You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Here’s a new drawing slate :3 the other got full
It’s just a free draw sorry for confusion earlier
Swifto’s request!
Thats so cute!
That’s adorable! <3
woahhhhhhh this is so good!! thank you <3333
You’re welcome! <3
Thumbnail Contest!
The Count on Me MAP needs a thumbnail, and who better to provide it than our wonderful BlogClanners?
-Preferably, the thumbnail should have a few members of BlogTeam and some other iconic/recognizable faces of the blog on it
-The moderators who have consented to being portrayed in this project are as follows. Please do not draw anyone in without asking their permission.
BlogTeam purrsonas can be found on the BlogTeam den page.
-Please draw the thumbnail using a 1280×720 canvas!
-Collabs are allowed just credit the other person/people
-No bases or heavy referencing
-The deadline for this competition is August 20th. Any entries submitted after August 20th will not be judged.
The thumbnail to be used for the contest will be decided majority-wins style by a group of judges. If you want to judge, let me know in the replies.
note: you cannot judge and participate in the competition. one or the other.
link to the MAP discussion page:
Adding on to what Dewy said, for sizing, I’m fine with anything equivalent to a HD sized canvas (ratio 16:9)! Really, any shaped canvas will be fine, it’s gonna be cropped
I would like to enter the contest!
You are entered!
I would like to enter the contest!
I would like to enter (:
You are both entered!
I would like to enter! Will I be in the map?
Edit: what counts as an iconic face? I’m assuming it wouldn’t be me because nobody knows me anymore 😛 I’m just an old blogclanner lol
As long as you give consent, we are open to having you in someone’s parts!
I’m submitting for the thumbnail!
I’d say someone like bluebell or darkwing [would have to get their permission] or one of the senior warriors would count
I’ll judge! Lol I wish I was an iconic face..
Introducing: my ocs!
Meet Double, Splatter, and Hallow
Double is the cyborg-wolf-thing. It was created in a lab to be a replacement for guard dogs but the zombie uprising happened so it was repurposed to find some sort of cure. It has no gender, its a robot.
Splatter is the blue and red dog. She is just a genetically modified dog originally for dog shows, but is kind of Double’s guide. I dunno much about her yet, she is a newer character.
Hallow (spelled like Halloween, not regular hollow) is the dark purple cat. He is a mutant cat who is very literally skin and bones,(and magic). He is just a tad bit insane and probably secretly a horrifying monster.
Thx Nov!
amazing your art is so goooood
Drew my friend’s OC Azien (pronounced Izen) and I’m really proud of it even though her right foot is a bit wonky haha
Lately I’ve been trying blending a bit, so that’s why you can see some pink in the legs (also she’s wearing shorts if you were wondering) and it’s going okay? Like it’s crayola pencil crayons so it’s not gonna be great haha
Sorry for bad quality
Here for a Swifto!
yoOOOO this is so good!! thank you!!
hey does anyone want to do an art trade w/ me? humans are preferred but cats are fine to, also please tell me if you want to have the name on the drawing or not
give me a shout if you have an unfinished request I basically forgot about my requests so yeah
I can 😛 I’m not the best at humans but if ima be an animator I need to practice drawing them here would be my human: tall lanky boy with tail short hair that is kinda spiky at the bangs taped glasses a green bandana around neck a white polo and cackees shorts with black laced tennis shoes idk what position expression would be a smile
oh ok cool! can you draw Haze? :3 he has sandy brown hair and spiky bangs, bright lazar green eyes and a crown and cape (he’s a king). he’s 17 years old but has the height of a 14 year old. he’s the villain and not a very nice person.
Ooh I like drawing humans
ooh ok! do you want to do the art trade then? :3
ok :))
Can you draw Ellaboo? She has pale skin, shoulder blade length dark brown hair, and ice blue eyes. She wears a long, baggy black hoodie to cover her wide black wings (you can choose to do the wings or not, I don’t really care), pale grey leggings, and black boots.
cool ok
Who do you want me to draw? :3
i willlllllllll
ok! can you draw Dawn? she can turn into a cat so you can choose to do her cat form or her human form 😛 her human form is a slender, pale-skinned girl with collarbone length blonde hair and golden-brown roots. pale green eyes and a pale orange and white hoodie and black leggings. she wears black sneakers as well. her cat form is a seal lynx point ragdoll with pale green eyes.
I shall!
(sorry for the late reply :/)
Who should I draw? :3
ah you could draw fanta (don’t ask abt the name)
fanta has short-ish dirty blond hair and she wears a pink sweater with a light blue skirt and jeans. fanta’s the result of an experiment where scientists tried to mix human and cat genes so she has cat ears and a tail (tail is floofy)
she also wears white combat boots
ack forgort to say her right eye is blue and her left is brown
Ok C:
who wants to do an art tournament? it’ll be like the one on brightguardianakira’s channel, but with less people probably 😛
ooh sure
Maybe if it’s not too complicated
as you may recall
yesterday i promised yall if you said boop i would put your name on a wheel, spin the wheel, and the person it landed on i would draw art for
so i did that
frostwillow congrats you were chosen by the mystical wheel of names
please fill out this form:
Cat or hooman?:
Basic desc:
Accessories (optional):
Congrates frost! ^^
Do you guys like the aggio drawing slates??
I don’t know what that is 😛
If you look at the top of the page and use the link it’s an online drawing thing we’re people can draw together
I very do yes
Ok :33
yes definitely
Join my Potatorotato!
Wrong page :3
I can’t do it without signing in :'(
Oof really? I don’t have to sign in that’s weird
I’ve slightly improved at drawing
I’ll be taking requests!
But um, they will be humans
Thank youuuu :DD
Example of art:
(This one isn’t very good but yknow)
Name: Jack
Ref* sorry none 🙁
Fashion/clothes* dark brownish-yellow hoodie and black leggings. pale brown boots
Pose* standing, hands in pocket
Expression* rolling his eyes
Background pale green
Accesories nope
Other jagged, dark brown, nearly black bangs and hair. tan skin and cat-like features (longer nails, pointer ears, etc.)
Name: Viola Evergreen
Ref* I don’t have one :'( so I’ll give you her description. She has adrk skin with long braided hair falling down her back, and she has amber eyes. She is fairly tall.
Fashion/clothes* Light teal knitted sweatshirt and white jeans
Pose* just standing
Expression* serious smile
Background just a solid light aquamarine
Accesories golden hoop earrings
Other Thank you!