Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • Dawn of the Clans Name Generator

    First Part- Which role you want

    Night- Leader
    Cloud- Deputy
    River-Medicine Cat
    Fang- Warrior

    Second Part- Which Group you would be in

    Scent-River Ripple
    Flight- Tall Shadow
    Water- Clear Sky
    Pebble- back in the Tribe, with Stoneteller

    I got Riverflight!
    Tell me what you got (everyone does on this page anyway lol)

  • Prefix-What is your favourite subject?

    English – Bumble
    Maths – Sun
    Biology – Soot
    Physics – Sorrel
    Chemistry – Shimmer
    History – Sparkle
    Geography – Violet
    Religion – Honey
    Music – Nettle
    Drama – Fluffy
    Dance – Cinder
    Computing – Fallow
    Woodwork – Wren
    Languages – Misty
    PE (exercise) – Otter
    Sociology/Philosophy – Tiny
    Other – Birch

    Suffix-What is your worst subject?

    English – shade
    Maths – flicker
    Biology – wisp
    Physics – fawn
    Chemistry – blaze
    History – moon
    Geography – tuft
    Religion – snow
    Music – dapple
    Drama – wish
    Dance – brook
    Computing – apple
    Woodwork – shimmer
    Languages – twitch
    PE (exercise) – spots
    Sociology/Philosophy – bush
    Other – reed

    Description- What is your favourite colour of cats?

    Black – a dusky brown cat with long whiskers, a ginger muzzle and patches and dark blue eyes
    White/cream – a broad-shouldered dark grey cat with a fluffy tail and green eyes
    Grey/silver – a smooth-furred, tall, blue-grey cat with large ears and pale blue eyes
    Ginger/red – a long-furred black cat with a long tail and huge yellow eyes
    Black and White – a glossy-furred silver cat with a white throat, small paws and amber eyes
    Brown tabby – a pale ginger cat with white spots, a torn ear-tip and golden eyes
    Tortoiseshell – a mottled golden tabby cat with sharp claws and deep blue eyes
    Other/variations of above – a messy-furred, sandy-brown cat with a stumpy tail and green eyes

    Clan-Favourite name out of these

    Heatherbird– ThunderClan
    Tawnypad– RiverClan
    Honeyfawn– WindClan
    Mistyblaze- SkyClan
    Thunderblossom– ShadowClan

    Personality – Which arc was the first warriors book you read from?

    The Prophecies Begin – enthusiastic, energetic
    The New Prophecy – wise, aloof
    The Power of Three – silent, mysterious
    Omen of the Stars – loud, batty
    Dawn of the Clans – gossipy, sly
    A Vision of Shadows – hardworking, dedicated
    The Broken Code – proud, conceited
    I can’t remember – funny, popular

    Role – how do you like books to begin? (change your name if needed)
    With a question – kit
    With a flashback – apprentice
    By describing a character – warrior
    By describing a setting – queen
    With speech – elder
    With an action – medicine cat
    With a story/myth being told – medicine cat apprentice
    Other– deputy
    Can’t choose– leader

    Finished! I am Bumbleflicker, a dusky brown she-cat with long whiskers, a ginger muzzle and patches and dark blue eyes. She is a wise and aloof warrior of SkyClan.

    • Birchstar/reed, a messy-furred, sandy-brown cat with a stumpy tail and green eyes. She is the ThunderClan Leader. She is enthusiastic and energetic.

    • NettleFlicker

      -Trans Female (she/her)

      -A mottled golden tabby cat with sharp claws and deep blue eyes

      – RiverClan

      – Enthusiastic and extremely energetic. She takes everything literally. Nettle is a bit anxious at times but she handles high stress situations well. She takes matters into her own paws when others are being lazy, however that doesn’t mean that she’ll take a nip at you if you’re slacking off.

      – Permanent queen, she plans on adopting.

    • Nettlestar/blaze of WindClan, a long-furred black cat with a long tail and huge yellow eyes. They are rather enthusiastic about their role as leader of WindClan, and are generally rather energetic on a daily basis.

    • Bumblepaw(flicker) a smooth- furred, tall, blue-gray she- cat with large ears and pale blue eyes. She’s an apprentice of ShadowClan. She’s gossipy and sly. She’s an apprentice, but no one really trusts her.

    • Shinmerpaw/blaze a dusky brown she cat with long whiskers, a ginger muzzle and patches, and dark blue eyes. She is energetic and enthusiastic and of Skyclan

    • Tinyspots/star, a dusky brown she-cat with long whiskers, a ginger muzzle and patches and dark blue eyes. Leader of WindClan. She is enthusiastic and energetic.

    • Sootpaw(spots), a broad-shouldered dark grey cat with a fluffy tail and green eyes, enthusiastic, energetic, medicine cat apprentice of SkyClan

    • I am Sparkleshade, a mottled golden tabby cat with sharp claws and deep blue eyes. She is the enthusiastic, energetic, medicine cat of ShadowClan.

    • Meet,Cinder(flicker)star,
      A messy-furred, sandy-brown cat with a stumpy tail and green eyes,
      She is enthusiastic and energetic
      Leader of SkyClan

    • Bumblefawn, a mottled golden tabby cat with sharp claws and deep blue eyes. They are from WindClan, and are enthusiastic and energetic. They are also a Medicine Cat!

  • Rrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnndddddddddddddoooooooooommmmmmmmmmm Ggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Prefix- favorite suffix:
    Fur- Gray or Silver
    Blaze- Violet or Smoke
    Shade- Storm
    Storm- Wind or Breeze
    Tail- Oak or Ash
    Pelt- Moss or Bark
    Bark- Fox or Wolf
    Leaf- Stem or Petal
    Blossom- Flower or Leaf
    Pool- Puddle

    Sufix- favorite/random number from 1-10:
    1- tail
    2- bloom
    3- fur
    4- stream
    5- haze
    6- cry
    7- rain
    8- petal
    9- heart
    10- strike

    You pick everything else!

    I got Stormhaze, a light gray tabby she-cat with gray-blue eyes!

  • Name generator!!!:
    First, pick your least favorite name out of theses for your prefix:
    Seedsky- Golden
    Meekclaw: Jay
    Featherheart- Rose
    Shockwind- Luck
    Pebblecreek- Torrent
    None of theses- Clover
    Then pick your favorite clan for your suffix:
    Thunderclan- Leaf
    Shadowclan- Shade
    Riverclan- Wave
    Windclan- Rapid
    Skyclan- Soul
    None of these- Feather
    For your clan, pick your least favorite element:
    Earth- Thunderclan
    Air- Windclan
    Darkness- Shadowclan
    Light- Skyclan
    Finally, for your description, pick your favorite color:
    Yellow: a gray and black tabby cat with light brown eyes and a short tail
    Blue: a light yellow cat with white paws and head, and dark blue eyes.
    Pink: a ginger cat with white patches with a pink nose and bright green eyes.
    Green: a lithe white white cat with large paws, long fur and glittering black eyes
    Other: a beautiful black tabby cat with purple eyes, a yellow chest and ears, and one paw that is broken.
    I got: Luckleaf of Shadowclan. She is a ginger she cat with white patches, with a pink nose, and bright green eyes .


    Prefix- Your favorite colour

    Red- Rose
    Orange- Sand
    Yellow- Fang (hehe see what I did there)
    Green- Alder
    Blue- Breeze
    Indigo- Shade
    Violet- Orchid
    Pink- Bounce
    Brown- Rye
    Black- Sage
    Gray- Stream
    White- Egg
    Rainbow- JaGuAr
    Other weirdly specific colour that I’m not bothering to name- Cotton

    Suffix- Your LEAST favorite colour

    Red- leap
    Orange- storm
    Yellow- shadow
    Green- dapple
    Blue- tail
    Indigo- foot
    Violet- wind
    Pink- storm
    Brown- nose
    Black- berry
    Gray- whisker
    White- throat
    Rainbow- spring
    Other ALSO weirdly specific colour that ya boi’s too lazy to name- heart

    okay, while we’re at it, let’s do RANK, you’re favorite pelt out of these-
    black- Deputy
    gray- Leader
    White- elder
    ginger- warrior
    brown- ‘paw
    cream- queen
    blue-gray- kit
    black and white- loner
    patched- rogue
    calico- kittypet

    CLAN- LEAST favorite pelt colour-
    black- ShadowClan
    gray- Fanmade Clan
    White- ThunderClan
    ginger- WindClan
    brown- SkyClan
    cream- Tribe of Rushing Water
    blue-gray- StarClan
    black and white- Dark Forest
    patched- StarClan
    calico- loner/rogue/kittypet if you weren’t already

    I got Orchidheart, the black deputy with violet eyes (of WindClan)

    Choose your own appearance and change your name to make it fit.

  • Gingerkit/whisker, a brown tabby she cat with blue eyes of Thunderclan.

  • Name generator time! 😀

    For your prefix, take the first letter of your original name. (The name you first used when you joined BlogClan. Not the name you use now if you changed it.)
    For some of you haven’t changed your name (like me 😛) this will just be the first letter of your current name.

    A- Aspen
    B- Bark
    C- Cloud
    D- Deer
    E- Eagle
    F- Fish
    G- Gorse
    H- Heron
    I- Ice
    J- Jackdaw
    K- Kink
    L- Lion
    M- Mossy
    N- Night
    O- Orange
    P- Pounce
    Q- Quiet
    R- Rabbit
    S- Sweet
    T- Tree
    U- Choose yourself
    V- Volcano
    W- Wish
    X- Choose yourself
    Y- Yarrow
    Z- Choose yourself

    For your suffix, pick a number from one to ten and take the suffix of whatever Warriors cat you get!

    1. Rosepetal
    2. Birchfall
    3. Ivypool
    4. Lionblaze
    5. Spottedleaf
    6. Shellfur
    7. Hollyleaf
    8. Sunstar
    9. Mapleshade
    10. Graystripe

    My result: Treefur, a brown she- cat with amber eyes.

  • Okcamocca
    Oh my…… Welcome to…..
    Least favorite clan
    WindClan – SkyClan
    ThunderClan – ShadowClan
    RiverClan – WindClan
    ShadowClan – RiverClan
    SkyClan- ThunderClan
    Hi little kit! What shall your name be?
    Random number
    1- Willow
    2- Seed
    3- Nuzzle
    4- Rose
    5- Breeze
    6- Whispering
    7- Wind
    9- Feather
    10- Jay
    Why, *insert name here*! Such lovely fur!
    You choose
    Awwww and look at your brothers and sisters!
    Siblings 1-5
    5- 3
    What are their names?( Go to naming) Aww!
    My gracious!! You poor, poor kit!!!
    choose A-G
    A- mother dies
    B- sister dies(0 then mom)
    C- Father dies
    D- Leader dies
    E- Brother dies(0 then dad)
    F- Camp is destroyed
    G- both mother and father die
    I’m so sorry for your loss!! But you are a big kit now and you are going to be an apprentice!
    Mentor 1-5
    1- Sweetplume
    2- Peachnose
    3- Fairy
    4- Lilywhisper
    5- Thornshard
    Great job! Ready for training? Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that!
    1- Mentor was killed
    2- you got stuck in a trap
    3- you fell into a river
    4- Beloved warrior died
    5- your mentor is cruel to you
    I hope all is well! Well…… Wow! So soon! You are going to be a warrior!
    B- dance
    C- Breeze
    D- shard
    E- nose
    F- fur
    I’m so proud of you! Awww you guys are so cute together!! Ok, ok, I’ll stop…
    Mate 1-
    1- Grassdrift
    2- Molenuzzle
    3- Dearprance
    4- Willowfur
    5- Snakecoil
    I’m so happy for you!! What? Really?
    1- you had kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2- you are in love with another cat from a different clan….
    3- you are leaving
    4- you were offered to be the deputy because Quailfeather is stepping down
    5- you had kits!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is some news….
    1- you are deputy!
    2- you refused
    1- you have kits….. With the other cat
    2- you leave to be with them
    3- you both run away together
    4- you are found out
    You are done
    I am so sorry about the battle!!!
    1- your mate died
    2- your leader died(and deputy if you aren’t dep)
    3- loved one died
    4- Your best friend died
    You were voted leader!!!! Congrats! My dearest friend, we part here…….

    • I am Rosekit of SkyClan!! I am a thick furred grey she kit with blue eyes and a pink nose! I have 3 brothers and 1 sister! My bobo died though…. That leaves 2 brothers😔. But Lily Whisper is my mentor now! I fell into a river while training. I had a cough but I’m fine now!😅 I’m now a warrior! I am Rosedance! My old friend, Dearprance and I are now mates😊😊😆 I- I was offered a place as….. Deputy! I did nothing to earn this! Nevertheless, I accepted. A battle raged of for days and nights. Finally, SkyClan won, but with a price… Sunstar was killed. I am Rosestar, leader of SkyClan and I shall avenge him….

    • Seedkit of WindClan, a golden and black tabby with deep blue eyes. Seedkit has four siblings, them being Nettlekit (pure black molly with yellow eyes), Buzzkit (golden and black tabby molly with yellow eyes), Ebonykit (pure black tom with blue eyes), and Songkit (golden tabby with yellow eyes). Before Seedkit becomes an apprentice, Ebonykit dies. Afterwards, Seedkit becomes Seedpaw and is apprenticed to Peachnose. However, during Seedpaw’s training they had gotten caught in a fox trap specifically, causing Seedpaw to lose half of their tail. Despite the odds, Seedpaw becomes a warrior under the name Seedshard. Seedshard ended up becoming mates with Willowfur – however, Willowfur was from another Clan. In the end, the two run away from their Clans, together.

    • omg I’ve actually really missed these kinds of generators

      I am born as Featherkit of WindClan. I am a black she-cat with white ear-tips and yellow eyes. I have no siblings. My father has died, but it is now time for me to become an apprentice. My mentor is Lilywhisper. She is dead. But I’m a warrior now anyway, Featherdance. I have become mates with Deerprance. I had kits, which I named Nightkit and Orchidkit. There has been a huge battle, and the leader, Flakestar, and the deputy, Whitebranch, are now dead.

    • Rosefur, a long-furred dark cream she-cat with blue eyes and a kit of WindClan.
      One sibling named Flamekit, a thick-furred black tom with bright ginger-golden flecks and yellow eyes.
      Flamekit dies of unknown causes. Oh no.
      Her mentor is Sweetplume, a very fluffy black and white she-cat with bright blue eyes.
      Oh no Rosepaw fell into a river! Oh no! (but she is still ok)
      Yay Rosepaw is Rosefur now!
      Rosefur is lesbian and is now mates with Willowfur, a plumy dark blue-gray she-cat with icy blue eyes.
      Rosefur left.

    • im made some more. (problem?)
      Windkit, a blotched gray tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes. She has one sibling, Ripplekit, a thick-furred dark gray she-cat with pale blue eyes. Ripplekit dies of greencough. Windkit becomes an apprentice, Windpaw, and her mentor is Thornshard, a broad-shouldered golden brown tabby tom with icy blue eyes. During training, Windpaw gets stuck in a twoleg trap and is captured by twolegs. Fortunately Thornshard found out and told Foxstar, a wiry dark red she-cat with a bushy black tail and blood-colored eyes to retrieve her back. Even though Thornshard is not dead, Foxstar names Windpaw Windshard, in honor of her mentor. Windshard’s new mate is Snakecoil, a sleek, slender, long-legged pure black tom with dark amber eyes and a long, thin tail. Unfortunately, Snakecoil is from OwlClan, while Windshard was from ReedClan. Afterwards, Windshard and Snakecoil run away from their clans together.

      Jaykit, a fluffy gray and white she-cat with bright, emerald green eyes. She has one sibling, Dashkit, a fluffy brown and white tom with copper eyes. Her mother, Flurrywing, a fluffy very pale gray and white she-cat with icy blue eyes, was killed by a fox while defending the nursery. Jaykit and Dashkit become apprentices, Jaypaw and Dashpaw. Jaypaw’s mentor is Fairy, a former kittypet, and a very fluffy white she-cat with pinkish-amber eyes, while Dashpaw’s mentor is Lizardfern, a brown she-cat with white paws and green eyes. However, Fairy was very mean to Jaypaw so she often sneaked out at night to train with Lizardfern because she felt bad for her. Jaykit receives her warrior name, Jayshard, while Dashpaw becomes Dashwind. Jayshard takes a mate, Molemuzzle, a dark brown tom with a black muzzle. The deputy, Milkstream, a cream and white she-cat with milky amber eyes, is retiring and Jayshard and Dashwind are both offered to become deputy. Jayshard decides to become deputy. There was a battle and Dashwind dies.

    • I am Rosekit of SkyClan, a pale tabby she-cat with one white paw and yellow eyes. My parents are Bubblebrook (messy-furred blue-grey she-cat with amber eyes) and Stagdance (small tabby tom with blue eyes). My siblings are Willowkit (small blue-grey she-cat with yellow eyes), Seedkit (a sleek-furred mottled brown tom) and Nuzzlekit (a fluffy grey tom with blue eyes and a plumy tail). Unfortunately, Seedkit died before he was apprenticed 🙁 Lilywhisper became Rosepaw’s mentor, while Willowpaw was trained by Jayflecks, and Nuzzlepaw was trained by Oakwatcher. Rosepaw became best friends with fellow apprentices Stonepaw and Sunpaw, who were Lilywhisper’s kits. She loved to goon adventures with both of them, but Sunpaw was a medicine cat apprentice so it was difficult to find time when they could all be together. Whenever she could, she asked to go hunting and training with Stonepaw and it was always Stonepaw who could make her laugh when she was down. As they continued their apprenticeship, their friendship began to blossom into something else, and she stopped spending time with Stonepaw’s sister Sunpaw because she had time for no-one else. Tragically, Stonepaw died of illness and Rosepaw was left devastated. Rosepaw finally received her warrior name without him, becoming Rosefur. Her siblings became Willowbounce and Nuzzlebush. She slowly began to recover from Stonepaw’s death, and bonded over the traumatic experience with Sunpaw, who became a full medicine cat with the name Suntuft. They rebuilt their old friendship and soon there was no-one who understood and cared for Rosefur more. That was until Rosefur fell in love with Willowfur, a respectable older warrior. Suntuft found herself abandoned by Rosefur again as the warrior would always go off on secret night expeditions so that she could be alone with Willowfur. She became obsessed with him, and even when Quailfeather stepped down to become an elder, and offered Rosefur the position, she refused so that she would never spend much time away from her mate. Then Suntuft was collecting herbs on the edge of the border with the new deputy Newtwhisker, when they were confronted with a deadly dog attack, and she died. Rosefur was horrified, and regretted all the time she had never spoken to her. Newtwhisker was paralyzed, and thus had to give the deputy position away so he could concentrate on healing. This time Rosefur (by popular support) agreed to accept it, and became WindClan’s deputy. When the leader Pidgeonstar died of old age many moons later, Rosefur became Rosestar, and she vowed never to neglect any one of her Classmates, because she understood that you never truly appreciated their presence until it was gone.

      Yay! 😀

  • Name gen wooo
    Prefix: First letter of your first pet’s name. (Or what you would name one of you’ve never had a pet)
    X-you choose
    Y-you choose

    Suffix: favorite of the 4

    Rank/age: number of people you live with
    0-kit (0-5 moons)
    1-apprentice (6-11 moons)
    2-warrior (12+/1 year – retirement)
    3-deputy (see warrior)
    4-leader (see warrior)
    5-elder (132+ moons/ 11+years)
    6-medicine cat apprentice (see apprentice, although they may be older)
    7-medicine cat (see warrior, although they might be older or younger)
    8-queen (see warrior)
    10+-other, your choice. (For age, choose your least favorite number 0-10.)

    Clan/group: favorite number1-12
    7-Dark Forest
    10-Tribe of Rushing Water
    11-Tribe of Endless Hunting

    Gender: number of pets you’ve ever had
    0-cis male
    2-cis female
    3-trans male
    5-trans female
    12+- you choose

    Sexuality: number of meals there should be in a day
    6 (book hobbit style)-asexual
    7 (movie hobbit style)-you choose

    I got Sycamorecry, a graysexual demigirl medicine cat apprentice who is 8 moons old, from Shadowclan.

    Ok and for any of you who don’t know, the hobbit’s meals:
    Second Breakfast.
    Afternoon Tea.


    First Letter of your BlogClan name=FIRST PART OF YOUR WARRIOR NAME


    First Letter of your BlogClan name=LAST PART OF YOUR WARRIOR NAME




  • random gen!
    Prefix- favorite color:
    Red- Rain
    Orange- Wet
    Yellow- Light
    Green- Cloud
    Blue- Bright
    Indigo- Moss
    Purple- Puddle
    Teal- Mud
    Other- Toad
    Can’t decide- Leaf
    Suffix- favorite type of weather
    Rain- heart
    Sunny- feather
    Cloudy- wind
    Stormy- shell
    Windy- storm
    Hot/Dry- dust
    Hot/Humid- claw
    Cold- strike
    Cool- shade
    Snowy- wind
    Clan- favorite character from the prophecies begin
    Firestar- ThunderClan
    Tallstar- WindClan
    Graystripe- RiverClan
    Scourge- BloodClan
    Cloudtail- Kittypet
    Ravenpaw- Loner
    Tawnypelt- ShadowClan
    Cinderpelt- SkyClan
    Purrsona- you choose!

    I got Leafwind a warrior of SkyClan. She is a tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and green eyes!

  • Name generator
    Choose your favorite Disney movie from the following for your prefix

    Snow white and the seven dwarves- snow

    Cinderella- cinder

    Rapunzel- golden

    Little mermaid- shell ( bet you didn’t see that one coming)

    Lady and the tramp- Wish

    Mulan- Blossom

    Princess and the frog- toad

    Sleeping beauty- quiet

    Bambi- Doe

    Brave- red

    Lion king- lion

    Jungle book- oak

    For your suffix, choose your favorite PoT / OotS character

    Jayfeather- eye/ eyes

    Heathertail- willow

    Lionblaze- feather

    Hollyleaf- heart

    Sol- moon

    Ivypool- claw

    Dovewing- whisker

    Cinderheart- pelt

    Breezepelt- fur

    Brook where small fish swim- stream

    Icecloud- wing


    Favorite medicine cat

    Yellowfang- Windclan
    Hawkheart – Shadowclan
    Mothwing- SkyClan
    Featherwhisker- riverclan
    Echosong- Thunderclan

    What name did you get?


    1. Prefix! (1 – 25) (Go to 3)
    1 – Sand
    2 – Night
    3 – Dusty
    4 – Dust
    5 – Shell
    6 – Stone
    7 – Strike
    8 – Cinder
    9 – Cedar
    10 – Dark
    11 – Badger
    12 – Fox
    13 – Flame
    14 – Fire
    15 – Holly
    16 – Jay
    17 – Lion
    18 – Tiger
    19 – Dawn
    20 – Quick
    21 – Petal
    22 – Flower
    23 – Flurry
    24 – Wind
    25 – Shadow

    2. Suffix! (1-25) (go to 8)
    1 – shade
    2 – shadow
    3 – wind
    4 – flower
    5 – step
    6 – fur
    7 – heart
    8 – pelt
    9 – night
    10 – mist
    11 – sand
    12 – dust
    13 – drift
    14 – flame
    15 – berry
    16 – moon
    17 – thistle
    18 – leap
    19 – leaf
    20 – claw
    21 – dash
    22 – tail
    23 – storm
    24 – feather
    25 – bark

    3. How many siblings? (0-4) (go to 4)
    select another prefix for your sibs ^

    4. Oh no something bad happened! (1-8) (Go to 5)
    1 – Your mom died
    2 – Your dad died
    3 – Your brother died (if none then nothing bad happens)
    4 – Your sister died (if none nothing bad happens)
    5 – Your leader died
    6 – Your camp is dead
    7 – you get invaded by [insert angry animal here]
    8 – what are you talking about nothing bad happens

    5. Do u want to be (1-2)
    1 – a medicine cat apprentice? (go to 6)
    2 – or a warrior apprentice? (go to 6)

    6. Mentor (if this is your 2nd one then go to 8)
    Get another name ^

    7. oh noes something bad happened (1-8) (go to 2)
    1 – Your mentor dies (go back to 6)
    2 – you get greencough (and not die)
    3 – you lose half of your tail
    4 – Your leader dies
    5 – [insert angry animal] invades your camp
    6 – your mentor is mean and angry and depressed
    7 – another sibling dies (if none left then nothing bad happens)
    8 – what are you talking about nothing bad happens

    8. Single or taken? (1-2)
    1 – Single (go to 10)
    2 – Taken (go to 9)

    9. Your mate!
    create name ^

    10. ooh you are doing something now! (1-6)
    1 – you might be deputy (go to 11)
    2 – you are having/adopting kits (go to 12)
    3 – your leader dies
    4 – your camp is invaded by [insert angry animal]
    5 – your clan starts a war (go to 13)
    6 – your mate is from another clan (go to 14)

    11. the deputy is stepping down?? (1-2)
    1 – you are not picked
    2 – you are picked

    12. ^ CREATE

    13. Oh no a war
    1 – Your leader dies (if dep then u r leader)
    2 – your mate/best friend dies
    3 – you die
    4 – someone who is related to you dies
    5 – Your deputy dies

    14. Welp…..
    1 – You run away like Crowfeather & Leafpool
    2 – You have kits and give them to ur mate
    3 – you have kits and keep it a secret
    4 – you break up

    I got….
    Stonekit, a gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Her siblings are Cedarkit, a russet tabby tom, and Dawnkit, a cream tabby she-cat with green eyes. A rockfall destroys her camp and her family has to retreat.
    She becomes a warrior apprentice with Dawnkit while Cedarkit becomes a medicine cat apprentice. Her mentor is Jaydash, a mottled brown-gray tabby tom with blue-gray eyes and white spots. Dawnpaw’s mentor is Windstep, a blotched gray tabby she-cat with stormy blue eyes, and Cedarpaw’s mentor is Flowerflame, a tortoiseshell she-cat with flame-colored splotches and flame-blue eyes. Stonepaw gets greencough but does not die.
    Stonepaw becomes a warrior, Stonestorm. Dawnpaw and Cedarpaw become Dawnshadow and Cedarbark. Stonestorm becomes mates with Flurrynight, a fluffy, long-furred, pure white she-cat with bright green eyes. Brackenstar, a golden brown tabby tom with broad amber stripes and broad shoulders, suddenly dies in a bout of greencough, so the deputy, Sunflight, a golden tabby and white she-cat with yellow eyes, becomes the leader, Sunstar.

    • I am Windkit, and I have 3 siblings – Firekit, Cedarkit and Strikekit. However my sister Strikekit died of whitecough when she was very small. I become a warrior’s apprentice, and my mentor is Petalflame. Then my leader dies, and the aggressive deputy Mudsplash becomes leader instead. I receive my warrior name and become Windfeather, while my siblings become Firewisp and Cedarscorch. I am very worried about what our Clan will become with Mudstar as leader, but luckily I am distracted by my beautiful mate Sunflicker. In Leafbare hungry badgers come and invade our camp. My mate dies defending the nursery and I swear that I will never take on another mate. I help rebuild our shaken Clan and am rewarded by becoming clan deputy when Mossbird steps down to become a kittypet. I hope that my influence of violent Mudstar will give our Clan a more peaceful reputation, but he refuses to listen to me and starts a war with BeeClan. This leads to a series of deadly battles, and I die from my infected wounds. In Starclan I am finally reunited with my mate, Sunflicker 🙂

      Great Generator!

    • I am Firekit, a dark ginger she cat with green eyes and darker ginger stripes and paws Of Thunderclan. I have 2 siblings, Dustkit , a white and brown she kit, and Windkit, a light ginger and dark ginger tabby Tom. But, Dustkit, my sister dies. Windkit is now angry and snappy to everyone but me. I decide to become a medicine cat apprentice so no one has to lose their sister again. My mentor is Hopefeather . Our leader, Lightstar dies and I know that my clan needs me as a medicine cat. I get my medicine cat name, Fireflower. But, I fall in love with Duskclaw , a cat from Shadowclan. The new leader, Scarstar, is violent and is banishing everyone, even Windwhisker( Windkit ). I can’t take this anymore, so me and Duskclaw run away from the clans, but come back to Thunderclan to help defeat Scarstar. I become a warrior and have five kits: Windkit, Dustkit, Hopekit, Realmkit, and Destinykit.
      Destinykit becomes the next medicine cat and I become Firestar( Sorry, canon). I hope she doesn’t make the same mistakes as me!
      Awesome generator!!!

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