• Alright, this one will be used for either my Ashfur story or my Echoes of the Flames story…maybe I’ll do both.

  • Rite of Passage – Roleplay
    You wake up in a strange area, not knowing where you are. Quickly, you take a look at your surroundings…you were in a savanna like area, with prey around you (no, not scavengers). There was a small waterfall nearby, and you seemed to be able to move around still, despite having a rough landing from what you remember.

    Suddenly it clicks. Why you’re here. What you came here to do.

    Queen Rowan’s Trial. Or the Rite of Passage.

    You could remember her words to you before you blacked out…

    “Make allies, friends, enemies…all will come to play in this fateful little game of mine, no? Just remember, if you fail so miserably that even the stupidest of dragonets can do it properly, well…let’s just say it’s game over, and that you’ve lost all your lives.”


    Since you are in a wait, just feel free to do whatever in the surrounding area until the first Rite of Passage begins.

  • Salamder –
    A whole open space just filled with dry, half baked grasses that would probably all burst into flame at once if he accidentally let out even just the smallest bit of flamesilk. Great. There was only one way he was going to do this, and it was to keep his silk a secret from everyone. However much he didn’t like other dragons that much, it was just so much easier when he didn’t have fear that the red hot silk would leave some innocent dragon with burns that would never heal. Spreading his wings, he flew up into the air, and took a deep breath as he looked around. Here, up in the sky, he could feel at home. The sun warmed his scales and he lifted his head, taking in the warm dry air as he breathed slowly.

    Duskseer –
    Shaking her large star speckled wings, Dusky yawned, and glanced around nervously. Pressing her talons against her forehead and making sure to face the ground, Dusky constantly reminded herself not to meet the gaze of other dragons, her visions came on so much more vividly when that happened, and she was scared of seeing something she didn’t want to. The heat felt uncomfortable and prickly against her scales, and she lay down amongst the grasses, lifting her wings to try and catch the slightest breeze. Her gaze lifting to the sky briefly, she saw a SilkWing flying, and suddenly she clamped her talons to her face.
    She saw flames all around him, and dragons with deep wounds on their scales, she saw a RainWing with darker freckles baring their teeth, and blood all over his snout. She heard voices, frantic screeching voices all around her, but the words, however loud they were screamed were inaudible.
    Coming back to the real world, Dusky made sure not to look up and make the same mistake again

    • Holly- (Interacting with Salamander)
      Looking up, she noticed a SilkWing up in the air, breathing slowly. What’s he doing? Although she was hesitant to, Holly flew up to him, albeit from a distance in case he decided to attack.

      “Hey, what are you doing?” She asked innocently, tilting her head a little.

      • Salamander –

        Seeing a large hivewing in front of him, Salamander yelped, opening up his eyes and snarling at her.
        “What I’m doing is having some time to myself. And I’d quite like it if I could continue doing that.”
        Soaring a little higher and away from her, Salamander felt an urge to slap her around the face with some of his Flamesilk, that would teach her a lesson. Over his shoulder, he growled at her again
        “Don’t you try and follow me, I’m more dangerous than you know.”

        • Holly-
          She glanced down at her talons without stingers, and took a quick look over her shoulder at the harmless and venomless spines on her tail. Holly hated that she had no real mechanism of defending herself, but she doubted that he would kill her. He’d probably just injure me, that’s all.

          “Technically that can apply to almost every dragon. Firescales. Mind-readers. Prophetic sight. Frostbreath. Venom,” Holly called to him. “So what if you hurt me? I’ll recover. Probably.”

          (Oof I have a headcanon that Holly has no natural HiveWing stingers or venom)
          (And another headcanon that she likes getting herself into dangerous situations)

          • ~Cloudywing~
            Seeing this Silkwing being confronted by a Hivewing, she sauntered over and interrupted, “Back off Hivewing! She just wants personal space!”

            • Holly-
              Putting up her talons in a non-confrontational way, Holly shrugged. “Hey, I’m literally one of the most useless HiveWings in the entirety of the world. I have no venom or stingers. I’m completely harmless. I just want to talk, see what’s wrong.” Holly showed the LeafWing her stingerless talons for proof. Underneath her breath, she muttered as softly as she could, “Besides, I already have enough grief from both LeafWings and SilkWings. It’s not my fault my ancestors were messed up.”

              • (Cloudywing is a Silkwing)
                “Wait, you don’t have stingers?” That was something she would note for the contest. “How do you defend yourself then?”

  • Turtle looked around. It was a savanna. A, dry, hot, savanna. Turtle shook his head. He couldn’t change where he was, and he would have to deal with it. Turtle suddenly spotted a waterfall, so he bounced towards it. He sighed at the feeling of cool water running onto him. It was calming, and that was good, in order to focus his mind away from the minds of others. But Turtle wondered what dragons were thinking, so he opened it back up. He listened carefully, because his mind reading wasn’t the best. He was only half-mind-reading-NightWing, after all.

  • As soon as Tulip was strong enough from blacking out, she walked away from all the dragons. She knew exactly what they would do. Once far away, Tulip weaved a bed from her silk. She then went out to eat something. Managing to catch a cow, Tulip bit into it. It had a savory taste. After a few mouthfuls, Tulip didn’t feel like eating any more. She decided to fly around a bit. As she found a good altitude to soar around in, she felt a searing pain in her wing. Just my luck. A cramp at this height. I can’t fly now. Oh, the ground is coming fast. And with a thud, she hit the ground.
    My bones are definitely broken, she thought before going unconscious again.

  • Falcon stood up and flew right over to a rock. He had already left a charred spot where he had landed. “Hey, uh, just so you know, I’m a firescales, so uh, don’t touch me!” He suddenly saw a SilkWing hit the ground. What can I do? I can’t touch her or the grass beside her. Maybe warm her up? Would that help? I have to try.
    Falcon flew over and landed beside the unconscious SilkWing. The grass withered, but Falcon didn’t care. He spread his big wings to radiate heat towards the pink dragon.

    • Papaya –

      Great, a firescale dragon. He had heard bits and pieces about them, SkyWings that you couldn’t get near because of their scorching hot skin. Anyway, a dragon like that could be dangerous, but also a great one to have on your side. Eventually, after a long period of thinking, Papaya approached the dragon
      “Hello, I’m Papaya, and don’t worry, I’ll stand a little way away so you don’t like.. scorch me or something.”

  • Abyssal:
    Abyssal began by taking in her surroundings. Swiveling her dark blue head around, she saw a large, savanna like plain. She could hear the rushing of the waterfall nearby, and her SeaWing blood pulled her in that direction. No. That’s where everybody else is. Head away from them. Isolated is better than trusting somebody else. Abyssal thought. She reluctantatly tore her gaze away from the direction of the waterfall and began in the other direction, farther into the dry savanna.

    As she travelled farther, she heard a scream from the sky. A SilkWing had erupted into flames, and a RainWing bared his teeth at him. Abyssal flinched, and walked faster. A moment later, she froze. A NightWing was crouched in the sand, avoiding the sight above them.

    (Maple does Dusky want to start a conversation?)

  • Midnight glanced around and saw a SilkWing crash to the ground. *She must have been weak* she thought and a SkyWing rushed up to the SilkWing to help. The SkyWing obviously had Firescales. She saw a beautiful waterfall, but she didn’t go there since a dragon was already enjoying the water. There was a NightWing that was staring at the grass. *I should make allies..* Midnight tried to read any minds near her, but she wasn’t close enough to any dragon.

    • Duskseer (Dusky) –
      Spotting another NightWing out of the corner of her eye, Dusky decided to walk over, making sure to keep her eyes down to the ground. Glancing up to get an idea at what this dragon looked like, Dusky thought that she vaguely recognised her, but she couldn’t put a name to her face. This dragon was very pretty though.
      “Hey, I’m Duskseer, or Dusky I guess that’s what most dragons call me.”
      She noticed that this dragon had silver scales under her eyes, and mentally noted that she had come across a mind reader.

      (Ooof im planning for Dusky to maybe have a little crush on Midnight but midnight wouldn’t like her back because she’s straight )

  • Shieldbug stood shakily, looking around him, seeing the familiar landscape of a savannah spread out around him. He checked his pouch, relieved to find his books and stored venom still there, if a bit banged up. It struck him again that he was really doing this, risking his life for the powers of an animus. He pushed his bubbling apprehension down; now was no time to worry. He looked around at the dragons stumbling all around him; he was sure he could defeat them in whatever challenges Queen Rowan threw at them. He was prepared. He latched onto that thought, which gave him confidence. He would ally with other dragons if he really needed to, but he didn’t expect to or want to.

  • ~Ivy~
    As soon as Ivy woke up, she crept to the nearest foliage and hid, to study her competitors. No, wait, they might become her friends. Or enemies. She really didn’t know, which was why she needed to study them. She saw some Nightwings and Seawings, and, judging by their conversations, they were mindreaders. She saw a Skywing with steaming scales; a firescale. She saw a Rainwing with a pouch, and a Silkwing that looked very confused. She hid in the shadows, observing.
    (She’s open to be found 😛)

  • Holly- (Replying to Cloudywing (and technically Salamander too)
    “Talons are a dragon’s natural weapon, so I just use those instead. And so are the surroundings, you just have to be quick and smart about it when you do,” Holly replied. “Or my size scares some dragons off. Or they just attack me anyways.”

    (Oof oof I know that Cloudywing is a SilkWing, Holly’s just complaining about both disliking her for being a HiveWing in general 😛 )

    • ~Cloudywing~
      That’s nice, but doesn’t every dragon have those? What puts you ahead of everyone else?” Cloudywing wanted to get everything out of all the contestants before the contest actually started.

      • Holly-
        Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Holly pulled her talons back to her chest. “Why do you want to know so much about me? Don’t some SilkWings still despise HiveWings after what our ancestors did? Besides, all I have is my talons to fight.”

        • ~Cloudywing~
          Not wanting to give away her true intentions, she replied, “I’m just curious. As for Hivewings, I don’t like most of them, but you seem okay I guess.”

          • Holly-
            “Well, if that’s the case, then I told you everything. I don’t have anything that puts me above anyone else,” Holly replied, shaking her head. You certainly don’t seem like you’re telling the whole truth, either.

            • ~Cloudywing~
              “Of course, Holly. That makes sense,” she replied smoothly. “I’ve never met any other tribes besides Leafwings and Hivewings, and I don’t know them either.
              Also, it’s just good to make some friends.” She flashed him a quick smile.

              • Holly-
                Although Holly didn’t know what to think of this SilkWing, though she had two ideas in mind of what had just happened: She made a semi friend, or an enemy for later. Holly decided to go for the first, but she still didn’t want herself to be surprised if the latter turned out to be true. “I guess so, then. What brings you here, then?”

                • ~Cloudywing~
                  “Oh, you know, the usual. The chance to become an animus. You?”
                  (Maybe start a new chain?)

                • (I don’t think we need to start a new chain yet)
                  (I mean, unless you’re on mobile and/or the words are squished then yeah we should 😛 )

                  “I found life as a wanderer boring, and kind of…repetitive, I guess?” Holly replied, genuinely unsure of a clear reason why she joined. “I mean, I can walk and fly for so long that it gets really boring. I didn’t get to meet many dragons either, so why not try something new?”

                • (oh, I’m normally on mobile but today’s the rare day when I’m not)
                  “Well, this definitely isn’t something anyone would come across on a normal day. I wonder what made all the other queens reject it?”

  • Drift-
    Looking around the surroundings, Drift scowled once he realized it was a savanna. Great. Certainly fits IceWings to tee. Padding over to the water, they sighed and gazed at their reflection. He let out an exhale of relief once he saw that the red hibiscus necklace was still wrapped around his neck. Thank the moons…

    With a whimper, Violet lowered her head, scared of what these dragons might think of her. I don’t want to be a mind reader. I don’t. Glancing in her pouch that had a decent amount of skyfire, the NightWing sighed. If I make any friends, which is incredibly unlikely, at least I have some skyfire on hand.

    (Feel free to interact with them)

    • ~Ivy~
      As she hid in the shadows, she saw a Nightwing shyly lower her head and whimper. Thinking that she might be in pain, Ivy carefully crawled out and approached the Nightwing without thinking.

      • Violet-
        Noticing that a LeafWing was coming up to her, Violet almost yelped in shock, as she didn’t expect any dragons to come near her. Taking in a deep breath, Violet didn’t want to show her sky rocketing anxiety.

        • ~Ivy~
          Once with the Nightwing, they had an awkward silence of a few seconds, then Ivy picked up a stick and wrote in the sand, “Hi, I’m Ivy. What’s your name?”

          • Violet-
            Realizing the LeafWing couldn’t speak, Violet replied, “I-I’m Violet. N-Nice to meet you.”

            • ~Ivy~
              “Nice to meet you too, Violet. Are you ready for the Contest?”, Ivy wrote.

              • Violet-
                Although Violet was unsure and really nervous, she uttered, “I-I think so. Just really nervous for it.”

                • ~Ivy~
                  Ivy, finding Violet to be very shy and somewhat boring conversation, ended by writing, “Well, good luck to you. It was nice meeting you.”

    • (Let me yeet the energetic child at angsty boi 😛 )
      Tangle- (Interacting with Drift)
      Seeing an Icewing nearby, Tangle decided to go over to the chilly dragon to talk. He looks angry. Maybe I can calm him down? “Hey, mister Icewing! What’s your name? What’s that necklace for? It’s really cool- no pun intended of course. See, I have a necklace too!”

      • Drift-
        Blinking in surprise, Drift didn’t expect that anyone would come up to him, but oh well. I guess I could be interacting with a scavenger, of all things… “The name is Drift, SandWing. And I wear the necklace for more than personal reasons.”

        • Tangle-
          “Ooh, that’s a cool name! Mine’s Tangle, but my sister named me, so that explains a lot, but I love my name so…” Tangle exclaimed. Tilting her head, she asked, “Do you like collecting flowers, then? I won’t judge, I absolutely ADORE flowers too!”

          (Poor Drift 😛 )

          • Drift-
            He resisted the urge to rake his talons against Tangle’s snout. She was annoying, and he was about to bat her in the face with his tail. But still, he decided not to out of moral beliefs. “Are you always this irritating?”

            • Tangle-
              “Ooooh, that’s a good question, but I’m not sure…lot’s of dragons call me irritating, though!” Tangle replied, her tail lashing in excitement. Examining the IceWing’s wings closer, she decided to ask, “How do you fly with those wings?!”

              • Drift-
                “Like any other dragon, would you like me to ask how you fly with your wings?” He snapped, narrowing his eyes at the SandWing. He wanted to push her into the water, but something told him he’d regret it if he did.

                • Tangle-
                  Hmmm. That was a good question, wasn’t it? Of course, I love answering questions and this guy just seems full of them! “So…those huge icicle thingies don’t slow you down?”

                  (I love how Tangle is just annoying Drift so much right now)