• (Smokestrike)
      Smokestrike glanced at Halfbird. “I’m not the best talker either…” she meowed. “But I could try?”

  • Pinnerpaw –
    “I could talk to them”he said and imeatily raced up to him
    (By the way who’s role-playing Halfbird’s brother)

  • Pinnerpaw –
    “Hello we were looking for you because we want to know if she is familiar to you” he said moving aside to show the cat Halfbird

  • Pinnerpaw –
    “But it might not be smoke”he said. It could be about anyone else who is here”he said. “But I don’t know how we are going to find your sibling so I think we are going to have to stay here for a little longer. But before we do that we need to get some food and rest then tomorrow we can try to find some more clues” he said.

    • (Smokestrike)
      Smokestrike stretched out, feeling tired and hungry as soon as Pinnerpaw mentioned resting and hunting. “Yup, we should.” Smokestrike’s mouth was already watering from the idea of prey. She ignored the prickling pain in the back of her neck, just as she had been doing. “Let’s go.” She meowed, already leaving to go hunt

  • Pinnerpaw –
    It has been a long time since Pinnerpaw started hunting and he started getting really hungry and desperate to find food but all he could smell were rats. “Maybe we could try hunting father from the twolegplace”he said desperately even though there was a big risk that they would get lost he was willing to take it

  • Pinnerpaw –
    Right when Halfbird said that she would go he zoomed into the forest not waiting for them. “Let’s see the difference between the twolegplace and the forest” he said and immediately smelled mouse and ran after it and with one quick swipe it was killed. “Look what I found” he said looking behind him an relized the group was gone “wait where’s the group” he thought ” Eh that doesn’t really matter I’ll just go back to the twolegplace and wait for them ” he said moving into the forest “Wait is this the right way all the trees look the same where am I going” he thought until he realized that he was lost

    • (Smokestrike)
      Smokestrike ran after Pinnerpaw as he dashed into the woods. “Pinnerpaw! Wait!” She called, but he was long gone. How dare you lose him! Her mind scolded, and a wave of worry washed over her. An apprentice couldn’t be alone in unknown territory! “Halfbird!” Smokestrike whispered, though she didn’t know why she was whispering, “Where’s Pinnerpaw?”

        • (Smokestrike)
          Smokestrike sniffed the air, hoping she could pick up even a scrap of Pinnerpaw’s scent. “I found something.” She called to Halfbird. “Follow me, we don’t want to get even more split up so stay close.” Smokestrike, making sure Halfbird was close, started following Pinnerpaw’s scent

  • Sorry I haven’t been active, I can only be active when I’m not with my mom and I have a device I can use. I’ll try to do as much as I can while I can. Only today so far, but that’s still something.

    • (Ottersong)
      Ottersong looked around, terrified. Where is Smokestrike? She though frantically. She hadn’t come back from hunting, and she was hurt. Did BloodClan hurt her? What reason would they have to hurt her? “Ottersong?” Rockrunner meowed. “Are you ok?” “Im fine.” Ottersong lied. “I know you’re not.” Rockrunner sighed. “It’s about Smokestrike, isn’t it. I’m worried too.” Ottersong nuzzled closer to her son. “Of course you are.” She meowed. “But what can we do about it?” Rockrunner sighed. “I don’t know.” Was all he said.

      • ~Claws~
        Claws dipped her head to the elder and Warrior, “Me and my brothers were set to watch over the Clan to stop any attacks for the other Clans, if you need anything from outside the temporary Camp just ask any cat you don’t recognize that’s staring. If anything we’re the most polite cats here, so I say, they don’t bite” she smiled sweetly as she gazed at her brothers who were trying to help, and her close friends, who were very submissive.

        • (Ottersong)
          “That’s very kind of you.” Ottersong meowed, dipping her head to the rouge, trying to seem as polite as possible as not to provoke him, and Rockrunner, while not saying anything, also dipped his head in thanks to the rouge, though Ottersong could see the hesitation in her son’s eyes. Before the rouges could leave, Addersting ran up to them. “What are you doing here? You better not hurt my family!” He hissed, obviously not having heard what the rouge said earlier. “Everything’s fine.” Rockrunner whispered, fear in his voice that Addersting might have provoked the rouges.

          • ~Claws~
            “I wouldnt dream of hurting any cat” she dipped her head to the tom, she smiled and Frostbite walked up to her, “If anything you should be scared of me” he growled. Claws gave her brother a stern look, but he didn’t even bother, “Maybe next time listen to what she has to say and don’t accuse all rogues of being hostile, it’s rude” he hissed.

            • (Ottersong)
              “Well maybe I got the wrong idea because, I don’t know, you keep us here trapped like mice.” Addersting hissed. “Please disregard my mouse-brained son.” Ottersong meowed quickly. “He doesn’t seem to know his manners, and he also doesn’t seem to know when someone is trying to help.” Addersting just growled, and Rockrunner took him away. “At least we’re away from TreeClan.” Rockrunner murmured, trying to get Addersting to calm down.

              • ~Claws~
                “Well tell your son, he’s free to leave, we didn’t make you come to us for help” he growled and stalked past Rockrunner and Addersting, he grinned a toothy grin, he growled and towered over Addersting, “Mess with the frost, you’ll get the bite” he grinned again and licked his lips, he then trotted away towards the DarkClan area.

                • (Ottersong)
                  Ottersong chased after her sons and soon caught up to them. “Why did you do that?” Rockrunner was asking Addersting. “Why should I trust those rouges!” He hissed. “They’ve been killing clan cats!” Rockrunner’s eyes widened, and he could barely say, “W-what?” Ottersong walked up to her younger son. “We don’t know they have been.” She meowed. “We do know that they’ve killed Clawstar, and there were two DarkClan cats who disappeared, a SunClan cat is gone too, and-” Addersting’s voice broke before he could finish. Rockrunner reached out his tail and intertwined his tail with Addersting’s. “She’s dead.” Addersting sobbed. “Smokestrike is dead, and I should’ve been there for her. I should have been there from the start.” Rockrunner stood up. “No. She’s. Not.” He hissed.

                • (Ottersong)
                  Ottersong looked over and saw a long-haired gray tom running out of his temporary camp. “I’ll be right back.” Ottersong meowed to her sons, and she ran after him. “Where are you going?” She called to the cat, who smelled like a DarkClan cat. Underneath she caught another scent, that seemed to trail to where the cat was running. It can’t be…Ottersong thought. “Wait!” She called.

  • (Here’s a good idea make someone figure out that Pinnerpaw, Halfbird, and Smokestrike are gone)

    • (Ottersong and Rockrunner have already noticed that Smokestrike is gone 😛)

  • ~Windhowl~
    Windhowl ran faster even now hearing a cat behind him, he followed the scent till he finally noticed the two others, Halfbird! he thought, he scented a male apprentice, and the other two she-cats’ fear scents, Maybe the apprentice went missing? he realized. Windhowl decided to follow the tom’s scent in hopes of finding him, and bringing him to the two frightened she-cats.

    • (Ottersong)
      Ottersong failed to catch up to the fast running tom. She sighed and went back to her children. They’ll be wondering where I went.

  • Acorn-
    this tom is rudiclous Acorn thought as she wachted Pinnerpaw screaming out loud “Help!!!”
    he looks like he needs help maybe I should ask him what’s going on she thought an then purposefully septed on a branch “Whose’s there”he said full of alert “Having trouble”she said as she aproched him. “I’m kind of lost he addmitted and I dont know the way back”he said. She blinked at him”you kow you can just follow your scent mark here I’ll help you it will problay be hard once it starts fading” Acorn didnt know who this tom is the only thing she knew is that he would problay need help lots of help

    • (Smokestrike)
      Following Pinnerpaw’s scent, Smokestrike soon smelled another cat mingled with Pinnerpaw’s scent. Did another cat attack him? Smokestrike thought. She ran faster, leaving Halfbird behind, and she saw a rouge with Pinnerpaw. “Get away from him!” Smokestrike hissed as she pinned down the rouge.

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