Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Hi! My name is Dappledleaf. I’m so excited to finally be part of BlogClan!Here is some more information about me.

    Birthday: First moon of newleaf(not in real life)
    Description: tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and white paws, ears and muzzle, silky, long fur, and a white tail tip
    Favorite Character: Crookedstar
    Least Favorite: Tigerstar
    Favorite Villain: Hawkfrost
    Least Favorite Villain: Brokenstar
    Favorite Book: Crookedstar’s Promise
    Nickname: None
    Favorite ARC: The Broken Code
    Favorite OC(that I have made): Dappledleaf, duh

    I also love to write fan fictions and the one I am writing right now is called Riverstream’s Secret. I don’t know if I’m going to post it yet tho

  • Hi! My name is Dappledleaf. I’m so excited to finally be part of BlogClan!Here is some more information about me.

    Birthday: First moon of newleaf(not in real life)
    Description: tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and white paws, ears and muzzle, silky, long fur, and a white tail tip
    Favorite Character: Crookedstar
    Least Favorite: Tigerstar
    Favorite Villain: Hawkfrost
    Least Favorite Villain: Brokenstar
    Favorite Book: Crookedstar’s Promise
    Nickname: None
    Favorite ARC: The Broken Code
    Favorite OC(that I have made): Dappledleaf, duh

    I also love to write fan fictions and the one I am writing right now is called Riverstream’s Secret. I don’t know if I’m going to post it yet tho I can’t wait to further explore on this site and meet other warrior cat lovers!

    • Hi Dappledleaf! I’m Icepaw, and I’m glad you’ve made the choice to join BlogClan! Welcome, and I hope to see you around! 🙂

    • Welcome to Blogclan Dappledleaf! I’m Pineblossom, but you can just call me Pine 🙂 If you ever need help, you can ask me or pretty much anyone else on the blog 😀 Have fun exploring Blogclan!

    • Why hello 🙂
      I’m Starpaw/blossom, and my nickname is Star! I’ve been around here for over a year, so you can ask me if you have any questions! You can actually ask anyone because everyone is so willing to help. BlogClan is amazing that way 😛

      Feel free to post your Fanfic! There’s a page under the “Feeling Creative?” tab called “Fan Fiction”. You can post it there! It sounds really interesting! On the Fanfiction Page, we give advice and comment on each other’s stories 🙂

    • me forgot something on mine:
      fave OC: Faithshadow, I got bored of both Thriftleap and Silverscourge

    • Heya Dappled !!!! I love Crookedstar as well ! He’s one of my favourite leaders alongside Onestar. I’m Mapledrift, but everyone calls me Maple. My fursona is a dark ginger she cat with white flecks and blue eyes !
      Welcome to BlogClan ! I think you’ll love your time here, I’d say a good place to start chatting to people is probably the tavern ! It’s so much fun and you can easily find friends who have similar interests !
      Do you have any hobbies ? I love to draw and write

      • I love to write, read, build, explore, and create a different assortment of things ranging from small flying airplanes to helping out my dad with 3-D printing designs

        • That’s so cool ! 3D printing is awesome and I remember I used to love making model aeroplanes in my free time, I’ve kinda stopped now but I really should pick it back up !!
          What sort of things Do you like writing ?
          I love making original stories, I used to mainly write fan stories but recently I’ve found I prefer original stuff. At the moment I’m working on my story The Misfits !

          • I mainly write warrior cat fan fictions about cats trying to live their lives while another cat tries to ruin it, normally something along those lines but I like to change it up too, and I HATE writing in a human perspective because I keep resorting back to my cat writing and start accidentally giving them cat characteristics 😂

            • Yes I can relate to that 😛 I love writing stories about animals which is why even my original stories are still animal based, even if they aren’t cats 😛

            • i do that too, i am the world’s biggest furry and every time i try to do humans it ends up with them magically turned into an animal[preferably a cat, obviously, but i did a wolf once]

    • Welcome to BlogClan, Dapple(can I call you that?)! I’m Dreamwhisper, Dream is my nickname.

  • Hey there, my name is Vixentail, but you can call me Vixen, Swift, or Holly ( all of them being my other OCs. ). I’ve been reading Warriors since about second or third grade(?) so, a loooong time. I love drawing, and I’m pretty good at realistic style art, but I can’t draw humans very well. Anyways, here’s some facts about me and my OC.

    Name: Vixentail
    Age Range: 11 – 15
    Gender: Female
    Favorite Character: Hollyleaf
    Least Favorite Character: Ashfur ( don’t hate me please XD I don’t like him for multiple reasons. )
    Favorite Villan: eh it’s a tie between Mapleshade and Hawkfrost
    Least Favorite Villan: Tigerstar because he made my Hawky boi evil…
    Favorite Clan: RiverClan!!! Swimming is the best! Salmon is delicious! Eee!
    Favorite Ship: it’s in between Mothpool/Leafwing and Hollyheart/Cinderleaf
    Lil bio thing:
    Okie dokie, I’m Vixentail, a demisexual panromantic girl, and I love warrior cats. I’m kinda a loner, I don’t talk much, and I keep quiet most of the time… except for when I’m being weird. Then I’m loud, and annoying.

    • I replied to your comment on the Tavern 🙂
      And I’m supposed to be sleeping so I don’t feel like writing it again 😛

      But welcome!

    • Hi Vixen! I’m Icepaw, and welcome to BlogClan! I hope to see you around, and yeah, I hate Ashfur too 😛

    • Heya Vixen ! I’m Maple, I love Hollyleaf as well ! I’m a bisexual girl from the UK and I’ve been reading warrior cats since year 4 !!!! I’d say I’m in RiverClan as well, who’s your favourite leader ? I’m a big Onestar fan !

    • Welcome to BlogClan Vixen! I like swimming and eating salmons too! But I don’t really like RiverClan because I don’t like some of there leaders, but I have a friend who really like RiverClan.

    • Hi, Vixen! Welcome to the clan! I hate Hollyleaf and love Ashfur, but I’m going to forgive you lol 😛

    • why is everyone so obsessed with HAWKFROST?????
      Oh look, i got a new thing about me:

  • Ack, so many new BlogClanners! Too many for me to reply to. 😛 Welcome to the Blog! I’m Dapplepaw or Dappy. I look forward to getting to know all of you guys! I’m the local weirdo (self appointed). I’m just a bit of everywhere, but I’m most active on the Tavern. Hope to see some of you around!

  • Hiya, BlogClan! I’m Minnow. I joined in June of 2019 (this year) and here’s a little bit about me, for the other newbies and for those who don’t know me ^^

    Name: Minnow
    Gender: She-cat
    Favorite Hero: Bramblestar. No questions.
    Favorite Minor: Graystripe c:
    Favorite Villain: Ashfur. Also no questions.

    Pelt Color: Brown with darker dapples and a hazel chest and underbelly, with a cream tail-tip. My new allegiances fursona is way longer ^-^
    Eye Color: Hazel

    Personality: Depends on my mood.
    Activity?: Most of the time

    I am most active on the Tavern and the Hug Page.

    Have a great day ^^

  • im leaving blogclan for six weeks tomorrow. Goodbye…remember me in 1000 years, yeah? COS I’LL BE BACK

  • idk if you agree, but i am most active on the allegiances chat page and the fanfiction page

  • Hi People of BlogClan, um I’m new- my name is Hollyfall. My description is a brown tabby she-cat with green eyes. I like to write, and have read nearly all of the warriors books. I was just searching up different clans for my Fanfiction, and it came up with BlogClan, so I clicked the link and it took me here! So far this place looks really cool!

    • I’ve seen a couple of people doing this so I’m gonna try

      Name: Hollyfall
      Nickname(s): Errr, Holly? Idk
      Rank: Warrior
      Age range: Pre-teen
      Book I’m on: Lost Stars, Reading as many little bits of The Silent Thaw as I can
      Favorite Warriors arc: TBC so far
      Favorite Warriors book (main series): Lost Stars
      Favorite Warriors novella: Leafpool’s Wish
      Favorite Warriors SE: Bluestar’s Prophecy
      Favorite Warriors character(s): Ivypool and Finleap
      Favorite Warriors ship: Twigbranch x Finleap
      Favorite non-Warriors book(s): Erm, this is sad I don’t have any… he he…
      Favorite TV shows/movies: I like Spongebob a lot, but my mum hates it so I only get to watch it when she’s away (it doesn’t happen often), when I was little I was obsessed with Frozen, hmmm, what’s my all time favourite movie? Can I just say Netflix? Oh! The Lion King (haven’t watched the new one only the old one, NO SPOILERS!!!)
      Favorite songs: The Greatest Show, A Million Dreams, Hakuna Matata
      Hobbies: Writing Warriors Fanfiction (so excited to have a place to post it! 😁), Reading warriors, playing with my dog, and building lego
      Favorite season: Autumn
      Location: Australia

    • Hello, Hollyfall! 😀 Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi if you’d like. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 🙂

      • Hi Goldenfawn!

        I do have a question actually- what ranking should I be? I’ve seen people being Kits, like do they choose to be Kits or is there a ranking thing on BlogClan? I’m confused…

        • Yes, there is a ranking thing on the blog! We do our ranks based on your school grade if you’re in the American education system or your age if you live outside of America 🙂 Head on over to the Allegiances page to read the FAQ and check out all the information about it 😀

  • Heya all!! I don’t know if you remember me or not but, I used to be Marpaw around here (I guess LOL) I joined BlogClan few months ago as I remember, but yada yada I had to delete my account sadly ;^;

    BUT WOOOO. I’m back now! I’m really excited and can’t wait to start the fun again with you guys c’:
    And here, have some info about MoonPaw~

    Name: Moonkit | Moonpaw | Moonlight
    Gender: she-cat
    Age: 6 moons???
    Rank: Apprentice
    Sexuality: Straight

    Appearance: dark gray she cat with yellow eyes, And a teeny tiny white spot on her left paw.
    Fur length: shorthair.
    Size: kinda small.
    Scars/etc: none
    Disabilities: she’s kinda bad at climbing trees, and a bad swimmer, i mean, all cats hate water right? Well except for Riverclan cats ofc haha

    Personality: clumsy, shy, quite sometimes, but fun-loving. Trouble is her best friend though haha.

    If you have any questions or you know, just want to chat! Hop on and bug me!!! I love talking to new people and make new friends. That’s all, see ya around!!💜

  • Hiya! I’m Shadefrost, but you can always call me Shadey! I’ve been on this Blog for well over a year, and I hope all new members will love this Blog as much as I do!

    Name: Shadefrost/Shadey

    Fursona: a long furred light gray Maine Coon tom with black stripes and amber eyes.

    My Personality: Caring, Open, annoying sometimes lol, and definitely very musical

    Favorite Musicial Artists: Pentatonix, Tori Kelly, Kelly Clarkson

    Favorite Songs: Nobody Love by Tori Kelly, Aha! by Pentatonix, Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson, Rise by Superfruit,

    Hobbies: Reading, writing, more reading, more writing, listening to music, swimming, basketball, singing.

    Favorite Movie: The Fault in Our Stars

    Favorite Book: The Fault in Our Stars 😛

    I would write more but I’m so tired 😛

  • Doing this again:

    Name: Cedarpaw
    Nickname: Cedar
    Fursona: dark Ginger she-cat, amber eyes
    Fav color: yellow
    Fav warrior cats: Ivypool, Dustpelt, Cloudtail, and Jayfeather
    Fav warrior book: The Darkest Hour
    Fav show: PSYCH!
    Fav movie: Captain America: the Winter Soldier
    Fav artist/band: Currently Half•alive and Twenty One Pilots
    Fav song: When I Grow Up by NF
    Fav hobbies: Writing, drawing, eating 😛
    State: Californiaaaa
    Country: USA
    My dna: Norway, England, Nicaragua
    Blog friends (hopefully you think I’m your friend too 😛 ): Clo, Winty, Maple, Golfi, Icy, Cheetah, and Pebble!