• Alpha –
    Alpha huffed in annoyance. Beta was being ridiculous!
    I do not control this Pack! she thought angrily.
    Beta is wrong. Besides, he shouldn’t question my orders! I’m the Alpha. I’ve worked hard to rise this high in rank. Even back when I was just Russet, I knew I was meant to lead.

    I won’t let Beta take that away from me. He may be second in command, but I am the leader!

    [open for interaction]
    Walk Without The Stars

      • Alpha –
        Alpha quietly barked, “Yes, that’d be nice, Sadie. Thank you. Could you take out a hunting party? We have hungry dogs, and injured dogs who need food.”
        Play To Win

          • Beta –
            Beta approached Sadie. “I heard you were organizing a patrol. I think I’ll come.”
            He silently added, Alpha and I really need some time apart, so why not hunt?
            Play To Win

            • ~Koda~
              Walking up to Beta hesitantly (Again!), Koda asked. “Can I join?”

              • Beta –
                Beta stammered, “S-sure.”
                The tension between him and Koda almost felt like a wall.
                Just One Heartbeat

                • ~Koda
                  “Thanks” She almost whispered.
                  Starting to walk past him towards the entrance, Koda tripped over a ground root, and landed on top of Beta.
                  Oh sky dogs…She thought sarcastically in her mind.

                • Beta –
                  “Oof.” Beta said.
                  Just One Heartbeat

                • Koda~
                  “Ack, I’m sorry!” Koda quickly untangled herself from Beta, using her sleek fur to her advantage. Before he could say anything, Koda rushed outside of camp, and stopped, remembering that she was suppose to hunt.

                • Beta –
                  “Koda, wait,” Beta woofed. He ran to catch up with the other dog.
                  Just One Heartbeat

                • Koda~
                  Koda couldn’t say anything, or maybe her voice wasn’t working.
                  I haven’t fallen or tripped in… moons. She thought. Why am I now so clumsy and awkward?

                • Beta –
                  Beta hesitated, searching for words.
                  “I don’t want there to be tension between us,” he finally barked.
                  Turtle Tail will always be the queen to me <3

                • Beta-
                  “I know you tried to help me with me and Alpha’s problems. Thanks.” Beta awkwardly said.
                  RIP Alex Trebek

                • “Okay. I’m sorry it ended so badly. This is why I shouldn’t stick my annoying nose into things that I’ll just mess up.” She ended with an exasperated sigh.

                • Beta-
                  “No. You tried to help, and that’s a good thing.” Beta said.
                  RIP Alex Trebek

                • (If there is another comment like this one mods, please ignore it, I made an account for my brother, but he never used it and I didn’t realize that my computer was still logged in that account)

                  “Thanks.” She answered. “Shouldn’t we hunt now?” Koda added, flicking her sleek black tail to the forest trees.

                • Beta-
                  “Yes, we should.” Beta barked.
                  RIP Alex Trebek

                • ~Koda~
                  Koda Walked into the forest and spotted a rather large rabbit. Keeping her voice low, she asked Beta. “I think there’s a rabbit there. Want me to try catching it?”

                • Beta-
                  “Give it a go.” Beta agreed.
                  Sirius X Lupin forever

                • ~Koda~
                  Koda creped up on the rabbit slowly, making sure that it couldn’t see or scent her. She moved around the prey until she was across from where Beta was. Koda then let out a bark, and hurled herself towards the rabbit, who fled and ran right into Beta’s paws.
                  “Catch it!” She yelled.

                • Beta-
                  Beta quickly snapped the rabbit’s neck, killing it instantly.
                  I love Hawkfrost

                • Beta-
                  “Thank you.” Beta said.
                  Koda is so much easier to talk to than Alpha! he thought. Alpha is controlling. Koda is kind.
                  Before Beta could stop himself, he thought, She’d be a much better Alpha…
                  Blossomfall defender

                • ~Koda~
                  Koda dipped her head, and asked. “Do you want to go back to camp? I mean, I’m fine with continuing hunting, but I also want to see Crash…” She thought for a moment, then added. “Whatever you want to do is fine.”

                • Beta-
                  “Let’s hunt a little more,” Beta suggested.
                  Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

                • ~ Koda ~
                  The sleek black dog nodded and went back to looking for prey, but she couldn’t scent any, not even a mouse.
                  “I can’t find anything.” She said. “Did you?”
                  I’m even a terrible hunter. Her mind grumbled softly.

                • Beta-
                  “No. I guess we’d better go back to camp, then.” Beta woofed.
                  I’ll turn my back to you, both stars and blood alike.

                • ~Koda~
                  “Alright.” Koda said, determinedly not bouncing up and down like a cub. Her and Crash, even though they weren’t real blood related, had known each other since Crash had been born, and only been apart when Koda went hunting or looking for somewhere to live…before they joined a pack.
                  (The part about knowing each other since Crash had been born is actually true since Koda was with me when I pick Crash, who had just been born, from the shelter)
                  Koda dipped her head again, and started to head back to camp.

                • (Cool! 🙂 )
                  Beta also started heading for the camp.
                  You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

  • Ruby- (To Koda)
    “Do you want to talk about it?” Ruby asked.
    Play To Win

    • No. Koda thought, but before she knew what she was doing, she was pouring out everything.
      “It’s just… Alpha and Beta have been having… problems, and I thought I could fix it and I just made everything worse, and I really, really want to help Beta, but I don’t know how.”
      She glanced down in despair.

      • Ruby –
        “I’m really sorry, Koda.” Ruby whispered, wishing she had advice.
        Play To Win

        • ~Koda
          “It’s all right Ruby.” Koda said, placing her tail on the other dog’s shoulder for a moment. “It’s not your fault. And I know what I’m gonna do.” She drew her tail away, and barked quietly. “I’m going to apologize to Beta… and Alpha, if she’ll hear me.” She nodded slowly to Ruby and added. “Thanks Ruby.”

          • Ruby –
            “You’re welcome.” Ruby woofed.
            She thought, I really hope everything works out, and I didn’t mess things up…
            Just One Heartbeat

  • Repost because it was buried

    Swan ~ (to Crash)
    “Koda told me… that you see things. Is this what’s happening now?” Swan asked.
    Play To Win

    • “Umm… Suuree?” Crash said uncertainly.
      But, of course, I’m Crash. I’m not certain about anything.
      The wolf couched down, making itself seem smaller and more hidden. Whispering, Crash barked quietly. “It’s okay. This is Swan, but she can’t see you.”
      It nodded, but remained on the ground. Crash tapped his mottled tail tip on the wolf’s flank comfortingly, thinking about how weird this must look for Swan.

      • Swan –
        “So… what exactly do you see?” Swan asked, uncertain if she was asking the right question.
        Play To Win

        • ~Crash
          “So…” He repeated her. “Right now I’m… seeing a wolf, a sad one. It’s right here.” He pointed his tail over to the direction of where the wolf was, scratching it’s long, gleaming claws on a fallen log and looking rather bored.
          “But one time I saw a dog named Flower, who was a long-furred white female. She… said she was dead, and I think this wolf is too.” Crash finished with a sad, long sigh. 

          • Swan –
            “Have you always had this ability?” Swan asked.
            Just One Heartbeat

            • ~Crash
              Crash nodded. “I think so. the earliest time that I’ve… seen a dead dog is when I was 2 moons old.”
              It was the time he met a dog who’s name was Timber. He remembered that, as a 2 moon old, he wasn’t afraid of the dog. He actually was angry, because the dog had messed up his catch of a butterfly. 
              Crash stifled a laugh when the wolf padded over. 
              “Are you done talking yet?” It asked roughly. 
              “Almost done.” Crash murmured. 

              • Swan –
                “Are you… worried about this at all? I’m pretty sure seeing things is not ok.” Swan barked.
                Just One Heartbeat

                • Crash~
                  “I’m really really worried.” He admitted, suppressing a shiver. “Like, probably beyond worrying, more like panicking. I just have an interesting way of showing it.”
                  While this conversation had been going on, Crash had been repeating the words “North Wind” in his head. It was a trick he had learned from someone, he didn’t know who anymore, but repeating those words keep him from panicking. Before he used this trick, Crash (All the time) fainted from fear and panicked too much and hurt himself.
                  Even though the “Trick” had been keeping the fear at bay, his voice still trembled, and Crash’s mottled paws still shifted nervously.

                • Swan –
                  “I’m sorry, little one. This is a lot for a pup to handle.” Swan sympathized.
                  Just One Heartbeat

                • Crash~
                  “It’s okay.” He barked. “I can’t really control it, but thanks for not screaming when I told you I can see ghosts.”

                • Swan-
                  “No problem.” Swan woofed.
                  Just One Heartbeat

                • Prowler~

                  Prowler watched the two dogs. She could hear voices in her head, but nothing could be seen. She shook her head, rustling the bush she was hiding in loudly. She froze.

                • ~Crash~
                  The mottled puppy turned his head over to the rustling bush. Crash tipped his head, and headed towards it. Once he was there, he pawed at it and said. “Anyone in there?”

                • Swan-
                  Swan cocked her head in confusion. Was someone hiding?
                  Sirius X Lupin forever

                • Prowler~
                  Prowler hesitated, then slowly the golden pup backed out of the bush, staring at the place where the wolf was, but cocking her head, confused, as if she couldn’t see anything, but could hear something.
                  “There’s someone over there.” She decided, accidentally aloud.

                • Swan-
                  “Prowler? What’re you doing?” Swan asked.
                  Sirius X Lupin forever

                • Prowler, to Swan~
                  “I saw you leaving camp, and I’d seen Crash leaving camp earlier, and I wanted to know what you were doing, but I thought I’d get in trouble…”
                  Prowler tipped her head, an interested look on her face. “Who’s over there? Are they hiding, too?”

                • ~Crash to Prowler~

                  Crash couldn’t believe the news. Prowler could see the wolf too?!
                  “Umm…so you see…it’s a ghost.” He decided to just be open with the other puppy. “It’s also a wolf.”

                • Prowler~
                  “Oh…well, that doesn’t explain why I can hear it’s thoughts but can’t see it.”
                  Prowler shrugged idly. “It’s cranky.”

                • ~Crash~
                  “Yes, I can see that. He’s also sad. I think he doesn’t like being dead.”
                  He realized it was a stupid thought as soon as it came out of his mouth. Of course the wolf wouldn’t want to be dead, who would?

                • Swan-
                  “So… you can both see ghosts.” Swan said.
                  She was mildly confused, but not scared.
                  Sirius X Lupin forever

                • Prowler, to Swan~
                  “Well, I can hear it’s…words? Thoughts? I’m not sure.” Prowler sighed. “But I know it’s there. It’s a cold feeling.”
                  (Sorry for any typos one of my cats is sitting on my lap)

                • (Aw! Cats! <3 )
                  “I wonder if anyone in the Pack can see ghosts.” Swan wondered aloud.
                  I love Hawkfrost

                • ~Crash~

                  “Well, I think I can?” He tried. “What other explanation would you have for me seeing a wolf that no one else can see?”

                • Swan-
                  “But why you of all dogs?” Swan asked, then realized with a jolt that she’d been rude.
                  I love Hawkfrost

                • Prowler~
                  “Actually, that’s a good question. Why would it be us two dogs? We’re only pups. Should we talk to Alpha?”

                • Swan-
                  “I’m not sure… Alpha has seemed really stressed out lately.” Swan woofed.
                  Blossomfall defender

                • ~Crash to Swan~
                  “Could we talk to Beta then?” He asked, “I think he’s out with Koda.”

                • Prowler~
                  Prowler nodded. “Beta seems like he’s in a better mood than Alpha.”
                  (It’s not fun having your mom kick you out of the house…)

                • Swan-
                  “Sure. We’ll have to wait for him to come back, though. I’m pretty sure he won’t be long, though.” Swan said.
                  Blossomfall defender

                • Swan-
                  “In the meantime, we should probably find something to do.” Swan said.
                  Blossomfall defender

                • Prowler~
                  “Why not hunt?” She barked. “I’m good at that.”

                • ~Crash to Prowler~
                  “I…don’t think I am.” He said nervously. “I mean, I’ve never tried it. Can you teach me?”

                • Prowler~
                  Prowler tipped her head, her floppy ears dangling.
                  She blinked at Swan. “Can I take Crash over to the clearing?”

                • Swan-
                  “Sure.” Swan woofed. “I might come as well.”
                  Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

                • Prowler~
                  Prowler nodded and beckoned Crash over to a clearing with tall, fresh green grass. She looked at Crash, then said: “I’ll hide in the grass. Use your senses to find me.” She barked.
                  She then dove into the grass and disappeared.

                • Swan-
                  Wow, Prowler’s a good hider! Swan thought.
                  Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

                • ~Crash~
                  Crash nodded uncertainly and smelled the air. Immediately, thousands of scents filled his nose, but he looked for Prowler’s. The mottled puppy crouched, and moved forwards into the tall grass, still sniffing. He twitched his ears, trying to hear Prowler, then spotted Prowler’s golden fur. He pounced, and landed in front of her.
                  “Found you!” He exclaimed.

                • Prowler~
                  Prowler stood up and nodded. “Can you discern the scent of a rabbit or anything from all the others? If you try hard enough, you’ll be able to tell if it’s fresh or old.”

                • Swan-
                  “You’re a good teacher, Prowler.” Swan commented quietly so Crash wouldn’t hear.
                  Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

                • ~Crash~
                  “Um…I think so. Like, rabbits have a kind of muskier, meatier smell to them than plants do.” He barked quietly. He wished he wasn’t so quiet and shy, but whenever he tried to be loud or brave or something, he just felt ridicules.
                  Better to slink around in the shadows than be in the center of attention all the time…I guess. He thought, but didn’t say it out loud.

                • Prowler~
                  Prowler seemed surprised at Swan’s comment. “I never thought about that.” She said quietly.
                  She then focused on Crash. “I’ll try hiding again. This time, try to approach me silently.” She barked.

                • Swan-
                  Swan flicked her tail. “I’m going to go talk to Alpha real quick.” she said. “I’ll be back soon.”
                  I’ll turn my back to you, both stars and blood alike.

                • ~Crash~

                  The puppy nodded silently, and waited until Prowler had disappeared into the weeds again. After she did, he slowly sank into a crouch, and moved to the right, trying to make his movements as small and as quiet as he could. Once he thought he was behind Prowler, Crash crept forwards into the tall grass, wishing his fur was black like Koda’s so that he could blend in better, instead of the mottled, dappled golden, dark brown and brown his was. 
                  Crash snifted quietly, and his vision caught on Prowler’s golden tail. He softly jumped forwards, landing on a patch of moss to quiet his fall, and poked Prowler’s tail gently. 

                • Prowler jumped a bit. “Good,” she admitted. “What do you want to do now?”

                • Prowler~
                  Her head suddenly bolted upward.
                  “I hear something,” she said. “I’ll be right back!”
                  And she ran off, a golden streak against the grass.

  • what do we do on here?
    And also, someone said something about a secret page hunt. Can someone fill me in on that?

  • Spirit –
    Spirit growled in annoyance. That darn badger! It ripped up all the good moss, they thought.
    Spirit looked behind Alpha and Beta’s den, hoping to find fresh moss.
    But they saw Alpha.
    She was muttering to herself, “Beta… I have failed you. I’m sorry. And I have been failing this Pack, everyday.”
    Spirit hurried away before Alpha saw them. They felt like they’d walked in on a personal moment.
    Play To Win

      • Brook~
        She saw Spirit hurry away from Alpha and Beta’s den. “I found some moss when the badger found me. And I could help you, but not gather moss because I’m to guilty to go outside of camp.” She blurted out as soon as she got to her.

        • (Question: is Brook talking to Spirit or to Alpha? You didn’t really specify, so I’m a little confused.)
          Just One Heartbeat

            • (Ok. For future reference, Spirit’s pronouns aren’t she/her, they’re they/them.)
              “Ok. How far is this moss?” Spirit asked.
              Turtle Tail will always be the queen to me <3

              • (I will remember that from now on,thanks for reminding me 😀)
                Stripekit to Spirit~
                “Umm….I can’t really remember where I was,so I need to show you. But I’m going to ask Beta or Alpha for permission.” She said to Spirit

                Stripekit to Bronze~
                “I don’t care. She needs help and I’m helping her. And I don’t care if I get in trouble.” She snapped back at Bronze.

                Stripekit to Alpha
                “A-Alpha? Can you come with me to do something? It’s important and it’s outside of camp. But if you say no that’s fine.” She stuttered nervously.

        • Rust to Brook-

          “Pups these days. She is the omega, this is her punishment. leave her to do her work, alone.” Rust growled Brook’s way. There was a thought banging through his head about how he could be omega anytime now, but he ignored it. He always did.

          • Alpha-
            “Brook, it’s fine if you help Omega with their work, but make sure you aren’t doing too much. They are the Omega, not you.” Alpha barked.
            “Is the Omega allowed to have help?” Spirit questioned. They cocked their head.
            “Don’t question me, Omega! I’m the Alpha!” snapped Alpha.
            “Yes, we know.” Spirit murmured, too quiet for Alpha to hear.
            Turtle Tail will always be the queen to me <3

        • Bronze ~

          “Hey, pup, you don’t need to help her. This is her punishment not yours. She should do this alone.” Bronze said to the black and white pup.

          Thoughts of himself rang in his head. He could be omega one day. If omega ever dies, Bronze is next in line. But he ignored those thoughts, he always did.

    • (Yeah, I’m still accepting characters. Character creation is always open, in fact.)
      Just One Heartbeat

  • Sniffer ~

    Sniffer was in the perfect spot. He could see everything from here, well, not everything everything. But a lot. He could see Bronze, grumping around near Brook. He could see Alpha explaining something, Alpha does that. He could see his littermates playing happily with a dead leaf.

    Sniffer was lying next to his mother. Like he did everyday, at all times, well, not all the time. He still had to leave to do very necessary things. And his mother often left him, these were the times Sniffer dreaded most.

    • Alpha-
      Alpha slowly started walking around the camp, lost in her thoughts. She wasn’t looking where she was going, and stepped on Sniffer.
      “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry!” she gasped, hoping she hadn’t hurt the pup.
      Turtle Tail will always be the queen to me <3

      • Slicer ~

        Slicer felt a fair bit angry at Alpha. Her own smallest pup, underneath the paw of only the most important dog in the pack. Sniffer was her tiniest pup. Her weakest pup. She tried to hide it, but Slicer’s anger had been plastered on her face.

        • Alpha-
          Alpha stood there, guilt swarming through her. Say something! Accept my apology! she silently begged.
          Turtle Tail will always be the queen to me <3

          • Sniffer ~

            Filled with utter fear, he snuggled underneath his mother’s fur closer. Wha had Sniffer done wrong to anger Alpha so much that she would have to attack him?

            “I’m sorry, Alpha. Really, really, sorry.” He whimpered, shaking.

              • Slicer~

                “yes, dont worry, Sniffer. You are completely innocent.”

                Slicer turned her gaze to Beta. She had heard from stories a lot about him. Silently, she had wished for Beta to be Alpha. She had always thought that Beta would be a much better Alpha than Russet.

                • Ruby-
                  Watching from a distance, Ruby could tell that there was tension between Alpha and Sniffer.
                  She approached Sniffer. “Hi.” she greeted.
                  RIP Alex Trebek

                • Slicer ~

                  Finally! “Hello, Ruby.” Sniffer smiled. She used the voice she often used as a greeting. She wanted to sound as if she had not been very enraged a few seconds before now.

                • Ruby-
                  “Do you want to play mossball?” Ruby asked.
                  for the sake of this role play, Survivors dogs play mossball.
                  RIP Alex Trebek

                • (Was Ruby talking to Sniffer or Slicer?? Because if she is talking to Slicer, I’ll have you know she’s a full grown adult dog.)

                  Sniffer ~

                  Sniffer felt her mother slide slowly away from him.
                  “Yes, Sniffer. I think it would be a good time to get up and play. Just like Nibbler and Soft.”

                  Slicer ~

                  Slicer got up and nodded toward Nibbler and Soft, of whom were playing with a dead leaf. Slicer knew how Sniffer hated leaving Slicer, especially to play.

                  “No.” Sniffer whined. “I don’t want to.”
                  Slicer turned to Ruby with pleading eyes, before, only pups have gone up to Slicer, asking to play. Slicer was hoping Ruby would help Sniffer a bit.

                • (She was talking to Sniffer, sorry for the confusion)
                  “Well… you don’t have to.” Ruby was starting to feel uncomfortable. Slicer so clearly wanted Sniffer to play, so why did Sniffer look so worried?
                  RIP Alex Trebek

                • Slicer~ ( I’m gonna assume Alpha has left.)

                  Slicer sighed, her fur brushing up against Sniffer. She stood up, much to Sniffer’s displeasure.
                  “Ruby would really want to play with you, dear.” She said, with one last pleading glance at Ruby.

                  She wandered over to Alpha and beta, and gave a bark to nab their attention. “Hey, do you think you could organize a hunting party?” She quickly racked her brain for an excuse. “My, uh, pups are growing. Especially Sniffer. I’d be really really very happy to join it, i’d even lead it, Happily.” Slicer knew how bad this excuse was. But Slicer really needed to take a hunting party, she hadnt done that since she had her pups.

                • Alpha-
                  “I sent one out a few moments ago. If you catch up, you could probably join.” Alpha woofed.
                  (The hunting patrol is the one with Beta, Koda, and Sadie at the start of this page ^^)
                  Sirius X Lupin forever

                • (fluff I thought they already came back.)

                  “Oh, okay thanks!”


                  Bronze complained but nodded after a long groan.
                  Soon she ran from the camp on the path when she had run into Koda/

                • Ruby-
                  “Sure. Yes.” Ruby barked, wondering how to get out of this awkward situation. She really did want to help Slicer with Sniffer though.
                  Sirius X Lupin forever

  • Alpha-
    Alpha went back to her den. She thought, Maybe I was being a little controlly. Beta and I just argue, argue, argue these days.
    Thoughts swirling in her mind, she fell asleep.
    I love Hawkfrost

    • Alpha-
      Alpha woke up and stretched. She exited her den and walked into the clearing.
      Blossomfall defender

  • Swan-
    Swan approached Alpha. “Alpha?” she asked.
    “Yes, Swan?” Alpha asked.
    “Um. I’ve noticed you’ve been stressed out lately, and I was wondering if maybe…” Swan searched for the right words… “if being Alpha isn’t a good idea for you right now.”
    Alpha narrowed her eyes. “Are you calling me weak?” she spat.
    “No! Of course not.” Swan woofed.
    “This Pack has never been stronger. And here you are, accusing me of being weak.” Alpha snarled.
    Alpha had been stressed before. But now? Now she was just controlling. Swan yowled, “I challenge you for the rank of Alpha!”
    “Very well. All dogs, gather around! Swan has challenged me for the rank of Alpha!” Alpha barked.

    Spirit gasped in surprise. “I wonder who will win?” they whispered to Ruby.
    “I’m not sure. But I don’t blame Swan for challenging Alpha. I’ve been having doubts about her leadership, too.”
    You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

    • ~Koda~
      The sleek black dog walked into camp with Beta behind her, and gasped. She padded up to Spirit and Ruby, hearing Ruby whisper. “I’ve been having doubts about her leadership, too.”
      A challenge?! Am I just being bone-headed, or has every dog been having doubts and I’m the one who has no idea what’s going on?
      “What’s happening?” Koda asked Spirit, turning her attention to them.

      • Spirit-
        “Swan has just challenged Alpha!” Spirit explained.
        “I wonder who will win. Alpha’s fine as leader, but she’s… how do I put it… a little controlling.” woofed Ruby.
        Beta thought, Every dog is probably expecting me to say something in support of Russet continuing to be Alpha.
        But Russet isn’t the dog she used to be. This Pack needs a fresh start, so why not have Swan be leader?

        You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

        • ~Koda~
          Koda felt torn apart so she couldn’t imagen what Beta felt. Swan challenging Alpha just put another wonder in her already overflowing mind.
          Swan can challenge Alpha…could I?
          She shook her head, sternly reminding her that even if she challenged Alpha and won, she would be terrible at it. She hadn’t even known challenging was a thing until Swan did it.
          Alpha invited me and Crash in the pack when we were starving. She’s still the same dog…right?

    • Alpha-
      Alpha turned her gaze to Swan. “Let the fight begin.” she barked.
      Swan froze, not sure where to start.
      Alpha lunged for Swan, snapping her jaws.
      Swan got out of the way, and she knocked Alpha to the ground.
      Alpha snarled, and started to press down on Swan’s throat.
      Struggling to breathe, Swan kicked Alpha’s stomach with her hind legs and jumped on her, holding her down.
      Alpha growled, but deep down inside, she knew she was done for. Swan- the Third Dog- had beaten her.
      “Accepted defeat yet?” Swan asked.
      Alpha lowered her gaze. “I have. You win… Alpha.”

      Swan faced the Pack. “I have defeated Russet. I am now Alpha. But now two dogs must fight to be Beta. That’s the way of the Pack. Who will challenge whom?”

      Ruby stepped forward. “I’ll fight someone to be Beta.” she said.

      “I’m fine with not fighting to continue being Beta. I’ve learned recently that being Beta is too stressful for me. Please don’t call me Beta anymore. Call me Dark.” he told the Pack.

      You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

      • ~Koda~

        Koda knew what she could do. She knew that she could challenge Ruby and become Beta. She knew that she could, every inch of her body wanted her to, but her mind wouldn’t let her.
        I’m not going to. I’m not going to fight my own packmate just for some title. I’m going to remain Koda for the rest of my life, Koda the hunter. Nothing more.
        The sleek, midnight-furred dog hesitated, then dipped her head to the new Alpha, rejecting her own ambition.

        • Swan-
          Swan stood before the Pack, proud. I challenged Alpha- I mean, Russet- and I won! she thought.
          PoppyfrostXBriarlight forever!

  • Willow-
    “I hear some other dogs ahead,” she whispered.
    “Do you smell that?” He asked.
    “It smells like blood.” She whispered, her tone quivering.
    “Some dog’s hurt. We have to go see what’s going on.” She said softly beginning to move ahead but Kai blocked her.
    “If there is blood then at least one of them is hostile. What if they attack us?” He barked in a soft but strong tone but Penny had already gone around him and was soon within sight of the strange dogs. Willow quickly pushed past Kai to follow her and he reluctantly followed.

    • Spirit-
      Spirit turned their head and gasped. “Who are you?” they asked the three strangers.
      “I’m the Alpha of this Pack. State your business.” Swan softly growled.
      PoppyfrostXBriarlight forever!

      • Kai-
        Kai stepped forward, protectively, in front of Willow and Penny. “We are simply in search of a pack my mother told us about before she passed. It was rumored to be in the area. Have you heard of it?”

        She shook her head at Kai. “My friend isn’t the smartest, as we have crossed paths with no other dogs but loners who simply tell us we are close, can I assume you are the Alpha of the pack we are in search of?”

        “If so, we mean no harm!” She butted in. “We wanted to join if you are!”

      • Prowler~
        Prowler skidded to a stop next to Swan, panting. “What’s happening?” She panted. “I smelled blood and heard Alpha say something-something about ‘you win…Alpha’. Did she get defeated?”
        She yelped.
        Her eyes glittered. “I mean, seriously though…”

        • Penny-
          The small dog jumped back in alarm at the arrival of the new dog. “Who are you?”

          Willow fought the urge to snarl, her and her companions were on these dogs territory and she had to respect that. It was just frustrating that she had no control over what was going on.

          He laid his tail on Willow’s back comfortingly, they had been childhood friends.

          • Prowler~
            “Hi. I’m Prowler. Swan’s friend.” She nodded at the bigger dog. “Who are you?”

            • Kai-
              “I’m Kai, we are looking for a pack in the area. “My mother used to tell me about it and we wanted to join.”

              • Russet-
                “I believe we are the Pack you are talking about. I am the Al-“ Russet shut her mouth, suddenly remembering she wasn’t the Alpha anymore!

                “You are welcome to stay.” Swan told the new dogs. “Our Omega, Spirit, will make you nests.”

                Spirit told the newcomers, “It won’t take any time at all. I just have to find some moss.”
                They started to gather moss, to make soft beds.
                Swallowing Shadows

                • Penny-
                  She barked excitedly and glanced over at Willow, her tongue lolling.
                  “Do you need any help with that? We don’t mind?” She offered.
                  He shook his head, “That isn’t how pack hierarchy works if it is as strict as my mom told me. They are the Omega, the lowest member of the pack.”

                • Spirit-
                  “Yes, I am the Omega.” Spirit confirmed. “Some Packs are stricter with the whole ‘never helping the Omega’ thing than we are, but don’t feel obliged to help me with my work. I know what I’m doing.”

                  And He Runs

        • Swan-
          “Yes, I challenged Russet for the rank of Alpha. I am now Alpha.” Swan said.
          “Two dogs have yet to fight for the rank of Beta, however.”
          Swallowing Shadows

          • Penny-
            “That must have been the blood we smelled.”

            “Since you are alpha, can we join your pack?” She asked, lowering her head to Swan.

          • Prowler~
            “Oh.” Prowler woofed. “Well, uh…Alpha, I suppose, I tried to tell Russet about something, but she didn’t listen.”
            The puppy sat down and tilted her head. “My parents have been missing for quite a while now, and I’m worried.”

            • Swan-
              “I’m sorry, little one. I promise, as soon as we can, we will send a patrol out to find your parents.” Swan promised.
              And He Runs

    • Russet-
      Russet turned her gaze to Ruby. “I will challenge you for the rank of Beta.” she softly growled.
      “Very well.” Ruby said.
      “Russet, Ruby, you may begin.” Swan barked.
      Ruby slashed her claws across Russet’s face. Russet howled. Ruby felt the smallest panic of sympathy for the former Alpha… almost.

      She realized how controlling and manipulative Russet had really been, and snarled at the thought.

      Ruby lost herself in the fight…

      Suddenly a voice said, “RUBY! STOP!” It was Swan.

      Ruby’s eyes widened as she saw what she’d done.

      Russet was literally in a puddle of blood.
      “You win.” she murmured.

      “I… I don’t have to be Beta! Look at what I did. The Pack doesn’t need a bloodthirsty Beta…” Ruby stammered.

      “By Pack law, you ARE Beta- like it or not.” Swan coldly woofed.

      “I guess making those nests will have to wait. I must heal Russet.” Spirit barked. They started helping Russet walk to an out of the way area where they could help her.

      Dark’s heart pounded wildly. Was Russet going to be okay?
      “Russet…” he woofed, licking her ear.

      “Don’t touch me!” Russet snarled. Her eyes blazed.

      Dark took a step back. She isn’t the dog I became mates with so long ago… and I’m not sure I know her anymore!

      And He Runs

      • Prowler~
        Prowler’s eyes flashed and her ears pricked.
        “Something…is there…” she whispered, barely audible, but audible enough for Swan to hear.

        • Swan-
          Swan didn’t say anything, but she let out a small sigh.
          I’ll Be Complete

          • Prowler frowned. “Nothing’s there now. Perhaps I just heard a ghost passing by.”

      • Penny-
        She backed away from the fight slightly, staring at the dog bleeding on the ground. Was this how it always was in packs? Constant fighting she wondered.

        Willow fought the urge to back away from the bleeding dog. She stared at Kai instead, this wasn’t what he had promised them.

        “This isn’t how it always is. We can at a time of challenges, things should mellow out soon.” He murmured. He turned to the partially made nests and began to finish them, now knowing that this pack wasn’t as strict as the one his mother had described.

      • ~Koda to Dark~

        “Is Russet ok?” She asked worrying, taking a step towards Dark.

        • Dark-
          “She’ll be ok. She was always strong. But… I’m not sure if I want to be her mate anymore. We’ve been growing apart. And I’m not sure if either of us truly loves the other.” Dark confessed.
          I’ll Be Complete

          • Koda dipped her head. “I’m…sorry about that.” She thought for a moment, then asked. “What are you going to do?”

            • Dark-
              “Break up, I guess. But it’s going to be hard.” Dark’s heart ached as he thought of when he and Russet were young and deeply in love. But that was a long time ago…
              WolfStar 4 Life

              • ~Koda~
                “Well…uh…okay.” She said awkwardly, shifting her paws. She couldn’t do anything about that, Dark probably didn’t need her sticking her nose into his problems, especially ones that she had no idea about. “I guess I’ll, um, go get Crash..”

                • Dark-
                  “Um, ok. Bye.” said Dark.

                  (Random question: should Dark and Koda become mates at some point? I’ve noticed that they seem to be interacting a lot, and generally seem to have loveboat potential.)

                  Fleur is amazing!

    • Russet-
      “Are my wounds… bad?” Russet asked Spirit.
      “Ruby- I mean, Beta- certainly did a number on you. I can definitely heal you, but I think you should be careful.” barked Spirit.
      “Careful? I’m the Al… I mean, I USED to be the Alpha.” Russet said.
      Spirit didn’t say anything, but they started smearing mashed up herbs on Russet’s wounds.
      I’ll Be Complete

      • Russet-
        Russet winced as the juice of the herbs dripped down her wound, but she tried to not look like she was hurting.
        WolfStar 4 Life

        • Willow-
          She glanced over at the herbs, curious, before looking back at her friends. “I wonder what positions we will have in the Pack. It looks like we arrived at a bad time.@

          • Swan-
            “You will probably start out as Patrol Dogs,” Swan told the newcomers, “but by challenging other dogs, you can slowly rise in rank and become a Hunter.”
            Fleur is amazing!

            • Willow-
              She smiled and nodded. “Is there anything we can do to help for now?” She offered.

              • Swan-
                “Hmm, you could always go hunting.” Swan said.
                “I’d be happy to take them,” Ruby offered.
                “Thank you, Ru-“ Swan caught herself just in time- “Beta.” she said.
                Ruby turned to Willow, Penny, and Kai. “Let’s go!” she barked.
                Lupin is awesome!

                • Willow-
                  She grinned, happy to have something to do and began to follow her new Beta out of the camp.

                  He nodded to Beta and paused a moment for Penny to keep up before following her out of camp.

                  She bounded after the three of them, excited at the prospect of fitting in with Pack life.

                • Ruby-
                  “Let’s hunt over there,” said Ruby, pointing with her tail to a shadowy area.
                  Squirrelflight lover

                • Bronze-
                  The dark dog stalked in the shadows around the border.
                  He lifted his snout and pricked his ears, turning his attention to Willow, Kai, and Penny, stepping halfway out of the trees in front of them.

                • Penny-
                  She took a startled jump back and gave a low whine. Sending a glance towards Alpha to see if she had any recognition of this dog.

                  He took a quick protective step in front of Penny and tensed.

                • Swan-
                  “Hello.” Swan greeted. She titled her head thoughtfully.
                  Lost In The Woods

                • Ruby-
                  “Who are you?” Ruby asked the new dog. She snarled, letting this dog that she was not in a playful mood.
                  MothPool Shipper

  • firefly~ bounded around her packmates looking for other pups to play with her brother hawk had been mooning over his food like he did quite often “ugh imm borrreddd!” she whined
    wait i know what i can do she snuck out a piece of prey and shaked it violently from side to side but stopped when she heard someone bark her name

    open for interaction

    • Penny-
      She turned to study the pup playing with her food, biting back laughter at her deer in headlights look at the sound of her name being called.

    • firefly~ bolted to the other side of the camp with the piece of prey spooked when she couldn’t find out who called her name. and shrugged gobbled down the prey with a dumbfounded look on her face “Hawk!?” she yipped a small brown and white pup walked from behind a stump “ima tell~” hawk teased firefly grumbled and chased after him hawk scrambled up the stump and tackled firefly and the two pups tussled until firefly gave up “i surrender!” firefly giggled and plopped on her back hawk stared off in the distance “i want to show you somethin” hawk whispered he pawed at the entrance of the pack camp and slyly trotted to the entrance and firefly followed the two pups snuck out into a old rabbits burrow that lead to a tiny entrance to a moss filled cave “woah we should tell the omega about this” firefly barked hawk had a serious look which was unlike him firefly tensed up “i thought this could be our secret hideout!” he goofily grinned only pups allowed “i dont think and older dogs could fit in here anyway” firefly pointed out “wait till the end of this tunnel” he barked firefly could see the cramped opening widen out around them “Woah!” firefly barked firefly lapped up water from a nearby puddle “we should head back” hawk barked the two pups headed back to camp

  • Spirit-
    Spirit finished putting herbs on Russet’s wounds.
    “Just be careful for a few days,” they told her.


    Russet nodded. “Thank you.” she said, walking away, trying not to limp.

    🎵Why do you write like you’re running out of time?🎵

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