The Hazelpage

The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.


[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]

Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.

Notice Board:
Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.


  • Neverpaw, Everpaw, and Foreverpaw kick down the door while standing in an epic hero pose, but then Everpaw falls flat on her face while trying to walk in. “Is this whipped cream? Because this is delicious,” Everpaw said while she licked the floor.
    “Anyways,” Neverpaw said, “We’re back from our… magic road trip? Whatever. We brought magic stuff; potions, enchanted things, cursed things, etc! Come to the shady corner of the Hazelpage to get magic stuff!” “Not dangerous at all!” Foreverpaw added. “Haha who told you that?”

      • “They don’t put curses on their owners, so they are completely safe!” Everpaw explained cheerily, “100% true! No more questions!”

      • “Well, it’s hard to say since the results of it’s use is unpredictable but it’s very rarely anything good,” Silvy mewed, “I’ve found that the use of ‘cursed things’ mostly ends up in lots and lots of fire.”

    • “Do you have magic cookies?” Mistfeather asks sweetly. She has befriended the squeaky dragons(from a few pages back) and has taken one in as her own and named it Taquito. “I need some to feed Taquito.” She looks up at Taquito, who is now perched on her head.

      • “Yes! Which kind would you like? We have chocolate chip, brownie, sugar, icing, fruit-topped, etc, etc,” Foreverpaw said rapidly, “Although the best for dragons would be… the special scale cookie!”

        • “Thanks!” Mistfeather took the cookies and fed some to Taquito. “Looks like you’ve got cookie compitition” She mewed to Foreverpaw.

    • “by any chance do you have a book on how to get a quirk? and some potions? i dont care what kind of potion :3” hollyfrost asked poiletly
      “WE WANT SOME MAGIC BROOMS!”honeyflight,frostwhisper and needleblaze called rushing torwards the stand

      • “Umm,” Eve hesitated at the sight of Daydream chomping down on a broom, “I don’t think that brooms are that good for eating…”

  • Cryst kicked open the door and slipped on the floor. She got up and went over to the shady corner of the hazelpage and sniffed the air. “Hmmmmm” “I SMELL BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSS”

  • “I AM BACK!!!! did you miss me?!” hollyfrost yowled. ~icepaw,bristlemoon (star),needleblaze,honeyflight,frostwhisper,dappledleaf and some other oc’s walked in,a suddenly huge door slammed and hit there faces,they all dodges but icepaw got stuck~ “HELP AHHHHHHHHH”she screeched and cried ~needleblaze,honeyflight and frostwhisper shrugged and walked away~ “HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP”icepaw screeched again.
    ~hollyfrost surprisingly didn’t bring her pie tank,instead started playing MHA music over every speaker and started singing to it while icepaw still screeched for help~ ~dappledleaf put anime on every T.V and proceeded to watch MHA S4,meanwhile icepaw still was stuck~ “RHFSHNRDG HELPPPPPPPPPPP”she yelled. ~bristlemoon (star) got into a ochaco uraraka cospla, houndfur got into a deku one,and stormheart got into a toga one,icepaw screeched for help once more~ “DID YA”LL MISS ME?!” hollyfrost yowled,not paying any attention to icepaw. “OH YEA! I GOT A QUIRK!!! AND STARTED GOING TO U.A!”

  • “EVERBODY!” Hawk shouted. “I now use Mi/Microwave pronouns, but there is something more important than that…” A cat that looked eerily similar to the Moonstar that was brought moons ago. “…MOONSTAR! The one that visited many, many moons ago.” The cat sighed. “Sometimes I feel like I hate you, Hawkwhisker… Anyways, HELLO THERE, PEOPLE OF THE HAZELPAGE! I AM A TRUE NEUTRAL! HAWK IS CHAOTIC GOOD! EXPECT MANY FIRES AND CASUALTIES!”

  • AA daydream commented something and acidentaly put her mom's email and now the profile is her fam irl and she needs hugs says:

    Daydream tries and succeeds to eat a feather

  • U HAVE ANY MAGIC POTIONS TO WARD OF EVIL SISTERS AND BFFS!!!??????? Moonkit Shouts while she, Snowyfeather, and the rest of Ravens OC’s spray vinegar at Opalkit (Shini) and Blackkit (Blacky)

    • the real opalkit charges in and drags her clone out of the room and waved her tail to make her clone disappear “sorry, I was working on praticing and strengthening my magic and seemingly let this thing pummel you, I will never let such chaos happen it I can control it”

      • Snowyfeather Attacks with vinegar – “get the blacky clone out of here!!!” Blacky yowles as his clone throws him out a window

    • “Of course!” Foreverpaw pushed a spray bottle at Moonkit, “Just spray this on yourself!”

      The bottle read in Latin, “Me solum relinquatis!”

      • “TYSM! WAIT WILL THIS WORK ON CLONES?” Moonkit doesnt wait for an answer nd starts putting it all over herself, blacky, and Shini. “EEWWWW” Shini wails “It smells like dead things” Blacky cries Moonkit jumps in hot water. “It never comes off” she cried!
        “At least u wont be pummeled anymore” Blacky says

  • Swirly charges through the door, splintering it in the process. “I’m back from the medicine den” she says.

    • “I noticed on your name it says ‘the ulimate Taquito queen'” Mistfeather mewed suspiciously. “You don’t mean my Taquito, do you?” She hugged her dragon closer, and it burped fire.

      • “OK, forget someone eating a feather being worrying,” Shimmers mewed. “THAT’s worrying.” She pointed at the dragon.

        • “Don’t worry, he’s perfectly safe!” Mistfeather smiled as Taquito slipped out of her arms and burned down forever/ever/neverpaws magic stand

      • “All taquitos must belong to me, unless I have gifted one to you, but I suppose you can keep yours.” Mews Swirly. “The fact that you have a dragon is…. concerning”

        • “THE DRAGON IS NAMED TAQUITO!” Mistfeather slaps her forehead.

  • Blacky Marches in through the door of the hazelpage, “I AM BANNING WINDOWS AND CLONES IN THE HAZELPAGE!” “Whoever has a clone or puts a window shall be exiled!” He declares. A clone of himself charges at him, Moonkit makes vanish to alsaka

  • (I have not been to the Hazelpage in a long time)

    Leopardkit wakes up from a tiny corner in the Hazelpage. “Oooh.” She whispers. Suddenly, her tail moves like a lightning bolt and a yellow dragon shows up. “If you think THAT”-she points at Taquito-“is worrying, meet Flicker. As you can see, she is a SandWing.” (I read Wings of Fire) She waves her tail again and some lizards pop up in the Hazelpage and Flicker devours them.

  • “I BROUGHT MY FREINDSSS” Daydream yelled while opening a magic portal. Out the portal jumped a siamese tom, a male version of sunny, a calico, and a white-ish mint she-cat, and a blue gray tom. “Introdoucing: Sleekthunder, Sunflare, Sweetsong, Mintfox and Raincloud!” she announced.

  • Sleekthunder walked up to the shop. “I heard you have cursed things” he said, “I want this book called ‘Macbeth’ It should be in the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back of your cursed books, it is very dangerous”

    Sweetsong ordered 192 potions, Mintfox is shipping the forbidden ingredient to Quackity as we speak and Raincloud is yelling “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

    (trust me you do NOT want to know what the forbidden ingredient is )