BlogClan Tavern, The Seventh Wonder of the World

We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!

This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!

I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.

You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]


  • I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to proud of drawing that bi flag yesterday
    Every time I think of it I smile and imagine a confused employee looking at the different blue, pink and purple colour swatches and then a little flag doodle

  • I love it when I get comments on my Instagram posts but I love it even more when my crush comments on my posts

  • I wonder, when comments are modded does it take a little while for the blog to like…… reload itself and update with new comments ? Because comments tend to come in bundles when they are modded

        • I haven’t been on sims in a full 12 hours or so πŸ˜€ I’ll try to do something productive today, like actually start my summer homework, but chances are I won’t.

            • I took a shower! that’s productive! I’m currently eating McDonald’s too so that’s good πŸ˜‰

              • Cheeto I’m worried that you are trying to be productive for once and you say that showering is productive

                when did you last shower cheetah

                are you ok πŸ˜›

                that sounds good ,i hardly ever eat fast food rippp

                • it’s been… a few days πŸ˜› and basically my whole diet is fast food and microwavable food

                • I feel like I should post a reminder on blogclan everyday asking cheetah to eat healthy food and shower.

                  should I do this

                  do I need to do this

                  also cheetah in three weeks I will be in Canadian time so we can chat more often and easier on blogclan !!!!!!!!!!

                • In three weeks I’ll be in school though πŸ˜› But I’ll make time!!!

                • oooof at least it means im slightly closer to your time zone πŸ˜› I’ve only had two weeks of summer so far rippp
                  at least I think its two

                  what are you up to for the rest of the holidays cheetah ?

                • Literally nothing. And two weeks! But! It’s July! That’s a crime. How many more weeks do you have?

                • oooof we break up earlyish / idk really when July so yeah

                  I have ummmm
                  3 weeks until Canada

                  something like 2 weeks in Canada

                  sometime after Canada idk maybe a week

                  6 weeks ish ??
                  I think so anyway
                  how long are your holidays cheetah ???

                • uhh well we got out in late may and we go back like august 14th or something? I don’t like to think about school and when we go back though during summer because then it makes me feel very angry and sad – school is a bad word in my household :ccc

                • It makes me so sad that some people get out in June or July?? Like those are the summer months, you should be out of school

    • the phrase β€œcomments tend to come in bundles” makes me very, very upset and I don’t know why
      probably β€œbundles”
      comment bundles
      that phrase makes me so uncomfortable
      please help

  • In my musical that’s coming up (β€œA Pirate’s Life For Me: A Swashbuckling Musical Comedy”), one of the main characters, Long John Sliver, the actor literally looks like Hugh Jackman, I swear πŸ˜› It’s pretty cool and he’s an awesome actor and the best pirate on stage. Also I’m his adopted daughter now πŸ˜› (yes he adopted me lol) He and his wife were originally going to adopt from China when his wife was having miscarriages (I think) 😧 They now have a daughter and a son but he adopted me so that he would have an adopted child from China after all. Plus he’d be another one of my honorary fathers (cause my dad died when I was 2 and I have no memory of him).

    So yeah πŸ˜› I love him, he’s great ^^ Hugh Jackman is in the house y’all! XD (the actual actor Hugh Jackman adopted kids too πŸ˜€)

  • Hello, BlogClan. I’m am sad to report I will be leaving BlogClan. I will stay on for today, but after that, I’m leaving. I will come back a couple of times, to see everyone, but I need to deal with life. I am going in 8th grade in 2 weeks, so I will be to busy to come on. I want to ask my bff clo, if she will take over my Fan fic, because I love my fan fic, and I know if I leave it to clo, it will be even better. I love all of you. Good byeπŸ™‚

  • Honestly I am so excited to go to Canada and like… more excited than usual πŸ˜›
    I’m also looking forward to being in a similar time zone to mods ooof

    • I’ve always wanted to go to Canada

      Play some hockey

      Hunt some moose

      Do some other stereotypically Canadian things

      • oh.. oh dear cheetah I think those are so nice stereotypes you got there

        please stereotype the uk ( well England actually rip ) now I want to see this

        • tea and crumpets

          saying the loo instead of toilet (which is more of a fact than a stereotype but I find it hilarious either way)


          idk whenever I think of England I think of Big Ben and just really really strong British accents

          hey maple what are your American stereotypes

          • I don’t like tea or crumpets Cheeto am I a true English πŸ˜› ?

            H*CK I say loo or toilet ahhhhhhhhhh ok that is fact people do say I need to go to the loo but tbh people are starting to say toilet

            I …. I don’t know how strong my accent is….

            do you read my comments with an English accent πŸ˜›

            • I actually don’t automatically but if I think about it I’ll do it on purpose because my brain is hardwired to read everything in an American accent πŸ˜› maple do you read everyone’s comments with a British accent since your brain is hardwired in British

              • Oh yeah cheetah every single comment sounds british in my mind but I have ben told you have a super super super strong texas accent by spidey πŸ˜› I think it was you spidey said anyway

                someone had a strong texas accent I swear πŸ˜›

                • so I’m … British in your head
                  I love that πŸ˜›

                  everything I read sounds monotone (but how it’s said depends on the punctuation and emojis ((oh and I also pronounce emojis in my head like β€œeah” β€œhm” wuh”))) without any accents or anything it doesn’t even have a gender please help
                  oh and also the tone of things totally depend on pfp and gender and punctuation and emojis

                • oh trust me, cheet has a stronger texas accent than i do, and i live there ;))

      • I went to Canada and you basically get maple syrup taffy, ride in the carriage thing that goes over the hotel, see some aggressive geese, and eat crepes

    • I hope you have a great time! πŸ˜›

    • ooh I love canada, I went like two years ago to Banff and I’ve been to Toronto, Quebec and Montreal too πŸ˜€ Have fun!

  • I just randomly remembered how when we were writing cards for the teachers at the end of our drama production and the teachers walked past, someone screamed act natural

    and our act natural was turning up dancing queen to full volume and screaming the words

    the teachers walked past and didn’t question it

    is anyone at my school ok

  • I can’t decide whether to stay in a roleplay group on deviantart or not like…I enjoy it but at the same time I’m wayyyyyyyyyy too awkward ooooof and not massively into my characters plot at the moment
    I might give it a month or so and kill them off, because I have planned out ways for both my characters to die

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