BlogClan Allegiances Chat Page

kitkit[image description: a yellow squarish cat icon with a black mouse cursor in the center]

This page is entirely dedicated to BlogClan’s Allegiances.

Here, you can:

talk about the allegiances
campaign to become a senior warrior
ask for vouches
look for a mentor/apprentice (limited to twice a week)
(If you have an issue with your current purrsona, please submit a new form so that Viperfrost/Goldenfawn can correct any errors/ommissions at the beginning of the following month)

In alignment with the new changes to the Senior Warrior campaigning platform, please be aware of the following rules:

For Senior Warrior Campaigners

You can announce that you are running for Senior Warrior ONCE, in a short message such as “Hey, everybody! I’m running for SW and I’d appreciate it if you vouched!”. Afterward, you may remind others than you are running ONCE PER WEEK, again in a short message such as “I’m still running for SW and I’d appreciate any support!”. Placing reminders in your name or signature is still fine. 🙂 Please separate your 1) reminder and 2) question about how many vouches you have into two different comments. Any mod can mod your reminder; only two of us can review your vouch question.
You may no longer post lists of reasons others should vouch for you, since the merit of your actions should hopefully speak louder than words.
I (Viperfrost/Goldenfawn) will keep track of how many valid vouches you have and update the Allegiances accordingly. If you’d like the number of how many valid vouches you currently have, you can post that question below ONCE PER WEEK.
To be elligible to run, you must have been active for twelve months total. In the past, you would have had to be active for twelve months in a row. Activity is determined by if you’ve commented at least once per month for each of those twelve months.

For Vouchers

You may no longer “vouch nag” (A.K.A. post lists of reasons one should vouch for a campaigner on behalf of that campaigner).
If you would like to show support (“Vouch for So-And-So!”) or say that you’ve vouched for a campaigner, please do so beneath their announcement or weekly reminder.
If you would like a list of who you’ve vouched for, you can ask below ONCE PER WEEK. Please note that asking who you’ve vouched for is different than asking who you’ve validly vouched for and may produce different answers. 🙂

Vouch Requirements:
1. The vouch must be three or more complete sentences long.
2. The vouch must be legible. Caps lock and intense exclaimations are not your friends.
3. The vouch must include three or more objective reasons, with support, regarding how the candidate benefits the community as a whole.

People usually get caught on the third requirement. I’ll give you an example of what one of these “reasons” would look like.
One NOT VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very nice and friendly and I love them, they’re the best!!!”
One VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very kind, warm, and outgoing, They’re always around to be a listener or to offer a shoulder to someone in their time of need in the BlogClan Community.
What makes this valid? You have the first sentence as your thesis. It’s your main point and your reason. It is followed up by another sentence that backs up your claim. You’re providing objective reasons about benefitting the community; you have to explain HOW the candidate carries out the reason you gave. It’s one thing to say someone is nice and quite another to explain why you think they’re nice. As a general reminder, you’ll need three of these reasons in your vouch (so three main points and three explanations of those points).

You can find BlogClan’s official Allegiances here

And you can find the previous Allegiances Chat Page here


  • I can officially vouch for peeps, so If you want me to vouch for you then tell me and I will spend hours coming up with reasons I am vouching for you😛

  • 🌊🌼Gracey in the Dasies🌼🌊~The Gracey-est cat in the history of cats~ (Gracepaw/Gracesplash/Gracey/Gracie/Gracey/Grace) Member of CheckerClan and the dreaded Apprentice Army! says:

    sorry dove i was catching up with my schoolwork!
    (Wait a second, does that mean that Dove and I will be tipping the balance….? *insert maniac laughter here*)

  • 🏳️‍🌈 Freepaw/flame; He/Him 🏳️‍🌈 IT’S PRIDE MONTH! HOORAY! 🏳️‍🌈 says:

    Hello! I’m Freepaw, but you can call me Free, and I am looking for a mentor!! I try to be super active but sometimes I have big gaps in activity! My pronouns are he/him! 😀 I love the color purple, and my favorite warriors character is Spotfur, Willowbreeze, Finleap, or Twigbranch. I also love Wings of Fire and Shadow Weaver and Keeper of the Lost Cities, and I have multiple fanfics that I’ve never shared because I am get bored of writing them and never finish them – although there is one called Golden Moon that you can find on the wiki. Still only one though… 😛 …I’m not very good at making art but it’s fun! I’m most active on the Tavern, Hug Page, and… that’s kinda all 😛 I’ve still only been here for a month, though. My purrsona is a cream-colored Egyptian Mau with piercing emerald eyes flecked with golden streaks and a thin tail. My tail is striped cream and gray with a golden tail-tip. Each paw has a gold spot on it, and below that spot, everything is gray. My ears are a mix of cream and cinnamon, that turn redder toward the top. I have short whiskers and a thin mouth. My pelt is streaked with gold as if a paintbrush ran over it. I play the cello, ukulele, and piano. I love coming up with theories for the warriors series, and I do it in my FREE time. Hahaha get it FREE? Sorry I had to put a horrible pun in here 😛 I also listen to a lot of music (mostly in Español) and write my own songs 😀 I write a novel that I am planning to publish on amazon kindle. I am of Spanish descent, and therefore know a little bit of Spanish – although I am only in 5th grade, so I don’t know too much. I once tried to learn Swahili before I gave up 😛 and I am planning to learn Haitian Creole over this summer (probably not going to happen). I am also very adventurous! I love to do fun things like ropes courses high above the ground. I also love to do daring things like jumping down really tall rock walls! It probably sounds like bragging but I hate to brag so sorry if I seem self-centered 😛 I have an INFP-T personality type. Aaaand I think that’s it, bye! (Woah longer than I thought)

    • Unrelated but that is an extremely detailed and complicated purrsona 😮

    • ahh hello!! i’m Driftingspots (or falling feather) and i’m wondering if i could be your mentor? no pressure or anything though!!! i’m gonna list my facts abt me/ interests noww
      – i’ve been on the blog for a bit over a year and i’m pretty active, but sometimes i’m inactive for a couple days in a row
      – she/her pronouns
      – i don’t play any instruments :’P
      – i’ve taken Spanish classes so i know some Spanish, though i’m lacking in some SPOTS (hahaha, my pun was pretty horrible :P), like vocabulary
      – i’m a little adventerous, i hope 😛
      – i’m an intp and a 5w6 personality type
      – i’m in Ravenclaw
      – i’d be in WindClan
      – my favorite Warriors character is Tall Shadow/Shadowstar
      – i’ve read Wings of Fire and i like it, my favorite character is Winter or Turtle
      – i’ve never written fanfiction but i like to read it
      – my favorite color is light bright blue (like this #adfff3) and really vibrant dark red (like this #820824) and bright purple-blue (like this #601ce8),, i like bright jewel tone colors and really vibrant colors
      – my favorite subject in school is science or social studies/history (or all of them, i really like school!!)
      – my favorite weather is any temperature as long as it isn’t windy
      – i like to play soccer and ultimate and volleyball
      – i love doing elevated rope courses!!! they’re kinda scary but i love looking at the different elements and thinking abt the best way to cross them before i do it!! 😀
      – i like watching anime and movies
      – i like designing characters
      – i really like to draw,, though sometimes i procrastinate on requests :’)
      – i like listening to music, i don’t listen to a lot of Spanish music, but my favorite Spanish song is Vuela
      there’s some stuff about meee!! 😛 and don’t worryy you didn’t sound self-centered 😀
      byee!! mine also turned out longer than i thought :’P

      • HI Falling Feather 😀 That would be amazing 🙂 I play the piano but the cello and ukulele are no longer very fun for me 😛 The cello was for school (although it was fun) and the ukulele instructor retired and we couldn’t afford a second session. Honestly that pun was fabulous, 10/10 😛 I’m sure you are adventurous! Ravenclaw was my second result, but since my family is hufflepuff they forced me to be one too 😛 WindClan is my second favorite, they have such fun characters and it’s a shame they’re usually only used for border conflicts 🙁 AHH shadowstar is one of my favorites tooooo! I love how sarcastic but still calm she is 😀 Turtle is amazing, Winter is my almost favorite 😀 Oh, by the way I use a lot of emojis 😀 I used to just read it but then my friend and I started one on a google doc, and we have 46 pages so far! Honestly reading it is the best part cuz you get to think about new scenarios 🙂 Those are pretty colors 😮 I don’t understand why people hate school, it’s such a fun way to learn 😀 I love social studies a lot because we get to learn about people from all around the world (which I love – I love geography so much and I memorized a bunch of geography songs 😛 ) volleyball is so fun, and I’m learning soccer right now 😀 I’ve never really watched an anime unless Pokémon counts 😛 My cousinfriendfamilyidknotpartofmyfamilybutlikeacousin tells me most of the anime she watches is too old for me :’) never heard it but my instincts tell me it’s a good song 😀 Byeee!!

        • ahh awesome!!!! ohh, i’m glad piano is still fun!!! 😀 was cello for like a band class at school? did your school have a band class? i’m not sure if that’s a thing 😛 my school had a band class, but i didn’t do itt 😛 thank youu!! your pun was quite fabulous as well!! a 10/10 pun!!! 😛 i’ll take your word for my adventurous-ness level 😛 ohh Hufflepuff is really cool!! have you read the series? also do you know your Ilvermorny house? Ilvermorny is like the wizard school for North America 😀 ooh what’s your favorit clan?? yess, i like Whitetail and Tallstar and Harestar from WindClan! 😀 WindClan was cool for me until Onestar happened + he was annoyinggg :’) that’s exactly why i love her! i really like Ivypool and Needletail because they’re both fierce, independent + they have cool character development! 😀 who’s your favorite cat?? 😀 yess i really like Turtle because he isn’t an animus who wants to be all-powerful + he can be pretty wise too! haha Winter almost made itt 😛 who’s your favorite character?? 😀 woah! that’s a lot of pages! :0 what’s it about? i completely agree with you!!! 😀 thanks! 😀 yess school is a lot of fun!! yes!! learning about cultures is really cool! 😀 you have like a geography playlist in your head 😛 what do you like about geography? i’ve never really connected with it, so it’s super cool that you like it!!! so i’m wondering what makes you like it so much! 😀

        • ahhh yesss, volleyball is awesome! i hope you have fun learning soccer! 😀 Pokemon counts! 😀 haha, your kinda-cousin is right, there are a lot pg-13 or pg-14 animes! 😀 there are some cool ones that are rated for lower ages! like Haikyuu!! (one about volleyball, it’s really fun + i like the storyline a lot!!) 😀 i know the first 2 seasons are on Netflix because that’s where i watched it! though check with your parents/guardians before hand if you want to watch it because i don’t want to encourage anything your family isn’t comfortable with you watching! 🙂 it is!! i had it stuck in my head for a while 😛
          alsoo if you want to fill out the mentor/apprentice forms for allegiances (i’m fine with whatever you want to do!!), then please tell me so i can too! 😀 also if you do fill it out, put the mentor (my) name as “Driftingspots” !! 😀

          alsoo i split up my reply into two of them because it was tooo long :’)

          • 🏳️‍🌈 Freepaw/flame; He/Him/They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 LOVES PENTATONIX 🏳️‍🌈 says:

            Cello was for a band class 😀 I’m in choir, though, now 😀 Ah puns are so PUNderful, aren’t they? 😛 Yes I have read it 🙂 I kinda speed-read it though because I don’t remember much :’) I don’t! Mine is RiverClan 😀 My favorite cat is probably Willowbreeze or Spotfur 😀 I like turtle cuz he’s relatable 😛 Probably Willow 😀 (oh wow the willows are my favorites 😛 ) It’s basically revolving around betrayal, death sadness death hurt death pain and did I mention death? 😛 We have 10 writers working on it, though, although only 3 including me are active 🙁 Yep I just repeat random country songs all day until my mom starts yelling at me 😛 It’s just so interesting ahhh! I don’t know I just love it!! I also get really annoyed when people pronounce country names wrong 😛 I think it’s because I am Spanish? I developed this interest in my home country so South America suddenly became amazing and then the rest of the world 😀 Hmm I’m not actually supposed to be this active on BlogClan so I might as well use Netflix too >:) I seem shy and quiet but I’m really a daredevil 😉 That would be amazinggg! I already did the repost month form oops 😛 Um I’ll just ask vip and goldi what to do and then I’ll do ittt! Byeeee!

            • ooh that’s cool!!! 😀 do you like choir? HahaaHahaha, ook when i read that i started laughing!! 😂 haha i read the hp series in 3rd-4th grade and by the time i got to the last book i didn’t really like it 😛 so i haven’t finished the 7th book :’) ahh riverclan’s awesome!! they’re my second favorite clan because of i generally like everyone in it,, but i think it’d be least likely in the clan that i’d be in 😛 hahaha the willows are your favorite 😛 they’re both pretty sympathetic and have this quiet but strong when they need to be vibe too 😀 ooh that sounds sad 😛 ahh that stinks,,, mayyybe they’ll start working on it again eventually :’) haha your mom’s like the skip button on a music streaming service (like on spotify) 😛 ahhhhh that’s super cool!!!! it’s awesome how you just love it!!! like it’s a feeling!!! 😀 woahhh, that’s so amazing how your interest just expanded from your home country!! 😀 haha, that’d be pretty daredevil-y 😛 but i wouldn’t do anything your parents said not tooo, if you asked you ‘d might be able to!! 🙂 though the dub version has some pretty frequent swear words (not super bad ones, just really often), the subtitled one doesn’t have any swear words in english cause it’s in Japanese,, and maybe you’d like listening to another language? 🙂
              haha it’s fine!! i think you can do multiple forms, but definitely ask goldi or viper cause i don’t really know 😛
              also do you have a preference between he/him and they/them?
              bye!!! 😀

              • 🏳️‍🌈 Freepaw/flame; He/Him/They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 LOVES PENTATONIX 🏳️‍🌈 says:

                So far it looks super fun, although we haven’t done much get 🙁 Haha 😛 I came up with that one on the day before Tuesday – PUNday. Harry potter honestly got old quite quickly :,( The seventh book disappointed me a lot honestly, I thought it would end better 🙁 the willows are quite amazing 😀 It is kinda sad 🙁 Yeah I do too :\ she is 😛 I don’t even know why I’m so into it… I loved it when I was four but now I’m 10 and still love geography 😛 h eH I can be a daredevil yeah but I would ask my parents of maybe I’ll just go to m y cousinfri end and ask for anime 😛 I’ve always wanted to learn japanes e 🙂 yep my question is waiting in moderation! He/him is preferred ig? I won’t be able to reply cuz I’m at my grandmas , so byeeee!

                • oohh, well i hope it’s as fun as it looks!! 😀 ok ok, these are actually hilarious to me!!! and i’m trying to come up with a pun on your pun-level, but there are noneee that i can think of :’P welll then i’m glad i didn’t read it!! i know i really liked the first book and the goblet of fire one 😀 yeahh!!!! that’s why it’s so cool to me that you like it so much!!! it’s like a passion and those are super cool to have!!! 😀 oohh yeah you could do that!! your cousinfriend probably has good anime suggestions!!! 😀 mhm, learning a new language is really cool!! i tried to learn chinese on duolingo last summer 😛 ok, i was just wondering cause i know people have different preferences and some people like them to be used equally (ex. She walked to the park and met up with their friends. or They walked to the park and met up with her friends. at least i think that’s how it would work).
                  okayy!!! have fun at your grandmas!! byeee!!! 😀

                • 🏳️‍🌈 Freepaw/flame; He/Him/They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 LOVES PENTATONIX 🏳️‍🌈 says:

                  Back from grandma’s house after hours of swinging to read squished tiny text on blogcl an 😛 I’m super excited for choir, I sing all the time! And we’ll also have a chance to go to England all the way from Texas if we win competition ahhhh! You could punbably come up with a good one if you puncticed every day 😀 Yeah it’s kinda boring, but at the same time maybe you lik e reading paragraphs of super long boring stuff without dialogue? I know I don’t 😛 Yeah I learned most of the capitals but flags I am still working on and I have only actually visited 6 countries which is alot but out of 210 including Taiwan Kosovo and Hong Kong and other territorie s… Not that much 😛 I’ll ask her when my mom gives me the tablet 😛 the duo owl is evil I recommend getting away from him immediately and uninstalling the app that owl is creepy 😛 yeah, I’m still figuring out, but he/hi m probably would still work best 😀

                • 🏳️‍🌈 Freepaw/flame; He/Him/They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 LOVES PENTATONIX 🏳️‍🌈 says:

                  Maybe we should move this conversation over to the wiki? I can barely read the comments ;_;

      • HI Falling Feather 😀 That would be amazing 🙂 I play the piano but the cello and ukulele are no longer very fun for me 😛 The cello was for school (although it was fun) and the ukulele instructor retired and we couldn’t afford a second session. Honestly that pun was fabulous, 10/10 😛 I’m sure you are adventurous! Ravenclaw was my second result, but since my family is hufflepuff they forced me to be one too 😛 WindClan is my second favorite, they have such fun characters and it’s a shame they’re usually only used for border conflicts 🙁 AHH shadowstar is one of my favorites tooooo! I love how sarcastic but still calm she is 😀 Turtle is amazing, Winter is my almost favorite 😀 Oh, by the way I use a lot of emojis 😀 I used to just read it but then my friend and I started one on a google doc, and we have 46 pages so far! Honestly reading it is the best part cuz you get to think about new scenarios 🙂 Those are pretty colors 😮 I don’t understand why people hate school, it’s such a fun way to learn 😀 I love social studies a lot because we get to learn about people from all around the world (which I love – I love geography so much and I memorized a bunch of geography songs 😛 ) volleyball is so fun, and I’m learning soccer right now 😀 I’ve never really watched an anime unless Pokémon counts 😛 My cousinfriendfamilyidknotpartofmyfamilybutlikeacousin tells me most of the anime she watches is too old for me :’) never heard it but my instincts tell me it’s a good song 😀 Byeee!!

  • Okay, so Goldenfawn? I think that you are awesome and from our conversation, I think that we have a lot in common! Soooo, I was wondering if you’d be my mentor?? <3

  • Available Mentors:
    Falling Feather

    Available Apprentices:
    Driftingpaw (Falling Feather)