You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Next batch! We have Shadowflare, Beardrop, Cedarpaw, Silverbreeze, and Wildfrost!
I accidentally forgot Bear has a stumpy tail rip
I love mine! Thank you!
dont tell anyone but yours was my favorite to do
hehehehe >:)
All super cute!
aw i love mine
Did you change your purrsona, or just your name? Also, thanks! 😀
ah i did change my pursona as well but i still appreciate the art
What’s your new purrsona, then? Gotta add it to my list 😛
ah that’s really kind of you :))
i kinda look like this
maybe less white though im not sure
i’m not really fussy about the pelt pattern
Those are so cute thank you 😀
Those are seriously impressive :O
Nice art, Mossi!
Awhhh, super cute! All of them!
Hello! I have a request. Could anybody please draw a picture of me?
Name: Silverdusk
Purrsona: Long-haired, slightly small silver tabby she-cat with black stripes, a white-tipped tail, a white patch on her chest and clear, ice blue eyes.
Pronouns: she/her
Accessories: a moon bracelet on right forepaw and a leaf earring
Thanks so much to anybody who wants to it!
I can do it!
I can do one :)) It might take a few days, tho
Thx! And I don’t mind how long it takes 😀
i can, but i think it would have to be on paper, if that is ok with you.
No problem, if it’s easier to draw me on paper then go for it!
I’ll add you to my list!
Thank you!
Good luck! 🙂
I can!
Yay! Thx >3
I can’t seem to find the page with my requests 🙁 I was too busy to start them, so I’ll be reposting the form!
Eye color:
I can’t draw bodies so only the face will be drawn
Name: Sunflowerseed
Fur: Pale ginger
Eye color: Green
Other: tysm!
Name: Swift
Fur: light gray with paler gray ear-tufts
Eye color: green
Other: thanks!!
Here’s my purrsona by Loudheart!
Name: Cedarpaw
Fur: silver
Eye color: icy blue
Other: here’s a ref because my thing is complicated artwork is by loudpaw/heart
Thank you!
Name: Mossflame
Fur: tortoiseshell with dark brown splotches
Eye color: dark amber
Other: long ears too
Name: Cheetahheart
Fur: (my ref)
Eye color: emerald green
Other: TYSM!
Name: Rockypaw/dew
Fur: Her headshot:
Eye color: orange
Other: thanks
name: Noven
Fur: my pfp tan tabby basically with a skull and a green collar
Eye color: green
Other; your awesome
I tried drawing a nose…
Either the color on my phone is oversaturated or on my computer is undersaturated because they both look much different.
this is a top notch nose!!
ty! It’s my first time drawing a nose on my phone but I used to draw noses on paper a lot which I guess is kind of weird but they’re easy to draw 🙂
they’re not easy to draw for me 😛
Noice! :p
(・o・) how did you draw a nose so good. I try and it is terrible!
I have no clue how I drew that, it just happened
What a sniffer you have their
thats really good!
oh my gosh that is an amazing nose
my noses are just triangles 😛
Hey, I’m doing requests with this base! Its first come first serve on which base so give a couple back-ups 🙂
#1, 4, and 6 have been taken
Description (Ref):
Name: Silverpaw
Description (Ref): Black she-cat with silver stripes on face, silver tipped tail and markings on back. Amber eyes and nick in ear.
Ref –
Accessories: n/a
Number(s): 7
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
Feather ear clip
Name: Skypaw/mist
Description (Ref): lilac tabby she-cat with sleek fur and ocean-blue eyes
Accessories: maybe a leaf or a flower
Number(s): Any :)!
Description (Ref):
Accessories: on ref!
Number(s): 2
Name: Lilypaw
Description (Ref):
Accessories: n/a
Number(s): 3
Name: rockypaw/dew
Ref: ref i have, underbelly and undertail lighter gray)
Accessories: light blue flower on left ear
Number: 2
Gift for Nightlily!
(Cropped version: )
Magnificent art as always 😛
ok wait why is that so cute lol you make great art Mounty
:00000000 Thank you so much!!! :DDD
That’s super cute 🙂
woah that’s so good-
thats adorable your art is amazing
So what happened to the map art? Cuz I was supposed to be judging with Dewtail, anyone know if that passed already, or just didn’t happen?
I don’t think it ever got done 😛
I’ll see about setting up another one
okay! 🙂
I’ve been slacking off a bit, and no one has been turning in parts for a while, so eeehhhh
Here Icemist!
Request is done!
Aww, cute! Thanks! 🙂
Silverdusk’s request! ( )
woah that’s really good!!
Here are the requests for Falconstorm, Cheetahheart, Lilypaw, Cedie, Spongefrost, Marblerose and Silverbreeze! I hope you like them
I’m sorry to those who requested and didn’t get it, if you’d still like me too do one for you I can 🙂
tysm! they all are awesome!
Great coloring! It’s superb! 😀
I love them all! Mine is awesomest tho
Heheheheheheh >:DD
Thanks! They all look amazing 😀
They’re very cute! Thank you!
I would love to have mine done
if u can
its on ur first request form comment
If you don’t mind, could you do one for me? 🙂 Idc what pose
They’re all super cute!
Those are awesome!
Can anyone draw me this scene??
So theirs these 3 cats in veiw in a autum forest with a swarm of bees chasing them a black nimble cat is farthest back some bees stinging him then theirs a gray small cat that looks like yellow fang and closest to camera per day is a pale light brown soft furred she cat with a darker stripe legs and ears and tail with all of them having varying yellow eyes. I’d like it more realistic like but still a bit cartoony and shading is preferable thanks! It will be featured in a book I’m writing
I might actually cry-
I was working on an artwork that took me forever and was looking really good- and yay! The computer shuts off!
I’m sad now
but I had everyone’s requests done anyways so
Shadowflare (the expression is confused, btw):
Noven (you did say to do it silly :P)
So those I finished earlier and had everything copy and pasted but now freeimage isn’t working? so the rest will be on this Imgur link, I’m sorry if you can’t access the link, I will try to put your request on something else if you can’t 🙂
Swiffer and Violetpaw:
I think that was it for requests, I’m not sure, I can’t really remember if there were any more.
Here’s the art trade with Frosti:
ooh my one was so cute
Could I request someone to create a drawing of one of my characters in a roleplay that I’m in?
It would be greatly appreciated.
Here’s a description of the character:
Moosetuft – a semi-long-furred oriental-build brown Demi-Tom with golden-coloured eyes, a cream-coloured belly and long legs. Wears a reddish-purple scarf around neck.
Thanks! 🙂
cool purrsona!