You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Can someone tell me what artfight is? I don’t know 😢
its an art trading game
Here’s a simple guide to how it works:
What the others said 😛
last request
Holy moly, that’s amazing!
Super cute! I love the eyes
That’s epic!!
Your styles so cute!
That is so cute! <33
Awesome!!! Tysm!
Helllooo now I’ve done the is before a long while ago but back then my art wass 😬 it’s…
Blogclan cat portrait!
Where you fill out this form of your main OCs blogclan name basically and I put y’all together in a portrait! V2 let’s go baby
Blogclan name:
Cat design:
Size or what row your cat should be in:
Position(only doing something with your paws):
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat):
Btw I would be in about the rows near the front cause my cat is kinda shortish meduim size and if mountainpaw signs up if they want to I remebr them! If they would want to by next to me in the portrait they can :3 or anyone else can if I agree
Sigh ups:
-cypress heart
-gold claw
Sit next to requests:
Cheetahflame next to marble rose✅
Hollywing next to pilot✅
Pilot and dew and holly💤
Wildpaw next to tinyfrost or swifty 💤
Dreampaw next to moonshade💤
Frostpaw next to snowo💤
Falconstorm next to pinestripe constella or brambleheart💤
Me next to mountainpaw💤
Also if you want to sit next to one who hasn’t signed up or does not go on the blogclan art page it would be amazing if you would spread the word!
ooh looks cool
– ref:
-Tallish, preferably next to Pilot, Hollywing or both
-left paw lifted with leaves snagged on claws
-next to Hollywing specifically
-nothing else! thanks!
Blogclan name: Ospreysplash
Cat design: Will link ref in reply to this comment
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: Up to you!
Expression: Happy, immature haha
Position(only doing something with your paws): Up to you!
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Anyone is fine (Frogstorm, maybe? Mounty if she signs up?)
Accessories: Collar, can be any colour
Ref?(optional): Reply to comment
Other: 🙂🙂
Blogclan name: Mosspaw/flame
Cat design: tortoiseshell she-cat with dark brown splotches, long ears, fluffy chest, and dark amber eyes
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: idk she’s normal sized ig
Expression: happy
Position(only doing something with your paws): paws raised slightly
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Sitting next to Beardrop
Accessories: leaf behind ear
Other: nope thanks
Blogclan name: Violetpaw/frost
Cat design: small, sleek light gray she-cat with bright green eyes, a pink nose and a fluffy dark gray tail
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: Idk
Expression: small smile
Position(only doing something with your paws): anything works
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): anyone
Accessories: violet on ear
Blogclan name: Slate
Cat design: Pale gray tabby she-kit with blue eyes
Gender: She-cat
Size or what row your cat should be in: Not too tiny pls
Expression: Neutral because irl I never smile for photos
Position(only doing something with your paws): I don’t rly mind
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Nah I do not have friends
Accessories: None, or a sunflower on one ear
Ref?(optional): Haven’t got one but my cat design is basically the same as Jayfeather’s
Other: I look forward to seeing the portrait! 🙂
What you don’t have any friends! That’s a illegal I’ll be your friend :3
If you feel like you don’t have any friends on here, feel free to chat to me a bit! 🙂
Well, I’d like to be your friend!
Blogclan name: Nightpaw/lily
Cat design:
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: Small
Expression: small smile
Position(only doing something with your paws): just do how you want 🙂
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): uhhh if she would sign up then Mojoflight but I could also maybe sit next to Frogstorm or something?
Other: Lily behind ear? Also thank you <3<3<3<3
Mojo flight would like to sit next to you, do you agree?
Yes, yes!!
Blogclan name: Eagleflight
Cat design: dark golden tabby with a white chest and forest green eyes that have a yellow star in the middle
Gender: female
Size or what row your cat should be in: don’t mind!
Expression: maybe majestic?
Position(only doing something with your paws): don’t mind!
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): I don’t really care 🙂
Accessories: none!
Ref?(optional): here’s a drawing by arkie for colour reference:
Other: thank you!
Blogclan name: Icepaw (pelt)
Cat design:
Gender: female
Size or what row your cat should be in: any
Expression: calm
Position(only doing something with your paws): any
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): n/a
Accessories: none
Other: thank youuu <3
Name: Hollymist
Cat Design: Pretty silver, long furred tabby she-cat with white paws, belly, muzzle, and fluffy white chest with green eyes. Siberian Forest Cat
Gender: She
Size: Average Siberian cat size
Expression: Kind smile with eyes looking to the right and head slightly down
Position: One paw lifted
Accessories: maybe a pearl circlet with a seashell or something and maybe some other mermaid-ish accessories
Position: IDK
Other: N/A
Ref: None
Blogclan name: Rockydew
Gender: she-cat
Size:small row: prob front
Expression: grinning
Position: right paw up like paused wave
Othe blogclanners to sit with?: I dont really know many of you so I dont got no one but if your sitting in like first row or something in front and wanna sit with me sure
Accessories?: Blue flower on ear
Blogclan name: Mojoflight
Cat design: See ref
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: Large/Very Large
Expression: smiling and winking
Position(only doing something with your paws): one paw lifted
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Nightpaw/Nightlily if possible
Accessories: red bandanna with gold star-shaped patch on one side
Other: Thanks! 🙂
Blogclan name: Bluefire
Cat design: blue-grey cat with silver eyes, a black right forepaw, and a fluffy black-tipped tail
Gender: tom
Size or what row your cat should be in: average size for an adult cat, so maybe middle row?
Expression: distracted (looking off to the side maybe) but happy
Position(only doing something with your paws): playing with/holding a stellars jay’s feather
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): up to you! been awhile since i interacted eheh stick me next to someone who doesn’t have a request :3
Accessories: a peach-colored scarf with thin orange stripes
Ref?(optional): don’t have one rn 0-0
Other: nothing comes to mine! look forward to seeing the finished art tho :DD
Blogclan name: Beardrop
Cat design: Light brown with darker brown stripes and splotches, a black chest and paws, amber eyes, and a stumpy tail
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: uH, just normal cat size I guess, and you can put me in whichever row works best 🙂
Expression: A little confused
Position(only doing something with your paws): One paw raised as if she were about to take a step forward (if that’s fine, if not just sitting normally :P)
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Sitting next to Mosspaw
Accessories: Orange bandana
Other: Nothing else, thank you!
Here’s cheetahflames request cheetahflame!
Ooh nice!
blogclan name: Ripplepaw/shade
cat design: small long haired gray she-cat with super blue eyes
gender: female
size or row: front, please! I’m a small cat
expression: happy/innocent
position: just sitting casually
I don’t care who I sit by
no accessories
thats all! can’t wait to see it!!!
doing some a little different: moodboard (aesthetic) requests! basically, give me a certain theme and a character and i’ll create a three-by-three moodboard for them! give me anything from a color palette (choose from below) or a song, and it should be ready in anywhere from a day to a week!
Ooh this seems like a cool idea 😀
Could you possibly do this classical piece:
doing something a little different: moodboard requests!
basically, give me a character and a theme, and i’ll create a three-by-three aesthetic for you! depending on the day, it takes anywhere from a day to a few days. you can choose a color palette from below, give me a word to play around with, or a song!
doing something a little different: moodboard requests!
basically, give me a character and a theme, and i’ll create a three-by-three aesthetic for you! depending on the day, it takes anywhere from a day to a few days. you can choose a color palette from below, give me a word to play around with, or a song; do whatever you want! | memories old as time | pastel sunset | sepia cherries | we wondered what the stars looked like | faded arctic sunrises | wildfire will transcend worlds | calm down
Can you use the color palette wildfire will transcend worlds with this picture?
Could you also include the word SHOTO (in all caps)
could you use the palette sepia cherries
use the song Pompeii
and this picture
thank you!
Could you do the color pallete ‘we wondered what the stars looked like’ with Fur Elise. Could you also do this picture
Hmmm ok!
My ref:
Song: ummmmmmmm Faded
Color: pastel sunset
could you do one based on the song “sober up” by ajr and just nostalgia in general? no specific color palette, but maybe something mostly monotone (not necessarily black and white, but mostly different shades of a color) laced with more colorful elements :DD thanks in advance!
Could you make me one based off the song Cherry Flavored by the Neighbourhood? I’m not sure what colors but chrome and vibrant colors would be good!
triple comment, sorry! my wi-fi’s acting up
drew a human for the first time in 5,000,000 millennia
it’s so cute
That’s your first time??😲
cute :))
Those are amazing!
some moomins doodles
cute :))
guess who painted for the first time in three yearsssss
*awkward smile*
Supplies list: pencil, posca pens, acrylic paint, paintbrush, sponge
This took me maybe like an hour? I’m proud of it though lol. yeah idk what I’m doing so there you have it, I painted yay
That looks great! 😀
I drew this a few years ago:
And so I redrew it and painted it :D:
Lots of improvement!
Thank you!
You are an amazing artist!
Awh, thank you!
Omg, this is evidence that practice makes perfect! Never give up on art because and can only get better! The new one is amazing! 😀
Augh, thank you! You have no idea how happy this makes me :3
motivation >:D