We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
Hey ! COme and join my Roleplay Planes of Arisma !!!
In a world in danger of being infested with demons, group of normal cats must travel to the demons home world to try and destroy them once and for all ! Will they be able to discover which cats have been taken over by the demons, becoming vessels ? Or will they fail and doom the world to be over taken be evil !
Join now and you can have one of the most important roles for this round, the inquisitor who can make the final choice of who they believe to be 5e vessel and act as a general guide for the group !!
Find more info on the Roleplay discussion page !
cool 😛
How many roleplays have you run now, Maple? 🙂
too many
Sweets I’m doing your request! I’m sorry I forgot for a little while.. 😛
not Sweets, but I’m looking forward to seeing it 🙂
I bought two Moleskine notebooks at TK Maxx because they had quite a few there and I wanted to see why people like them so much.
Now I’m just wondering what to actually use the notebooks for. 😛
Probably just writing down ideas for projects or something like that.
Ooh I love Moleskine notebooks! You can use it for anything really 😀
rest in spaghetti never forgetti 😛
Are they nice notebooks? 😛
Yes, but they’re not as nice as some other notebooks, in my opinion. 😛
This is such a sweet song;
noice 😛
That’s a good song 🙂
omc I had a strange dream about the blog –
I was on wikichat, aaand even though there were many people on nobody replied to me ?? so then I noticed a link that somebody had sent before everyone had disappeared so I clicked it,,, and it was a link to a blogclan whatsapp group chat and for some reason it immediately took me in it and people were all chatting there and I obviously freaked out like “ohgoshnoweveryonewillseemynumberandcomefindmewhatdoIdo” 😛 then I quickly closed whatsapp but I happened to see a name which was “Colin Meyer” what 😛 and for some reason I started realising “oH that must be *insert some blogclanner can’t remember*” even though I don’t know blogclanners’ real names what 😛
so Colin, if I happened to expose your name I am sorry I didn’t know I could read minds 😛
OH MY GOSH. That’s sooooooo creepy, Swan :O
Indeed it is 😛
That’s so weird 😛 your brain must like to keep you on your toes 😛
Hey Swan.
How very dare you expose my real name. For I am Colin. The one and only Colin. 😛
My apologies, Colin, this will not happen again. You have my word 😛
Man you did my joke before I could 😛
I just realized that apparently we are in Pennsylvania.
Cool! 😀 I love Pennsylvania! I’ve been there before 😀
I live in PA 😛
My grandparents live in Pennsylvania 😛
Oh look I’m on recent purrs
Nice!! 😀
Congrats! 😀
Here it is, Ice! I found it for you :3
not ice, but nice! 😸
Thanks! 😀
I love the way you draw the faces on cats 🙂
Thank you!! 😀 😀
Me too!
😀 😀 😀 !
I love it peb!!! 😀
Thank yooouuuuuuuuuuuu!!! 😀 😀 😀
Thanks! 😀
ahhh that’s so good 😮 <333
Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!! <3 <3
Looks great!! 😀
Conversations with my apprentice on Discord
Cloudy:”I, Cloudy, apprentice of BlogClan, disown my mentor Pineblossom. She is too evil to serve as my mentor. Any open mentors may volunteer to become my mentor”
Me: “I, Pine, mentor of Cloudy, rescind Cloudy’s request of disownership, and reclaim her as my apprentice. No open mentors shall claim her as their apprentice.”
Cloudy: “I, Cloudy, apprentice of the evil Pineblossom, beg for the help of BlogClan. Math is now controlling Pine’s actions, and we can’t trust her to serve as a mentor anymore”
Me:”I, Pine, mentor of the evil Cloudy, beg that BlogClan does not answer the call of my villainous apprentice. She has gone through some terrible events recently, and her mental status is unstable. Therefore, I, as her mentor, must protect her from taking any rash actions, and ask that you ignore her above message.”
Cloudy: What
You’re evil
I accept your evilness
You are evil, Pine 😛
You are too Cloudy 😛 <3
who is the veeeeeery speeeeeedy mod?
Wow what’s this about? 😛
Anyone into Disney pin trading. I don’t have a collection yet cause I have 10 pins. What do you guys collect?
Wait, there’s a BlogClan Discord? HOW DO I GET THERE 😛
Friend me and I’ll send you an invite! 😀 My username is my name is not chest#4155
You must train Cloudy in your evil ways 😉
That’s my goal 😛
Are there any suggestions on what to use my two Moleskine notebooks for? Preferably something creative and/or relating to productivity, but you can suggest anything that comes to your head. I already have a journal and a commonplace book, just so you know.
The first notebook has 240 pages, a page marker/bookmark and an expandable pocket on the back cover.
The second notebook or journal has 80 pages, the last 16 being preforated so I can tear them out easily if I wanted to show the page to someone or put it on a whiteboard of ideas or inspiration.
This journal also has a little paper pocket, but it isn’t expandable like the other one.
I’m just reading from the packaging here, but I want to make the best out of the features that these notebooks have if I can.
maybe like use one as like some sort of diary like write what happened that day and maybe use the other for ideas? 😀
Sketchbook? (unless it’s lined pages 😛 ) If you write songs you could use one for that? 😀
fantasy journal
fantasy journal you suggested I try that an I haven’t yet but I will and you should do it as well
I want to do it too, but I don’t think I have any good ideas. 😛
I know lots of people who use them to do a daily sketch, and after a few months they have a full book of cute little doodles and drawings – kind of like a drawn diary 😀
Wow it looks like I actually like some rock songs……….. :O ……what am I becoming, I thought I knew myself :O
nice what songs? 😄
Believer and Centuries and….. oh I forgot but I know there’s more 😛
I like one or two Imagine Dragons songs 😛 And that one by FOB
ooh I love rock 😀 Which songs/artists? 🙂 Maybe try Sisters of Mercy? (not as heavy metal as they sound don’t worry 😛 )
Hi, it’s death. Nice to meet you. May I interest you in a cookie? It’s peanut butter, your favorite. You want die of discomfort or cramping pain.
Me:say sike rn
rest in spaghetti never forgetti
Tell us how the underworld is 😛 But in all seriousness, get better Cedar. 🙂
haha NO THANKS 😛
But I hope those cramps go away 🙁 They stink 🙁
awww no, get better soon *hugs* <3
BlogClan was doing weird things and now my brain hurts 😛
Oof 😛
AHHHHH!! ICE! :O :O Your avatar! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Something weird going on with BlogClan I’ve noticed is that now italics and bold and italic! 😛
This is so weird. Why are they bold?
Hmmm. I don’t see it as bold from my view.
Rest In Peace Fally’s Brain.
heh heh….
ooforoni what happened? 😛
Sucker :\