We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
Good morning! Update on the Tyler and Jenna thing, apparently the account on Instagram that leaked their address got taken down, so hopefully we won’t see anything more about it. However if you still come across anything surrounded to this, please report it!
Anyway I won’t be on a whole lot today since I’m going to a meeting and going to my friend Cherryblushs house so have a gud day yall
Have fun!
When’s the August Gathering? Or am I too late? 😛
There isn’t one planned. 🙂
not related, but hi 😛
Come and join my roleplay Planes of Arisma !! Its filled with challenges, puzzles, evil demons and mystery ! More info is on the roleplay discussion page !!
cool 😀
Blue, dooooo it!!!!
It’s barely started and you make it sound like it’s halfway through 😛
so if my math is right I’ve officially been here for 4 years. I’m not sure what to say and honestly I’m very tired so everything I say will probably be incoherent but I love you all <3
happy clanniversary birch! <3
thanks bella 🙂 <3 <3
AHHHH BIRCHYYYYY YAYYYY Happy clanniversary !!! Ily <3
thanks map!! ily too 🙂 <3
Is this your claniversary?
I believe so but I could be off by a couple days – my first comment was on the old blog so i don’t really know if i can find it
We love you too, Birchy!! <3 Congrats!! 😀 😀 😀 I hope you stay for many more years!! <3 <3 <3
thanks pebble 🙂 <3
happy clanniversary FOOTY!!!!!!!
thanks asp dear <3 <3
Love you too Birchy ❤️ Congrats for living on Blogclan for 4 years
thanks Pine 🙂 <3 <3
happy clanniversary, birchy! we love you and are so lucky you’re on the blog <3
thanks cheetah!! <3 ily too 😀
Ahhhhh happy Clanniversary, Birchy!!! 😀 you’re so kind and awesome and just amazing 😛 <3
Frostooo thank you <3 that's so sweet!! 😀
You’re one of my best friends and I’m so glad I met you. I love you so, so much and you’re literally one of the best people I’ve ever met. You’re such a bright light in all our lives and I’m sorry I can’t put into words how much you mean to all of us. ❤️
Goldi love I actually might cry? This is so sweet <3 I love you too so so much <3 <3 I'm glad we become friends 😀
Any mods around ?
Hmm, I don’t see any 😉
Y’ello Viper 😛
Yello, Pebblo! 😛
Ohhhh I like that! Pebblo 😀
😛 How are you viper ?
Pretty well! How bout you? 😛
Yeah, me either. Where are they???
No idea 😛
Those lazy mods
Hiya Goldi 😛
What’s up? 😀
Not much 😛
Heyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Goldi 😀
not a mod, but hi 😛
whats a mod
*shrugs* will this mystery ever be solved?
Maybe a ……… Whatchamacallit?????
I want to say architect but it’s not… The…….. Word!!!
A mod is a mood
hmmmm,,,gotcha gotcha
have my comments been eaten by the spam monster or are they not allowed (I would understand why)
Hi there, Doe 🙂 Your comment about the party wasn’t appropriate for the blog, so that’s why it hasn’t been modded ^^ Otherwise, I believe the rest of your comments have been modded.
Ok I’m really sorry I didn’t know it was against the rules I’ll not do it again now I am aware. what was the particular thing that was the offensive thing to I know for next time?
Mostly because it was about drinking ^^ Lots of minors come to the blog, so we’d rather err on the side of caution instead of letting something through and possibly making someone else who is underage think that drinking is okay for them (except it’s not because they’re underage 😛 )
Very random and unrelated, but I also have an OC named Glowheart. 😛
cool 😛
Want to hear the animals in my neighborhood? No? Too bad.
Fox- saw him myself.
Coyotes- bff saw them(3)
Otters -(all proof)
A variety of birds
Snapping, and other turtles
Tiny, tiny possibility of bear! Saw prints!!!!!
In my neighborhood, we have otters that make chirping noises and eat carp and leave them on the shore, carp, fish (not anymore though rip), ducks, turtles, bobcats, and Egyptian geese. 😛
Bobcats….. I have a weird obsession to see a puma, bear, and a bobcat up close😛
Heyyy what’s everyone up to on this fine morning/day/afternoon/night/whatever it is for you?? 😀
nothing much what about you? 🙂
Ah, not a lot, I spent a few hours on the patio in the hot sun reading a book, tried and failed to work on my requests, somehow messed up a pot of popcorn (there are now popcorn kernels all over the stove and the bag is a little bit melted oops) 😛
I went to a pool party, which was fun! How about you? 😀
ooo that sounds fun! 😀 Like I said up there, I read a book in the hot sun for a few hours, attempted to draw, and failed drastically at popcorn-ing 😛
Hi I’m soo bored
Chapter 3 of Misfits is out, honest critique would be awesome !
I can help with that! 😉 I’ll go check it out!
Ooh I’ll go check it out
(hopefully 😛 )
Your writing is too good – I’d never be able to critique it 😉
I was able to critique it 😉
I must go to the fanfic page at once and see what wonderful advice you’ve given her 😉
You’ll have to find the prologue, then 😛 That’s what I critiqued!
No wonder I couldn’t find it 😛
It is deep in the fanfic page’s history 😛 Though I could probably find a link fairly quickly
By the way I most likely will be online in between 2~3 USA time (I just changed my nz time to USA time 😉 )
cool 🙂
Great! 😀
Great 👍
Why have I spent the last three hours playing Crossy Road instead of doing something useful 😛
oof 😛
It’s good to have fun! 😀
Why have I spent a full half hour looking at memes when I could be doing something useful and other than trying my best to find appropriate ones? 😛
I wish I could do that. I have so much ADHD I can’t even do fun things for long periods of time 😛