You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
I finished my request!:
for Marblerose:
Who is drawing and enjoying a bowl of Rice Noodles
aw that is cute
Ty ^^
Yw ^^
That’s super! I love the pose!
Ty ^^
That’s super cute!!
Just a reminder for Violetpaw, that on page 584 is your request 🙂
Mossflame’s request!
It won’t load but I’m sureit looks nice!
That’s epic!!
Taking art requests and drawing purrsona´s! ^^ NOTE: This is my first time, so it might not meet expectations. Please don´t be mad!
May I?
Lilac tabby with ocean-blue eyes
Could you please draw my purrsona?
Sure! I’ll credit you on deviantart when I post it aswell
Here you go :3
Sure! <3
Hi Ice! I can´t get access to your art site so can you give me a breif discription? I´ll get on to it rn!
I’m very dumb I didn’t see mothpaws comment above lol
Alright, my BlogName is Cheetahflame and here’s my ref photo by Loudheart:
Make the background a cyan blue color please 🙂
Can you draw my OC Storm? He’s a light grey tom with sleek fur and dark green eyes :3
I’m taking requests because I have nothing to do this summer 🙃.
Purrsona Name:
Purrsona Description:
Reference (Optional):
Gradient or Background:
Purrsona Name: Marblerose
Purrsona Description: Dark grey lynx point she-cat with an ear and leg pattern that goes from dark to light. She has a dark grey mask with a few silver markings on it, a black heart on her chest, and silver markings. She has a scar on her side and stripes on her tail that go from dark to light. She has lavender eyes. Has white rose earrings, silver bracelets on front paws, and amethyst heart charm on tail.
Reference (Optional):
Size: Medium
Gradient or Background: Lavender to mint green
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
Idk what you mean by that?
cyan blue background
Purrsona Name: Skypaw
Purrsona Description: lilac tabby she-cat with ocean-blue eyes
Reference (Optional):
Size: average
Gradient or Background: Night sky? (Mist That Shines On Night Sky is my Tribe name)
Purrsona name: MothPaw
Purrsona description: A fluffy gray tabby she-cat, with slight dark markings and cyan eyes
(Ref: N/A)
Size: Medium)
Gradient: blue to cyan.
Purrsona Name: Jack
Purrsona Description: dark brown, nearly black tabby cat with dark brown eyes and a grumpy expression
Reference (Optional):
Size: idk normal?
Gradient or Background: dark purple to dark blue gradient.
Purrsona Name: Noven
Purrsona Description:
Reference (Optional):
Size: meduim?
Gradient or Background: fire
He will have a evil grin and a speak bubble saying I’m stealing your soul :3
Hi I sent the art gathering submission here on 31/7, but it wasn’t published….Does it still count?
yep! we’re just keeping it pending for cheet to see, don’t worry!
Thanks Rainie!
Marb’s request is here:
tysm! it’s so cute!
That’s so cute!
Art :3
We got a request beardrop for beardrop
I like his design and the orange bandana is cute
And here’s something random I named blank stare
I just drew and made this
I love your art style!
Tysm! I love it!
A lil thang with some of my ocs and a newish style
That’s really nice!
Those are super cute!
ok so artfight is over and i may have free time around now (and i just don’t feel like doing something for the gathering lol) so i might take requests and art trades???
examples of my art: (sorry this link is so long, this is a ref for one of my characters on artfight) (this is an attack i did on artfight for arkie) (another attack on artfight)
however i’ll only be drawing cats or (for art trades only because dragons/horses are too time consuming haha) dragons and horse headshots
also all my art is digital because i just suck at traditional 😛
the form:
your name:
art trade or request?:
character name:
ref: (you don’t have to have one, but it may come out not how you expected :P)
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: (headshot/pfp preferred)
purrsona: (please include the species !)
background colour/colours: (i can do pride flags as well, but i’d prefer if you didn’t do something too complicated :P)
your name: Ospreysplash
art trade or request?: Trade because I’m sad that I never got around to attack you on Art Fight 🙁
character name: Osprey
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: Headshot/pfp
purrsona: See Refff
background colour/colours: Maybe a mint green?
accessories: The same colour as her pawpads
other: If you’re up for an Art Trade, can you send me some details for any characters/ what you want to happen in 4 panel mini-comic? This is very specific, but I’m thinking of making a graphic novel, and I want to do a few pilots before making it a full blown project
*collar the same colour as her pawpads
your name: Marblerose
art trade or request?: request
character name: Sunnylynx
ref: (you don’t have to have one, but it may come out not how you expected :P)
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: (headshot/pfp preferred) headshot
purrsona: (please include the species !) Golden spotted she-cat with amber eyes, a short tail, and tufted ears. Feral cat
background colour/colours: (i can do pride flags as well, but i’d prefer if you didn’t do something too complicated :P) bi flag
accessories: can have flowers on her head, but if that looks weird don’t draw any accessories
other: ty!
oop it says access denied when i click on it-
here it is on freeimage:
your name: Violetfrost
art trade or request?: request
character name: Violetfrost
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: fullbody
purrsona: small, sleek light gray she-cat with green eyes, a pink nose and a fluffy dark gray tail
background colour/colours: light pink
accessories: a violet on her ear
your name: Loudpaw
art trade or request?: request
character name: Roseface
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: Headshot
purrsona: a red and brown tabby/chimera tom cat with bright green eyes, long, thin limbs, large ears and a long snout. He has scars along his face
background colour/colours: light green
other: Thx so much!
your name: Cypressheart
art trade or request?: lets do a trade!
character name: Flare
ref: (you don’t have to have one, but it may come out not how you expected :P)
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: (headshot/pfp preferred) headshot is fine!
purrsona: (please include the species !) a SkyWing dragonet, who was born without wings; he is a dark red with a light yellow ridge and orange eyes
background colour/colours: (i can do pride flags as well, but i’d prefer if you didn’t do something too complicated :P) Just a light blue is fine
accessories: hmmm maybe give him a spiked silver tail band
other: thank you!
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
Full body
^^, cat
Cyan blue
Feather ear clip
your name: Swift
art trade or request?: how about a trade? we can talk on discord to figure out more thingies 🙂
character name: Swift
ref: (you don’t have to have one, but it may come out not how you expected :P)
headshot/pfp or fullbody?: (headshot/pfp preferred) headshot
purrsona: (please include the species !) light gray she-cat with faint tabby stripes, light green eyes, a pale chest, belly, paws, tail-tip, and ear tufts, and no stripes on face
background colour/colours: (i can do pride flags as well, but i’d prefer if you didn’t do something too complicated :P) very pale green! ooh maybe with some leaves too but you don’t have to do that if you don’t want, solid pale green is fine
accessories: none
other: thank you!!
Heres Flamie’s request!
I love it, thank you! <3
I drew Ashfur
I don’t know why I draw him like this but I think it is really funny
Beautiful art!
why did i click on this expecting him to have waist-length blond hair
[looks great btw]
Next time I draw him I will do that. Thx!
oh my gosh thats amazing
If anyone wants to have fun and come draw with me go here:
A free drawing thing we’re people can draw together in same time