• Ok, I decided that for now I’ll use my secret page to host my games!

    Starpaw’s Find the Cat!

    Last round’s winners (it was from a while ago since I paused the game for a while)!
    Sorry, I messed up the first one for last round. I meant brother’s son, not sister’s son at the very end. My apologies, I’ll just give the points up to the sister and if you didn’t get her son then that’s all right, no points will be deducted since she didn’t have a son.
    Tinypaw got the first one correct and will get 3 points for that one. They got the second one mostly correct, but then changed their answer to the correct one. They’ll receive 3 points for the second one.
    Whitepaw didn’t do the first one and got the second one partly correct so they’ll get 2 points.
    Windstorm got the first one correct and got the second one slightly correct so they’ll get 2.5 and 0.5 points respectively.
    Rabbitflame got the first and second ones correct so they’ll get 2 points each.
    Stormpaw (you used to be Silver Shadow right?) didn’t do the first one and got the second one partially correct. They’ll get 1 point for that.

    Rabbitflame: 26.5 pts
    Windstorm: 22 pts
    Tinypaw: 14 pts
    Whiterabbit (Whitepaw) & Raven: 8 pts
    Viper and Waffles: 5 pts
    Stormpaw (prev. Silver Shadow right?): 1.5 pts
    Slatepaw: 1 pt
    Nightpaw and Shimmersplash: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: You have to find the cat that’s at the end of the chain. If you show your work (i.e. show which cat you got at each step) and you get the final answer wrong, you could still get partial marks. There will be a total of 15 rounds and at the end of the 15 rounds (I may possibly extend this), the winner(s) will be entered into Starpaw’s Hall of Fame, where I will display the overall winners of ALL my games!

    The points are distributed depending on whether or not you got the answer correct, how early on you answered, and if you didn’t get the final answer correct, how much of the work you got correct. The 2nd person who replied and got half of the work correct will get more points than the 5th person who replied and got all of it correct, HOWEVER, you can still enter even if there’s a bunch of replied because 1) those might be incorrect and 2) you might still be able to get a few points.


    • No looking it up online (e.g. wiki)
    • No asking people
    • You MAY use book references
    • Try and show your work if you can

    Round 8

    Clovertail’s white daughter’s daughter’s first mentor’s mate’s first deputy’s successor’s successor’s black-and-white daughter’s son’s father’s father 

    Stonepelt’s apprentice’s giver of first life’s father’s daughter’s brother’s “killer” ’s first mate’s killer’s mentor’s second mate

    Good luck everyone!

  • Starpaw’s Find the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Windstorm didn’t do the first one but they got the second one right so they will get 3 points.
    Rabbitflame got both correct and will receive 3 points for the first one and 2.5 points for the second one.
    Raven the first one correct and will get 2.5 points.
    Kestrelfeather got the final answer wrong for the first one but everything else was correct up until that point so they will get 2 points.

    Rabbitflame: 32 pts
    Windstorm: 25 pts
    Tinypaw: 14 pts
    Raven: 10.5
    Whiterabbit (Whitepaw): 8 pts
    Viper and Waffles: 5 pts
    Kestrelfeather: 2 pts
    Stormpaw: 1.5 pts
    Slatepaw: 1 pt
    Nightpaw and Shimmersplash: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: You have to find the cat that’s at the end of the chain. If you show your work (i.e. show which cat you got at each step) and you get the final answer wrong, you could still get partial marks. There will be a total of 15 rounds and at the end of the 15 rounds (I may possibly extend this), the winner(s) will be entered into Starpaw’s Hall of Fame, where I will display the overall winners of ALL my games!

    The points are distributed depending on whether or not you got the answer correct, how early on you answered, and if you didn’t get the final answer correct, how much of the work you got correct. The 2nd person who replied and got half of the work correct will get more points than the 5th person who replied and got all of it correct, HOWEVER, you can still enter even if there’s a bunch of replies because 1) those might be incorrect and 2) you might still be able to get a few points.


    No looking it up online (e.g. wiki)
    No asking people
    You MAY use book references
    Try and show your work if you can

    Round 9

    Sagewhisker’s apprentice’s dark gray apprentice’s namesake’s mate’s father’s father’s mentor.

    Goosefeather’s blue-gray niece’s son’s adopted mother’s sister’s daughter’s son’s mate

    Good luck everyone!

    • Ah you said mother whoops!

      Yellow fang-cinderpelt-cinderheart???-lionblaze-crowfeather-deadfoot-tallstar

      Bluestar-stonefur-gray pool-willowbreeze-silverstream-stormfur-brook where small fish swim

    • [spoiler title=”Answers”] Sage – Yellow – Running – uh Yellow? – Ragged – Hal – im confused

      Goose – Blue – White – Ash – really/???? [/spoiler]

    • Goosefeather-Bluestar-Stonefur-Graypool-Willowbreeze-Silverstream-Stormfur-Brook

      Goosefeather’s blue-gray neice is Bluestar, and her son is Stormfur; Stormfur’s adopted mother is Graypool bc Oakheart brought them to her to nurse since her own kits had just died, and Graypool’s sister is Willowbreeze who was mates with Crookedstar and Willowbreeze’s only surviving kit was Silverstream who became mates with Graystripe, and they had Stormfur and Feathertail. And then Stormfur become mate’s with Brook, the Tribe cat. Or you mean…


      Silverstream’s daughter is Feathertail, but Feathertail was never mates with Crowfeather…; Crowfeather’s son- Breezepelt – is mates with Heathertail

    • Yellowfang-Cinderpelt-Cinderheart-Lionblaze-Crowfeather-Hopkit-Tallstar


  • Starpaw’s Find the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Kestrelfeather got both correct so they will get 6 points.
    Cinderpaw didn’t get either correct but got some of the work correct so they will get 1 point.
    Stormpaw got one of them correct and will get 2.5 points.
    Windpaw (Windstorm right?) got both correct so they will get 4 points.
    Raven got both correct and will get 3 points.

    Rabbitflame: 32 pts
    Windstorm: 29 pts
    Tinypaw: 14 pts
    Raven: 13.5
    Whiterabbit (Whitepaw) and kestrelfeather: 8 pts
    Viper and Waffles: 5 pts
    Stormpaw: 4 pts
    Slatepaw and Cinderpaw: 1 pt
    Nightpaw and Shimmersplash: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: You have to find the cat that’s at the end of the chain. If you show your work (i.e. show which cat you got at each step) and you get the final answer wrong, you could still get partial marks. There will be a total of 15 rounds and at the end of the 15 rounds (I may possibly extend this), the winner(s) will be entered into Starpaw’s Hall of Fame, where I will display the overall winners of ALL my games!

    The points are distributed depending on whether or not you got the answer correct, how early on you answered, and if you didn’t get the final answer correct, how much of the work you got correct. The 2nd person who replied and got half of the work correct will get more points than the 5th person who replied and got all of it correct, HOWEVER, you can still enter even if there’s a bunch of replies because 1) those might be incorrect and 2) you might still be able to get a few points.


    • No looking it up online (e.g. wiki)
    • No asking people
    • You MAY use book references
    • Try and show your work if you can

    Round 10

    Current stoneteller’s sister’s mate’s father’s current mate’s crippled daughter’s brother’s former mate’s mate’s son’s mentor’s mentor’s sister

    First stoneteller’s love’s sister’s reincarnation’s sister’s mate’s mother’s mother’s father’s killer’s leader’s mother’s mate’s mother

    Good luck everyone!

    • Stoneteller-Brook-Stormfur-Graystripe-Millie-Briarlight-Bumblestripe-Dovewing-Tigerstar-Shadowsight-Puddleshine-Leafpool-Squirrelflight

      Half Moon-Jayfeather-Hollyleaf-Fallen Leaves-….

    • Crag-Brook-Stormfur-Greystripe-Millie-Briarlight-Bumblestripe-Dovewing-Tigerheart-Shadowsight-Puddleshine-Leafpool-Squrrielflight

      Half Moon-Jay’s Wing- Dove Wing- Dovewing-Ivypool-Fernsong-Cinderheart-Sorreltail-Whitestorm-Bone-Scourge-Quince-Jake-Crystal

    • Brook-stormfur-graystripe-Millie-briarlight-bumblestripe-dovewing-tigerheart-shadowsight-puddleshine-leafpool-squirrelflight

      Jay wing-dove wing-dovewing-ivypool-fernsong-cinderheart-sorreltail-whitestorm-bone-scourge-Quincy-Jake-darn it

    • Crag – Brook – Stormfur – Greystripe – Millie – Briarlight – Bumblestripe – uh Dovewing? – Tigerstar – Shadowsight – Leafpool – Squirrelflight! I think I skipped one or two…. 😛

      Half Moon- Jayfeather – Hollyleaf – Fallen Leaves – uh can we use the wiki WIKI TIME – he didn’t have any sisters??

  • Starpaw’s Find the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Stormpaw got the first correct and will get 3 points.
    Raven got the first almost correct and the second almost correct also so they will get 4 points.
    Windstorm got both correct and will receive 5 points.
    Kestrelfeather got the first one and almost got the second one so they will get 3.5 points.
    Cinderpaw got the first correct and will get 1 point.

    Windstorm: 34 pts
    Rabbitflame: 32 pts
    Raven: 17.5
    Tinypaw: 14 pts
    Kestrelfeather: 11.5 pts
    Whiterabbit (Whitepaw): 8 pts
    Stormpaw: 7 pts
    Viper and Waffles: 5 pts
    Cinderpaw: 2 pts
    Slatepaw: 1 pt
    Nightpaw and Shimmersplash: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: You have to find the cat that’s at the end of the chain. If you show your work (i.e. show which cat you got at each step) and you get the final answer wrong, you could still get partial marks. There will be a total of 15 rounds and at the end of the 15 rounds (I may possibly extend this), the winner(s) will be entered into Starpaw’s Hall of Fame, where I will display the overall winners of ALL my games!

    The points are distributed depending on whether or not you got the answer correct, how early on you answered, and if you didn’t get the final answer correct, how much of the work you got correct. The 2nd person who replied and got half of the work correct will get more points than the 5th person who replied and got all of it correct, HOWEVER, you can still enter even if there’s a bunch of replies because 1) those might be incorrect and 2) you might still be able to get a few points.


    • No looking it up online (e.g. wiki)
    • No asking people
    • You MAY use book references
    • Try and show your work if you can

    Round 11

    Birchface’s half-brother’s mother’s mate’s successor’s successor’s successor’s successor’s dead kit’s pretend father’s half-brother’s mate

    Reedfeather’s leader’s successor’s half-sister’s mate’s name double’s mate’s apprentice’s mate’s apprentice

    Good luck everyone!

  • Starpaw’s Find the Cat!

    Round 11 winners!
    Shimmerpaw/sky got the first one mostly correct and will get 2 points.
    Windstorm got the first mostly correct also and the second one was a little correct so they will get 2 points.
    Raven got the first correct and the second mostly correct and will receive 3.5 points.
    Rabbitflame got the first correct and the second correct so they will get 4 points.

    Windstorm and Rabbitflame: 36 pts
    Raven: 21 pts
    Tinypaw: 14 pts
    Kestrelfeather: 11.5 pts
    Whiterabbit (Whitepaw): 8 pts
    Stormpaw: 7 pts
    Viper and Waffles: 5 pts
    Cinderpaw and Shimmerpaw/sky: 2 pts
    Slatepaw: 1 pt
    Nightpaw and Shimmersplash: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: You have to find the cat that’s at the end of the chain. If you show your work (i.e. show which cat you got at each step) and you get the final answer wrong, you could still get partial marks. There will be a total of 15 rounds and at the end of the 15 rounds (I may possibly extend this), the winner(s) will be entered into Starpaw’s Hall of Fame, where I will display the overall winners of ALL my games!

    The points are distributed depending on whether or not you got the answer correct, how early on you answered, and if you didn’t get the final answer correct, how much of the work you got correct. The 2nd person who replied and got half of the work correct will get more points than the 5th person who replied and got all of it correct, HOWEVER, you can still enter even if there’s a bunch of replies because 1) those might be incorrect and 2) you might still be able to get a few points.


    • No looking it up online (e.g. wiki)
    • No asking people
    • You MAY use book references
    • Try and show your work if you can

    Round 12

    Spiresight’s giver of warrior name’s sister’s killer’s half-sister’s mother’s DOTC name double’s father

    Rootspring’s crush’s mentor’s half-sister’s apprentice’s sister’s half-sister’s mother’s mother’s sister

    • Spiresight Tigerheart Dawnpelt Darktail Hearthertail Whitetail White Tail Jagged Peak

      Rootspring Bristlefrost Rosepetal Hazeltail Blossomfall Briarlight Feathertail Silverstream Willowbreeze Graypool

    • [spoiler title=”Clicky!”] Idk about Spiresight
      Rootspring, Bristlefrost, Rosepetal, Blossomfall, sadly I dunno :C [/spoiler]

    • Spiresight-Tigerheart-Dawnpelt-Darktail-Heathertail-Whitetail-White Tail-Jaggedpeak

    • actually change jaggedpeak to graywing cause i just read your thingy about how one of the answers is wrong and then i remembered that turtle tail didnt give birth to gray wings kits

    • [spoiler title=”My Answers”] 1) idk didn’t read Tigerheart’s Shadow
      2) Rootspring-Bristlefrost-Rosepetal-Hazeltail-Blossomfall–Briarlight-Feathertail-Silverstream-Willowbreeze-Graypool

      Graypool [/spoiler]

  • Starpaw’s Find the Cat!

    Round 12 winners!
    Raven got the first mostly correct and the second correct so they’ll get 5.5 points.
    Rainypaw got the first mostly correct and the second correct so they’ll get 4 points.
    Sandpaw/frost tried their best and will get half a point.
    Springkit/tail got both correct after changing their final answer so they’ll get 3 points.
    Rabbitflame got both correct as well and will receive 2 points.
    Hollypaw/fern got the second correct and will get half a point.

    Rabbitflame: 38 pts
    Windstorm: 36 pts
    Raven: 26.5 pts
    Tinypaw: 14 pts
    Kestrelfeather: 11.5 pts
    Whiterabbit (Whitepaw): 8 pts
    Stormpaw: 7 pts
    Viper and Waffles: 5 pts
    Rainypaw: 4 pts
    Springkit/tail: 3 pts
    Cinderpaw and Shimmerpaw/sky: 2 pts
    Slatepaw: 1 pt
    Nightpaw, Hollypaw/fern, Sandpaw/frost and Shimmersplash: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: You have to find the cat that’s at the end of the chain. If you show your work (i.e. show which cat you got at each step) and you get the final answer wrong, you could still get partial marks. There will be a total of 15 rounds and at the end of the 15 rounds (I may possibly extend this), the winner(s) will be entered into Starpaw’s Hall of Fame, where I will display the overall winners of ALL my games!

    The points are distributed depending on whether or not you got the answer correct, how early on you answered, and if you didn’t get the final answer correct, how much of the work you got correct. The 2nd person who replied and got half of the work correct will get more points than the 5th person who replied and got all of it correct, HOWEVER, you can still enter even if there’s a bunch of replies because 1) those might be incorrect and 2) you might still be able to get a few points.


    No looking it up online (e.g. wiki)
    No asking people
    You MAY use book references
    Try and show your work if you can

    Round 13

    Star Flower’s mate’s crippled brother’s mother’s traveller to find the Clan’s aunt’s second deputy’s mate

    Mapleshade’s mate’s other mate’s daughter’s son’s mate’s neglected son’s sister-in-law’s mate’s apprentice’s father

    Good luck and have fun!