We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
So I just saw Shrek and it was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. What’s all the hype about?
There was way too much toilet humor, the animation may have been good in 2002, but now it’s terrible, most of the humor misses, it’s pretty boring, and the main characters. Oh boy. Shrek is boring and just complains, Donkey is really annoying, Fiona got a bit whiny at times, and Farquad doesn’t appear enough to really effect anything.
I know lots of people love this movie, but when it comes to Twisted fairytale movies, I’ll gladly go with Hoodwinked, thank you very much. Hoodwinked had bad animation too, but it had it’s own charm in it, the writing was great, the humor was well executed, and the characters were very colorful.
but dONKEH
what are you doing in my swamp???
aRe wE tHeRe yEt?
That is a nice boulder
Ok, that line was funny. I’ll admit that.
He’s annoying and won’t be quiet
That’s the point 😛
And it’s not funny. It’s just annoying.
ngl shrek is a good film (honestly better than the animated crap nowadays)
Don’t make me laugh 😛
somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me
*screehes in distaste*
Well excuse me Dappy 😛
I’ve never seen Shrek before 😛
You’re making me want to watch Hoodwinked again.
Good 😛
bro shrek is an icon of a generation
Well I’m not part of that generation, and Shrek’s years older than me.
gee whiz
Most of us grew up watching Shrek 😛 I can understand why you may not like it, but for most of us it’s like, childhood memories 😛
Me: *viciously making characters for people’s fics*
Me: *checks battery*
My laptop: *is at 40%*
Me: okay, I’ll plug it in when it gets to 30% because it’s stupid and thinks it’s fun to die at 20%
tWo MiNuTeS lAtEr
My laptop: *is at 39%*
My laptop: wow, what a great time to die
My laptop: *dies*
ugh I’m on my phone now and waiting for it to load and I just hope it keeps my tabs open when it loads so I don’t have to rewrite the five forms I did
Lol XD
oof 😛
A raccoon just moved into our yard….
ok 😛
whats her raccoon warrior name? 😛
how i feel when i look up something medical because i just have a stuffy nose
[Mod edit: got a shorter link :)]
New movie trailer!!! The link is super long, but whatever 😛
cool 😛
Thanks for finding something shorter mods, lol 😛
There’s another trailer for Abominable? 😮
Hi Dappy! Do you have any advice of how to get out of writer’s block again?
not dappy, but hi 😛
Hi! 😛
Not Dappy, but when I have writers block I write something completely different. You don’t have to post it, you don’t have to show anyone but just write something completely new, and don’t stress whether it is good or not
I might be able to help but I’ve never put it into practice before 😛 Maybe try to imagine what you want to happen(maybe a bit more dramatically) and then it might motivate you to want to share it with other people so you’ll force yourself to write what you’re seeing in your head 😛
Ice has taken over recent purrs!!
Good morning! The team we were cheering for won! I’m going to breakfast now
ooh 😀
Wonderful!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Have a good breakfast!!
Yay! Congrats 😀
I think I’m maturing
A romantic scene came on the TV and for once I didn’t throw the blanket over my head, internally screaming 😛
yes frosto
That’s what I’m starting to do more lol
Did that the other night during A Star is Born 😛
Spongebob: “Imagination”
Me: “Yaaass, Spongebob Imagination meme!!!!!”
How d’you like my new siggie?
Nice! 😀
like it 😛
It’s funny! 😀
A reference :O
Hello everyone ! How has your day been ?
Good so far! Saw the new trailer for Abominable!
good thanks for asking what about you? 😀
My day has been good so far! I haven’t done anything so far, but I’m going to a pool party later! 😀 How has your day been?
Hello Maple! I’m good! How are you doing?
Good, I’ve been sorting through stuff and just having a general clean-out! How’s yours been?
TestingYesssss wwwoooorrrkkkedddd