it. With one quick jab, the rabbit was dead. The ginger she-cat picked up the rabbit with her head held high in pride, her pupils shrinking as she realized she was on MarshClan territory. No. Her jaw dropped, the rabbit crunching the leaves under it as she let go. She whirled around and trailed back to her Clan’s territory, her ears pinned while she continued, not stopping to look back.

    • ~Applefall~
      “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” she growled to the Mistlcan cat, she noticed the rabbit,
      “Stealing prey I see” she hissed she motioned for Aspeneyes to go back to camp. she kept her eyes on the mistclan warrior just encase she tried to make a run for it.

      Blizzardsong woke up she smelled Mistclan like normal and MARSHCLAN, she sped to the border to find Ottersplash and a russet warrior, both of them were bristling, claws sheathed. she walked up to her Clan mate
      “What is going on here” she asked.
      “Your clan mate here crossed the border, and stole prey” the russet warrior growled. she unsheathed her claws ready to fight.

      • Firefang rushed toward the border, “what is going on?” She asked. She tensed as Squirrelstorm walked up behind Applefall, fur bristling and claws out, “ask your friend” he said coolly

        • ~Blizzardsong~
          “You’re outmatched, with strength and numbers”she growled to the Marshclan cat’s
          “You can fight if you wan’t but it’s a guaranteed win for Mistclan” she meowed

          Popsomni raced to the border when she heard of a battle, she made it to the border.
          “Stop,” she yowled
          “Why are you fighting, i’ts only a rabbit. that miserable creature is not worth the fighting” she meowed hoping to stop the fighting.

          “No It’s not just a mere rabit, it’s our rabbit and your clanmate stole it, and not only that, she crossed the border” she meowed

          • “I’m s-sorry. It was on our side of the border first, and I chased it here.” Ottersplash feared both her own Clan, and MarshClan. MistClan for the punishment that awaited her, and MarshClan in fear of being killed.

            • (Juggling this many characters with this many different sides is so hard XD)
              ” You crossed the border and you killed the rabbit on OUR side of the border, Sorry doesn’t erase anything” Growled Applefall “Especially not in this time”

              “Can’t we resolve this without clawing each other’s fur off” meowed Popsomni worriedly.
              “You are all fighting for the wrong side, for the wrong reasons. is it really worth the trouble for a RABBIT, It’s greenleaf you can catch so many more, Yes I understand Ottersplash crossed the border but it was an accident Applefall even witnessed it. So why, Why hurt each other when really you can just remark your borders and take the rabbit to your camp.” she meowed hoping to resolve the battle.

          • Dandeliontuft rushed over, his enhanced hearing making the group easy for him to find. “What’s going on?!” Dandeliontuft drew in the scents of the group to know which cats were here. Blizzardsong, Firefang, Ottersplash, Popsomni, Applefall, Squirrelstorm, a slight scent of Aspeneyes, and fear. “Oh no, what happened.” Dandeliontuft unsheathed his claws, ready to fight in case one was to outbreak.

          • I just wanted to go for a relaxing hunt with Popsomni and then this happens, thought Dandeliontuft, his ears flattening in annoyance.

  • Ottersplash suddenly turned and bolted into her territory, heading to the camp. Her heart was swollen with many mistakes but she would rather run than be known as the one who started the fight. She panted fearfully and hoped that her Clanmates would follow her to the camp. At least they would have the whole camp to fight them off if the MarshClan cats decided to follow too.

      • “We-” Ottersplash gasped for air, her eyes rolling to the back of her head but her quickly grasping her wake. “We need backup! I think a battle may break out at the border!” yowled the she-cat, loud enough for the entire camp to hear. She purposely avoided mentioning the fact that she was the one who started it. “Please! We must hurry before a life is lost!”

  • ~Coldpaw~

    Coldpaw slunk into a bush only to find Aspen eyes waiting for her.
    So she she hid in a tree.

    In the distance she could see a patrol of mistclan cats heading towards the border and she only recognized one… that one was her mother Three tail. “Oh great starclan no no no.” She begged herself silently.

  • ~Coldpaw~

    Coldpaw slunk into a bush only to find Aspen eyes waiting for her.
    So she she hid in a tree.

    In the distance she could see a patrol of mistclan cats heading towards the border and she only recognized one… that one was her mother Three tail. “Oh great starclan no no no.” She begged herself silently.

        • ~Aspeneyes~

          “No.” Aspeneyes whispered, pulling down Ivystream. She looked around at all the cats who were confronting each other. Suddenly, a starry, transparent cat stood in front of her. “Aspeneyes.” He meowed. “Fix this.” And with that, he swirled back up to the stars. ‘I know what I need to do.’ Thought Aspeneyes. Standing up, despite the pleas of the other cats to stay down, she padded forward. “If anything happens, protect Coldpaw.” She murmured to Ivystream, before taking a step out in the middle of the fighting cats. “Stop!” She yowled, drawing the attention of the fighting cats. “Why must we fight over this tiny issue? It’s like your looking for an excuse! This is against StarClan’s will, and I won’t stand for it! Go home, all of you. This battle doesn’t need to happen, and I won’t let it. Save the bloodshed for another day.” She pleaded, tail whisking back and forth. She did take a step backwards to the safety of the MarshClan warriors, though. If LakeClan could, they would kill her, and she would prevent this from happening if she could. Her clan needed her yet.

          • ~Applefall~
            “I thought I told u to head to camp” she growled at the Medicine cat.

            The she-cat saw an opportunity to kill the medicine cat. She let out a battle cry and launched herself at the medicine cat. clawing at the helpless cat’s fur.

            “Blizzardsong” She yowled. as the battle started up again.

            The she-cat sped towards Blizzardsong knocking her off the medicine cat,
            “Hea back to camp wou-” she was interrupted as blizzard song landed a powerful blow on her face.
            “ONE OF U BAD EXCUSES FOR CATS GET THE MEDICINE CAT” Growled Blizzardsong as she lept onto Appefall.

  • (Rushstream)
    Rushstream puts her shrew and Beepaw’s sparrow in the hollow tree facing MistClan territory.
    Beepaw is watching the border, worried. “I feel like there’s a battle going on…just a feeling. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  • Swiftpelt rushed to the border, making sure that no one had followed her, suddenly heard the screeching and yowling of battling cats. Slinking over, pressed against a tree, she saw Ottersplash and other Mistclan cats battling a patrol of Marshclan cats. “I better help them!” Without a second thought, she leapt into battle and yowled for backup. “I’m either a fool or a hero now!”

  • -Cold’paw-
    “ASPEN’EYES!” She shrieked jumping out of the bush and over to all the cyas going for the poor medicine cat, scratching Blizzard’songs side violently, “OFF, OR YOU’LL REGRET BEING BORN CROW-FOOD EATERS!” She hissed, suddenly a black blur knocked Blizzard’song off, shoving the medicine cat away as it raced off, and it could not be her mother, she was fighting alongside her clan, avoiding her kits gaze, NO! She thought, it-it can’t be my father!

  • -Three’tail-
    Three’tail dug her claws in the earth, ‘no’ she thought, no… it can’t be smokey! (Father/former m8) ‘He cannot ever find me… other why’s he’ll go for Cold’paw to make me suffer for leaving, and then my clan, and then give me no choice to do anyth-‘ suddenly, not a cat, but a badger, came and tackled her, slashing her belly, “Cold’paw….. I’m sorry…” she whispered only loud enough to make it to her own ears as the world went black.

  • Splashpool walked up to the border.., “Puddlepounce?? Are you there?”
    Puddlepounce walked up to her, “What are you doing here, cat?” he hissed
    “We- we had kits together, remember?” Splashpool said, “Maybe you could meet them?”

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