You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Look at the AMAZING comic I made!🤪
i’m not entirely sure what happened but i love it
Nice 🙂
Finished two of my requests!
Pinefoot for Coldie:
I drew a ref sheet base and used the same base for them
Cheetahflame I’m working on yours!
Ahh I love it!! Pinefoot looks fantastic, thank you so much! C:
those are really really good!!
Beautiful! I love them!
Very cool!!
Ty!!!!! ^^
A few of the Halloween requests!
hkjhdh thank you! <3
oh my gosh
Thank you thank you! I’m glad you like it 😀
ty! i love it!
can I request one? I think I was on vacation when you did these requests
Of course! Here’s the form (if anyone else would still like to request, they can! The requestos are still open):
Fullbody or headshot:
Cartoonish style (yes/no):
Name: Violetfrost
Purrsona/ref: small, sleek light gray she-cat with bright green eyes, a pink nose and a fluffy dark gray tail
Costume: no idea what I’m going to be but let’s go with a duck
Background: light purple
Fullbody or headshot: fullbody
Expression: small smile
Cartoonish style (yes/no):
Other: thank you so much ^^
Name: Cedarpaw
Purrsona/ref: by Loudeo
Costume: a grim reaper costume!
Background: wagon with hay and maybe a horse in front?
Fullbody or headshot: fullbody
Expression: wicked grin
Cartoonish style (yes/no): yes please!
Other: Thank you!
Purrsona/ref: Just a bit fluffier tail 🙂
Name: Nightpaw/lily
Costume: A frog or a pumpkin!
Background: Dark purple
Fullbody or headshot: fullbody :)!
Expression: Happy
Cartoonish style (yes/no): no thanks :)!
Other: thank you <3
omg i love mine i am finally my true dinosaur self
There So cute TYSM!!!
Name: moonpaw/shade
Purrsona/ref: dappled dark tortoiseshell she-cat with white dapples and amber eyes
Costume: witch costume, little moon charm on hat pls OR little spider costume; ill let you decide
Background: idc
Fullbody or headshot: full
Expression: happy
Cartoonish style (yes/no): yes pls
Other: pumpkin trick-or-treat basket with candy in one paw
May you do one for me pls? They are adorbs :3
too lazy to find the og request thing so:
Name: Pancakepaw
Purrsona/ref: silver she-cat with a vantablack paw and violet eyes (left eye is darker violet and right is lighter violet)
Costume: Reese’s XD
Background: bright orange with a black diagonal stripe in the middle
Fullbody or headshot: ✨full-body✨
Expression: trying to eat her costume
Cartoonish style (yes/no): no thank you
Other: trick-or-treat container handle thing
Oh my gosh that is brilliant
I love it so much! And the jaguar plushie as well asdagsds I love it so much
They’re all so good!
Can you do me too XP
Name: Sunflowerseed
Costume: charlie brown’s ghost outfit
Background: nighttime with some grass 😛
Fullbody or headshot: Headshot
Expression: ghost sheets over her head with an excited smile
Cartoonish style (yes/no): yes
Other: tysm!
You’re so talented! Those are all stunning pieces!
I love it thank you!
THEY’RE SO GOOD!! I like them!
Awesome work!
Wow 😮
All are super cute!! You’ve improved so much Mounto 😮
Omg Mounty these are so awesome!
Because I need my need my motivation back I am once again taking requests. No guarantee that I’ll finish all of them though because school is starting and I won’t have much time. ALso it doesn’t have to be just purrsonas you can request any characters
t h e f o r m-
Name of character:
Deatailed description/ref:
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too):
Anything else:
Name of character: Mallow
Deatailed description/ref:
Personality: sweet, friendly, kind, energetic, always here to vent to
Expression: happy
Pose: running
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): a meadow with flowers
Anything else: ty!
Name of character: Zolise
Detailed description/ref: Golden tom with ginger marbled fur, and a white muzzle, paws, chest, and tail patches. Long, fox-like muzzle and cream speckles on lower back. 1/10 fluff, multiple scars on body, golden eyes, and has a medium-sized build.
Personality: Outwardly, he seems cold, but he’s actually a real softie. He was neglected by his family and always thought he was never good enough. Gets jealous really easily.
Expression: Curious
Pose: Sniffing at a flower, please!
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): Maybe a forest scene? Thank you very much! C:
Anything else: Thanks!
Name of character: Frostwillow
Deatailed description/ref: Mostly white, fluffy cat with a long, fluffy tail and rather short legs. They have markings like this:
(on part of their head and tail) except the markings are dilute calico colored. They have ice-blue eyes.
Personality: Uhh idk what words to describe myself with I’m an intj
Expression: Neutral
Pose: sitting
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): Hmm near a river in winter
Anything else: I don’t think so!
Name of character: Sunflowerpaw
Deatailed description/ref:
Personality: introverted, curious, friendly
Expression: relaxed smile
Pose: laying down
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): forest
Anything else: tysm!
Name of character: Moonpaw/shade
Deatailed description/ref: dark tortoiseshell she-cat with a dappled pattern, VERY few white splotches, and one golden and one amber eye, and long fur
Personality: controlling, silly, smart
Expression: goofy
Pose: downward dog
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): winter forest/meadow, snow everywhere
Anything else: have my paws snow-covered, some snow in my pelt, tysm!
YES I love your art
Name of character: Swift
Detailed description/ref:
Personality: introverted, observant, loyal, also I can be annoying sometimes
Expression: happy
Pose: whatever you want!
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): hmmm maybe chilling next to a river?
Anything else: thank you!!
Fierce, loyal, determined, kind, outwitting, friendly
Any pose you want
cyan blue
Ice requests :0 (i will attack you back on artfight I’m just a bit busy at the moment!)
Name: Smokewing
Detailed Description/ref: Smoky dark grey she-cat with dark green eyes and long fur.
Personality: calm and collected, often coming across as cold. Loyal to a fault yet ambitious and will do almost anything to reach her goals.
Expression: cool, collected
Pose: don’t mind! Sitting is fine
Background: A dark forest?
Anything else: Thank you! I love your art!
Name of character: Ferretflank
Deatailed description/ref: Slender white she cat with tortoiseshell patches. She has slightly wavy fur, but it isn’t very long, and pointed ears, but not large ears. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, and they are amber in colour. She is average height, and she has a very thin, very long tail, her most notable feature
Personality: Stoic, somewhat friendly, brave, a bit quiet, extremely smart
Expression: Looking into the distance, she looks focuses and thoughtful
Pose: Her back slightly turned away from the camera if possible!
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): A wooded forest with a river in the background
Anything else: Thank you so much! You art is epic 😀
Name of character: Cypressheart
Deatailed description/ref: click my name (drawn by Loudheart)
Personality: silly, fun
Expression: tired
Pose: loafing
Background (preferably a scene background, but patterns/solid colors work too): on a rock in the sun with pine trees in the back
Anything else: thank you!
I love your style! 😀
Wow that’s amazing!!
Woah thank you!! I love the eyes!!
I love it, ty!
wowowowow I love you style :D!
Your style is epic! 😀
Unfortunately, I can’t access the website 🙁 could you maybe post it on Tysm!
Thank you all for the compliments!!
And Sunflowerpaw, here it is:
Tell me if it doesn’t work!
Omg tysm!!!
Thank you so much, I love it!
So sorry I didn’t respond earlier but these are EPIC!!!!
Taking headshots bc I’m bored + I didn’t finish my other requests and I’m sorry about that
Anyways here is form
Anything else?:
and also hoomans
Anything else?:
ok bye
Name: Icemist
Purr/ref: My pfp, or silver-white tabby with teal eyes and black pointed ear-tips, tail, and black body stripe
Expression: Happy
Accessories(opt): Silver bracelets
Background: Baby Pink or Light Violet(whichever looks good to you!)
Anything else?: Nope, thanks!
Name: Swift
Expression: determined
Accessories(opt): nope
Background: pale green
Anything else?: ty!!
Name: Tansysmudge
Purr/ref: A dark brown tabby tom with slightly smudged, unclear markings, a golden-brown chest and yellow-green eyes. He has medium length, very thick fur, and large ears with small tufts on the end of them.
Expression: A sneaky smile, like he’s about to do something
Accessories(opt): Juniper berry stains all over his pelt
Background: Khaki green background
Anything else?: Thank you so much!
Name: Marblerose
Expression: serious
Accessories(opt): white rose earrings, silver bracelets on front paws and amethsyt heart charm on tail
Background: lavender
Anything else?: ty!
Name: Rockydew
Description: Gray she-cat with lightergray underbelly and undertail tufted ears and orange eyes and black swirls on pelt.
Expression: Happy in a purring way
Accessories: blue flower on left ear
Background: Cyan(green-blue)
Anything else?: Tysm
Name: Dogheart
Purr/ref: a fluffy tortoiseshell she with uquiely patterned splotches; neon yellow eyes; a flash of white on her chest
Expression: a grin
Accessories(opt): a golden seashell necklace
Background: a beach with palm trees
Anything else?: thanks!
Name: Frostwillow
Purr/ref: Fluffy creamy white cat with pale gray and cream spots around their right eye/ear area (pattern like a turkish van’s) and ice blue eyes.
Expression: neutral
Background: Solid mint green
Anything else?:
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
Feather ear clip
cyan blue
Cheetahflame I finished Invincible’s ref
sorry it’s not that good, I need to practise drawing tigers
That is very good!!
Wow! 🙂
Woah it’s so good, thanks Marb! <3
Hey! I’m going to be opening up some requests! No promises that all will get done lol. 🙂
Here’s an example of my art:
The Form:
Your BlogClan Name:
Your Character Name:
Detailed Description:
Eye Color:
Height (1-10):
Fluffiness (1-10):
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One:
Background (Nothing too complex lol):
Anything Else?:
Your BlogClan Name: Swift
Your Character Name: Swift
Detailed Description: Swift is a light gray she-cat. Her fur is fluffy, and her chest fur is especially so. She has a big fluffy tail, lots of head floof, cheek floof, and elbow fluff. She has a pale gray tail-tip, paws, belly, chest, ear tufts, and ear fur. The inside of her ear is pale pink, and so is her nose and her tongue. She has long white fangs that are great for gobbling cookies.
Swift has ish-faint tabby markings, that can be either mackerel tabby-like, or round stripes and dashes. The stripes on her face are optional, and so are her darker gray ear tips. She has a long muzzle and a long tail and long limbs. She has a small build, and she is kind of weak. Her eyes are light green, but they can be gold in the right light.
Eye Color: light green
Markings: round stripes and dashes
Scars?: nope
Height (1-10): 4
Fluffiness (1-10): 8 but not a floofball
Accessories?: nope
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One:
Background (Nothing too complex lol): pale green
Anything Else?: thank you!!
Your BlogClan Name: Frostwillow
Your Character Name: Frostwillow
Detailed Description: A small, fluffy creamy white cat with ice-blue eyes. They are a turkish angora/van (idk which one) and have pale gray and cream markings
Eye Color: ice-blue
Markings: Their markings are like a turkish van’s and are dilute calico colored (gray and cream)
Scars?: No
Height (1-10): 2
Fluffiness (1-10): 9
Accessories?: No
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: They do not look exactly like this but the markings are pretty accurate:×380/quality/90/?
Background (Nothing too complex lol): very pale blue
Anything Else?: No
Your BlogClan Name: Violetfrost
Your Character Name: Violetfrost
Detailed Description: small, sleek light gray she-cat with bright green eyes, a pink nose and a fluffy dark gray tail
Eye Color: bright green
Markings: none
Scars?: no
Height (1-10): 4
Fluffiness (1-10): 1 on the body, 8 on the tail
Accessories?: violet on ear
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: nope :[
Background (Nothing too complex lol): light purple
Anything Else?: thanks!
Your BlogClan Name: Sunflowerpaw
Your Character Name: Sunflowerpaw
Detailed Description: small, dense and soft-furred, pale sandy she-cat with large, greenish-yellow eyes with faint stripes running down her flanks and two black bands running around the tops of her front legs. She has a flat, wide head, short legs, and a relatively long tail with a black tail tip.
Eye Color: Greenish-yellow
Scars?: Nope
Height (1-10): 4
Fluffiness (1-10): 5
Accessories?: Nope
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One:
Background (Nothing too complex lol): Pale blue
Anything Else?: Tysm!
Your BlogClan Name: Dinosaurshadow
Your Character Name: Dinosaurshadow
Detailed Description: Tortiseshell with short, slightly messy fur, green eyes. I’m not fussy about the pelt pattern, as long as it’s got white, ginger and black/dark grey i’m happy.
Eye Color: forest green
Markings: no distinctive ones
Scars?: not really
Height (1-10): 7-8
Fluffiness (1-10): 2
Accessories?: Green collar with bone shaped tag on it
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: i had one but it’s gone somewhere
if you want something at all you can look higher up the page theres something mountainstorm did for me but i don’t want to use it as a ref because i dont have consent
Background (Nothing too complex lol): i dont mind, probably just solid colour would be nice
Anything Else?: Thankyou so much
Your BlogClan Name: Mochapaw
Your Character Name: Mochi
Detailed Description: Your BlogClan Name:
Your Character Name:
Detailed Description: Mochi is an agile, pretty munchkin she-cat with cream-colored fur, light brown splotches, white stripes, and violet eyes. Her left eye is darker violet while her right eye is lighter violet. She also has a long, floofy tail with chocolate-colored spots on it.
Eye Color: Violet (left eye is darker violet while her right eye is lighter violet).
Markings: Light brown splotches, white stripes, and chocolate-colored spots on her tail
Scars?: No
Height (1-10): 8
Fluffiness (1-10): 7
Accessories?: eating candy bar
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: no :/
Background (Nothing too complex lol): cream to chocolate brown
Anything Else?: Could I use this as a ref later on?
Your BlogClan Name: Moonpaw/shade
Your Character Name: Moonshade
Detailed Description: dark tortoiseshell she-cat with a few white dapples, a spotted/dappled pattern, amber eyes, one white paw, a round tail tip, long fur, and beautiful thick fur
Eye Color: amber
Markings: white dapples
Scars?: nope
Height (1-10): 7 ish
Fluffiness (1-10): idc
Accessories?: thorn vine bangle
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: BY DINO!!! 😀
Background (Nothing too complex lol): just pale amber pls
Anything Else?: nope I love ur art tho!!
Your BlogClan Name: Mountainstorm
Your Character Name: Mountainstorm
Detailed Description:
Eye Color: Bright electric blue
Markings: White toes on front right paw, white ears, white tail tip, white flecks on fur.
Scars?: A small on on the left shoulder.
Height (1-10): 6
Fluffiness (1-10): 9
Accessories?: Two feathers behind the ear, please (:
Background (Nothing too complex lol): Whatever’s best for you
Anything Else?: Thank you! ^^
Invincible ref by Marblerose!
Blood red
Scar running town to lower chest
Skull mask (opt)
Ref sheet above!
Dusty lime color
Your BlogClan Name: Icemist
Your Character Name: Icemist
Detailed Description: A silver-white tabby she cat with teal eyes. Her ears are tipped black, & her tail slowly turns from it’s silver-white color to black at the tip. Her markings are black flecks, & a few thin stripes other than the black body stripe across.
Eye Color: teal
Markings: already said in description
Scars?: no
Height (1-10): 5
Fluffiness (1-10): 5
Accessories?: silver & gold bracelets on legs
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: you can look at my pfp
Background (Nothing too complex lol): baby pink turning into a violet
Anything Else?: nope, thanks!
Your BlogClan Name: Icemist
Your Character Name: Icemist
Detailed Description: A silver-white tabby she cat with teal eyes. Her ears are tipped black, & her tail slowly turns from it’s silver-white color to black at the tip. Her markings are black flecks, & a few thin stripes other than the black body stripe across.
Eye Color: teal
Markings: already said in description
Scars?: no
Height (1-10): 5
Fluffiness (1-10): 5
Accessories?: silver & gold bracelets on legs
Ref Sheet/Image if you Have One: you can look at my pfp
Background (Nothing too complex lol): baby pink turning into a violet
Anything Else?: no, thanks!
Blogclan name: Dreampuff
Charecter name: Smokedapple
Detailed description: a super dark grey face that fades throughout body to a white flank with spots and patches of various shades of grey. Short hair
eye color: amber
Markings: none
no scars
Height: 8/10
Fluffiness: 2/10
accessories: silver tail band
bg: dark puprple
anything else: tysm!
Request time
(This is an example. I drew myself, then recolored it because I don’t feel comfortable showing what I actually look like even if it’s a drawing.)
Cat ears, dog ears, wolf ears, etc.*
This drawing isn’t that good tho sorry XD
Name: me irl
Pose: whatever you want 🙂
Expression: smiling
Desc/Ref: dark brown hair that fades to golden at the tips, falls just above waist, dark brown eyes that are basically black, 5’1, tan skin, sort of scrawny and wimpy, dark blue and black glasses
Cat ears, dog ears, wolf ears, etc.* light gray cat ears
Clothing* a red t-shirt (you can put a canadian flag on it or something) and solid black leggings
Other: thanks!
Name* Twilight
Pose: Arms Folded leaning against a Wall :3
Expression* Smirking
Cat ears, dog ears, wolf ears, etc.* Cat ears plz
Clothing* Black Hoodie and Jeans with a Black Dog Collar with a Cross
Other: Can I use this on me and my Freinds YouTube Channel with Credit? Ty!!!!
So what are refs? Are they just basically pictures that someone made of you(in that case would I be allowed to just use pic someone else did for a ref?), or is it anything special?
A ref is a reference for a purr so someone can draw them more accurately 🙂
you usually want to get consent from the artist, and it’s polite to credit them for their art
Ref: by Dinopaw!
Name: Moonpaw/shade
I will use ai to generate your purrsona! Just leave me a detailed description that I will use to generate a picture of your purrsona. It probably won’t accurately generate very detailed purrsonas though. I will do the first three comments
A small, dense and soft-furred, pale sandy she-cat with large, greenish-yellow eyes with faint stripes running down her flanks and black bands running around the tops of her front legs. She has a flat, wide head, short legs, and a relatively long tail with a black tail-tip.
Name: Moonshade
Desc. : dark tortie she-cat with white splotches and amber eyes
A silver-white tabby she cat with teal eyes. Her ears are tipped black, & her tail slowly turns from it’s silver-white color to black at the tip. Her markings are black flecks, & a few thin stripes other than the black body stripe across.
I think we should make a “draw in other BlogClan artists styles” challenge. If you are comfortable with others replicating your style just tell me and I will make the template.
I am!!! ^^
(My style: )
Sounds like a great idea! Here’s some pictures of my style:
That would be cool!
My style:
that’d be cool! here’s an example of my art:
Here’s a pic of my art!
that would be cool! here’s an example of my art:
I made a doodle
Oooh! I love it :> the pose is dynamic and your artstyle never fails to amaze!
Tysm Clowny!
since when is this a doodle
I just threw it together quickly
That’s awesome!!
Tysm Osprey!!!
Very cool!
Tysm Spongy!!
aww what a lovely puppy!!! gorgeous design I love your style
Tysm Darkwing!!
I’m just generally shocked how people can call arts like this “a doodle”. This is honestly so amazing.
Honestly it is quite the shock that well put-together art can be just a doodle even to the artist who drew it. Tysm Slate!!
whatttt this is so cool!! i love the design and the poseeeeee
Thx Swiffer!
That’s so cool!
Ooh cool!