We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
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Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Woah, I think I’ve become a mod! 😛
Yeet as many likes onto this comment as possible
challenge accepted
I wonder if there’s a limit to how many likes a comment can get 😛 I guess we’ll have to see!
no >:((((
*screeching through gritted teeth* NARUTO RUN NARUTO RUN TO AREA 51 TOO FAST
I found out I’d been pronouncing “Naruto” wrong my whole life recently and I still can’t believe it
Help I need to decide whether I want:
A 3DS so I can finally play Pokémon games 😛
If you get a phone you’ll be spammed with so many groupchat messages it’s unbelievable 😛
sometimes 40+ about morbid topics such as our future children destroying the worldHello! How has your day! Honeypaw went to my house for a while and that was fun! Honeypaws on the blog and just came back from her trip!
nothing much happened today 😛
Same Bluebell. I just got finished edited stuff on the Blog wiki (mostly coding my user page) for like, an hour 😛
Snowy is back!
Snowy! Hiiii 😀
yesterday i spent a few hours with a friend looking at our old minecraft worlds that we made together. by old i mean 3-6 years old. we were in stitches laughing at some of the dumb stuff we made and how we thought it was cool.
😛 my friend and I are building Camelot. She’s building the castle and I’m building the villages
Hello why I’m I up at nine PM
because you are? 😛
Go to sleep, Moon! (Even though sometimes I’m up at 1:00 am, but that’s usually because of Spring Festival)
technically, the average person has less than two arms
wait i thought we had five? :0
oh yeah, guess i forgot to take the other three i collected in the basement into account
Thank you for understanding, most people don’t get why I have 1 23/24 arms
just doing my job :))
hey guys! If y’all didn’t know I’m in China and getting onto the blog is a pain, I probably won’t be on the blog much until the start of September. Just so y’all know I’m not dead 😛
Have a good rest of your summer!
You too, Rainie! <3 Have fun in China 😀
Oooo have fun! >3 (I should really go to sleep XD)
you too rainie have fun ❤️
Have fun Rainie! 😀
Finally there’s someone who understands me! It always take 10 minutes for me to log in. Have fun! And if you’re going to Beijing remember that the Ti’anmen Square can get very crowded, so, better go there a bit early. And don’t worry about communicating, ’cause many Chinese can speak English. If you want to buy souvenirs, the airport is not a good place to do that, ’cause the souvenirs are very expensive. And if you are ever going to Hangzhou, you really should taste the food there, it’s delicious! Just some tips. (Of course we know that you aren’t died!)
Why is my comment italicized? I thought I only italicized 10 minutes?
You didn’t close the italics, which means that you have to put </i> at the end of the part you want italicized 🙂 Hope that helped!
You didn’t close the coding (by putting a slash within the last code box-thingy… excuse me I have no idea how do put this into words) 😛 I closed it for you!
I was faster than the speedy mod
it takes me a long time to type okay :ccc
well I had to use some fancy coding so that’s no excuse
it was one minute apart
so I was one minute earlier than you and therefore one minute speedier than you
don’t forget I have more power than you
I can edit all your comments to say “cheetah is the speediest”
but it’s probably not allowedwho’s gonna know not me:0[cheetah edit: this comment is blasphemous towards the higher power that is the caketatorship therefore it has been removed]
excuse you cheeto that had nothing against the cake dictatorship
I remain speedier than youI am a part of the leadership of the caketatorship and therefore saying something blasphemous against me is blasphemous against kate as well
absolutely ridonculous
I refuse to follow such devilish policy
then you shall be punished for your treason
will I be shut in the virtual dungeon
you’re already there, my friend
it’s ok, I’ve got cookies to comfort me 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
what is bolt
A movie of a dog who was an actor. He thought it was all real. One day on the set, his owner, the main actress was taken away. He still thought it was real and escaped to rescue her. He went a long way to find her. When he returned he was on the set and he saw a dog just like him with his owner and he felt replaced. And that’s all I remember. And this is one of the Bolt movies. Is this the one you were referring to?
Wait, there’s multiple Bolt movies? :O
Have fun in China
have fun in China!!!
Have fun in China Rainie! 😀 💕
aww i’ll miss you! have fun <3
Have fun!!!! We’ll miss you <3
My friends house was fun 🙂 we played with my friends baby toys XD
oof 😛
Why I’m I up at 11 PM now playing Minecraft. Speaking of that game a bunch of Pillagers just raided my house and tried to kill me. WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU PILLAGERS HUH?!?!? 😛
reattack 🙂
ooforoni 😛
Idk but that’s funny:)😄
Oof 😛
No worries! Me and my boyfriend played Minecraft at 11pm yesterday too! But we just kept killing each other and I always loose. 😀
I’m always on creative
heya shadey ^0^
can’t seem to find the secret page we were chatting on.
rip ಥ⌣ಥ
or you could remind me its name? because I totally forgot the name. is it like thanks-tumblr.jpg or something?
not shadey, but oof