You can send in your own art here or see BlogClan’s entire gallery on Flickr. Or you can just share your own art in the comments on this page.
Our former Flickr gallery can be found here.
If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
For Marblerose:
For Cheetahheart:
Hope you like them and sry they took so long!
Bengi’s Art
BlogClan Name:
Detailed Description/Ref Link:
Headshot, Fullshot or Halfshot(what Cheetahheart had):
If Headshot or Halfshot, tail or not:
Now doing Halloween cats because everyone else is doing them! Just fill out the above form and add what costume your Halloween cat will be!
~ Bengi
BlogClan Name: dino
Detailed Description/Ref Link: tortoiseshell with white patches and green eyes, and green collar with dinosaur bone tag on it
Pose: you choose
Headshot, Fullshot or Halfshot(what Cheetahheart had): halfshot
If Headshot or Halfshot, tail or not: not
Other: thankyououu
Here you go!
If I find a better way to get my drawings on the computer I will post it to you again because my drawings look better in real life then photographed by the computer. Same goes for Marblerose’s and Cheetahheart’s artwork and any other artwork I make!
aw it’s adorable i love it
do you mind if i put in in my ref art page
not at all!
tysm! it looks great!
a very bad colored pencil Sorreltail:
Headshot of meeeee:
Dino your halfshot is coming soon!
those are beautiful
BlogClan Name: Icemist
Detailed Description/Ref Link: A silver-white tabby she cat with teal eyes. Her ears are tipped black, & her tail slowly turns from it’s silver-white color to black at the tip. Her markings are black flecks, & a few thin stripes other than the black body stripe across.
Pose: Standing
Headshot, Fullshot or Halfshot(what Cheetahheart had): Full shot
If Headshot or Halfshot, tail or not:
Other: thanks
BlogClan Name: Timbertail
Detailed Description/Ref Link:
Pose: Anything!
Headshot, Fullshot or Halfshot(what Cheetahheart had): Headshot
If Headshot or Halfshot, tail or not: Sure 🙂
Other: Thank youuu <3
I haven’t drawn cats and dogs in a while so it’s bad…but I drew it because I liked that the Erins finally made a dog NICE for once in Warriors.
Anyways, here’s Bug and Bunny from Pebbleshine’s Kits!
adorable! <33
very cute!
This is cute!
Loudheart, could you please pop me your ref? The one included in your Halloween request comment isn’t working. Thanks in advance!
Oh no! Here try this one:
It works! ^^ Thanks again 😀
So, I was trying a new drawing style and I need an honest opinion. Ill compare my new art with my most recent (old) art.
New Style–
Old style–
Also, here is some art from about a year? ago
wow your art has improved so much since last year :))
Hmmm. I like the old one a lot, but their both very nice so idk 😛
Your art’s improved a lot!!
ooo the improvement!!
hello I made art
I was bored in Indigenous Studies so I just drew something. it’s of my OC Ace, and I had to make the mousepad wiggleyness work, so we’re just looking at this like ‘cracks in reality’, okay? 😛
certainly not my best piece but it’s- it’s something 😛
it’s actually pretty good
Very nice!
oh it actually looks a lot more yellow than it did on the chromebook
Nice art!
Last of the headshot requests! Here they are!
AND I realize that I totally got Dino’s black an white colors mixed up so here is a fixed version of theirs-
haha thanks, those requests all look amazing :))
do you mind if i put my request in this ref page i’m making for myself
Ofc you can!
Ooh it’s amazing, ty! <3
The purrson who get’s a beluga is…..
Here is your beluga.
omg i love my beluga thankyououo
The caring form for Dino’s beluga I forgot to give them.
Name: Professor Lumpo
Food: Corn-on-the-cob and candy corn
Dailys: He has to be walked 5 times a day and fed 217 times a day. His tank must be cleaned every 2 weeks and don’t forget to give him clean sanitized drinking water for drinking
Thank you and have a nice day!
Or else
i will look after professor lumpo forever i love him even if it means i will be broke and exhausted
and he will go on my this ref page i’m making you will see eventually
Oh yes, He loves to be social too, don’t worry ^^
it says the connection isn’t private
oh that’s weird
I think that’s just your internet? Are you on school wifi?
Actually I have the same problem I submitted some art a while ago and it hasn’t shown up yet do you know when it might or if something happened
Arts 🙂
Moosetuft for Modjo
Peachfrost for Marb
Larksong and Sorreltail for the CreatorClan challenge
My OC Petalstar
Very nice arts
Ooohhh very nice!
I now feel like forcing you to draw me.
Awesome art!
(you should totally draw me here is a ref sheet just in case >:) <——-
ty <3
ahhh its her! fluffy medicine girl! she looks so beautiful i love it with all my heart!
and all your art is so beautiful!
Thanks, Osprey! 🙂
Because I kind of need work examples if I am to start commissions, time to take some requests 🙂
Also, sorry to everyone who’s requests I didn’t do last time! I lost motivation for them, and also, half of them would’ve been in a different art style haha
Options: Reference sheet
Nicely rendered full body with background
Pet Portrait
Greeting Card
I’ll try and do 1 of each, so if everyone chooses nicely rendered full body with background, then I’ll only do one, sorry! So, if you see something no one else has chosen, do that as your format!
Form for everything except custom 🙂
Character name:
Which option from above do you want your piece to be?:
Character detailed appearance/photo/ref sheet:
Pose (N/A to Ref Sheets, they’ll just be in a generic pose that suits their expression):
If a greeting card, what do you want it to say on it?:
Background/Background colour (I won’t do any complex backgrounds apart from Fullbody with background pieces, and maybe greeting cards!):
Any accessories?:
What information do you want on the ref sheet? (For refs only):
Shading? If so, what colour/intensity? (N/A for ref sheets):
Anything else?:
Custom Form
Colour Palette:
Anything you want me to base the design off? (Scene, animal, plant, food, etc. etc)
Anything else?:
(You don’t have to answer all the questions for the custom! You can give me as many or as few details as you want!)
Character name: dinosaurpaw
Which option from above do you want your piece to be?: Fullbody
Character detailed appearance/photo/ref sheet:
Expression: confused
You can use it as a work example and you don’t need to credit me
Character name: Dusk
Which option from above do you want your piece to be?: reference sheet
Character detailed appearance/photo/ref sheet:
Expression: smug grin
Background/Background colour (I won’t do any complex backgrounds apart from Fullbody with background pieces, and maybe greeting cards!): navy blue
Any accessories?: electric blue and black collar
What information do you want on the ref sheet? (For refs only):
arrogant, rude, smug, mean, sarcastic
larger than average, muscular
had a bad childhood
Anything else?: tysm!
oh and I’m okay with it as a work example
Character name: Cypressheart
Which option from above do you want your piece to be?: Greeting Card
Character detailed appearance/photo/ref sheet: click my name (drawn by Loudheart!)
Expression: sleepy
Pose (N/A to Ref Sheets, they’ll just be in a generic pose that suits their expression): loafing
If a greeting card, what do you want it to say on it?: x
Background/Baf thckground colour (I won’t do any complex backgrounds apart from Fullbody with background pieces, and maybe greeting cards!): just light aquamarine with a white border of squiggles
Any accessories?: no thank you!
What information do you want on the ref sheet? (For refs only): x
Shading? If so, what colour/intensity? (N/A for ref sheets): sure, and is it ok if you make the shading the one where you do the opposite of the color wheel, but it can be light intensity
Anything else?: thank you so much! also, you can definitely use this as a work example
Name: Flakepatch
Option?: Fullbody w/ background
Refrence: (made by Ripplepaw)
Expression: serious
Pose: sitting
Background: he’s sitting on a rock that has a bush on right of drawing and rock wall on left
Accessories: N/A
Anything else?: Thx and I give permission.
Also, regarding the requests I posted, you must give me permission to use the art as a work example. Credits for characters can go to you if you wish, so if you requested, please reply to this comment with your permission, and whether or not you’d like to be credited 🙂
I, Swiftpaw/feather, hereby give Ospreysplash permission to use my request as a commission example with credit. Signed, Swift
(me trying to be fancy and failing :P)