Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Hello

    i’m an awkward person that can’t talk to people

    and i made an account because i like warriors

    *vanishes into pasta*

  • Have a fact list because I have nothing better to do.

    Name: Hootsnout
    Nickname: Hoot
    Fursona/Appearance: grey-and-white She-cat with folded ears and yellow eyes
    Cat Breed: Scottish Fold
    Gender: Female
    Age Range: 15-20
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: smart, mature, serious, laid-back, quirky, mysterious & reserved.
    Favourite Warriors Arc: Dawn of The Clans
    Favourite Warriors Book: Path of Stars
    Favourite Warriors Character: Falling Feather or Twigbranch
    Favourite Non-Warriors Book: Tailchaser’s Song
    Favourite Film/Movie: Interstella 5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
    Favourite Musical: Little Shop of Horrors
    Favourite Music Artists: Agrume, Air (French Band), Björk, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, Jamiroquai, Justice, Kate Bush, Kraftwerk, Madness, Modjo, Porter Robinson, Röyksopp, Supersempfft, Talking Heads, They Might Be Giants & Todd Terje.
    Favourite song(s): “This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody)” by Talking Heads.
    Favourite Cartoon(s): Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, Hey! Arnold, Infinity Train, CatDog, Angry Beavers & Spongebob Squarepants.
    Favourite Video Games: EarthBound, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Stardew Valley & Celeste.
    Hobbies: Listening to Music, Reading, Cycling, Origami & the occasional drawing.
    Favourite Season: Autumn/Fall
    Favourite Weather: Light Mist
    Favourite Colo(u)r: Blue or Brown
    Favourite animal: Pangolin
    Favourite flower: Daffodil
    Favourite tree: Maple
    Collects: Lucky Cats, Vinyl records & Charity pins
    Favourite food: Moroccan food
    Favourite drink: Coffee
    Dream house: A narrowboat. Yes.

    Hello there all new members! My name is Hootsnout and welcome to Blogclan! 😀

  • Fact Sheet for Moi
    Name: Doe
    Nickname: Doey
    Purrsona: Long-legged white she cat with darker points on tail ears and paws
    Cat Breed: Siamese/Bengal Cross
    Gender: Female
    Age Range: 15-20
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: Shy, Awkward, Intelligent, Logical, Sensitive
    Favourite Warriors Arc: Super Editions?
    Favourite Warriors Book: The Last Hope
    Favourite Warriors Character: Sandstorm or Heatherstar
    Favourite Non-Warriors Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
    Favourite Film/Movie: How To Train Your Dragon
    Favourite Musical: Les Mis
    Favourite Music Artists: Florence and the Machine, Hall and Oats, Macklemore
    Favourite song(s): Dog Days, You Make My Dreams, Take on Me
    Favourite Cartoon(s): Final Space, Rick and Morty
    Favourite Video Games: Mario, Sims 4
    Hobbies: Singing, Sailing, Shooting
    Favourite Season: Autumn
    Favourite Weather: Evening Sun
    Favourite Colour: Navy
    Favourite animal: Koala
    Favourite flower: Rose
    Favourite tree: Oak
    Collects: Bank Notes from around the world
    Favourite food: Good ‘ol British Classics
    Favourite drink: Milk
    Dream house: Country Manor

  • Name: Shadefrost
    Nickname: Shadey
    Fursona/Appearance: light gray tabby long furred tom with black stripes and amber eyes
    Cat Breed: Maine Coon
    Gender: male
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: intelligent yet dumb at the same time, loves reading and writing, always open, loving and caring
    Favourite Warriors Arc: Dawn of The Clans
    Favourite Warriors Book: hmmm… Moth Flight’s Vision?
    Favourite Warriors Character: Hollyleaf
    Favourite Non-Warriors Book: The Fault in Our Stars
    Favourite Film/Movie: Five Feet Apart or Maleficent
    Favourite Musical: Wicked
    Favourite Music Artists: Pentatonix, Superfruit, Tori Kelly, Beyonce, John Legend, Hall and Oats, Jessie J, Avi Kaplan, Xtina, and probably some others I can’t recall right now 😛
    Favourite song(s): “Hallelujah” by Pentatonix, “Rise” by Superfruit (feat. Mary Lambert, Brian Justin Crum, and Mario Jose)
    Favourite Cartoon(s): Spongebob 😛
    Favourite Video Games: Mariokart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash
    Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Listening to Music,
    Favourite Season: Autumn/Winter
    Favourite Weather: Chilly breeze with a hint of sun
    Favourite Colo(u)r: Blue
    Favourite animal: Arctic Fox
    Favourite flower: Black Petunia
    Favourite tree: Weeping Willow
    Collects: Different card sets
    Favourite food: idk
    Favourite drink: Pumpkin Spice Latte
    Dream house: A White Mansion, but not too big 😛

    But hiya, I’m Shadey! I’ve been here for well over a year, and I hope you new members have an amazing time here! BlogClan for me, is like a second home for me, when sometimesI felt like I didn’t have one. These folks have gotten me through my slight depression, and everyone is so inviting here! I also have different accounts on different sites here as well:

    Discord: Shadey#4764
    Flight Rising: ShadeytheDragon

  • Name: juniperfool
    Nickname: juni
    Purrsona: v small tuxedo w/one blue eye and one yellow-green eye
    Cat Breed: english bobtail
    Gender: non binary (anything BUT she/her please!)
    Age Range: 15-18
    Rank: senior warrior
    Personality: texan (seriously idk how to describe myself)
    Favourite Warriors Arc: new prophecy ig
    Favourite Warriors Book: path of stars
    Favourite Warriors Character: squirrelflight!!
    Favourite Non-Warriors Book: i read nothing nowadays lol
    Favourite Film/Movie: shrek
    Favourite Musical: dont listen to them lmao
    Favourite Music Artists: fleetwood mac, abba, some queen
    Favourite song(s): desperado (eagles), gold dust woman (fleetwood mac), feel good inc (gorillaz), pink in the night (mitski), hey soul sister (train)
    Favourite Cartoon(s): miraculous ladybug, she-ra
    Favourite Video Games: mario kart, pokemon, sims 4
    Hobbies: dont have much nowadays. i drew a lot but that has changed.
    Favourite Season: autumn/winter. i cant stand cold but i love snuggling up to be warm!
    Favourite Weather: clear weather after a rainstorm.
    Favourite Colour: blue/green
    Favourite animal: idk
    Favourite flower: violet
    Favourite tree: acacia trees. in minecraft.
    Collects: cursed images
    Favourite food: tyson chicken nuggets
    Favourite drink: Milk
    Dream house: good ol’ hut in the tx wilderness, with my future wife, dog, cat, and bottle of redneck-b-gone.
    either that or my good ol dirt hut in minecraft.

    pokefarm- jadedoceans
    flight rising- impishsnivy
    deviantart (ded)- hyangnamu
    wcrp- i forgot. either juni or hyangnamus.

    ask for my tumblr; it can be a bit nsfbc (not safe for blogclan) at times

    i’ll give close friends my switch since it has my irl name! (first name only)

  • Idk where else to go so guess I’ll write some stuff here.
    So I’m not exactly new, I was here sometime in 2017 (As Nightpaw, then Orchidpaw, idk if anyone here remembers)for a while but then for some reason I got inactive but I’m back now with my third name!
    I’m gonna do that fact sheet now.
    Name: Puddlepaw
    Nickname: (Idk if you can shorten puddle :P)
    Appearance: Mottled grey she-cat with hazel eyes and white front paws (WIP so might change later)
    Cat breed: Mixed (Manx with other)
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Apprentice (soon to be Warrior)
    Personality: Tries to be sweet but ends up coming off as sarcastic, kinda dumb, pretty lazy, but good company. A little shy. If you ask for help she will almost always give it.
    Favourite arc: The Prophecies Begin
    Favourite Warriors book: Either Bluestar’s Prophecy or The Last Hope
    Favourite Warriors character: (Just ONE?) Yellowfang
    Favourite Non-Warriors book: Speak (or Jessica’s Ghost)
    Favourite Movie: Avengers: Endgame (or Touching the Void)
    Favourite Musical: Be More Chill (or Hamilton)
    Favourite Music Artists: Hmm… Aivi and Surasshu make some cool soundtracks, but also, Twenty One Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, I like some of their songs
    Favourite Song(s): …. This is gonna be a tough one…. Viva la Vida, Believer, Heathens, Warriors, Thunder, Buy the Stars, Always Gold, Stressed Out
    Favourite Cartoon(s): Steven Universe and Infinity Train are the only ones I regularly watch
    Favourite Video Games: Detroit: Become Human, Disney Infinity when I was a kid, but got shut down so :'(
    Hobbies: Reading, Writing (sometimes), Rowing, Baking, Drawing, Watching shows (If that counts :P)
    Favourite Season: Spring
    Favourite Weather: Sunny but slightly drizzling
    Favourite Colour: Teal
    Favourite Animal: Pangolin (It’s like an armadillo and an anteater rolled into one) Also cats
    Favourite Flower: Poppy
    Favourite Tree: This one really tall one in the farm, not sure what type but it’s beautiful
    Collects: Gemstones, Seashells, Anything in Charity shops that looks old (most recently a very intricate hand mirror).
    Favourite Food: Lasagna/e, Noodles, Scotch Eggs
    Favourite Drink: Lemonade, Mountain Dew Red
    Dream House: One which has a large Kitchen and Bathroom, preferably in the Countryside but I’m not picky
    That took way too long :’0

  • Name:Snowpaw
    Age:6 moons
    Color of Fur:white
    Color of Eyes:blue
    Personality: kind of shy, introvert
    Size: small
    build: medium
    fur length: long
    Strengths: Gathering herbs and healing
    Weaknesses: Hunting and fighting
    Battle Scars:None, she hasn’t fought yet

    • Hi Snowpaw! I’m Icepaw, and welcome to BlogClan! I’ve never seen someone do an introduction like that before! 😀

    • Hiya Snow! Welcome to BlogClan. 😀 I’m Fallenshadows, but you can call me Fallen or Fally if you’d like. What are your hobbies? Which Warriors book is your favorite? 🙂

  • Hi Snowpaw! welcome! if you need any help at all believe me, EVERYONE is super friendly and would love to help you!

  • name- aspenshade
    nickname- asp
    gender: grill
    age range- im 3 year old
    personality- Did u ever hear the Hazelburrow the Wise? It’s a BlogClan legend. Haz
    favorite movie- rapsittie street kids believe in santa
    favorite songs- hotel mario theme bassboosted nightcore
    favorite cartoons- any bad 80s-90s one based on a video game or something
    favorite video games- kirby, pokemon, animal crossing, some mario spinoffs
    favorite color- green
    favorite animal- dunno probably some kind of reptile
    favorite flower- flowey undertale
    favorite tree- guess
    collects- tacky gifs from early internet
    favorite food- your fingers
    favorite drink- woter
    dream home- swamp witch hut 😍😍😍

  • Hi BlogClan! I forgot to mention that my warrior name is going to be Snowswirl.Also, thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome.

  • Name: Mapledrift
    Nickname: Maple
    Purrsona: Dark ginger she cat with white flecks and blue eyes. SHe has a reddish brown nose and large tufted ears, her fur is mostly short, but she has a fluffy tail and in some places it is a little messy
    Cat Breed: Just a domestic moggy
    Gender: Girl ! Although I prefer she/ her pronouns I am perfectly fine if you use they /them by accident, just please don’t use them on purpose. Never never never he /him pleassseee
    Age Range: 14
    Rank: Senior warrior
    Personality: Laid back, chatty and creative although I can be quite lazy and sadly a little self centered
    Favourite Warriors Arc: A Vision of Shadows !
    Favourite Warriors Book: Probably either Shattered Sky or Rising Storm
    Favourite Warriors Character: Too many minor characters to count, I like Ivypool and Hollyleaf though
    Favourite Non-Warriors Book: Six of Crows, Maze Runner, Wings of Fire, countless others, right now I love The Book Theif
    Favourite Film/Movie: Spirit – Stallion of the Cimarron
    Favourite Musical: Ummmm probably Little Shop of Horrors or Hamilton !
    Favourite Music Artists: eh idk I like one of Ingrid Michaelson’s albums, Halsey is good as well
    Favourite song(s): Teen Idle (idk who by), The Night we Met (Lord Huron but the Flyghts cover is awesome), Take Me Home (Ingrid Michaelson), Freak Show (Ingrid Michaelson), Ghost (Halsey) and so so so many more
    Favourite Cartoon(s): I love The Dragon Prince and She Ra (the newer one), Steven Universe is great as well
    Favourite Video Games: Sims 4 or Fantasylife probably OH WAIT I like Pokémon Sun as well 😀
    Hobbies: I like to draw, write, read and roleplay ! Occasionally photography as well. I used to felt but not anymore
    Favourite Season: Spring !!!
    Favourite Weather: oooooo I like thunderstorms, but nice warm sunny days but not too warm or sunny because I have sensitive eyes and burn easily
    Favourite Colour: Aqua, cyan, turquoise you get what I mean
    Favourite animal: oooo I like pangolins, African wild dogs, cats, rats, bigs cats, wolves and loads more (big animal person)
    Favourite flower: ummmmm idk maybe bluebells
    Favourite tree: Maple trees duhhh 😛
    Collects: coins !! I love all the nice designs ! I’ve got a WWF one that I love !
    Favourite food: Pasta or pizza
    Favourite drink: Water
    Dream house: Idk I quite like my house in Canada but I also love my house in the UK so one of the two are my dream house 😛 or both combined with the best features

      • I absolutely love spaghetti bolognese (idk how you spell it), but like just tomato penne pasta or macaroni cheese is awesome as well. For pizza, I have to say just plain cheese and tomato (forgot the word 😛 )

    • What’s your favourite song from LSoH? I saw the film as a child.

      Pangolins are awesome and really cute too.

      My father had a rat as a pet years ago, and also a ferret.

      I haven’t seen SU in years. Should I continue the rest of it? There’s trailers for the upcoming film in my YouTube recommended.

      Also, may I recommend you a cartoon? I think that ‘Infinity Train’ might be right up your alley. I’ve only seen the original pilot, but from what little I’ve seen of the new series and what I’ve heard, it’s really good!

      I really want to join your HF roleplay, but I have no ideas for characters. 😛

      I think I’ve seen the WWF coin! Is it a 50p coin with various animals on it and the panda logo in the centre? I have a 50p coin that commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Representation of The People Act.

      I want to go to Canada, maybe for studying.

      • I really like Sominex / Suppertime Reprise (ummm I think that’s what it’s called), but I can’t find a version I like because my friend sung it amazingly when we did the production so that’s my favourite version. Skid Row, Don’t feed the plants and Meek Shall Inherit are all bops, Mushnik and Son is hilarious

        Rats are honestly the best pets, I’ve had four in my life, Honey, Hazel, Holly and Willow

        I’ve only watched the first season, but my friend absolutely rates it ! Ooooo I might check Infinity train out ! Where can I find it ?

        Oooof 😛 I was honestly struggling for my own cats to begin with, but I guess listen to some songs and have a think about character idek 😛 also please fill ranks with no cats 😛

        Yep that’s the one ! It’s so cool ! I love it

        I go there often as my parents own a house out there and we rent it out so we have to check that people are taking care of the house ! Canada is a really nice place