• (whitestar, could you make ripplepaw’s warrior name, ripplepool? you dont have to, i just thought it sounded good)

  • (this is taking forever so im just going to say that the cats came back from their patrol) ripplepaw bounced up happily to leafkit and dropped his rabbit in front of her “look what i caught!” he mewed, puffing his chest out in pride. “firepaw caught one too” he purred, pointing in the direction of his sister, who was putting her prey in the fresh-kill pile. he sat down next to leafkit, amberpaw moved over slightly closer to ripplepaw, ripplepaw does not notice this. “amberkit? would you like to share this rabbit with me and leafkit?” he asked her, reallizing that she was closer than before. she probably is hungry he thought. “sure!- i mean.. i guess…” she said, pretending not to care. (ok i want to ask everybodys permission…. CAN TIGERLEAF PLEASE HAVE ANOTHER LITTER?! HER CHARACTER IS GETTING SO BORING!)

    • Amberkit felt happiness bubble up in her. Something about Ripplepaw just made her a teensy bit happier. Okay maybe a lot, she admitted. She leaned over a took a bit out of the rabbit, “Great catch!” she mumbled, her mouth full. She swallowed and gave Ripplepaw a playful cuff in the ears. “When I’m a apprentice, I’ll catch something even bigger for us to share.”
      (wow, amberkit is being very nice lately. I need to make her meaner soon.)

      • (Yeah, she’s letting Ripplepaw soften her, but Peachshine an visit her in her dreams more and make her meaner.)

    • (yeah sure you can have another litter if you want, but you do have a role as deputy)

  • “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the three birches for a clan meeting!” Whitestar jumped onto the lowest birch branch and watched her clan assemble below her. “Today, I shall make four new apprentices! Leafkit, Amberkit, Pebblekit, and Sleetkit, please step forward! Riverflow, you will be mentor to Leafpaw! Batfang, you will be mentor to Amberpaw! Silvershadow, you will be mentor to Pebblepaw! And Whiterabbit, you shall take Sleetpaw as your medicine cat apprentice! Meeting dismissed.”

    • (sorry i dont comment on weekends but now i will try)( also btw do we have to wait for tigerleaf to tell us to go on patrol or can we just like go 😛 ?) “Congratulations!!”

      • (no, not really) Silvershadow nuzzled all of her kits. “You’ll all be great warriors” she said proudly, her eyes glowing. Amberpaw lashed her tail with excitement “nobody will dare go against me in battle when I’m made a warrior!” Silvershadow purred “yes.” Leafpaw dashed up to Ripplepaw “I’m an apprentice at last!” She exclaimed, and Pebblepaw circled Silvershadow. “What are we going to do first?” He asked. “I’ll take you to explore the territory, then we can practice hunting” she replied, glancing torward Batfang and Riverflow. “Do you want to come too?” Riverflow glanced at Leafpaw “sure. Are you gonna bring Amberpaw, Batfang?” The WhiteClan warrior glanced questioningly at the tom. Batfang hesitated before nodded his head in agreement, his tail-tip flicking. Sleetpaw was already disapearing into the medicine den, her fur bushed with supressed exitement.

    • Sleetpaw beamed in pride and went over to whiterabbit.

      Leafpaw just stared blankly still think about amber paw and ripplepaw.

      Pebblepaw purred that he got his mother and felt more then just mother love inside him.

      Batfang stalked over to amberpaw sitting sternly next to her giving her a glare to see how she would react.

  • halfpaw who finally drew her profile pic and is the fluffiest chimera cat who used to be cinnamonpaw who likes indie pop (you can call me pumpkin/cinnamon/halfpaw/ or halfheart) says:

    pumpkinpaw looked around the forest her eyes hurt from looking at the sun too much. I should get some fresh kill… she thought to herself. She walked over to the fresh kill pile and started eating a vole. its kinda lonely… She thought to herself.

    • ripplepaw looked sadly at the young she-cat eating fresh-kill by herself. “can pumpkinpaw go with us?” he asked, “sure, what do you think silvershadow?” riverflow shrugged

      • “Sure, she needs someone to teach her. Maybe you and me can help train her until Whitestar gives her an apprentice. ” Silvershadow replied, and Riverflow beckoned to the young she-cat with a flick of his tail.

  • (oh my starclan! i just realized something!……………..

    marshmallow is a valid warrior name :0

    marsh: obvious mallow: plant

    :0 😀

  • “Sure” Silvershadow replied to Speckleleaf and flicked her tail at the patrol “why don’t you guys go on ahead and I’ll catch up? I have to ask Whiterabbit something.” She hadn’t had a chance to question Whiterabbit about the dream or Pebblepaw’s weird comments. She wanted to find out more than ever now since she was his mentor “Whiterabbit!” Silvershadow hailed the WhiteClan medicine cat “can I talk to you?”

  • Amberpaw curled up in her nest, happy. I’ll ask Ripplepaw to go on a walk with me tomorrow, she decided, drifting off. “Come on!” she heard a voice say. Amberpaw jumped up and saw Peachshine standing there. “You know,” Peachsine meowed. “I did not appreciate you talking to Batfang so disrespectfully. By disrespecting him, you have disrespected me.” Amberpaw nodded, nervous. Peachshine stepped forward and clawed Amberpaw’s eye before she could react. Amberpaw yowled and jumped back. Pressing a paw to the eye Peachshine clawed. Amberpaw looked at Peachshine with disbelief and pain. “That should teach you. You are special if you like it or not. I’m only doing this because I care about you.” Peachshine meowed. “Let me teach you some battle moves.” Peachshine crouched now and unsheathed her claws. “We’re supposed to train with sh-” Amberpaw was cut short when Peachshine pounced on her. “Come on!” Peachshine meowed. “Fight back!” Amberpaw tried to claw Peachshine, but she was too fast. “When you pounce, hook your claws into flesh.” Peachshine commanded. “So if your enemy tries to run away, you’ll rip their flesh off.” Amberpaw nodded, eyes wide. “Try turning around at the last second,” Peachshine instructed. Amberpaw nodded again, eager to please her mother. “NO!” Peachshine growled, after Amberpaw tried the battle move. “You’re doing it wrong. This is such a simple move. If you can’t do this, you will never to become a good warrior, you might as well be a medicine cat.” Amberpaw ducked her head in shame. “That will be it for tonight. Before you go, I want to tell you something.” Amberpaw looked up, tired and battered. “Ripplepaw will never love you. No one will ever love you besides me.” Amberpaw felt like someone had stabbed her. All the aches she had combined didn’t even compare to the pain she felt when Peachshine said that. “Ripplepaw will abandon you. He’s a useless foxheart. I’m the only who loves you for you. And you remember that!” Amberpaw nodded, tears in her eyes as she wakes up.

      • Sleetpaw walked out of the medicine den then spotted amberpaw. “Holy cloudclan what happened to you, you know what that doesn’t matter come with me you need to be healed up” she meowed dragging her sister into the med den.

        Leafpaw stood in the training hollow with her mentor not paying attention just starring blankly she felt like she had no emotion anymore ripplepaw was her world and he was with amberpaw now? No stop over reacting she thought.

        Pebblepaw was asleep and woke walking on water looking down at a gray stern tom that he never had seen before and were ever he went he was on the other side intell a amber peach fell from the sky and made the water ripple causing the cat to disappear. Then he woke. What the he thought then he shrugged and went back to sleep.

    • halfpaw who finally drew her profile pic and is the fluffiest chimera cat who used to be cinnamonpaw who likes indie pop (you can call me pumpkin/cinnamon/halfpaw/ or halfheart) says:

      sorry i haven’t been online for days cause of school. What’s going on? What did i miss?

  • “Cottonpaw, let’s go hunting once more before I make you a warrior!” (So comment here and after I’ll do your warrior ceremony.

  • “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the three birches for a clan meeting!” Whitestar yowled and watched the clan assemble. “Today, I shall make a new warrior of WhiteClan! Cottonpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?” Whitestar asked. “I do.” Cottonkit answered. “Then, by the powers of CloudClan, I commend you as a warrior in your turn. Cottonpaw, you will now be known as Cottoncloud. CloudClan honors your courage and your skill and we welcome you as a full warrior of WhiteClan!” The clan began to chant “Cottoncloud, Cottoncloud!” and Cottoncloud stood proudly in the center of the clearing. After the cheers had quieted, Whitestar announced that the meeting was dismissed and bounded off of the branch she was on. She walked over to Cottoncloud and told her that she would have to stand a silent vigil tonight. Then, Whitestar walked off towards her den and curled up around Pinekit and went to sleep.

  • Lynxclaw bounced out of the med den his throughly clear as day. “Thanks whiterabbit” he meowed going over to the app den. “Hey forepaw how’s about we do some battle training!” He meowed

  • (lol sorry ive been inactive, my mother is trying to get me away from my laptop more often, but she doesnt know about the roleplay because i cant tell her because she thinks im going to announce all of my personal details like my phone number and address, i dont understand why though because im very responsible 😐 , oh well) ripplepaw wandered around camp aimlessly, trying to find something to do, he was about to start looking for leafpaw when he caught a glimpse of something in the medicine den. he peeked inside and his jaw dropped at what he saw, amberpaw was sitting there covered in blood, her eye had an enormous scar and she was acting like nothing was wrong! “amberpaw!” he yowled “what happened to you!?” amberpaw saw him and immediantly sat up straighter, “im fine” she muttered. “no youre not!” ripplepaw protested “what happened?”

    • Amberpaw gave Ripplepaw a weak smile, touched by his concern. He’s so sweet… Amberpaw thought, but last night’s events rushed back into her. Ripplepaw will never love you, Peachshine’s voice ringed in her head. Amberpaw shook her head, Ripplepaw is not a useless foxheart. I like him. And I’m not ashamed of it, Amberpaw told herself. Ripplepaw will abandoned you, Peachshine’s voice whispered in her head. He doesn’t love you. He never will. Besides, love is weak. Amberpaw placed her head in her paws, trying to block out Peachshine’s voice. “I was training.” Amberpaw meowed after a while, No need to tell him the details. “Want me to show you some battle moves?” she meowed, trying to sound upbeat.

      • “but youre supposed to keep your claws sheathed while training, and you are covered in blood!” he protested “what really happened?” he asked, sitting down next to amberpaw. what could she possibly be hiding? he wondered.

          • “what do you mean?” ripplepaw was confused “your mother is dead, how could you become so bloody if it was in your dreams, and how in cloudclan is that possible?” ripplepaw questioned her. “i dont know what could possibly do this, but are you okay? you look really bad.” ripplepaw had concern shining in his eyes “is something wrong?”

            • It took a little while for Amberpaw to process Ripplepaw’s words since she was distracted by his sweet and shining eyes. “I’m okay,” Amberpaw meowed. “My mom just isn’t the most understanding and just says what she thinks.” What a understatement, Amberpaw thought. “Does my eye look okay?” Amberpaw asked. “I’m not ugly with this scar, right?” she meowed, jokingly.

          • Leafpaw went to look for ripplepaw when she saw him with amberpaw. Oh boy she thought about to walk away but then she heard what amberpaw said. This sent shivers down her bones. Doesn’t she know peachshine is evil she thought. Then she saw her looking at leafpaw. She flinched and ran out of camp. She was trying to think strait. No no amberpaw can’t be… she thought but she couldn’t forget her words.

              • (When amberpaw was asleep when they were kits pebblepaw told the other kits about peachshine)

            • “leafpaw?” ripplepaw called after her. “i need to make sure shes ok” he meowed. amberpaw nodded. ripplepaw bounded out of camp, looking for leafpaw. he found her wandering through the woods, mumbling to herself “i cant believe amberpaw” she muttered. “leafpaw??” he mewed “is something wrong?” leafpaw whipped her head in his direction “oh! ripplepaw! i didnt see you there!” she blurted out. “are you okay?” he asked her

              • All her feelings spilled out of her. “You’ve just been spending so much time with amberpaw and an…” she stopped. “Our mother is evil ripplepaw amberpaw can’t be training with her..” she meowed

  • Whiterabbit woke up and told Sleetpaw and Wishpaw to come. She was going to take them to the Cloud Stream so that CloudClan could approve of Sleetpaw as another medicine cat apprentice. The three cats took traveling herbs and departed.

    • Sleetpaw followed wondering what the cloud stream was like but he stayed completely calm.

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