• Sleetpaw sprang up weaving through the battle. Then she yelled “stop!” Everybody stopped. She looked surprised but kept speaking. “Ivyclan why are you attacking us?” She meowed calmly walking right up to vinestar her mouse huddled in her fur.

  • Just before sleetpaw had spoken leafpaw heard yowling from the camp. Ripplepaw! She thought. She raced to the camp looking at all the cats battling at once. Then she spotted ripplepaw underneath a huge tom. She raced to the tom and slashed at him. Steering him away from ripplpaw. But then he slashed her belly. She fell to the ground in pain panting for breath her bright green collar standing out. (She won’t die but she’s close)

  • halfpaw who finally drew her profile pic and is the fluffiest chimera cat who used to be cinnamonpaw who likes indie pop (you can call me pumpkin/cinnamon/halfpaw/ or halfheart) says:

    (I felt like it was kind of weird to just show up to the rp, so here’s pumpkinpaws short history that you never asked for)
    pumpkinpaws parents are cloudwing and yellowfoot. Her mom is yellowfoot, and her dad is cloudwing. Her father, cloudwing, spended a lot of time with pumpkinpaw. Pumpkinpaw is a bisexual and loves hunting. Her soon to be mate is blossompaw/petal. (Sorry for saying this, I just wanted you guys to know :p)

  • ok so i just posted a comment that has 11100000000 random numbers and letters. i can assure u it was an accident

  • Whitestar threw off the last of the rogues and they ran into the bushes, yowling. Still breathing hard, Whitestar told Vinestar, who had led IvyClan to come help WhiteClan, “Thank you for your assistance. I’m not sure we’d have been able to fight them off if it weren’t for you. WhiteClan would be happy to help you in return.” Vinestar looked as if she was contemplating the offer. “Well, there is one thing you might be able to help me with. I believe WhiteClan has stolen my kits,” she said. There was a gasp around the camp.

    (I’m gonna end it there and you guys can reply. Also tell me if I got something wrong. I’m kinda confused at what’s happening right now in the roleplay. Also, I don’t think Fuzzypaw will be commenting anymore.)

    • (ya, i thnki sit wun ov hte msseits roolplys evre) (i am speaking the language of starkits prophcy)

    • Silvershadow looked sharply up at the Ivyclan leader. She had been checking Amberpaw and Pebblepaw for injuries, but now she was glaring at Vinestar. “We haven’t stolen any of your kits!” Pinepaw shrugged Sleetpaw off of him, his back fur bristling

      • (I’ll be Vinestar)
        “I believe you have. One of our queens reported her litter being missing, and the scent trail went right over our border and onto your land. Do not try to deny it. You stole the kits.”

  • Whiterabbit went around, tending to wounds after the battle with Sleetpaw and Wishpaw at her side. (is wishpaw still there?)

    • Leafpaw lay unconscious a big slash in her belly and blood trickling from her mouth.

      • Whiterabbit let out a huge gasp and immediately said “Sleetpaw, go get me cobwebs, Wishpaw, go get me marigold. They dashed back and Whiterabbit began to put the herbs on to Leafpaw, but she still wasn’t moving.

        • Pebblepaw dashed over to leafpaw. “No!” He cried. “I can’t loose any of my kits!”

        • (you might also want to try some comfrey! sorry but i just want to help, and i have memorised basically every herb in warrior cats)

          • (Me to I even know bright eye and lovage mixture and chickweed and all the others that are only mentioned once.)

            • oh really? see if you can guess this one off the top of your head. and tell me honestly wether you got it right or not
              what is celandine used for?
              [spoiler title=”answer”] umm is this where i put the words? oh well the answer is eye injuries [/spoiler]

              • Ahhhh trying to remember hmmmmmmmn I think it helps with cough maybe darn I learn all of them but then I forget lol

                • tip: find an herb guide, memorise the herbs that start with a, and after you can recall all of them, move on to b. just keep doing that until u know them all!

  • Firesky skidded to a halt as Lion leaped in front of her “you can’t go!” he pleaded. Firesky glared at him “my clan needs me!” “I need you too..” he whispered. “I’m going back” Firesky growled, curling her lip at him, and he looked away. “Just stay with me one night, the others won’t notice I’m gone.” Firesky hesitated. It was almost dark anyway, so one night wouldn’t hurt. “Ok, one night” she murmered and dug her muzzle into his fur, letting herself relax

  • (YEEEEEEEET!) (idk what im doing im just bored) ((this is the only place i can post any thing so… im just gonna do something to stop my boredom)warrior cats randomness: squirrelflight walked through the lake and saw spongebob’s pineapple “what is this orange thing?” squirrelflight wondered, staring at the pineapple. suddenly brambleclaw burst out of some random coral and yeeted squirrelflight out of the lake. squirrelflight landed in a pile of waffles. brambleclaw waddled over and ate the pile of waffles “UniCoRn HOVerBoaRDs!” brambleclaw yelled, because the waffles were full of catnip. suddenly ashfur landed on top of brambleclaw because the starclan cats kicked him out. “HEY!” ashfur yowled, his beautiful blonde hair blowing in the wind. ashfur heard the sound of a chainsaw starting up, and began running away as he saw hollyleaf bounding toward him. “i thought i got rid of you!” she growled, chasing him. squirrelflight was confused……. so she did the only logical thing…… she did a double backflip into twolegplace to steal all of the twolegs cookies. when squirrelflight got back, her belly and paws full of cookies, she saw brambleclaw taking a nap, as hollyleaf chased ashfur in circles around brambleclaw, hollyleafs chainsaw jerked forward and cut off ashfurs beautiful blonde hair. “HOw dARe YoU!” ashfur cried, before he exploded, his hair was the only thing keeping him alive, he had to take good care of it, that is why it was so shiny and silky. hollyleaf shrugged, and did a backflip into the tunnels to mine some diamonds. brambleclaw woke up, saw squirrelflights cookies, and launched himself at her, making her fall down and drop the cookies, brambleclaw picked up the cookies and ran away, only to be dissapointed as he realised….. the cookies were OATMEAL RAISIN! dun dun dunnnnnn! i dont even know what this is XD)

  • (As dawn came pancakes fell from the sky breaking through the warriors den. Squirrelflight flicked her tail in annoyance and Sumer salted on top of brambleclaw. “Time to wake up the pancakes have spoken!” Squirrelflight screamed in his ears causing him to turn into a butterfly. She shrugged and slid on her belly out of the warriors den. She put on her jay backwards and everyone stood on their heads. She walked up to firestar and slapped him. “Spotted leaf!” He screeched jumping into the lake. She shrugged again and watched as berrynose sipped his koolade driving sandstorm insane. Then lion paw screamed and threw honey at honey paws face “NOOOOOO” he screeched stabbing russetfur over and over again. Then he got a call from heatherpaw. “We’re breaking up because you don’t roleplay right I’m dating rock now” lion paw bashed his face into a tree. Then the sun disappeared and she screamed “sol!” “Don’t worry I got this” said holly paw grabbing her chainsaw. Ashfur backed away into a pile of alligators. He blinked and threw a tree at them and scream “blondes for life!” “What has this clan become” squirrelflight screeched. “Want some bud light” brambleclaw meowed. Squirrelflight cocked her shotgun. “Wait starclan has a sign!” Screamed spotted leaf floating down from heaven. “I’m hot!” She meowed “oh and badgers are here” “wait wha…” then Squirrelflight was bowled over by a badger with a hockey puck. “ICE HOCKEY!” Flame tail screamed showing up on tv. Rock dumped him and jay feather into the water. “Ok now this is television” he grabbed his popcorn then remember that jayfeather had to live. “Shi-*”

    I don’t know this is terrible 😛)

    • yes…………………………………………… my turtle did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk i dont have a turtle XD but dont worry! the rainbow flying robot galaxy cat from outer space that eats pineapples (copyright! i came up with this and it is mine! no takey!) probably read it! or maybe pinestar stole his twolegs ipad and read it 🙂 idk im just being as random as possible! this is the TRUE tigerleaf! deal with it! *randomly starts doing the floss* i am ranananananananan(banana)anananadooooooooooooommmmmmmm! YEET! DoNT JudGE MeH!) (btw i actually did read it so dont worry)

      • However much we all like reading nonsense in comments on this page that was supposed to be used as a WhiteClan roleplay, I think that maybe we should refrain from that for a while (btw this is not the only page where you can post anything you want) unless you want to vote on changing this page from a roleplay page to a post anything and do anything blog-appropriate page, which would be pretty fun. Oh, and if you ever want to run around the house yelling nonsense, which I always feel like doing after I eat a bowl of ice cream, the (not) word “hablooga” is pretty fun to say. I love to be as random as possible too so you’re not alone (btw I wasn’t joking or using it as a rhetorical question when I said “unless you want to vote on changing this page from a roleplay page to a post anything and do anything blog-appropriate page” but I’m not sure the other members of this roleplay would like it.