You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Updated Smokeypaw’s Ref!
She’s an Ojos Azules cat with Bombay ancestry!
That looks amazing!! – How do you draw paws like that!? I need to learn 😛 –
That’s so good!
i like the moon necklace and the eyes- so magestic!😃
The link 2 that site glitches and doesn’t do anything when I click it 😿
I was looking through my art and I found this old drawing from when I first started drawing on my tablet. It has two of my old OC’s that I haven’t used in foreverrrr :p Wanted to redraw it!
Here’s the old one:
Here’s the new one! I changed Coaltail’s name to Mintflower cause I like it better:
I really like it!
oh, yeah! those are better names and great art!!!
All the links 2 that site glitch and do nothing when I click on them 😿
Okay So I’m taking requests…. Again 😛 But this time I’m only excepting animals other than cats because I really need to practice drawing other animals! Dragons are acceptable but only WoF dragons. No humans either please!
Here’s the form:
Your Name:
Character’s Name:
Breed/ Tribe:
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!):
Ref (if there is one):
Headshot or Fullbody:
Background (Simple please!):
Anything else:
Your Name: Moonpaw/pelt
Character’s Name: Koda (My dog in real life)
Species: Dog
Breed/ Tribe: German Shepherd and black lab mix
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): Koda is a lithe-built, jet-black dog. She has white dipped paws, a white chest + underbelly, tail tip and faint gray freckles scattered across her snout that makes her look kind of old even though she’s not. She has amber-brown eyes, a horizontal, middle-fluffed tail and half-up half-down ears.
Ref (if there is one): Nope
Accessories(optional): A blue collar
Pose:Tail straight up, one of her front paws up (her hunter pose 😛 )
Expression: Any
Headshot or Fullbody: full body
Background (Simple please!): forest, or just any
Anything else: Thank you!
Your name: Stormi
Character’s name: Snowfall
Breed/tribe: Icewings
Description: Snowfall has glittering blue scales which turn white near the tip of her tail and has dark blue eyes with curved wings
Ref:,h_670,q_70,strp/wings_of_fire___ready_as_i_ll_ever_be_by_biohazardia_dc6jejg-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzIwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGQzM2U1MDctMzNkMC00NTI1LWFlMDctOGI0ZGE4OWMyODQ5XC9kYzZqZWpnLTAyYzI4NjhjLWZiYjQtNGEyNC05OGIwLTZkMjdmNjg1YzBmZi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.XgvDkcOPrtNU06AHufb78uanYHcUg7erZRukCy6FKLs (the white dragon on the right)
Accessories: Two little gold hoop earrings on just one ear, and an ice-blue crown with white studs
Expression: Unimpressed
Headshot or Fullbody: Fullbody
Background: Purple-black
Anything else: Thanks!
Here’s a full body picture also
Your Name: Redblaze
Character’s Name: Redblaze
Species: cat
Breed/ Tribe: Maine coon
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): reddish ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes and tufted ears
Ref (if there is one):
Pose: standing?
Expression: grin
Headshot or Fullbody: preferably full body but headshot if it’s easier!
Background (Simple please!): blank is fine!
Anything else: Thanks!
Your Name: Lilykit/dawn
Character’s Name: Ravenheart
Species: cat
Breed/ Tribe: uhh idk
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): She is a black she-cat with a white chest, tail tip and paws and she has icy blue eyes
Ref (if there is one): uhh she kinda looks like Ravenpaw except for the eyes
Accessories(optional): can she have raven feathers behind her ears?
Pose: getting ready to pounce on someone to fight
Expression: mad, snarling
Headshot or Fullbody: fullbody
Background (Simple please!): no backround is fine! <3
Anything else: Nope!
Thank you!!!!!!!
IDK I do not pay attention to that stuff the description should tell you all you need to know.
White and black tom black ears and face white legs and front paws back paws black. Amber eyes. Chest is black. Tail is black and white it can be pattern first white then black or whatever. White back and black side. Before the tail end white.
What ever you can do.
What ever you want or can do.
Fullbody if you can.
What ever you want.
drawn my evil boi :0
Your Name: Norway
Character’s Name: Trilobite
Species: Durgan
Breed/ Tribe: HiveWing
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): Trilobite is a huge, towering dragon, a little over more than half the size of Darkstalker when he came out from under the mountain. He has polished, deep red scales, striked with thick, ink-black stripes all along his spine, legs, tail, and under his eyes. His eyes are narrow and the same deep bloody red as his scales, maybe a bit lighter. He wears two matching golden anklets on his hind legs, which are studded with almandine gemstones. His spikes/horns/tongue are all black.
Ref (if there is one): Lol I haven’t made one yet-
Accessories(optional): oh-
Pose: Standing tall with his front talons tucked in close, head tilted upwards.
Expression: Something evil/menacing 😮
Headshot or Fullbody: Whichever’s easiest!
Background (Simple please!): Whatever looks best lol
Theme Song (Bc I can):} ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ by Set It Off, ‘The Ballad Of Mono Lisa’ by P!ATD
Anything else: Thank you so much!! Can’t wait to see him 😀
Your art in the comment above is amazing! theres so much improvement i love it so much 🥺
Your Name: Larkfeather
Character’s Name: Larkfeather
Species: catto
Breed/ Tribe: idk her breed yet lmao
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): White she cat with brown spots. She has blue eyes. She has a small scar over her right (your left) eye. She has medium floof around her head, chest, and some on her tail.
Ref (if there is one): i hope that works lol. The ref isnt finished but this should be fine for now. The position of the spots dont really matter.
Accessories(optional): A reddish brown feather behind her ear
Pose: idk, something playful/ happy
Expression: Sticking her tounge out like 😛
Headshot or Fullbody: whichever
Background (Simple please!): the same green as the ref sheet if thats ok
Anything else: thank youuu <3
i know i haven’t built my OCs refs yet (curse whatever species Flamey and Bloom are for being so darn hard to draw) but i have an up-to-date picture of Swifty lying around even if she doesn’t have her ref yet
Your Name: Ravena
Character’s Name: Swift Blaze (nickname is Swifty)
Species: i actually have no iDeA sHe is her oWn sPecIes
Breed/ Tribe:
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): Gray pelt with white spots, lighter chest fur and underbelly, and front paws that fade into a darker gray. She has blue and yellow eyes.
Ref (if there is one): (if you don’t want to you don’t have to include the wing-shaped eyes or colored lineart)
Accessories(optional): n o n e ?
Pose: sitting or standing, nothing too action-packed
Expression: bored / serious
Headshot or Fullbody: anything works
Background (Simple please!): something blue and yellow
Anything else: nah
Your Name: Springtail
Character’s Name: Mint
Species: Dragon
Breed/ Tribe: Seawing-Rainwing Hybrid
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): Like a regular rainwing, but usually blue with purple, yellow, and green splashes, but she has seawing markings (like the neon fluorescent light up ones)
Ref (if there is one):
Accessories(optional): A gold bracelet with fire red and orange rubies.
Pose: The pose in the ref
Expression: like this:
Headshot or Fullbody: fullbody
Background (Simple please!): black
Anything else: No
Your Name: blackiee
Character’s Name: thrushsong!
Species: cat
Breed/ Tribe: uh
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): uh i have a reference 😛
Ref (if there is one):
Accessories(optional): n/a
Pose: jumping up!
Expression: sticking her tongue out mischeviously
Headshot or Fullbody: fullbody :DD
Background (Simple please!): transparent if you can do that? if not, a very pale orange is fine!
Anything else: thank u wajkglwkjw
Your Name: Darkwing
Character’s Name: Lucas
Species: wolf/deer hybrid
Breed/Tribe: gray wolf/white-tailed deer
Description: basically the front half of his body is more wolfish while the back is more deerish, and he’s got (small!!) antlers and glasses 😛
Accessories: just some glasses!! the color’s on the side there
Pose: something happy and energetic!!
Expression: same thinggg he’s a sweet happy baby
Headshot or Fullbody: fullbodyyy
Background: maybe a pale pine green??
Anything else: thank you!!
Your Name: Hazepaw/shine
Character’s Name: Toffee
Species: kit fox
Breed/Tribe: fox
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): brown fox with a lighter tail tip, left paw, ear tips, chest and underbelly; amber eyes
Ref (if there is one):
Accessories (optional): toffee pieces stuck to sides of tail tip and ear tips with caramel and a coffee cup on head with caramel around and beneath
Pose: any!
Expression: excited and happy
Headshot or Fullbody: fullbody
Background (Simple please!): any!
Anything else: thank youu!
Your Name: Frogstorm
Character’s Name: Flamehop
Species: frog
Breed/ Tribe: Poision Dart Frog
Description(Make it detailed, I beg you!): Medium-sized frog with big eyes and long back legs. Legs are blue with many black spots and the body is bright orange with black stripes and the head is also bright orange with black spots.
Accessories(optional): None
Pose: Perched on a leaf, about to leap
Expression: May be hard to do, but try to make it mischevious
Headshot or Fullbody: Fullbody
Background (Simple please!): Dark green
Anything else:
Feel free to skip me. I know frogs can be hard to draw! 😛
huge wip
have some to be fern/lake angst
used procreate for the first time eee
I will be able to take requests… BUT NOT RIGHT NOW!!! First, I need y’all to suggest websites I could use to upload the pictures and then get a link I could use right away that isn’t five pages long or when you click on it the picture’s tiny and when you zoom in everything’s blocky. 🙂 Please include a link so I can test it out to see which one’s best for me!
Tam x Biana
Actually, never mind! I found one!
Hi so I said I’d do Blossomrose and I did a really long time ago. But I was still waiting to be able to send a link and now I gave up on that website and found a new one! Here you go, Blossomrose, hope you actually see this and that you like it!
That looks so nice!
I love how you did the rose petals! 😀
Finished an art request! Here’s Lunarmoon for Icestripe! I sort of enjoyed drawing the markings for this one 😛
That looks great!!
amazing! TYSM!
this was the second time i used these watercolor pencils and its cool
i drew miku
Here’s Stormclaw for Lilykit/dawn! I didnt know what you meant when you said he has needles in his ear, so I’m sorry i couldnt draw them 😕 i hope you still like it!
That. IS. SOOOO. CUUUUTE! I love it thank you so much!!!! And the needles were just like it went through the ear, but it’s alright! But I love it tyyy!!!!
For those who entered my art event, the second round has started! 😀
*Repost bc I’m not sure Darkie saw this*
Hey Darkie, the song I picked for the art form you put here has an inappropriate official video (I didn’t watch it until now) so can I change the song to The Champion by Carrie Underwood or Copycat? Thanks!
Also, here’s a reference for what I want the bengal markings on her forehead to look like more or less if it helps (just the marks on the forehead, not on the side)
All of my Undertale drawings so far. I want to make more but I have no ideas. Here they are!
Frisk (The human):
i love the way you shade the chatacters 🙂
I tried drawing my purrsona! 🙂
Sorry about the bad drawings, I tried!😛
Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:
Hopefully the links work…
you have a great persona, and great art!!! 🙂
I love them! <333