• Silvershadow woke up to see Whiterabbit crouching beside her, changing her leaf wrap. “Well! It seems your leg is healing faster than I though it would” she mewed, sitting up. “I can teach you a few easy leg stretches to do right now that will help speed up your recovery since your legs are already stronger…” The she-cats words faded and Silvershadow found herself standing in a meadow. She looked around warily, and saw a gray pelt flash in between a stand of trees. Stonecry stepped out, his blue gaze seeming to burn into her silver one’s. “Stonecry!” She breathed and bounded forward to touch muzzles with him, but he backed away “be wary of the shadows” he whispered, and then darkness engulfed her, the meadows disapearing

  • Repost, got buried 😛
    Amberkit walked to her nest in the nursery, relieved Silvershadow was alright. She curled up in her nest and fell asleep. “Amberkit?” she heard a voice say. Amberkit opened her eyes and jumped up. There was a she-cat standing there in a dark forest. “Where am I?Who are you?” Amberkit asked, narrowing her eyes. “You’re dreaming, I’m your mother,” the she-cat meowed. Amberkit’s eyes widened. “Mom? My real mom?” The she-cat purred, “Oh my little Amberkit! How I missed you!” Amberkit was overjoyed, but couldn’t help feeling a little suspicious. “Where are my other siblings? she asked. “Why, darling! I choose you. You’re my favorite you know. Don’t tell your siblings,” the cat meowed. “I’m Peachshine.” Amberkit nodded, “How did you die?” she blurted out. Peachshine meowed sadly, “I was defending you and your siblings from your father. I’m not sure what happened to him, but he went crazy and tried to kill you. I stopped him, but died from my injuries.”
    “I can’t believe my own father could do a thing like that…” Amberkit meowed. “It’s the past,” Peachshine meowed. “Tell me, hows Silvershadow? Is she taking care of you well?” Amberkit nodded, “She’s really kind and great to me, but my littermates are getting my my nerves. Ss-letkit said that she was ashamed that I was her sister…” Amberkit’s voice trembled. “Oh darling!” Peachshine meowed. “You did nothing wrong. You need to teach your sister a lesson. I have an idea, why don’t you sneak a large thorn into her nest?” Amberkit shook her head, “That will hurt!” Peachshine gave Amberkit a stern look, “It will teach Sleetkit to behave. Do it for your mom?” Amberkit sighed, “Sure…” Peachshine beamed, which caused all of Amberkit’s doubt to fade, “I’ll see you tomorrow night,” Peachshine meowed. “I can teach you battle moves.” Amberkit nodded and everything began to fade and soon she was back in her nest. I’m my mom’s favorite…she thought, her eyes filling up with tears.
    (back in the dark forest thingie)
    I was hoping Amberkit was a little more like me…Peachshine thought. But its a start. I’ll teach her to be the best.

  • (I’m sorry I haven’t been commenting for a while. I have been very depressed lately) ripplekit padded into the medicine den with tigerleaf following him. “I came to check on leafkit” he meowed, a little concerned. “How’s your leg doing Silvie?” Creekfrog meowed. “Ummmm creekfrog can I borrow you for a second?’ tigerleaf asked “sure!” Creekfrog purred. The two cats walked out of the medicine den. “Listen” tigerleaf began “silver shadow isn’t quite ready to get close to another cat yet. She’s still grieving about stonecry” “oh” he sighed, disappointed. “I guess so” creekfrog walked out of camp to think, his tail and head hanging low. He was sitting next to a tree when he heard small mews coming from an abandoned rabbit burrow. He poked his head in and smelled, curious. He smelled kits. He began to panic and ran back to camp “whitestar! Tigerleaf!” He cried ” there’s kits abandoned outside of camp! It sounds like they’re only a few days old!”

  • Silvershadow pricked her ears and looked out through the medicine den, silently cursing her leg. Leafkit, Pebblekit, and Sleetkit where already bounding out, but Amberkit padded out more slowly, a guarded look in her eyes

  • (Silvershadow do the kits know who their real parents are or do they think you and Creekfrog are their parents. Cause it would be cool if they thought you were but figured out the truth Power of Three style)

  • “let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the three birches for a clan meeting” Whitestar announced. When everybody was assembled she said, “Lynxpaw, please step forward.” Lynxpaw stepped forward. Whitestar continued: “Lynxpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect Whiteclan, even at the cost of your life?” “I do” he answered. “Well then, CloudClan honors your courage and your fighting skills and welcome you as a full warrior of WhiteClan. Lynxpaw, your warrior name shall be Lynxclaw(hope u like it) and you shall stand vigil tonight, beneath the clouds.” The whole clan shouted “Lynxclaw, Lynxclaw!” and Whitestar jumped down from the branch she was on and went to her den.

    • Soon. After the epidemic which needs to start soon and maybe one of the kits Whitestar is raising dies also and (Sorry a bird just flew into my window and shook the room) the remaining one will be your apprentice okay?

        • (Yeah. We try and hang up as much sparkly stuff in the window as we can so that the birds won’t run into it but everything still flies into it. Owls, sparrows, wasps. EVERYTHING!)

  • Whitestar goes over and carries both of the kits (two of them) back into the camp. The kits probably don’t still need milk, Whitestar thought with relief. One of the kits looked strong but the other looked weaker. The both smelled faintly of the twolegplace. Strange. Whitestar thought. What loner would leave their kits out in the forest. Whitestar brought them to her den because the nursery was already super full. They were a bit younger than Silvershadow’s kits and a fair amount younger than Tigerleaf’s. She offered them some vole and the strong one scrambled forward and ate a little bit of it. Whitestar gave some pieces to the weaker one and she ate it too. Then she curled up around them and went to sleep and warmed them up.

    • (I’m sorry to ruin your comment but my plan won’t work if they smell like twolegplace. They need to smell like ivyclan. Lol that probably gives away most of my plan) tigerleaf gets up to go and talk to whitestar about the kits they found outside of camp. She was about to leave the nursery when jasper kit began coughing. She wouldn’t stop and green mucus was coming out of her mouth. Tigerleaf looked alarmed and picked up jasper kit by the scruff, taking her to the medicine den “whiterabbit!” She yowled, bursting into the den “jasperkit is sick!” She lay jasperkit on a moss bed and backed away so that whitestar could help.

      • Firekit flattened her ears. Jasperkit’s coughing was jerking her whole body, and her eyes where streaming. Beside her, Ripplekit was shifting nervously on his paws, his eyes rounded with worry.