You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
I feel like I’ve been awfully detached from Blogclan and Artfight is over so I’m going to take some requests?? I’ll be accepting exactly five requests/art trades at the moment, first come first serve 🙂
(Note: I’m only drawing felines)
Your Blogclan name:
Request or art trade?:
Name of character (can be your purrsona or an OC):
Detailed description (and/or ref if possible):
Full body or headshot:
Background colour:
Anything else?:
Your Blogclan name: Marblerose
Request or art trade?: Request
Name of character (can be your purrsona or an OC): Fawnleap
Detailed description (and/or ref if possible):
Accessories?: leaves and blue flowers in her fur
Full body or headshot: Full body
Background colour: mint green
Anything else?: ty!
Your Blogclan name: Cedarpaw
Request or art trade?: Art trade!
Name of character (can be your purrsona or an OC): Cedarpaw
Detailed description (and/or ref if possible):
Accessories?: maybe a blue earring in her left ear. (the non floppy one)
Full body or headshot: full body please!
Background colour: super light skyblue please!
Anything else?: I dont see anyones requests yet I hope Im in the first five!
Also how does the art trade work?
Thank you!
Hi!! An art trade is basically exchanging art, so I draw something for you, and in exchange you draw something for me 🙂
Okay! So yeah, I still wanna do the trade thing then 😉
Fun! There’s a ref of my purrsona I posted below as a reply to Cyproos, you can use it as well 😀
Your Blogclan name: Cypressheart
Request or art trade?: Art Trade!
Name of character (can be your purrsona or an OC): see above
Detailed description (and/or ref if possible): click my name for ref
Accessories?: no thanks
Full body or headshot: headshot
Background colour: aquamarine
Anything else?: thank you!
Hey! Thank you for choosing to do an art trade ^-^ if you could draw my purrsona for me, that would be great!
Here’s a ref (art by Dewtail!) :
I love your purrsona!
Your Blogclan name: Ivypaw/shadow
Request or art trade?: request please!
Name of character (can be your purrsona or an OC): Swift
Detailed description (and/or ref if possible): light gray she-cat with light green eyes, faint tabby stripes, and a pale belly, chest, paws, ear tufts, and tail-tip
Accessories?: nope
Full body or headshot: whichever you feel like doing!
Background colour: pale green
Anything else?: thank you!!
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
Feather ear clip
Cyan blue
Your Blogclan name: Violetfrost
Request or art trade?: Request
Name of character: Violetfrost
Detailed description: small, sleek light gray she-cat with bright green eyes, a pink nose and a fluffy dark gray tail
Accessories?: No
Full body or headshot: full body
Background color: purple
Anything else?: thanks!
Hi! You can ignore this if you want, since we drew each other not so long ago ^^
Your Blogclan name: Mountainstorm
Request or art trade?: Art trade
Name of character: Mountainstorm
Detailed description (and/or ref if possible): (By Arkie!)
Accessories?: Two feathers behind my ear, please!
Full body or headshot: Full body, please!
Background colour: Pale green 😀
Anything else?: Could you do it in your pixel style, please? ^^
And two quick questions for you! Would you like a headshot or full body, and what kind of background would you like? 🙂
I think I’ll take up this request >:) I realized I can probably do them all anyways-
A full body if its not too much trouble, and any background is okay!
Also I’m not sure what you’re referring to when you said my “pixel style”… could you clarify with an example or something haha 😅
Yeah, of course, sorry for being unclear! By “pixel style” I meant the type you did when you drew Halloween-themed drawings last year 😀
Oh yeah I remember those!! I was guessing that was what you meant haha. Will do 👍
I thought I could pull them all of last time, but I got sooo busy! This time I hope I can get a maximum of art requests done :D. I also made meself a new purrsona! I am now Cedarpaw and this is my purrsona!
Ill change my name from Dusko when I have some more freetime.
Now here’s the form!
Purrsona(if you have a ref sheet, that’d be great)-
Do you want floof?-
Would you like an animal behind you? like a mini-me or maybe like a tiny alien dude or maybe even just a bird or turtle?-
Thats it!
I know the animal thing is different but I wanna try something new. Just donut make it to difficult!
Thank you!
Name- Cypressheart
Purrsona(if you have a ref sheet, that’d be great)- click my name
Background- aquamarine
Do you want floof?- yes
Accessory/s- none
Would you like an animal behind you? like a mini-me or maybe like a tiny alien dude or maybe even just a bird or turtle?- can I have alittlechicken :>
Name- Swift
Purrsona(if you have a ref sheet, that’d be great)-
Background- pale green
Do you want floof?- Y E S
Accessory/s- none
Would you like an animal behind you? like a mini-me or maybe like a tiny alien dude or maybe even just a bird or turtle?- ummm a toad?
Thank you!
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
Cyan blue
Yes, medium floof
Feather ear clip
You can make a small cheetah if you can!
Name- Marblerose
Purrsona(if you have a ref sheet, that’d be great)-
Background- Lavender
Do you want floof?- YES
Accessory/s- White rose earrings, silver bracelets on front paws and amethyst heart charm on tail
Would you like an animal behind you? like a mini-me or maybe like a tiny alien dude or maybe even just a bird or turtle?- a little wolf or fox?
heya!! since I’m bored and I have lots of time I’ve decided to take art requests once again. I’ll probably only get through the first ten or so, maybe less, and they might take some time, it really depends on my mood 😛 (point is, don’t count on these getting finished)
so umm yeah if you’re interested fill out the form below:
Name of Character:
Physical Description (try to be as detailed as possible):
Type (fullbody, headshot, bust):
Personality/Backstory (optional, but will provide more insight):
Reference/image (optional):
Floof, no floof, or some floof?:
(oh also if I’ve already drawn the character before I might skip it, keep that in mind)
(oh and also I only draw felines/canines/MAYBE birds and horses, but mostly cats)
Name of Character: Rosefawn
Physical Description (try to be as detailed as possible): brown tabby she-cat with a very fluffy tail and dark amber eyes
Type (fullbody, headshot, bust): headshot
Coloured?: yes
Personality/Backstory (optional, but will provide more insight): she’s a very evil kitty
Reference/image (optional):
Accessories: none
Pose: headshot
Expression: angry
Background: idk do whatever you want
Floof, no floof, or some floof?: no floof
Other: thanks!
Name of Character: Cedarpaw
Physical Description (try to be as detailed as possible): Shes like a light grey tabby with ice blue eyes and her right ear is floppy and she has a small tail like a bobcat but the tail is very floofy
Type (fullbody, headshot, bust): Fullbody
Coloured?: yes please
Personality/Backstory (optional, but will provide more insight): she is like sorta clumsy and is always trying to catch butterfly for her butterfly collection so her clanmates are always like, STAWWWP! But she just keeps catching(or trying to catch) butterflies.
Reference/image (optional):
Accessories: a blue stud earring in her unflopped ear
Pose: either sitting down, or maybe chasing a butterfly, whatevers easier
Expression: excited
Background: a light purple or violet
Floof, no floof, or some floof?: she has a bunch of flood but shes not, like, a giant PoOfBaLl or something…
Other: Thank you!
tell me if the ref doesn’t work though please 🙂
Pretty simple, a tan-orange to, with lighter tan spots, a rjnged tail, and a feather ear clip.
Yes by Loudeo
Feather ear clip
Whatever you want!
Some floof
I will be taking ONLY A FEEEEEWWWWWW art requests.
da form
Blogclan name:
Character name:
Eye color:
Fluff level /10
OPTIONAL: do you have a base you want me to use?
Color or no?
paper or digital?
Ref picture? (always helpful 🙂 )
extra special details?
Anything else?
P.S, for “paper or digital” you can say “both” and I will draw one of you paper and one of you in digital form, and then post both on the blog.
Blogclan name: Ivypaw/shadow
Character name: Swift
Purrsona: light gray she-cat with light green eyes, faint tabby stripes, and a pale belly, chest, paws, ear tufts, and tail-tip
Eye color: light green
Fluff level 9/10
accessories? nope
Expression: proud
OPTIONAL: do you have a base you want me to use? nope
Color or no? coloured please
paper or digital? digital please
Ref picture? (always helpful 🙂 )
extra special details? nope
Anything else? Thank you!
Blogclan name: moonpaw/shadow
Character name: moonpaw/shadow
Purrsona: dark brown, cream, and hazel splotched she-cat with dark brown points, a cream chest/belly, faint tabby legs, smol scattered brown parts, and pale violet eyes
Eye color: pale violet eyes
Fluff level 8/10
accessories? thorn bangle on right forepaw
Expression: happy
OPTIONAL: do you have a base you want me to use?
Color or no? yes pls
paper or digital? BOTH PLS
Ref picture? (always helpful 🙂 ) u know >:)
extra special details? U next to me pls, if ur ok w/ that
Anything else? Nope! tysmmmmm
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
One blue and one green
Feather ear clip
Yes, color pls
REPOST If anyone wants to have fun and come draw with me go here:
A free drawing thing we’re people can draw together in same time
(Also I’ll be on when you are probably this time cause it’s night and I can just be on my phone)
Do you guys want to draw together again(maybe I can actually see some of you on lol T-T) for like a free draw or a drawing contest maybe? Also yeah the program takes some getting used to
yes we should totally do that
i know this is literally the most unoriginal idea ever but i’m still doing it anyways because that’s me 😛
so I’ve decided to draw every single blogclanner! (at least the ones I know/heard about)
basically if you’re not on my list then please tell me! Telling me your purrsona would be helpful too!
here’s the list:
Frostpaw/shine (redo), Snowpaw/storm (redo), Viperfrost (redo), Emberdawn (redo), Birchfoot (yet another redo), Falconstorm (Captain), Constellationsong, Bluebellsponge, Rosepaw/flight (Icee), Eggpaw/snake, Nightwind, Cheetahspark, Cakestar, Goldenfawn, Hazelburrow, Kat, Willowlight, Rainshine, Flamecloud, Blueheart, Tinylight, Echoheart, Fallowheart (Juju), Darkwing, Sparkshimmer, Lilybreeze (Lil), Dovestream, Eagleflight (Aquila), Moonspirit, Firemoon, Hollymist, Crystalday, Dewtail, Coldheart, Icemist, Tinyfrost (Aurum), Meadowpoppy, Lilacpetal, Rockydew, Turtlepaw/dapple, Stormpaw/flurry, Vanillapaw/spark (redo), Frogstorm, Sunflowerpaw/seed, Flowerpaw, Floofpaw/ybear, Cloudpaw/bounce (Cloudy), Cloudypaw/storm, Faithpaw, Fluffpaw, Starmist, Fireflypaw/lotus, Magnoliapaw, Scorchpaw/light, Freepaw/frost, Seala, Scarletkit (Letti), Nettlepaw/tail, Fawnspots, Redblaze, Willowpaw/song , Maypaw/petal, Pineblossom, Iceflower, Bramblefire, Brambleheart, Mapledrift, Moonbreeze, Snowbreeze, Hollywing, Mojoflight, Winterwhisper, Dawnmist, Copperclaw, Sundance, Jayfrost, Bluebat (Dawny), Rosesplash, Shadeleap, Frostwillow, Foxtrot (Neo), Twilightpaw/fern, Owltalon (Pilot), Spiritpaw/wish, Flowerstream, Snakepaw/wing, Whirlpaw, Cypressheart
for the people i’ve already drawn:
Wildpaw/frost, Frostpaw/shine, Vanillapaw/spark, Viperfrost, Birchfoot, Emberdawn, Mountainpaw, Loudpaw/heart, Wolflight, Loonsong, Mosspaw/flame, Cheetahpaw/flame, Violetpaw/frost, Dreampaw, Marblerose, Airheart (Pilot), Maplepaw/breeze, Snowpaw/storm, Cheetahheart, Mojoflight, Daykit/dream, Icepaw/pelt, Hawkeye (Keeko), Moonseeker
that’s it!
have a nice day! 😀
I’m not on the list haha
Here’s my ref
OOPS you’re supposed to be on the already-done list since I drew you for artfight, let me add you, hold on
sorry about that!
Can you add me to the list?
what’s your purrsona?
Here’s the ref:
thanks! I added you 😀
I think I was on the list? 😀
whoops you weren’t, I added you! sorry 🙁
I’m not on the list ;w; (probably because I joined lthe allegiances astly)
Thank you!
I added you! Your purrsona is pretty!
thats a lot of drawings lol 😛
yep haha 😛
wait when did you draw me? 😛
Not sure if you’ve posted it already but if you have could I please have the link because I don’t think I have it 😛 <33
I drew you 62 days ago 😛
Here’s the link! (I couldn’t find the original link so I just made another one)
thank you <33 it's amazing
i iz not on list
purrsona: dark brown, hazel, and cream splotched and point she-cat with tabby legs, pale violet eyes, and sleek, long fur (plumy tail)
For already drawn, can i see the pic please?
saw other people doing these and…
Artfight is over now, so I’m going to take requests and art trades. Just fill out this form.
(note: I will only draw felines, canines, mustelids, red pandas, some birds and replites and probably humans)
Your BlogClan name:
Request or art trade:
Name of character:
Detailed description/ref:
Full body or headshot:
Background (can be a solid colour, a pattern, a gradient, pride flag or a scene):
Your BlogClan name: Ivypaw/shadow
Request or art trade: request
Name of character: Swift
Detailed description/ref:
Accessories: none
Full body or headshot: whichever you want 🙂
Pose: jumping
Expression: excited
Background (can be a solid colour, a pattern, a gradient, pride flag or a scene): very pale green
Shaded?: sure!
Other: thank youuuu
Your BlogClan name: Cedarpaw
Request or art trade: art trade
Name of character: Cedar
Detailed description/ref:
Accessories: a blue stud in unflopped ear
Full body or headshot: headshot
Expression: blank or at least trying to be blank
Background (can be a solid colour, a pattern, a gradient, pride flag or a scene): I want her to be trying to look like a tree while a butterfly flies by and completely ignores her
Shaded?: nah
Other: thank you! <3
Ok! For the trade, can you draw one of my OC’s Ottermist?
Your BlogClan name: Violetfrost
Request or art trade: request
Name of character: Swancloud
Detailed description/ref: white she-cat with dark gray splotches, bright blue eyes and gray legs and paws
Accessories: no
Full body or headshot: whatever you want
Pose: sitting
Expression: small smile
Background (can be a solid colour, a pattern, a gradient, pride flag or a scene): light purple
Shaded?: no
Other: thanks!
Your BlogClan name: Cypressheart
Request or art trade: trade!
Name of character: see above
Detailed description/ref: click my name
Accessories: none
Full body or headshot: headshot
Pose: x
Expression: silly
Background (can be a solid colour, a pattern, a gradient, pride flag or a scene): just solid aquamarine
Shaded?: if you want to, I don’t really care
Other: thank you!
Ok! For the trade, can you draw one of my OC’s, Raccoonheart?
Your BlogClan name: Frogstorm
Request or art trade: Art trade 🙂
Name of character: Frogstorm
Detailed description/ref:
Accessories: On ref sheet ^^
Full body or headshot: headshot
Pose: your choice
Expression: your choice
Background (can be a solid colour, a pattern, a gradient, pride flag or a scene): by a small pond if possible
Shaded?: No
Other: Ty! Also, for the art trade, do you want me to do a headshot or a fullbody? And what do you want the background to be like? 😀
Whatever you’d like! And I want the background to be a very pale lavender! And can you draw my OC Lilacdawn for the art trade, please? by Dawny! She also has tufted ears, but they are not shown in this picture!
Sure!! 😀
Comic requests! It will be no more than 6 panels long, and won’t be too detailed, just for me to practice styles! You’ll get a coloured and greyscale version 🙂
Also I’d rather the comic be about your warrior cats OCs, and just be a snippet of conversation, important short moment or a small flashback, nothing too bulky like an entire battle scene!
Not first come first serve, I’ll be doing only one, and that one being what I think would be the best to practice with. Sorry!
Anyways here is the form
CHARACTER FORM (copy and paste for each new character you have)
Ref (opt, but highly preferred):
Brief Personality:
COMIC FORM (do only 1 of these!)
How many panels? (3-6):
What is the basic plot of this mini-comic?:
What is the dialogue/monologue?:
What is the setting of the comic?:
Name: Hailwatcher
Personality: empathetic and anxious medicine cat who mediates by default, is scared somewhat easily
note: hailwatcher will not have his patchy shoulder at this point in the book. everything else on the ref can stay.
Name: Slightstar
Personality: manipulative and cruel cat who’s known to hold a grudge, condescending and a bit of a control freak, has very little patience or mercy for anyone in his way
note: slight will have unsheathed claws and blood on his chest and right paw, he just killed a guy
panels: 6
Slightstar yells at Hailwatcher…again [note that this particular exchange takes place right after slight kills willowstar]
first panel:
“I am your leader now!” [slight]
“Not that weak-willed mouse-heart.” [slight]
“I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean-” [hailwatcher, somewhat quietly]
“So I’ll need you to cooperate, rat, or you’ll be the next one torn to shreds.” [slight]
“Do I make myself clear?” [slight]
“Y-yes- yes, you do, Slightclaw, I’m sorry-” [hailwatcher]
“Good.” [slight]
this scene is set outside of clan territory [on the way to the moonpool] in the evening
Name: Falconstorm/Captain
Appearance: Tan she-cat with amber eyes
Ref (opt, but highly preferred): Funny thing… I actually can’t post it right now 😛
Brief Personality: Adventurous and clever
COMIC FORM (do only 1 of these!)
How many panels? (3-6): 6
What is the basic plot of this mini-comic?: An attempt at finding a long-lost artefact goes horribly wrong.
What is the dialogue/monologue?:
Panel One: [Captain walks forward, smiling confidently. In her satchel is a very important emerald]
Panel Two: [suddenly, her ears perk up. She hears something rumbling.]
Panel Three: [she looks back and sees the temple crumbling behind her. She gives a low growl] Rats…
Panel Four: [she starts to run and run and run…]
Panel Five: [she sees an opening at the end. She bunches her muscles]
Panel Six: [with all the strength of StarClan, she jumps through as the temple collapses behind her]
What is the setting of the comic?: A temple of some sort, made to look like a scene out of Indiana Jones.
Name: Birdkit
Appearance: see ref
Ref (opt, but highly preferred): The one on the bottom left with different colored eyes, the rest of her is the same dark blue grey, but her front right paw is her chest color.
Brief Personality: silly, crazy, a lil weirdo, female
Name: Eaglestorm
Appearance: see ref
Ref (opt, but highly preferred): same ref for Birdkit, but she is the one with the extra long neck, the rest of her is the same grey with the same grey spots on her back, and her front right paw is white
Brief Personality: no nonsense, down to earth, Birdkit’s mother
How many panels? (3-6): 6
What is the basic plot of this mini-comic?: Birdkit tries to fly
What is the dialogue/monologue?:
1st panel: Birdkit is on a large rock
2nd panel: She crouches down, preparing to jump
3rd panel: Eaglestorm runs out of the nursery. (A berry bush).
4th panel: Eaglestorm skids to a stop under the rock, yelling, “BIRDKITNO”
5th panel: Birdkit jumps, yelling, “BIRDKITYES”
6th panel. Birdkit lands on Eaglestorms face
What is the setting of the comic?: A clearing with a large rock and 3 bushes, one being a blueberry bush.
music dump [i put together some instrumentals for my characters, here they areee]
Silent Shadows Theme:
Slightstar’s Theme:
Hailwatcher’s Theme:
This one I haven’t given to anyone yet [will probably be Rosebush’s]
Wow, those are so cool! As I was listening to the Silent Shadows one, I honestly was picturing like, an intro to like an episode of like, an animated Silent Shadows. (which I know doesn’t exist)
Great job!
Thank you! There might be a MAP soon once i do some more messing around with these songs to make a track :]
Rosefawn for Violetpaw:
Hope you like it! 😀
Thanks! <3
No problem!
Here Cyproos!
Hey everybody! I’ve been thinking about my new name and was wondering if you guys could help think of a good nickname? Im feeling stumped 😛
edy (for cedar?) or darpy
ce-ce (pronounced see-see)
I like Ce-ce! and Cepie
I believe this comment might be better suited for the Tavern, but while we’re here, I think a nickname could be Cedor
Cerdy, Cedar, Cedie, Cedy, Cepy, Cepie, Ced, Cerr
(I’m a just-keep-my-name kind of cat, but if I HAD to pick a nicname I’d chose Skye. KEEP CALLING ME Skypaw, pls…)
i’m doing a thing where if you say a certain word replying to this, i will put you on a wheel, spin the wheel, and whoever is picked i draw their purr (it doesn’t technically have to be a cat, it can also be a hooman)
word today is boop
congrats! you were chosen by the mystical wheel of names
please fill out this form:
Cat or hooman?:
Basic desc:
Accessories (optional):
b o o p