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I’ve drew this picture, and I’m really happy about this >33
Thank you!
Thank youuuu >3
Thank >33
reposttttttt because it got a tad buried and I don’t think Sparkpaw sawww 😛
heeeeeeere’s Sparkpaw based off Warriors by Imagine Dragons!! I’ve been writing down the design vibes I get for each video and for this one the first thing I wrote was like “gamer superhero griffon” so that was fun 😛
Thank you so much!!
no problemo!!
That’s really awesome, Darkie! 💙
You’ll Be Back
thank youuuuu <33
i like the headphones 🙂
thank youuuu I had fun drawing them haha
I love how you made the claws different colors, and the pink and blue go really well with the cat!
aw thanks so much!!!
Okay… I’m probably gonna regret this later on, but- *takes deep breath*
I’m taking art requests! *jazz hands*
I probably wont be able to do them all, but i will try. Here’s the form! The ones with the asterisks > * are required and you must fill them out. I would prefer if you only request for your purrsona.
*Detailed description:
Ref if you have one:
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try):
*Pose (not too complicated please):
*Background (a solid colour):
Anything else?:
*Name: Redblaze
*Gender: she-cat
*Detailed description: reddish ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes and tufted ears
Ref if you have one:
Accessories?: –
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): –
*Pose (not too complicated please): I don’t mind!
*Expression: smile
*Background (a solid colour): pale orange
Anything else?: Thanks!
Here you go!
*Name: Lunarmoon
*Gender: female
Ref if you have one:
Accessories?: – black earing piercings on her ear
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): – nah
*Pose (not too complicated please): whatevers fine
*Expression: smile
*Background (a solid colour): white
Anything else?: Thanks!
*Name: Stormclaw
*Gender: Tom
*Detailed description: He is a big, dark grey tom with icy blue eyes. no floof.
Ref if you have one:
Accessories?: can he have like two needles in one of his ears?
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): he has a torn ear
*Pose (not too complicated please): stretching
*Expression: yawning
*Background (a solid colour): white is alright <3 if not then like a mint green
Anything else?: nope!
Thank you!
*Name: Hazepaw/shine
*Gender: she-cat
*Detailed description: fluffyish gray tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, muzzle, paws, and light blue eyes
Ref if you have one:
Accessories?: light blue feathery scarf
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): one across right shoulder
*Pose (not too complicated please): any!
*Expression: any!
*Background (a solid colour): any!
Anything else?: thank youu!
Name: Stormi (Stormpaw)
Gender: Female
Detailed des: Silver-and-white she-cat with bengal cat markings on forehead and blue eyes. Has soft, thick fur and white paws with a fluffy white tail-tip.
Scars: Torn ear
Pose: Whatever pose you think would look best!
Expression: Mischievous and happy
Anything else?: Ahhh ty! And the bengal cat markings are an option, but here’s what I want them to look like more or less (just the top forehead marks, not the marks on the side of the face)
Whoops! Forgot the background, I’ll do blue
I seem to be scanning the words too fast!
Accesories?: Gold bracelet
(sorry mods!)
Detailed description: gray and dark gray she-wolf with dark green eyes and a white muzzle
Ref if you have one: oh, sure: (this but without the overshading)
Accessories?: none
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): none but can you make one of the ears torn?
Pose (not too complicated please):just staring at a jayxbriar fanfiction
Expression: the feeling of “this is an amazing fanfiction”
Background (a solid colour): green
Anything else?: no, but thank you!!
*Name: Mistfeather
*Gender: female
*Detailed description: cream colored she cat with light gray tail tip, ears, paws and cream mixed with light grey face. Pale blue eyes
Ref if you have one: no
Accessories?: none
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): none
*Pose (not too complicated please): sitting with tail wrapped around paws
*Expression: thoughtful
*Background (a solid colour): white
Anything else?: breed is ragdoll
*Name: Eve (Everpaw)
*Gender: female
*Detailed description: Silver she-cat with ice-blue eyes and ice-blue “glowy patches” underneath white fluff on her elbow-joint things and white fluff around her neck and a tail that gradients ice-blue (oop all the fluff is optional btw!)
Ref if you have one: haven’t drawn a ref yet bc I added a lot of stuff to her, sorry!
Accessories?: White “garland” loosely draped around her tail (also optional!)
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): none!
*Pose (not too complicated please): anything but preferably happy and bubbly
*Expression: happy and bubbly
*Background (a solid colour): pale ice-blue!
Anything else?: Thank you Nilla!
hello! even though i SUCK at drawing anime guy’s im doing a fun drawing thing!!! so basically you need to send me a ref sheet of your anime oc, and i’ll draw them for you! here’s one of my OC’S!
here’s the form!:
anime oc name:
gender (please only female or male bc i’ll probably fail at the other ones):
ref sheet:
throw as many purrsonas me as you can and make them as Challenging to draw as you possibly can and I’ll draw them after the owner of most challenging Purrsona will get their purrsona drawn. go ahead and reply in to this comment with your purrsona. best of luck and make sure they are challenging.
also this is for lillykit as requested (sorry it took so long)
so you want me to redraw that?
thats just the reference image! so you know what she looks like! C:
Oooo thanks then
For le link, it says “Page Not Found” but I’ll participate in this! <3
Name: Lilykit/dawn
Purrsona: light brown she-cat with white patches and soft amber eyes and a vine wrapped around her ear
Position: Standing on two legs, swiping and punching the air
Expression: kinda like the happy mad- not evil but your happy and determined and stuff
No too floofy except for le tail. its kinda round.
heehee hope this is challenging!
thanks also
here you go again
a challenging purrsona you say?
Name: Eve (Everpaw)
Purrsona: Silver she-cat with ice-blue eyes and ice-blue “glowy patches” underneath white fluff on her elbow-joint things and white fluff around her neck, tip of her ears, and tail tip with a tail that gradients ice-blue and white “garland” loosely draped on her tail with flecks of white around the top of her eyes (is this challenging? >:D) (oh yeah, the fluff is supposed to look like accessories!)
(I purposely made it more difficult!)
Uhhh I got lost in the middle of that😛
I made a thing on picrew:
awww I love that it’s adorable
great texture!
I looove that!!! <3
Taking requests! I’ll attempt anything but humans 😛 also, be warned, it’s been…a month? months? since I’ve done anything beyond a quick pencil sketch, so I’m probably pretty rusty 😛 also I’ll probably only get through a few.
Detailed appearance and/or ref:
Name: Lilydawn
Gender: She-cat
Species: Cat
Detailed appearance and/or ref: A light brown she cat with white patches and soft amber eyes. no floof but the tail is kinda like an organized, rounded floof.
Accessories?: can she have a vine or a lily wrapped around her ear?
Thank you! <3333
Name: Cicely
Gender: Female
Species: Chicken
Detailed appearance and/or ref: a small, short dark brown hen with creamy white and black hackle feathers, and shy brown eyes. Ref:
Accessories?: Dark green leaf tucked into her feathers
Thank you! 😀
oh wow, so many people are opening requests! at this point, I’m going to forget who I’ve requested from!
Name: Eve (Everpaw)
Gender: Female
treecatDetailed appearance and/or ref: Silver she-cat with ice-blue eyes and ice-blue “glowy patches” underneath white fluff on her elbow-joint things and white fluff around her neck and a tail that gradients ice-blue (oop all the fluff is optional btw!)
Accessories?: White “garland” loosely draped around her tail (also optional!)
Thank you!
Name: Emberpaw/fox
Gender: Female
Species: Cat, Somali/Turkish Angora/Bombay mix
Accessories- black, white, pastel green scarf and hat shown in the ref sheet
Name: Dawnmist
Gender: Female
Species: Hatchimal
Detailed appearance and/or ref: a cat with silver wings and tail shaped like a cream-filled donut (the long kind) she is hot pink at the top that slowly fades into sky blue
Hope this isn’t too hard!
Name: Vanillapaw/spark
Gender: female
Species: cat
Detailed appearance and/or ref: a bit sleek, lithe, slightly smaller than average cream-coloured she-cat with amber eyes, brown paws and left ear, and cream to brown gradient on slightly fluffy tail. She has a pink nose, and white underbelly and chest, and her fur is medium length, leaning a tiny bit more towards short.
Accessories?: a vanilla flower tucked behind ear
Name: Hazepaw/shine
Gender: female
Species: cat
Detailed appearance and/or ref: fluffyish gray tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, muzzle, paws, and light blue eyes
Accessories?: light blue feathery scarf
Thank you!
Name: Shimmers (Shimmerpaw/storm)
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Detailed Appearance: A silver tabby she-cat with darker stripes. She has white freckles on the lower half of her face and a white nose, paws, chest, belly, and ear tips.
Accessories: A thin silver bracelet with a rhombus-shaped sapphire pendant.
Name: Snakepaw
Gender: Genderfae
Species: Cat or Snake
Detailed appearance and/or ref: A ginger fading into white coat. White chest, belly, paws, tail, tip, ear tips and tufts. Periwinkle eyes. Dark ginger tabby markings all over her body except on the white. She has a snake marking on her nose bridge(in between her eyes(looks kind of like a long curvy line)). She has a cornflower tucked under her left ear!
Accessories?: Oof- Uh I listed this above bbuuuuttt,,,,, a Cornflower tucked under her left ear!
Name: Sunny Cat
Gender: female
Species: Cat
Detailed appearance and/or ref: black and white she-cat with orange eyes. Also has yellow horns on either side of her head that allow her 2 shapeshift. Ref sheet is here:
Accessories?: her red collar (see ref)
so a few days ago, i made a comic and i dont thank anyone saw it (probably because i did it at the end of the page and at night)
i made a comic called “the medicine den” about Leafpool and the other medicine cats. it was fun to make!!!(and really hard)
I didn’t know what to make the backround for it…
The medicine den:
celadine boba tea recipe:
(do not make this in real life. this does not taste good)
also, yesterday i finished the second one and it terns out that it takes 5 HOURS to make each one 🙁 .
the medicine den NO.2:
i hope you like them 🙂
Lol. Hollyleaf is a true 💚medicine cat💚 jk
I had made many comics and was hoping to share them on here but i lost the backpack they were in so I’m stiill tryna find ’em
I saw it, it looked really good! I love your art style!
That looks awesome!! I made a comic and it took me 3 weeks to finish it lol
Love it!! <3
Drew a picture of Asgore from Undertale! He’s a nice guy :> (Before he tries to kill you and all-)
Took a while but I like how it turned out!
oh my word, that is AMAZING DETAILS!!! 🙂
Love it!! <33
I don’t know if this counts as art, but I thought I’d post it here. 😛
It’s an emoji “painting” I did! 😛
Don’t you mean Fruit Heart? 😉
That is so cool! 😀
It looks great! So colorful!
Rainbow fruit emoji art! That is now officially a thing!
Tam x Biana
Nooo the blueberries are just little squares for me 😛 This is super cute though, rivals Picasso <3
me too
Tam x Biana
Rainbows, fruits, emojis…YES
wagjklsfjkwk yes i am aware i will not do these but i want to ‘open’ requests 😛
(that means i will post a comment w a form and stuff but i’ll probably only do like one or none agjslk)
your name:
character’s name:
expression and pose:
your name: Moonpaw/pelt
character’s name: Shadowpaw (Shadowcreek)
gender: male
reference/description: small-built, silver-and-white tabby tom with one, back, pale-dipped paw, dark blue eyes and slightly darker freckles scattered across his muzzle
expression and pose: One eyebrow up, one eyebrow down, any pose
other: Thank you!
Your name: Hazepaw/shine
Character’s name: Toffee (or, Toffeefur)
Gender: male
Expression and pose: any!
Other: thank youu!
Name: Stormi
Character’s name: Stormi
Gender: Female
Reference/des: Silver-and-white she-cat with bengal cat markings on forehead and blue eyes. Has soft, thick fur and white paws with a torn ear and a fluffy white tail-tip.
Expression and pose: Expression is mischievous and happy, and pose is her in the position of stalking prey
Other: This is what I would want the bengal markings to look like more or less but the markings are optional (just the markings on the forehead, not on the sides) thankyou!
your name: emby
character’s name: emberpaw/fox
gender: no
reference/description: ty <3
expression and pose: idc about pose, face something surpirsed but calm
other: i wuv you blackie
ily2 :DD
your name: Strawberrykit
character’s name: Strawberrykit
gender: Female
expression and pose: Slight smile and sitting
other: thank you!
your name: Vanillapaw/spark
character’s name: Vanillapaw/spark
gender: female
reference/description: a bit sleek, lithe, slightly smaller than average cream-coloured she-cat with amber eyes, brown paws and left ear, and cream to brown gradient on slightly fluffy tail. She has a pink nose, and white underbelly and chest, and her fur is medium length, leaning a tiny bit more towards short.
expression and pose: a playful pose, and a sweet and a bit cheeky expression, maybe a wink too
other: Thank you! <3
your name: Eve
character’s name: Soarpaw
gender: Male
reference/description: I haven’t even worked out his design yet dsfjiodsj. he looks like a smaller ashfur with white stripes and splotches along with the gray splotches, but if you do draw him, you can make up your own design
expression and pose: something worried?
other: oh wow, just realizing that this might be harder than an actual request dofhdsi, but thank you!
wow! im really sorry for not being online anymore, its just that school has really been overwhelming me a bit, and ive became a big bookworm so im on wattpad alott more usually lol. So i wanted to revisit blogclan a bit, and wow its changed alot! so yea, enough of my talking 😛 heres a drawing i did a few months ago, i think ive improved a bit :3
That looks amazing!
I love that Halfpaw!! I love the galaxy patches!
your art style is incredable!!!!🌌🌌🌌🌌
Heyyyy! I’m taking some more art requests!! <3
What you want to look like (normal cat, anime characters, tv show/movie character, dark forest cat, starclan cat, something from nature, etc.):
Heashot or full body:
position (for full body only):
anything else?:
Name: Willowdance
Purrsona: Pale grey she-cat with darker stripes and white paws, tail-tip, and chest spot, and black toes and ear-tips
What you want to look like (normal cat, anime characters, tv show/movie character, dark forest cat, starclan cat, something from nature, etc.): Normal cat
Heashot or full body: full body, pls
expression: calmish happy
position (for full body only): whatever you want!
acsessories: nope
scars: notta
anything else?: none
Ty, Lilykit!
*Name: Lunarmoon
*Gender: female
Ref if you have one:
Accessories?: – black earing piercings on her ear
Scars? (I havent drawn scars before, but i can try): – nah
*Pose (not too complicated please): whatevers fine
*Expression: smile
*Background (a solid colour): white
Anything else?: Thanks!