You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Here’s pilots request!
Your welcome!!
Cute! <3
Made some art for the gathering 🙂
I love it!
Cool! 😀 My sketch had a rainbow Mohawk too!
Cool! And yesss go Cockatoos! 😀
REPOST(I’ll repost this for a week just to make sure everyone sees it who wants to be in)
Helllooo now I’ve done the is before a long while ago but back then my art wass 😬 it’s…
Blogclan cat portrait!
Where you fill out this form of your main OCs blogclan name basically and I put y’all together in a portrait! V2 let’s go baby
Blogclan name:
Cat design:
Size or what row your cat should be in:
Position(only doing something with your paws):
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat):
Btw I would be in about the rows near the front cause my cat is kinda shortish meduim size and if mountainpaw signs up if they want to I remebr them! If they would want to by next to me in the portrait they can :3 or anyone else can if I agree
Sigh ups:
-cypress heart
-gold claw
Sit next to requests:
Cheetahflame next to marble rose✅
Hollywing next to pilot✅
Pilot and dew and holly✅
Wildpaw next to tinyfrost or swifty 💤
Dreampaw next to moonshade💤
Frostpaw next to snowo💤
Falconstorm next to pinestripe constella or brambleheart💤
Osprue next to mountainpaw💤
Osprue nightlily and next to frogstorm💤
Mosspaw next to beardrop✅
Mojoflight next to nightpaw/lily💤
Also if you want to sit next to one who hasn’t signed up or does not go on the blogclan art page it would be amazing if you would spread the word!😛 I mean I try but yknow it’s a small message and that’s not what their their for yknow
Can i be in it?
Sure! Did you sign up if so sorry I didn’t put your name down
I didnt 😆
I dont care who i am beside 🙂
Here is my purr:
I dont care about details 🙂
(Sorry for the late reply!)
Just incase you don’t see the comment on the other page, I would love to sit next to Mojo :)!
Blogclan name: Pebblepaw/nose
Cat design: Grayish/silver tabby with bright teal eyes and white underbelly
Gender: Feminine
Size or what row your cat should be in: Can I be next to Mosspaw/flame and Beardrop
Expression: Really Excited
Position(only doing something with your paws): Paws in the air
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Can I plaese sit next to Mosspaw/flameand Beardrop
Accessories: Green Caterpillar Idc where
Other: mouth open in excitement thank you
I’ll ask them!
Its fine with all of us!
I requested moonshade, and I asked her irl cuz i know her. she agreed to be in the portrait.
Ok! She has to fill out the form first tho
Blogclan name: Pinestripe
Cat design: Slender brown tabby she-cat with black stripes, pine-green eyes, and a splash of cream on her chest.
Gender: Female
Size or what row your cat should be in: Doesn’t matter/whichever row Falconstorm is in since I sit next to her
Expression: smiling
Position(only doing something with your paws): one paw held up
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Falconstorm. Also Turtlepaw if they join
Accessories: Two small cream-and-white feathers behind her ear and a larger snow-white one. These are in memory of my chickens.
This is super exciting! 😀
Yay I’m not alone
Blogclan name: Amberpaw (amberleaf)
Cat design: Light-ginger tabby with lighter ginger tabby-markings. A white muzzle and a white belly. The front-left paw is white. Green eyes. Large ears. Short-haired.
Size or what row your cat should be in: 2nd please! Trying to hide between someone else, but idk who.
Expression: Covering face with paws, embarrassed (I hate having my photo taken!)
Position(only doing something with your paws): Covering face with paws
Other blogclanners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): Can I be hiding behind another cat?
Accessories: nty
Ref?(optional): This is my current pfp:
Other: nty
Todays the day I stop being lazy and just request art!
Blogclan name: wolflight
Cat design:
Gender: I’m genderfluid so any
Size or what row your cat should be in: I have no clue
Expression: HAPPY!!
Position(only doing something with your paws): One of the evil hand things that evil people do because in evil now
Other blogclaners you would like to interact or sit by(have a neutral agreement between you and this cat): No unles the blogclanner wants to talk to me
Accessories: None pls
So It started a Saturday night I was pulling my first all nighter with a friend when I found some wood blocks like he had blocks in the craft kit and decided to draw on them 😀 so I drew my 4 main OCs I’ve been through out the years
aww those are cute [:
Alright guys The reason I always did bases was cause I didn’t think my style was any good but I’m starting to use it again and here is my first with it in a while.
Greywish daughter of Robintuft (mom) and Shadewish(dad) sister Mountaindew(yes) and a brother is Crowtuft:
That’s so cool!
that’s amazing!
That’s so good! 🙂
Really? Thanks guys. I guess I missjudges my own skills.
That looks great! I love the fur texture!
I’m in art camp yaaaayy :P!!!!!
I finished the two realistic drawings I’m making, an Aussie and a Black Rhino (because they’re endangered)
Turns out I’m better at realistic art then anime.
But I was never really good at anime in the first place lol 😅
Yeah lol
In art class when we were doing a realistic portrait I was super scared at first, but it turned out being super easy.
I hate doing self portraits
Yeah I had to do self potrait and it was a fail my teacher when she did the art gallery she put mine up upside down thinking it was right side up that how bad it was, and it looked like a granny. I can NOT draw eyes mouths or noses, that main parts basically!
I never knew how easy realistic art was until I actually tried it and it was fun and relaxing actually 😀
Ello doing requests again but this time my own style heres the ref of the style. These Will Only Be Headshots.
Ear tufts or no?:
Head design:
Head Accessories:
Anything else?:
Your welcome!
Name: Mossflame
Purrsona: tortoiseshell she-cat won’t dark brown splotches, long ears, fluffy chest, and dark amber eyes
Ear tufts or no?: YESSSSS
Head design: idk-
Head Accessories: leaf behind ear
Anything else?: Can she be crying and also can there be music notes by her head? if not, that’s all right! thanks!
with not won’t autocorrect sorry
Name: Silverbreeze
Purrsona: Black she-cat with amber eyes and silver stripes on face and a nick in her ear.
Ear tufts or no?: No thanks
Head design: See ref.
Head Accessories: n/a
Anything else?: Nothing else. Thank you!
Sorry, please correct my name to ‘Silverpaw’ instead of ‘Silverbreeze’… I just realised that I’m supposed to be a ‘paw😅.
Name: Shadowfalre
Purrsona: Smoke coloured tabby with amber eyes
Ref?: sorry
Ear tufts or no?: sure
Head design: ?
Head Accessories: no thans
Anything else?: thankuououo
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
In ref photo
feather ear clip
no, ty!
Hey! I’m going to be taking a few requests! (No promises that all will get done, and I only draw cats.) 😀
Here’s an example of my art:
Here’s the form:
BlogClan Name:
Character’s Name:
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.):
Height (1-10):
Fluffiness (1-10):
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!):
Anything else that I missed?:
BlogClan Name: Marblerose
Character’s Name: Marblerose
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): Dark grey lynx point she-cat with an ear and leg pattern that goes from dark to light. She has a dark grey mask with a few silver markings on it, a black heart on her chest, and silver markings. She has a scar on her side and stripes on her tail that go from dark to light, and lavender eyes.
Scars?: A scar on one side
Accessories: White rose earrings, silver bracelets on front paws and amethyst heart charm on tail
Height (1-10): 9
Fluffiness (1-10): 9
Expression: Calm
Pose: Lying down
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): Lavender
Anything else that I missed?: nothing, thanks!
BlogClan Name: Frostwillow
Character’s Name: Featherpaw
Gender/Pronouns: She/her
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): Tiny fluffy white she-cat with almond shaped ice blue eyes
Scars?: just one small scar on her face
Accessories: none
Height (1-10): 4
Fluffiness (1-10): 8
Expression: neutral
Pose: sitting
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): you can choose
Anything else that I missed?: no
BlogClan Name: Mosspaw/flame
Character’s Name: Mossflame
Gender/Pronouns: female, she/her
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): tortoiseshell she-cat with dark brown splotches, long ears, fluffy chest, and dark amber eyes
Scars?: nope
Accessories: leaf behind ear
Height (1-10): 5
Fluffiness (1-10): 6 for everything except for chest, which is 10
Expression: eyes closed, serene smile
Pose: sitting neatly
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): dark purple, if possible can you put music notes by her head?
Anything else that I missed?: nope thanks!
Blogclan Name: Dreampaw
Character name: Dreampaw
Gender/pronouns: She/they
Character description: a short furred snow lynx she-cat with mint green eyes.
Scars: none
Accessories: 2 golden bangles on one arm, one golden piercing in one ear.
Height: 6/10
Fluffiness: 2/10
Expresion: yawning
Pose: lying down (you can do sitting, if that is easier. )
Bg: pale indigo
anything els? no i do think so! Tysm!!
BlogClan Name: Cypressheart
Character’s Name: see above
Gender/Pronouns: female, she/her
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): click my name
Scars?: nope
Accessories: none
Height (1-10): 4 munchkin cat child with short legs haha
Fluffiness (1-10): 7
Expression: curious
Pose: looking at something, perhaps with her paw up and poking at the thing
Reference if you have one: see above
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): light aquamarine
Anything else that I missed?: thank you!
Blogclan name: Rockydew
Character name: Rockydew
Gender/pronouns: she-cat/she/her
Description: gray she-cat with lighter gray underbelly and undertail tufted ears and orange eyes black spirals
Scars?: Long scar across left torso and two nicks in left ear, right ear missing
Accessories: blue flower on left ear
Height(1-10): 7
Fluffiness(1-10): 4
Expression: relaxed
Pose: if you can sitting down licking left paw if not just sitting
ref: (Base didnt have name for who drew it)
Background: could you use this if not as close as you can?
Anything else? Nope ty!
BlogClan Name: Sunflowerseed
Character’s Name: Sunflowerseed
Gender/Pronouns: non-binary, she/her
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): long-legged pale ginger tabby she-cat with large amber eyes
Scars?: nope!
Accessories: a sunflower behind her ear
Height (1-10): 7
Fluffiness (1-10): 3
Expression: content
Pose: whatever is easiest for you
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): pale blue
Anything else that I missed?: nope, tysm!
BlogClan Name: Hollywing
Character’s Name: Also Hollywing
Gender/Pronouns: She/they [If this is for eyelashes, then she-cat]
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.):
Scars?: Small nick on her shoulder
Accessories: Holly berries behind right ear
Height (1-10): 3
Fluffiness (1-10): 6
Expression: Sticking tongue out
Pose: Crouching
Reference if you have one: I wish I did 🙁 Hopefully the image uptop counts
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): Aqus to match her eyes 👀
Anything else that I missed?: Nope! Ty 🙂
BlogClan Name: Pilot
Character’s Name: Pilot
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): Owltalon is a sleek fringe furred American Shorthair and Abyssinian mix. She has a cream base coat with reddish brown socks, ears, forehead, overcoat, and undermuzzle, and a darker brown bobbed tail and inner ears. She also has cream toes, ear tufts, and liner at the edges of her bangs. She also has amber orange eyes and a dark greyish-brown nose and is usually seen with a nervous expression and smile. She sometimes accessorizes with a brown leather pilot’s cap, golden-rimmed pilot goggles, and a light and dark brown striped scarf.
Height (1-10): 7
Fluffiness (1-10): 2
Expression: Nervous smile
Pose: Shrunken sit
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): Periwinkle!
Anything else that I missed?: nope, thank you!
BlogClan Name: Silverpaw
Character’s Name: Silverpaw
Gender/Pronouns: She-cat, she/her
Character Description (Pelt, eyes, markings, etc.): Black she-cat with amber eyes, silver tail tip and stripes on face. Silver marking on back.
Scars?: Nick in ear.
Accessories: n/a
Height (1-10): 8
Fluffiness (1-10): 5
Expression: Slight smile, eyes slightly narrowed.
Pose: Sitting — Side view, if possible.
Reference if you have one:
Background (Just a simple color or two pls!): Light grey
Anything else that I missed?: Nope. Thanks! Oh, and the example is simply gorgeous 🙂 .
He/him by Loudeo
Nick on ear if you want
feather ear clip
anything you want
cyan blue
No, ty!
I would just like to make it known that I am still going to make art, I have just been busy with my MAP part for Count On Me. Expect more art very soon!
i drew one of my ocs named ariadne with a (pretty much) lineless style, i like how it turned out!
Nice! I like it 😀
Doing requests again 🙂 Found my first time of doing requests quite fun actually and I’d like to do more…
Example of my style (please ignore the white markings at the top) –
Form :
Name –
Purrsona –
Ref (if you have one) –
Gender (optional) –
Expression –
Pose –
Accessories (if applicable) –
Other –
Name – Sunflowerpaw
Purrsona – long-legged pale ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Ref (if you have one) –
Gender (optional) – female
Expression – smiling
Pose – sitting
Accessories (if applicable) – none
Other – tysm!
Name: Dreampaw
Purrsona: short furred snow lynx she-cat with mint green eyes.
Gender: female
Exxpresion: sleepy
Pose: sitting
Accessories: 2 golden bangles one one arm and one golden ear piercing in one ear.
Other: Can you make the fur a little ruffled in some spots? tysm!
Name – Mojoflight (Mojo)
Purrsona – long-furred brown tabby She-cat with cream-coloured tuxedo markings, yellow-amber dichroic eyes and six toes on each front paw
Ref (if you have one) –
Gender (optional) – Female
Expression – Winking and looking up with open eye along with smiling mouth and tongue sticking out (winking and cleaning paw)
Pose – sitting with one front paw lifted (paw getting cleaned)
Accessories (if applicable) – red bandanna with gold-coloured star-shaped patch on one side
Other – Thanks! 🙂
I drew some stuff yesterday :D!
Top is the hug page, middle is the tavern and bottom is some random article 🙂
I also drew me and Mojo ’cause why not :D!
(If this is a duplicate comment then delete this)
I love them! 😀
Thanks for drawing my purrsona and yours together! 🙂 It’s so cute!
aw its so cute i love the hug pahwe one
this is so cute! your art style is so adorable
Omg HOW CUTE! I’m literally in love with your style 😭
moodboard for icepaw! the requests are gonna take a while 🙂
Woah that’s really good!
That looks great! I can’t wait for mine! 😀