The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Daydream goes to her sad corner and proceeds to cry
Daydream is sad
Please treat your daydreams with care
Redblaze walks over and hugs Daydream
Moonkit comes and curls ups next to Daydream
Hopfall comes over to comfort Daydream.
Daydream was sad
Daydream’s rogue self was coming out again. If you haven’t heard: Daydream once was a rogue named Comet, Comet was delicate, and that still reflects in the cat I am today. Daydream has been messed with to much. I am getting out of this war, one day I’ll be back as a bloodthirsty silver cat ready to fight
“Don’t leave Daydream!” Mistfeather cried. “I love your map, it’s just, I don’t think anyone is going to listen now.” She pats daydream on the back while deflecting sausage. “Do you want to come build a sausage tower with me?”
Hopfall hugs Daydream. “Feel better soon!” She mews.
Ravenpaw pushes through the huggers. “Hold up. Isn’t Comet our cousin?? Did I never have a cousin named Comet or did I never have a sister named Daydream??”
“It’s the art of Possession Comet hissed.
Ttera walks into the Hazelpage. “Ah, I haven’t been here in so lo-AAAAH!” She dodges a flying sausage.
The sausage falls on the ground, but then Foreverpaw promptly swallowed it. “Nice to meet you!” she screamed.
*icepaw accidentally threw the banana peel that was on her head at her* “OOPS” she yowled over the screams and cries
“Just in case you’re confused,” said Raven, gesturing towards the tiny white squirrel/cat with her tail, “That’s my OC. I granted them access to my account for some reason.”
“I wouldn’t eat your enchiladas anyway!” Shimmers cried. “I don’t like enchiladas and I’m vegetarian, so I wouldn’t eat fish anyway!”
“I’m not giving you enchiladas,” squeaked Snowy, curling her feathery tail around the wooden beam, “I’m demanding that you sacrifice your fish so I can make MORE fish enchiladas, otherwise I will send my partners-in-crime to forcefully remove the fish from you.”
“I do not have fish, and I would not give them to you if I had them!” Shimmers cried. She painted black war stripes under her eyes, wondering what Snowy’s payback would be.
“If you have fish, then give them to me,” hissed Snowy. “Otherwise, I’ll send my partners-in-crime to forcefully remove the fish from you.”
“But,” continued Snowy, a little calmer, “you don’t have fish, so you’re safe…for now. That is, until you acquire some fish.”
“I do not have fish!” Shimmers said, hiding a large fish tank behind her back.
Turtle walks in, and se notices that Snowy Feather is asking for fish.
“Sure,” se says, “I can spare some fish- an entire spoiler box’s worth, in fact. Here you go!”
The fish
[spoiler title=spoiler]🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟[/spoiler]
After giving Snowy Feather all the fish, Turtle says, “Let me know if that’s enough, or if it’s too many fish.”
Burr is my fave Hamilton character!
“There is NEVER too many fish,” squeaked Snowy Feather, catching all of the fish with a portal. “Will be back with the enchiladas in a moment!”
“Thank Sunbird that Snowy won’t be stealing the pink Aqaean fish anytime soon…” grumbled Frosta (another OC), poking her head out of another portal before disappearing behind the portal once again.
Snakepaw-who-is-still-coming-up-with-a-nickname walked into the Hazelpage. “Soooo, this is the Hazelpag-” She was interrupted when she had to dodge a salad. “What the…”
Strawberrykit smiled. She waved at Snakepaw, and threw another salad at her.
“HI! That’s how I now greet people new to the Hazelpage!!” Strawberrykit yelled.
“You probably won’t see me that often on the Hazelpage, I don’t check it very much 😛 ” Strawberrykit disappeared in a poof of magic, off to toss more salads at new people.
SNakepaw paused. “Oh. Ok!”
“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Shimmers!” Shimmers said, popping up behind Snakepaw. She clapped her paws and a cupcake appeared, and she threw it in the direction that the salad had come from. “No throwing food at new people!” she yowled. “You might chase them off!”
Snakepaw took a step towards the door. “Ok… Nice to meet you! I am Snakepaw, although I am still trying to get a nickname!”
“hi!—-” hollyfrost welcomed her than dodged a tomato “eww!!! oh yea someone made we start a food war- look out!!!!!’ hollyrost mewed and ran away
Snakepaw dodged what was flying at Hollyfrost and looked at the others who stood nearby.
“Hello!” Ember called out, “I’m Ember, the chaos queen. I can’t wait to get to know you!” She called out, making firey, evil rabbits turn into fish for Snowy.
“Oh uh thanks, but I am the opposite of pescatarian. I eat all meat except fish!” She backed away from the fish..
“Greetings!” Silvy mewed, handing Snake a box of porble cookies, “Welcome to the Hazelpage, the home of chaos. Anything and everything can happen here, even the impossible. We also love food here, as well as fire for some odd reason.”
“Uh, as you can see, we are in the middle of a war right now, so if you don’t want to get involved with all this mess and chaos since it’s your first time, I advise you to hide somewhere. But if you want to join us, feel free to do anything you want, whether it’s eating salad, causing a flood or getting hit by lightning,” Silvy smiled, carefully placing a banana peel on Snakepaw’s head.
SNakepaw rose her eyebrows. “Banana peel?”
Welcome Newbie. This is the Chaospage be careful food fight is happening,
“So, I was told— WOAH” Comet shrieked while dodging a flying cake, “Does anyone have a sense of humor?” She ran over to the three fighting kits, three blackkit out the window and aggressively pinned down Opalkit.
“WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?” Shimmers shouted to Silvy.
“Silly child, I am humor.” Ravenclaw says to assert her dominance.
*hollyfrost walked into the hazelpage* “hello fellow cats, i have been told this is a place for ChA—- *falls to floor* chaos, i have found my home *dodges a pancake someone threw* “I DECLARE WAR ON WHOEVER JUST THREW THAT!!!!!” *throws pancakes and waffles* *alarm for war goes off it says: “FIGHT! HOLLYFROST DECLARED WAR! FIGHT”*
“REMEMBER, NO KILLING DURING THE WAR!” Silvy reminded everyone, then proceeded to charge in with a whole bag full of banana peels and magic potatoes.
*featherstar started throwing orange juice peels and one hit silvy* “ahhh! im so sorry!” she yelled
”HERE’S A WELCOME SALAD! It will be delivered via air travel!” Strawberrykit tossed a salad.
*hollyfrost dodged it* “why tank u!” she yowled
Apparently we have colorful glasses for drink. Can mine be blue?
*Hands Lily a blue cup* “Here young kit, but be careful okie?” Bloss said kindly
Frost sat on a chair, which somehow was floating. She watched as everyone continued to cry, fight, and throw random stuff. She lifted her sunglasses and held onto her chromebook to pay for the damages in the Hazelpage. “This is fine.” She sighed.
Sparkpaw crept into the Hazelpage, watching the chaos with wide, fearful eyes. “W-what’s happening?” she asked.
hollyfrost ran up to her “lets just say someone made me start a war!” she hissed
“A lot,” Shimmers responded, surveying the chaos. Someone dashed past her with a huge cake in their paws.
She freshened up the war stripes under her eyes and threw a salad at the cat. “Have some health food!” Shimmers yowled.
*hollyfrost accidentally threw a syrup covered pancake at her “im so sorry!” she called from the other side of the room
“Yep!” Shimmers said. “Maybe I’ll make my beanbag float so I can be above the chaos too…” She looked exhausted from this page.
Silvy ran all over the place, putting banana peels on all the heads of the cats she could spot.
“SILVY!!!!!!” Mistfeather ripped off the banana peel that Silvy put on her head and turned it into a
firewater-breathing dragon and sent it after her“The banana peel is to show no killing on the Hazelpage!” Shimmers cried as she made the dragon disappear. “You MUST wear one! I am!” She waved her tail a her own.
“Ohhhhhhh, I thought it was for peace!” Mistfeather politely placed one on her head.
“Thank you!” Shimmers said pleasantly as she placed one on a passing cat’s head.
“AHHHHHH” shrieked icepaw *icepaw kept running around trying to get the banana peel off her head,everyone knew she was afraid of them* “silvy why?!?!?!” she cried and accidentally bumped into a tree* “ouch!” she hissed
badgerkit starts eating every edible thing that is flying in the air and accidently swallowed a flamethrower. Now he could shoot fire from his mouth.
“So, there have been some new people coming in here, and the chaos here has reached a “new high score” if you get what I mean,” Foreverpaw said, “So I am asking you to dial it back a little, or else I’m going to need to set some rules. The rules might include splitting up the hazelpage, banning explosives, and the worst- restricting types of food”
Viper stares at Everpaw in quiet contemplaton. “I think you may be right. We have reached a new high score, rasied the bar a little. LETS KEEP DOING THAT!!” she screeches, tossing tacos in every direction. “I AM THE QUEEN OF TACOS AND I WILL NEVER BE STOPPEd!”
“Ahh darn. I’ll just put cameras everywhere so that I can watch you from a safe distance.”
Mistfeather catches the tacos in her mouth. “bewf wevnum widebf num num.” She swallowed. “I mean, I thought you were the queen of enchiladas?”
“I am both!” Viper exclaimed. “TACENCHILADAS!””
“that’s what you say now ViPeR” icepaw called and threw a million taco’s at viper as she bumped into a tree again “OUCH!” she squeaked
*hollyfrost saw ice paw (my oc) bump into a tree and someone threw a meatball* “AHHHHHHH” *she shrieked and threw a bowl at them “take that!” she spat. she than started throwing muffins. and grabbed a pie,she went up to roseflower. “i baked you a pie!” she mewed “oh boy what flavor?!” roseflower asked “pie pie pie-” hollyfrost said “don’t start tha—–” roseflower got cut of. “die pie die!” hollyfrost hissed and started throwing pies in everyones face’s