• This is my Scavenger Hunt Page! I’ll regularly post scavenger hunts on here! My scavenger hunts will work like this:

    1. I’ll post a set of clues. It’ll sometimes be on different pages and sometimes just a list right here!
    2. People find the answer/last page by going through the clues.
    3. The first few people to find it (depends on how artsy I’m feeling that day) will get a purrsona drawing! (Probably a headshot!)

    [spoiler title=”First Scavenger Hunt!”] This one’s a really simple one! Once you find the word, put it in a spoiler box and I’ll tell you if you got it right. If you are in the first few, I’ll do your purrsona drawing! 😀

    1. A page of creativity, art, and inspiration! (pg. 288 or 289)
    2. New stories and worlds are created every day on this page! (pg. 518 or 519)
    3. A page of chatting (not the BlogChat)! (pg. 124 or 125)
    4. This page is where everyone says things that they love/heart! (pg. 244 or 245)

    Look for the underlined letters! 😀 [/spoiler]

  • I’ve decided to change the system for winning and rewards and stuff! Here’s what it is now:

    • If you are first to finish, you get 4 points.
    • If you are second, you get 3 points.
    • If you are third, you get 2 points.
    • If you are after that, you get 1 point.


    1. Starla (4 points)
    2. Crystalglow (3 points)
    3. Ivywhisper (2 points)

    Scavenger Hunt:
    The first page is where people go introduce themselves!

    • I forgot to include the store! Here it is:


      5 points – A purrsona/character drawing
      10 points – An OC designed by me for you! (Drawing, background info, and description.)
      15 points – A short story by me for you!

      If you have any ideas for what to include in the store, since it’s sort of lame right now, let me know!

  • So I’ve decided to change points to coins, like Raventhornpaw’s game! Credit goes to them for this idea. You spend the coins in the store and earn them in my games. 

    [spoiler title=”Winners“] + 4 coins: Raventhornpaw
    + 3 coins: Kestry
    + 2 coins: Smokeypaw
    + 1 coin: Creekkit, Silvy, Starla, Sparksage, Hollyfrost, and Swirlfeather [/spoiler]  

    [spoiler title=”Money“] Starla – 5 coins
    Crystalglow – 3 coins
    Kestry – 3 coins
    Ivywhisper – 2 coins
    Smokeypaw – 2 coins
    Springkit – 1 coin
    Creekkit – 1 coin
    Silvy – 1 coin
    Sparksage – 1 coin
    Hollyfrost – 1 coin
    Swirlfeather – 1 coin [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Store“] 5 points – A purrsona/character drawing
    10 points – An OC designed by me for you! (Drawing, background info, and description.)
    15 points – A short story by me for you!

    If you have any ideas for what to include in the store, since it’s sort of lame right now, let me know! [/spoiler]

    Round 3:
    This is a page where people talk about the Blog’s Fanfic!

  • OK, so I find making these scavenger hunts a little bit tiring, so I’m changing the game on here to a rotation! I’ll be using a normal point system! Every 10 rounds, I’ll crown a winner and they can choose if they want a purrsona drawing or short fanfic!

    Round 1: NTA!
    Theme: Winter


  • Winners:
    Snowdance by Twilightpaw/shade
    Frostshine by Starpaw/mist
    Iceflutter by Silverfeather
    Hailshard by Daydream
    Flurrystrike by Hawkwhisker

    Honorable Mentions:
    Snowsnap by Viperfrost
    Frostsparkle by Silverwolf
    Icestream by Wolfpaw/heart
    Hailstorm by Raventhornpaw
    Flurryfoam by Shimmerpaw/mist

    [spoiler title=”Leaderboard:“]

    1. Twilightpaw/shade, Starpaw/mist, Silverfeather, Daydream, and Hawkwhisker 1 pt
    2. Viperfrost, Silverwolf, Wolfpaw/heart, Raventhornpaw, and Shimmerpaw/mist — 0.5 pt [/spoiler]

    Round 2: Backstory that Purrsona (I got this from the Rotation page, yes.)

    Your Name: Shinekit

    • Um, would you mind saying how to play it? I need a refresher and some people might not have even heard of it.

    • shinekit is a silver cat with brown fur splotches. she was born alongside her two sibligs, who were born dead. everyone thought she was dead, too. she just lived and was named shinekit because it was like a miracle from starclan.
      She loves learning about the herbs and playing pebble-kick. (a game a bit like footie but with a pebble on the slippy camp floor.

    • Shinestrike, a golden brown male with light blue eyes.
      Shinekit was terribly exited, today he was going to be made an apprentice! The next morning Shinepaw and his mentor Hawksky, were exploring the territory when… out of the undergrowth a huge tiger leapt out at them! Terrified Shinepaw scrambled up a tree (Hawksky had vanished) but the tiger leaned up the tree, and reached out his paw to grab Shinepaw, Shinepaw clawed at the tiger´s paw and fled up the tree.
      When Shinepaw´s clan (Glowclan) found him they named him Shinestrike!

    • Shinemist is a pale gray tabby she-cat with green eyes. When she was an app Shinepaw, she was caught by an eagle flying into camp, and the eagle clawed out one of her eyes. She was very unconfident with her look, but her denmate Sunpaw keeps encouraging and supporting her which made her start to accept who she is. She was named after her blinded eye, now misted white, and she later becomes the mate of Suncrest (formerly Sunpaw.)

  • Winner (I only picked one this round because only 3 people played):

    1. Twilightpaw/shade, Starpaw/mist, Silverfeather, Daydream, Flowermistle, and Hawkwhisker — 1 pt
    2. Viperfrost, Silverwolf, Wolfpaw/heart, Raventhornpaw, and Shimmerpaw/mist — 0.5 pt

    Round 3: NTI
    SL or LS
    FP or PF