We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
i saw spiderman far from home today without watching endgame first and i will continue my streak of not watching endgame.
I mean it’s pointless now… you know what happens >:(
I’m at my book’s resolution. The one with Saga Amarbir the white lioness, not my fanfic. I don’t know what to make happen next. The resolution is so hard. Why is it so hard??
YOUR TRUSTY WRITING ASSISTANT HAS HEARD YOU! What is the conflict in your book?
rest in spaghetti never forgetti
Has anyone seen Rosesong around recently?
I think she left the blog ☹️
Wait what?! I think Rosefur left the blog, but Rosesong too?!
She went sorta inactive around the same time actually 🤔 what a coincidence
but yeah I need her pokémon memes my soul has died without them 😛
Noooooo Rose 😭
haven’t seen her around recently 🙁 hope she is still around 🙂
Unfortunately, dear Rose left the blog almost a month ago for personal reasons. Well miss her
Clarification for those in the replies: Rosefur, a mod and the head of TSGN, left the blog for personal reasons recently. Rosesong, a warrior of BlogClan, hasn’t been seen on the blog in about a month but hasn’t officially left.
I woke up, went to six flags for 4 hours, then went to piano class for 2 hours, then went to tennis class for an hour, then went grocery shopping……. today was a long day 😛
Wow 😛 Sounds fun! You’ll sure sleep well tonight!
woof 😛
At least you have stuff to do 😛 And I love Six Flags (when you’re not waiting in lines all the time)! 😉
My gravatars across my six years on here 😛
wow kat what a gallery 😛
. . . Wow Kat that’s a lot 😛
nice 😛
is a lot
’tis 😛
ah, beautiful 😛 here are all of mine in less than two years of being here:
i saw chess again today and this time it almost made me cry, but i didn’t :’)
My buns, my buns, my lovely cheeseburger buns 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔
……..*reaches tentatively* Can I have a burger? :O :O :O
well it’s that time again
back to school shopping
according to this year’s list, I need six blue pens. I did not know that high schoolers relied so heavily on blue pens 😛
I don’t think I’ve ever used a blue pen in the history of high school
Granted, I am homeschooled and wear pajamas to school, so what do I know?
Sameeee here Icy! But I’ll have to go to actual school in high school 😕
OMSC ICY, SAME, SAME, SAME!!!! I didn’t know anyone else here was like me!!! :O :O :O :O
Haha, several of us are 😛
blue pens are great
I’m with Icy. Pens are useless. I think I had one throughout all of ninth grade and barely even needed it 😛 and I haven’t even looked at what I need for this coming year, because thinking of school during the summer bums me out (and makes me very unprepared for the coming school year!)
I personally like pens more than pencils (even though I’m left handed and using pens smears ink everywhere 😛 )
Huh 😛
My list doesn’t need any pens except for two red ones for proof reading 😛
That’s crazy, that’s a lot of pens – – the only thing I can imagine is if you need to draw a waterfall in pen 😛
Even though I’m home-schooled, I still really enjoy back to school shopping – so much fun stuff! 😛
sometimes teachers ask for red pens to grade other student’s work, but blue pens seem pretty useless 😛
I just realized that a lot of my classmates like it when I’m the scriptwriter for mini-plays for my school. Despite the fact that almost always someone dies when I do. I’m not sure what to think of that
Take advantage of your power? 😛
Hi friends.
It’s Owlpatch. Now Dusky. <:
I'm sorry I keep changing my name a lot. I can't find a good name.
I'll try not to change it as often now, but no promises 😛
welcome to the shine club
not a official thing but um..
hello 😀
Hello! Welcome back!! 😀 😀 😀 I’m Pebble!
Hello Dusky 🙂
Hello! 🙂
I made my cats insta but idk if I’m allowed to share it. But ya if I follow you somehow yiu know who it is
Cheetah has taken over recent purrs. Btw my computer legit just ran out of battery and died.
At this point I hate taking over recent purrs 😛 It makes me feel strangely guilty.
moddo powers 😛 btw cheetah have you seen my apprentice. I havent seen them for a while
They last commented less than a week ago! And I believe they’re most active on secret pages/roleplays 😀
oof 😛
I’m going to attempt crocheting tomorrow, and if I make it through the ordeal I’ll try to show you whatever monstrosity of a creation I end up making 😛
good luck cheetah
I’ll need it 😉
good luck cheety 😛 😉
Ooh fun!!! Good luck and enjoy it! 😛
*shouts* Good luck Cheetah!!!
I had a hypothesis that italic and shouting it would make the good luck stronger 😛
idk if it’s true 😛 So you’ll have to report back 😛
Yes, it felt very strong 😉
Good luck! 😀
My mom does crochet! It’s simple once you get the hang of it. Good luck!
Good Luck!
Free the house elves Cheeto 😛 😉
I shall begin the BlogClan branch of S.P.E.W. 😉
I shall join! 😛
Show that yarn and those needles who’s in charge, Cheetah 😉
*insert good luck comment here* (i searched it up and it looks really cool!)
Have fun!