We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
It’s midnight yeet!
it’s 10:50 pm for me 😛
Navy get some sleep 😛
I just got two clips that have a blue finch on them that go on ribbons or curtains and I’m very pleased 😛
That sounds really cool 😛
So I have a problem
The fifth tavern was swapped for the sixth in late May. But, when I look at it, the last comments are from October??? I distinctly remember a tavern whose last comments were in May, but I can’t seem to find one anywhere.
H e l p
That’s weird 🙁
Hey sorry for not being here it’s band camp time again aka 13 hour days (today is 15 actually) and it’s fun but I just may have sprained my freaking ankle and we have a parent performance tomorrow woohoo
Colorguard is super fun though and aside from this one toss I think I’m doing pretty well and learning fast! Tosses are my weak spot but we have four so far (which is a lot it’s a minute and a half so far) and I basically have all of them except for that one toss which is farther and faster that last year so that’s great!!
Oh no, I hope your ankle feels better soon! ❤️ also I’m glad to hear that cologuard is going so well! 😀
That sounds super fun Wavey! Stay off your ankle, and ice it every night if it swells 🙂 Good luck on your performance!
On my way back from our first soccer game of the season against the one team our team has never once defeated. We lost, like, 10-0 😛 It’s a pretty bad score, but lots of us did really good stuff individually! I did a good job of using my body to block the other team and throw into the other team to buy time for my teammates. It resulted in what will soon become a lot of bruises 😛 and idk if I’ve ever told you about this one girl on that team who has a reputation of always throwing very illegal elbows, grabs, etc and once drew a cat face on her face in one game, but we’ve made it our goal to defeat her in a vicious brawl for the ball and I was on defense and she was on offense on the same side and we brawled aND I DEFEATED HER WOOO
And also at one point Birchpaw kicked a ball up away from the goal in the direction of my face and it registered that I should dodge but my reflexes aren’t that fast and I got hit in the side of the face 😛 I hope I get a cool bruise
I’m hoping we can kick their butts soon enough 😛
oof hope you feel better soon 🙂 you guys did your best 😀
You’ll kick their butts next time 😉
(jk i love my dad <3 )
My dad would never listen to meme-y songs like that he listens to other kinds of music (that is not Old Town Road)
Oh no 😛
Just a quick notice, I’ll be pretty inactive Friday – sunday, since I’m going to a convention. 🙂
Have fun at your convention! We’ll be here when you get back 😀
Will do 😄 ! I’ve made a bunch of gifts for the occasion, if I build up the courage to give them to people 😛
Oh it’ll be fine! I’m sure they’ll be grateful that you even thought of them and giving gifts
because I would definitely forgethave fun 😄
Ok 🙂 Have fun! We’ll miss you <33
Have fun! 😀
Have fun Cedar! 😀 You’ll have to let us know how it goes! ❤️ also, what is the convention for? 🙂
My religion has annual conventions (each with a theme, this year is Love) and thousands of people go to each one. This year there are some international conventions where people from all over the world go and (basically) hang out together. Sadly mine isn’t one of them, but I’ll get to see my friends from other areas! 🙂
Have fun!
i’m excited for school to start, but not at the same time
I’m very much not 😛
I’ve still got a month left of holiday, we can swap
yes pleaseee
all i’m excited about is the fact that i got a new backpack 😛
Fun! 😀 I would be to!
I’m 100% excited, I’m tired of summer tbh 😛
I’m 100001811019201% stressed and very not excited 😛
New sig. I don’t know how to spell Ms Kisha. Is it Kisha? Keisha? Keshia? Well never know.
depends on the kisha (??) 😛
The world may never know.
I’m testing italics for the first time 😉
hi friends
Hey, Dusky! For italics, you’ve got one of the tags right. It has to look like this: [em]wordswordswords[/em] but replace the brackets with the greater/lesser signs. 🙂
what viper said 😄
does anybody know how to do italic text on here?
i have no idea i am not codey person on here sorry 😛
[em]text[/em], with greater than/less than signs instead of []
and you get italics
(em) This is how (/em)
Except change the parenthesis to plus/equal signs.
Also do the same thing but put b in there for bold text, put the word code in there for
red code-y text
, and put in strike forstrike-throughed textHope this helped! 🙂
Waitwaitwait not plus/equal signs I meant greater/less than signs. I typed this out late at night 😛
{em} text here {/em}
Replace {‘s with <'s 🙂
You do (I)message(\i) except the () are these symbols >< instead think someone posted a guide on the welcome page (Say Hi… /Introduce Yourself(
[i]text here[/i] or [em]text here[\em] but replace \ with /
[i]text[/i] or [em]text[/em] but replace the square brackets with greater and lesser signs.
[em] your text [/em} but replace [ and ] with the greater-than, less-than symbols(I don’t know what they’re called 😛 ) 🙂
Yes! It’s like this; (em) write whatever your writing here (/em)
But instead of these symbols, () do these < , points facing away from text. 😀
Here's a link for more info and other cool things like how to do red letters and bold, but always remember to do the lesser and greater signs instead of the parentheses! 😀 https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/2018/04/28/a-guide-to-starting-blogclan-for-new-members-by-brightwing/
I use (i)(/i) but with greater than less than signs. 🙂
like this
The way I do italics (I don’t know if there are any other ways….. 😛 ) Is this:
(em) the text you want here (/em) But instead of these: ( ) on either side of the ems, you put greater and less than signs. (Less than sign on the left of the em, greater than sign on the right)
Hope this works!
What you type: <i>italics stuff here</i>
What shows up: italics stuff here
Like this, I [i]what ever you want italiced[/i] But it actually is replacing the brackets like this [= I will test italic text
Hi there! I’m
extremelynot dead! Plus, I’m using way too many exclamation marks! It’s rather annoying!In all seriousness though, I always mean to comment here but never do. Maybe I should set myself a reminder or something. How has everyone’s year been so far? Mine has been quite messy. 😛
welcome back ❤️
Hey Rain! I’ve missed you! ❤️ my year’s been pretty good, hbu? 🙂
Hey Rainy!
Heya Rainy! My year’s been hectic but mostly pretty good 😛
Welcome back!! Mine’s been fun!
I had a dream where Pasty was Dora and Iris ate Boots.
It was a really weird dream😛
fun 😛
Oh dear 😛
wonder how Boots tasted
Like rubber