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[image description: calico cat sleeping in sunlight]
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I see the tavern has reached 66 pages… *in most palpatine-ish way possible* execute order 66
*starts blasting* 😛
gotcha 😛
*Ominous footsteps*
*Everything begins to shake*
*Cramps begin*
My brain: Oh no… is it already… THAT time?!
My body: Oh yeah. And we’re gonna come in the middle of dance class.
My brain: Don’t do it… no… DON’T DO IT!!!
Period: I did it 😛
Aaa that’s lirerally the worst feeling ever 😛
Ahhh nooo I’m so sorry <3
oh naurrrr
I am delaying the time I have to go to bed 😛
I’m prob gonna go to bed after I finish this song
Also, today I got to miss school, cuz the state was whining to my mom that I didn’t have disorders(even tho I clearly do) again, and we couldn’t delay it any longer 😛
BUT I got ice cream after the several hours of torture, and my mom and I will get a new squishamellow for me soon, cuz she said that she owes me one for the testing 😛
中秋节快乐!(translation: happy mid-autumn festival!)
Hello guys, just a heads up that I won’t be active for 9-10 days because i’m going on holiday 😀
Okay! Have fun <3
have a great holiday!
have fun!! 😀
have funnn!
am i the only one who absolutely hates it when people demonize dangerous animals? like i have seen so much misinformation about black mambas (stuff like “they will chase you down if you run” which is very false) and it kind of irritates me because it causes people to be more mean to the animal when the animal is just trying to survive. i’ve heard stories of people purposefully swerving their cars to hit snakes on the road and it just, whyyyy leave the danger noodles alone 🙁
Yeah, I mean people avoid ‘dangerous’ dog breeds, and their bad reputation I believe is mainly because of bad owners who get the dogs for show and don’t train them properly, and those dogs then. Those dogs are labelled as dangerous because it takes less to go wrong for another dog or human to end up in a bad situation than it does with a dog breed who was bred to be a family dog, but with good training and love, any dog can be good.
Yes, exactly!
American XL Bulldogs are getting banned in my country because a few dog attacks involving them happened here recently, but it’s not the dog’s fault.
One of the assistant managers in the shop I work at has some American Bulldogs, and based on what she tells me they seem to be nice, sweet dogs because she trained them properly.
yeah. I will say though, some dogs adopted from shelters may be untrainable as we don’t know what they’ve went through. Sometimes training just won’t have an effect.
Yeah, that’s true ^^ Of course all animals (including humans lol) are unpredictable, but for most animals, there are warning signs, and for dogs especially, things you can do to curb attacks, but they may not always work unfortunately.
To expand a bit:
Of course, things can happen where something ticks the dog off and it just goes for the person, therefore why dangerous dog breeds are also labelled as dangerous because their attacks are just more dangerous. However, when you’re around a dog, take care to look at their body signals, because it is shown that most dog attacks can be prevented, if you like, leave the dog alone when it starts showing warning signs. In rare cases, the dog might just go without showing any warning signs, but again, all dogs still need love and care and for most dogs, training from a young age can very effectively curb bites. But of course, dangerous dog breeds aren’t the only dog breeds that cause attacks ofc, Labradors are very high up the list, and a pug managed to leave my dog with a scar on her nose (she’s fine now luckily 🙂 )
But anyways, yeah, dangerous dog breeds that were bred to fight are more likely to get annoyed and more dangerous when annoyed overall, but if the owner is responsible and people actually read their body language, then most of the time it’s pretty cool beans, but it’s cool to be cautious around dogs you don’t know or that seem annoyed B)
the whole “dangerous dog breeds” thing has always been confusing to me, because here it’s even less of the animal’s fault since past humans bred them to have those traits (bigger teeth, aggressive demeanor, etc.). and even then, like you said, any dog can be trained to be good if they have a responsible owner. still those dog breeds are getting so much hate, and sadly the nature of the situation is the hate gets worse over time as more and more misinformation spreads 🙁
My gosh, the fact that people are intentionally hitting snakes makes me so infuriated >:( I can’t believe some people act like that! I mean, imagine if a giant monster just decides to threaten a pedestrian with no visible reason. These animals are acting out of self-defense, not internalized aggression 🙁
Yeah, I’m feel the same way. My parents HATE pitbulls after multiple really bad incidents that happened with my cousin and people we know.( Ex. Family dog attacked cousin who was just trying to pet it, and the little toddler was sent to the ER). I don’t blame them for not wanting a pittie, but I just wish they liked them better.
yeah, definitely, it’s really irritating when people do that 🙁
Yeah that is quite annoying…. Like why would you purposely try to hit snakes on the road… :/
fr like gosh dang
I superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr agree! Snakes only attack when provoked, and they normally try to stay away from humans, like most animals.
who HeRe LoVes MAP TeStIng? 😭😃
So greAt aM I riGht?
Maps are weird 😛
I literally hate it sm 😭😭
I have no idea what that is 😛
I haven’t had to do it since like 6th grade but yeah, I hate it a lottttttt
lol i am in high school so i don’t take them anymore hehehe
and i am a senior so no more standardized testing for me
I have no idea to add people on pronouns.page and it’s giving me anxiety for some reason because
I’m weirdI just don’t know how aaaPeople who don’t know how to make wiki pages must feel like this (no offense though! /gen)
You know how my blog family is very large? Like hugeee.
Well I decided to create kind of like the blogteam purrsona doc but for my blog fam 😛
Note: A large portion of my Blog fam haven’t been added yet and the doc itself is a bit of mess 😛 but it should be completed in a month or so!
I can’t access it aaaa
Aaaa oops should be fixed by now 😛
Nvm, it works now 😀 this is a pretty great idea Sylvie!
(U need to give access heheh)
Fixed 😛
Coll! I needed this haha 😛
That’s amazing :DDD and i just realized if Sandi and I are both your sisters then I’m mentoring my sister :0
ooh that’s really cool! 😀
after my computer unfortunately breaking i finally have a new one so hopefully i can be on here more often!! i personally hate using blogclan from my phone because of the format
do you guys use blogclan on your phone, computer, or both??
I used to go on blogclan on my laptop but I use my tablet and phone nowadays!
Both, except I almost never use my phone to go on. Flickos does, though.
I go on Blogclan from my computer! 😀
I might get a new one (Probably a Macbook) soon as I’ve broken the screen on this one. 😛 Luckily I have it connected to the TV so it acts like a second (or spare) screen because the main screen on the laptop is broken. 😛
Phone!!! But I use my Chromebook sometimes too c:
I usually go on blogclan with my phone or chromebook
I go on BlogClan from my computer!
computer mainly
GUESS WHAT IN CHINA WE’RE ON HOLIDAY😀FOR TEN DAYS (I think it’s the mid-autumn festival plus the national day so we have ten days)
(Also I have an account on discord now, my username is either Shivs(Shiverwind) or shiverwind)
Do you want me to invite you to the main BlogClan server?
Ok! I sent you a friend request (my pfp is of a duck by the way)
Ospreyduck :DDD
The purrs shifted before my eyes 😛 for some reason I wondered why hotel in spanish is called hotel and not something like hotele or hotelo haha
Hehehehehe 😛
Me too😛 I’m learning Spanish and I thought, why isn’t it hotele or hotelo or something?
Wait you have a good point about that in Spanish
We don’t even pronounce the h, why is it there?!!!! *Sobbing noises*
And why is J there, it isn’t even pronounced like j 😛
Urhhhhhhhhhhhhhh imperfect Osp sandwich?
Recent Purrs
Ospreysplaghetti on Polls
Ospreysplaghetti on Please Introduce Yourself!
Ospreysplaghetti on BlogClan Art Collab: The Sequel of the Sequel!
Ospreysplaghetti on The Hug Page
Ospreysplaghetti on BlogClan Tavern