You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated! – cinderspark for someone – eagleshade ref for wolfbite(i think) – updated wintermoon ref for moon
I love your style!
you da best dino
i luv it!!!
tysm dino
Ooh, I love it!! Tysm!
Nice! 😀
you are soooo good!
can you do me?
what would you like me to do for you
Random question, how much money would one of you pay for a custom greeting card, by me, with a full body animal drawing, no background and shaded? I’m thinking of starting up art and card commissions during the spring holidays (after all my assessments are done haha) and I want to gauge prices 😀
Edit: Embix is speeding
I would pay 6 dollars, maybe 10 if it was good.
Can’t pay a penny, sorry 😛
Im saving up for a new computer. The one I have now is a tiiidbit old and slow with no good apps
I would pay what it’s worth!
Probably up to twenty dollars!
hmm i’m not sure maybe 10-15 dollars
i don’t really buy cards so i don’t know prices, but if it was custom than i would assume i’d pay more, so maybe like 10-17ish idk
I would pay like 20-25 dollars If I ahead money, but I do not I am Moneyless.
About 10, I’d say, maybe 15? Greeting cards are often 5 or less over on my side of the universe, and custom would most definitely be more expensive than that. However, there are many factors you need to consider, such as time of year (Valentine’s Day is incredibly popular with high schoolers, especially), audience (are younger kids, older kids, teenagers your audience?), and other factors.
i would say $11, maybe $13
I cant pay you but if I could $10-15!
usually when thinking about commission prices, i think about how long (in terms of hours) it would take me and then think about what would be a fair amount to charge “per hour” of work – kind of like hourly wages! but idk bc i dont often take comms flkasdf
Maybe 5-10 dollars!
What currency would you like us to tell it in? 😀
(If you want it in Australian dollars, then I would probably pay 10-20 Australian dollars. 😀 )
I assume everyone is talking to me in USD, so I’ll convert it all later
Thanks 😀
Maybe 15 euros?
Maybe 15-20 pounds?
What if you could text another Blogclanner or a character?
Well let’s show you what it would look like!
Sign ups below!
Blogclanner/character you are texting:
Battery level:
Text bubble color (Blue or green?):
What they say:
An example of what to put in the ‘what they say’ box would be:
Me: Hi Firestar! What is it like running a clan?
Firestar: it’s a lot of responsibility 😅 totally worth it though!
Me: Ooo fun! OH! I have a quick question for you: when you were an app, what did you want your warrior name to be?
Firestar: I didn’t care, really. But I always thought it would be cool to have my name be Firewhisp, but Fireheart is MUCH better!
Me: <33333
Me: welp, this basically raps up this discussion! Hope to see you soon! Good luck! Don’t choose Spottedleaf!
Firestar: bye! 👋
That would look like:
Have fun!
ah that looks cool
Blogclanner/character you are texting: wait can i put myself (like put dino)
Battery level: 3%
Text bubble color (Blue or green?): blue
What they say:
Me: Hello
Dino: Hi, I’m you from the ✨future✨
Me: Wait what future me bothers to use grammar and emojis
Dino: No not really
Me: Oh good
Blogclanner/character you are texting: Mapleshade
Battery level: 20%?
Text bubble color (Blue or green?): Blue :3
What they say: We discuss Vengeance 😏
Blogclanner/character you are texting: Bumblestripe
Battery level: 100%
Text bubble color: Blue
What they say:
Me: Hi Bumblestripe! I heard about you and Dovewing. Are you okay?
Bumblestripe: ………….NO
Me: Umm…okay. Do you want to talk about it?
Bumblestripe: Well…first answer a question
Me: Okay, what’s the question?
Bumblestripe: Do you ship Tigerstar and Dovewing?
Me: …………..ummm
Me: Yes
Bumblestripe: GOODBYE.
Blogclanner/character you are texting: (this is not warrior cats) Lloyd
Battery level: 19
Text bubble color (Blue or green?): Green
What they say:
LLoyd: Hello.
Are you awake.
Lloyd: Sorry
I need help
Me: WhAt…
Me: Warrior Cats. Now GO TO BED
Lloyd: Geez Fine.
I drew Gray Wing and Turtle tail!
Now time for just Turtle Tail!
Aww cute!
Eagleshade! (for wolfbite)
The 2 side-by-side Eagleshades are nothing alike bcs sadly I don’t have a duplicate image thingy or a flip this image around thingy so yeah.
My thing looks measly compared to Dino’s XD
I hope you like 😀
aw that’s cute :))
what program do you use?
oh same! there is a flip tool, if you duplicate the layer with the first cat on it then go into edit there should be a button that says ‘flip’ if you click that then press ‘flip layer’ it will only flip the layer then you will have it facing the direction you want. You can then press the ‘transform’ tool to move it where ever you want. If there’s anything else on the layer you can just erase it on the second layer
Oh thank you! That is soooo helpful!
that’s super cool!!
Mallow for Marb! Hope you like it 😀
Tysm! I love it!
ok WHAT that is so good ahhhh the shading and the lighting and the grass is really good! you’re a very talented artist 😀
Cedarpaw, your drawing is here:
…You did promise a beluga picture…
Nice! <3
Belugas are very common at this time of year 😛 These all look so amazing that I feel like I might need multiple belugas to pose for zee picture 😀
xD Glad you like it!
that’s really good!! 🙂
Thank you!
Ooh the expression? And the pose? It is absolutely gorgeous!! <3
they’re not very good but whatever
Icemist’s – (just realized you look like a stalker, sorry icemist)
Swift’s – (i can’t draw a determined expression so you ended up looking mad lol)
Osprue’s –
Marb’s –
ok im gonna go sleep for 6 hours
Those are Epic! I love the expressions 😛
Wow I really like mine! Thanks!
WOW thank you!! I love the flufffffff
and dw about the expression, it looks great!!
Tysm! They all look awesome!
These are all very nice 🙂
not very good??? Those are awesome!!
They’re all so beautiful! I think you’re amazing at drawing cats!
Could this be Twilightpaw doing Halloween Requests? Why Yes! Yes it tis!!! I’ll try to get as many done as possible!!
Full Moon or Half?:
Infront of the moon or Below it?:
Eye Color:
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume):
Do you want the characters name on it?:
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?:
Name: Cypressheart
Purrsona/Ref: click my name (drawn by Loudheart!)
Costume: a pumpkin
Full Moon or Half?: full
Infront of the moon or Below it?: in front
Eye Color: aquamarine
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): two golden earring studs in left ear
Do you want the characters name on it?: sure
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: no thanks!
Other: thank you so much!
Name: Timbertail
Costume: Biblical Angel
Full Moon or Half?: Half
Infront of the moon or Below it?:In front
Eye Color:glass blue
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): fawns tied up leg and scars
Do you want the characters name on it?: up to you!
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: any!
Other: tytyty!
Keeko, is that you? :00
Name: Swift
Costume: pumpkin
Full Moon or Half?: full
Infront of the moon or Below it?: below
Eye Color: light green
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): none
Do you want the characters name on it?: no
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: n/a
Other: thanks!
Name: Skypaw/mist
Purrsona/Ref: sleek lilac tabby she-cat with ocean-blue eyes
Costume: night (as in, a fluttering dark blue dress with feature for it to look like a sky, and a little moon amulet and a moon tiara).
Full Moon or Half?: full moon
Infront of the moon or Below it?: In front
Eye Color: ocean blue
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): a trick-or-treat pumpkin-shaped bowl with some candy on it, and maybe a witch broom
Do you want the characters name on it?: only if you want it
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: no, thanks! Maybe a bat or a little black cat (those are cute ^w^)
Other: Thank you so much!
Cheetahflame by Loudeo
A cheetah (I seriously can’t think of anything else)
In front
One green and one blue
feather ear clip
no ty
Name: Icepelt
Purrsona/Ref: I think it’s the link in my name 😛 I might be wrong though so
Costume: Ghost!!!
Full Moon or Half?: full
Infront of the moon or Below it?: below
Eye Color: see ref
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume):
Do you want the characters name on it?: no thanks
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: nope
Other: thank you!!!
Name: Sunflowerseed
Costume: Charlie Brown ghost
Full Moon or Half?: Full
Infront of the moon or Below it?: Below
Eye Color: Yellow-green
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): none
Do you want the characters name on it?: no ty
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following u or something? If so What color?: no thanks
Other: tysm!
Name: Mochapaq
Purrsona/Ref: Munchkin she-cat with cream-colored fur, light brown splotches, white stripes, and chocolate-colored spots on her tail.
Costume: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
Full Moon or Half?: Full moon
In front of the moon or below it?: Below it
Eye Color: Violet
Accessories: Nu
Do you want the characters name on it?: Nu
Do you want a little Among us Guy following u or something?: Nty
Other: yayayayayayyayayyay ty
Name: Icemist
Purrsona/Ref: A silver-white tabby she cat with teal eyes. Her ears are tipped black, & her tail slowly turns from it’s silver-white color to black at the tip. Her markings are black flecks, & a few thin stripes other than the black body stripe across.
Costume: A pumpkin
Full Moon or Half?: Full
Infront of the moon or Below it?: Infront
Eye Color: teal
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): silver bracelets
Do you want the characters name on it?: yes
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: no
Other: thanks!
Name: Cinderspark
Costume: a witch
Full Moon or Half?: full
In front of the moon or below it?: below
Eye Color: amber
Accessories: a necklace with a golden bird charm
Do you want the character’s name on it?: yes
Do you want a little Among Us guy following u or something? If so what color?: red
Other: nothing else, thanks!
Name: Silverdusk
Purrsona/Ref: slightly small, fluffy silver tabby she-cat with black stripes.
Costume: Pumpkin!
Full Moon or Half?: Full pls!
Infront of the moon or Below it?: In front 😀
Eye Color: Blue
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): a moon bracelet around right forepaw
Do you want the characters name on it?: Sure 🙂
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: No thanks!
Other: Can there be one or two bars with yellow eyes flying next to her? Tysm >3333333
Name: Cedarpaw
Costume: can I be in like a horribly designed Hydra costume? With 9 pop up balloon heads please!
Full Moon or Half?: half
Infront of the moon or Below it?: below
Eye Color: blue
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): one blue earring in unflopped ear
Do you want the characters name on it?: maybe in a corner
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: nah
Other: Tysm!
Name: Coldheart
Purrsona/Ref: Silver she-cat with green eyes flecked with gold, a fluffy, plumy tail with a gray-blue tail tip and white ears and white paws flecked with gray blue flecks. (Note: The ears are not flecked.)
Costume: A pumpkin, please!
Full Moon or Half?: Full moon!
Infront of the moon or Below it?: In front!
Eye Color: Green flecked with gold
Accessories(Besides Halloween Costume): Maybe a flower tucked behind the ear? Thanks so much!
Do you want the characters name on it?: No thank you!
Do you want like a little Among us Guy following following u or something? If so What color?: No, thanks!
Other: Thank you!!
:0 we can be pumpkin partners in crime 😛
Pumpkin partners in crime 🕵
I finished Cypresshearts Request!:
Wow!! I’m so excited for mine >:D You are such a talented artist, Twilightpaw!
Ty ^^
I love your style! That is so good! :O
Ty ^^
Could I get a Halloween art from someone?
Ref: by Dino! Also, a silver chain necklace with a moon charm drooped on the tail
With a pumpkin candy bag that she has
In a little purple witch cloak with a hat
A moon charm on the hat pls
I can draw that
If you want me to add those accessories to ur ref I can as well
that would be awesome!
I’ll do it!
Hi! Can someone draw me a pfp? Here’s my description:
A lithe silver-gray tabby she-cat with darker blue-gray and white splashes, green-gray eyes
Sure, I’ll do it!
hheeeeey 🙂 i kinda wanna do halloween headshots if anyone wants any, so here’s the form! idk how long they’ll take, depends on school but ill try to get them all done asap :] here’s the form:
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.):
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy):
eye color:
fur color/patterns:
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): Dinosaur
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): messy
eye color: green
expression: smiling evilly
fur color/patterns: tortoiseshell with white
costume or accessories : devil horns :>
Fur length : very floofy
Eye colour: Greenish blue.
Expression: happy but derpy.
Fur colour: Calico
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm can you do a green witch hat?
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): floofy
eye color: emerald
expression: saying, BOO (mouth open in an O shape, eyes super wide.)
fur color/patterns:
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): purple cloak with a moon charm binding it at the top, witch hat w/ a moon charm pls, and an orange pumpkin treat or treat bag stuffed with candy sitting next to me
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): floofy
eye color: amber
expression: 😛 like that
fur color/patterns: ref by dino!
A cheetah if you can make one, if not, a pirate!
Here’s my ref by Loudheart!
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): pumpkin
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): floofy
eye color: light brown
expression: mischievous
fur color/patterns: light gray with paler chest, belly, paws, tail-tip and ear tufts, and faint tabby markings
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): reese’s peanut butter cup
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): floofy
eye color: violet
expression: like this face: :>
fur color/patterns: cream with light brown splotches, white stripes, and chocolate-colored spots on her tail
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): pumpkin hat, with a green stalk to match her eyes. can it be uneven and only cover one ear?
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): shortish but with lots of floof around her mouth
eye color: jade green
expression: looking up at the pumpkin, with the slightest smile.
fur color/patterns: Ginger tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and belly. please check my profile pic!
can the background be plain white please?
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.):
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): medium
eye color: Fern Green
expression: evil grin
fur color/patterns: Jet Black
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): can I be a zombie?
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): floofy
eye color: blue
expression: wicked grin
fur color/patterns: Ill just give ye a ref- by Loudster
Thank you!
Costumes: Skeleton over wolf! Heres an old drawing if you need a ref:
Expression: Tounge out smiling
Costume/accessories: huge, oversized witch hat
Fur length: short but kinda floofy the tiniest bit
Eye color: green-gray with a hint of blue
Expression: Annoyed/smug or goofy
Fur: silver, gray, white and blue dapples
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): pumpkin :]
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): sleek
eye color: bright green
expression: small smile
fur color/patterns: light gray fur, fluffy dark gray tail
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): lion
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): kinda floofy
eye color: blue
expression: up to you
fur color/patterns: costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.):
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy):
eye color:
fur color/patterns:
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): witch hat
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): extra floofy
eye color: ice blue
expression: neutral
fur color/patterns: white with dilute calico turkish van markings
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): Bat
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): Extra floofy
eye color: Bright electric blue
expression: Happy or smug
fur color/patterns: Solid grey/black with some white flecks, white tufted ears, white toes on front right paw, and white tail tip. She has a small scar on her left shoulder and two feathers behind her ear.
Thank you! ^^
costume or accessories (witch hat, ghost, etc.): witch
fur length (short, floofy, extra floofy): floofy
eye color: lavender
expression: evil smile
fur color/patterns: by Loudeon!