You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Hi! Im sorry to those who have been waiting on my art for you, but I’ve been really busy lately and haven’t gotten any done. So Im just really sorry to everyone waiting. 🙁
It’s fine, I’m not sure if I requested but take your time! <3
Its fine!
It’s alright! Real life comes first. (Not gonna mention that I LOVE a specific part in ur name)
Thank you😛
teensy art dump
tis pink mapleshade
blood warning
woah that’s so good!
That is really good. I can’t draw anything without messing it up :))
here’s the finished product of the shirt i mentioned earlier! you also get a bunch of wip shots because i took a lot 😛
Epic! Hail the queer cryptids
omg its so cute yes queer cryptids
New profile picture 😀
It’s gorgeous! I love it, you have a very nice art style!!
I promise that all of the requests are coming, I have just been busy lately.
Take your time!
Alright alright I am probably gonna regret this but I might finish all this time since its summer. *Extreme heavy sigh*
I am accepting art requests again! Im so gonna regret this. Heres the form.
Fluffy, medium, no fluff:
Eye color:
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.):
Primary fur color(top part):
Secondary color(underbelly):
Ear tufts or no:
Anything else?:
Im so gonna regret this. This time only ONE or TWO cats NO more. Welp they should be done soon hopefully *sighs* *force smiles* This shall be extremely fun so lets go!
Name: Violetpaw/frost
Gender: Female
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: no fluff on body, very fluffy tail
Eye color: Green
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): none
Primary fur color(top part): light gray
Secondary color(underbelly): light gray
Ear tufts or no: no
Accessories?: none
Anything else?: thank you 🙂
Name: Swift
Gender: Female
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: fluffy
Eye color: pale green
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): normal faint tabby stripes
Primary fur color(top part): light gray
Secondary color(underbelly): paler gray
Ear tufts or no: yes
Accessories?: nope
Anything else: Tysm!!
Name: Shadowflare
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: medium to none
Eye color: amber
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): tabby
Primary fur color(top part): very dark grey
Secondary color(underbelly): also very dark grey, i am basically just a smoke tabby
Ear tufts or no: no
Accessories?: no thankyou
Anything else?: thankyouu :))
Name: Pancakepaw
Gender: Female
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: FLOOFYYYYYYYY
Eye color: Violet
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): black swirls along her back and tail
Primary fur color(top part): iridescent
Secondary color(underbelly): just darker ig
Ear tufts or no: yes
Accessories?: no :>
Anything else?: no :>
Name: Cypressheart
Gender: female
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: medium
Eye color: teal
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): dark grey dapples
Primary fur color(top part): light grey
Secondary color(underbelly): white
Ear tufts or no: yes please
Accessories?: no thanks
Anything else?: tysm!
Name: Cheetahheart
Gender: girl
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: medium
Eye color: green
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): spirals and splotches
Primary fur color(top part): yellowish
Secondary color(underbelly): light tan
Ear tufts or no: yes
Accessories?: see ref
Anything else?: ref; Name:
Fluffy, medium, no fluff:
Eye color:
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.):
Primary fur color(top part):
Secondary color(underbelly):
Ear tufts or no:
Anything else?: Name:
Fluffy, medium, no fluff:
Eye color:
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.):
Primary fur color(top part):
Secondary color(underbelly):
Ear tufts or no:
Accessories?: see ref
Anything else?: ref;
Oh my what happened :p
It got doubled XD
Here, this is the real:
Name: Cheetahheart
Gender: girl
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: medium
Eye color: green
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): spirals and splotches
Primary fur color(top part): yellowish
Secondary color(underbelly): light tan
Ear tufts or no: yes
Accessories?: see ref
Anything else?: ref;
Name: Shadeleap
Gender: Female
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: medium but only her chest fur
Eye color: sky blue
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): White patches and silvery tabby stripes
Primary fur color(top part): silver gray
Secondary color(underbelly): white
Ear tufts or no?: No
Accessories?: No
Anything else?: (Look at my profile pic for an idea of what I envision. Here’s a pic for more ideas ) Thx 😊
Name: Swiftwind
Gender: she/her
Fluffy, medium, no fluff: Fluffy
Eye color: black
Pattern (norm stripes, zigzag stripes, spirals, splotchs, etc.): tabby
Primary fur color(top part): lightish gray
Secondary color(underbelly): white
Ear tufts or no: No
Accessories: None
Anything else: None, thanks
One green and one blue
Light tan spots
Also tan-orange with a lighter chest
Brown-and-white-tipped feather clip on ear
My ref: by Loudeo
Me and Beary did a color wheel challenge, and yeah. We need a judge to tell us which one is better so tell me. Ignore the white stuff
I like the first one better 🙂
I like the first one more!
i like #1 best, but they are both good for a color wheel challenge!
both are great but the 1st one is my fave
First one
ok im sorry forall those people who I said I would art for a really can’t i got to catch up with school SOOOO sorry 🙁 and im really busy
We understand <3
(decided to post this here since it’s art-related and I want the art peeps to see it)
anyone else doing artfight? my username there is epictitanoboa!! I’ll follow any blogclanners on there :DD (and then promptly attack you with art when it starts)
sure i think i have an account and it sounds fun so yah i probably will i still dont really understand it very well though
my username is macaroni
Ohhhh so that’s who macaroni is 😛
Haha yeah I’m not sure why that’s my username
I plan to but haven’t signed up yet because I haven’t thought about it much 😛
I’m signed up now, my username is Cyproos
I have no idea what that is but it sounds cool
Yup! Just followed you 🙂
My username is Marb-the-Marble!
I’m Eagleflight on artfight! Ahh I’m so excited for it to start!!! 😀
i would join but sadly im underaged (im 12 rn)
I asked my parents and a) I’m not old enough to register and b) there was a rule my parents didn’t like 🙂
Yes! I’m Flamecloud!
Yooo guys I’m doing ArtFight!
My username is Osprue and I’m on Team Bloom if anyone wants to attack me 🙂
How do you do it?
Basically, search up Art Fight, click on the first link, and read the rules and register! It’s nifty
Cool! My user is Cyproos and I’m also on Team Bloom 😀
Nice! I’m also on ArtFight! My user is Marb-the-Marble and I’m also on Team Bloom!
im liime_sheep on team wither!
I would do artfight if I wasn’t super bad a t computer art and I can’t really do anything that you need an email to register for :/
I’m Swiftfeather5!!
Cool! I’m Wildfrost3
(Finally found some time and since I’ve tried to draw this purrsona so many times and failed, I’m happy with the end product)
Here Marblerose!
The eyes are different than I normally do, but I’m trying new….. Eye styles?
Anyway, in next requests, I won’t do the same eyes for a while I think 🙂
Tysm! It’s adorable!
That’s super cute! 😀
Ima introduced my ocs and there theme songs! Inspired by Loudpaw!
This is Opalwing:
Her theme song is Hey Little Girl
More about her:
Quote: “It’s my fault my family is dieing..”
Story summary: She was born to Willowstorm and Hawkfang along with her sisters Rubykit and Wingkit. Sadly her mother died during birth and Wingkit soon after. Her father died in a battle a moon later. She became a Medicine cat Apprentice to save lives instead of take them. Her sister Rubypaw was a warrior to be like her parents. Rubypaw was friends with a Apprentice named Talonpaw. Some time later Rubypaw became Rubyshine, and Talonpaw became Talonfang. After that Rubyshine had Talonfangs kits. She died protecting her kits in the nursery. Then Whitekit, one of the kits died. Only Foxpaw, Hawkkit, and Widowkit lived to be Apprentices. Opalpaw was Opalwing by then. The kits become Apprentices and Foxpaw dies of Greencough. Then moons after Opalwing dies protecting Hawkpaw now Hawkflight and Widowpaw now Widowbite from a fox. She is lead to StarClan by her Family. 💔
Poor Opalwing
aw. great art though
Ty ^^
I got another one done!
I accidentally made it floofier than asked for XD
that’s really cute!!
Awesome! D’ya mind if I put it on my wiki page? With credit ofc!