The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Doepaw leaped from her WaffleWing and jumped on Lone’s car, grabbing an explosive. She summoned Tigerclawstar’s dead body and threw the explosive at it with all her might. It exploded into a million pieces and everyone cheered. She stomped her foot to clean up the mess and everyone started to raid Lone’s car. “WHAT SHALL WE EXPLODE NEXT?” Doepaw called.
Bringing out a flamethrower and multiple blocks of C4 and TNT, Blazestrike grinned. “Thought you’d never ask.” Then he chucked explosives everywhere, resulting in a series of huge explosions.
Whirl grabbed an explosive to eat and chomped it. She then set off a chain or grenades and stuck her tongue out in a Blep.
Rainstripe pressed a button and 500 grenades went of in Tigerstar face
“I think I have something you can explode,” said Raven, flicking hir ear. “It’s pretty big though.”
Xe then fitted on a magnetic bracelet, and pointed it to the ceiling of the Hazelpage. Suddenly, an asteroid flew from the sky and crashed into the Hazelpage, destroying the ceiling and leaving a big hole in the ground (hopefully, no one died).
“Explode all you want!” they said, pulling out a flamethrower and a chainsaw.
Then flys of on the back of a simplewing
Shimmermist walks into the Hazelpage after a long time of forgetting it existed. She then shoots bread out of a BreadGun at every cat in her direct vicinity.
Blazestrike brought out a six-barrelled rotating carrot cannon and sent a volley of carrots at her, nearly burying her under a pile of them.
Rainstripe sees the bread turns it into waffles and sloths, then eats the waffles and tells the sloths to live in the hazelpage, then makes sure the sloths can never be obliterated, destroyed, demolished, exterminated, or broken in any way
Sloth 1: yay…….. this……… is ………fun
Sloth 2: What’s………. that……… saying…….again
Sloth 4: supercalafragicexpialidotios……. I………think
Sloth 3: Hey you took my line
Sloth 5: hey how come you aren’t speaking slowly
Sloth 3: ooops, how come you aren’t
Sloth 5: because you ate the last mango
Sloth 2: well you ate the last banana
Sloth 5: did not
Sloth 1: did too
Sloth 5: did not
Sloth 1&2: did too
Blazestrike was flopped on his back in the “dead cockroach” position, listening to the sloths argue for what seemed like hours.
“Supercalafragilisticespealidocious,” Peb says the whole mouthful in one breath. “My co-op class used to be obsessed with that word. I’ve heard it so many times it’s engrained in my brain!”
Doepaw rolled onto her back while using the sloths as ASMR, but then got bored and started to throw grenades at the sloths so that she could watch the grenades bounce off of them.
*catches breads*
Whirl chomps a large baguette bread that is bigger then herself but swalloes it whole and remains the same size
Hey they are waffles now
“love the cartoon logic” dawny mews, crashing into the side of the building
¨Waffles, anyone?¨ Leopardkit hollered while she cast a spell and waffles shot out of the walls at everyone. She summoned her EveryWing and flew so she could she the chaos better. ¨And who here likes the most slimy jello ever, huh?¨ She cast a spell and jello rained on everyone. She cast a shielding spell and the jello avoided her.
“OOOOOO!” Doepaw shouted, and stole all the waffles to feed the WaffleWings. Everyone started to attack her for stealing their waffles, so Doepaw just conquered some more waffles and everyone stopped attacking her.
Suddenly, Doepaw rose up dramatically in the air, levitating. Everyone turned and watched, munching on their various breads, and suddenly, her eyes turned into disco balls that shot rainbows and she started to spin in the air like a top. She spun and spun until she broke the sound barrier, she spun so fast. A loud BOOM went off and forks started falling from the ceiling. Her eyes went back to normal and she hopped into a hammock, occasionally grabbing a falling fork and throwing it at floating pineapples.
(And yes, I do mean like, regular forks. It was the first random object that came to my head.)
Then rainstripe had all his sloths atack Doepaw, then when it was five minutes and the still haven’t gotten up to the hammock he gave them speed potions, then the sloths got there and after the atack was over he fed waffles to the sloths
While flying through the chaos of the Hazelpage, Raven picked up one fork with feir mouth and threw it at a balloon, that also happened to be there.
I made a drawing of the Hazelpage!!!
It’s a more cartoonish style than I normally do, but I really like it 😁
Ahhh I love it!!! You captured the chaos perfectly 😛
ahaha i love it! 😀
Hey thats MY slushie
“That is adorable!” purred Sunny Cat, whilst eating a pepperoni pizza 🍕
Dawny agreed and stole the slushie from the drawing “And now it’s MY slushie >:)”
Blazestrike jumped onto Mirage and made sure his pack was filled with explosives, blasting caps, and explosive cord, before turning to the rest of the Hazelpage and loudly proclaiming, “I am on a quest to rid the world of all villains by blowing their graves up! First on our list is… Kronos from Percy Jackson! So get ready for a trip to Tartarus and the Underworld!”
¨Hmmm…. well, explode the portals that lead to the Hazelpage first. They explode into giant treasure hunts that lead to flaming magic with exploding chickens mixed in deep. Oh, and exploding magic. You can earn exploding magic! I like exploding portals that have treasure hunts that lead to waterfalls, because that gives you your own magic.¨ Leopardkit meowed with a grin on her face, since the treasure hunt made you walk on ice, travel through frosty waterfalls, get a frost yeti, ride on the back of a polar bear, collect ice swords, and at the end you had to channel your magic (when you had magic) to make a portal. ¨It´s not that hard.¨
Whirl watched the complex discussion. “Pineapple” She muttered quietly to herself.
“Pineapples are growing.” Leopardkit said while pine trees with apples on to grew in the Hazelpage.
Rainstripe rode on one of the fast sloths to the hammock pushed the cat in it out and sat in it with his sloths on guard successfully fighting of all attacks.
“Well… this did not go the way I expected.” Blazestrike sighed as he looked down at the chaos.
Rainstripe post a sign on the hazelpage underneath the cabinets
That says “GO SLOTHS” then makes it so you can’t destroy it or take it down
Leopardkit stared at the pine trees. She then pulled out her dragon book and checked off a square while a dragon grew from the floor. “This is my newest dragon! Moon has the power to shapeshift!” Leopardkit said while Moon turned into a cat.
“hgfhghhbhbhhh” dawny sobbed, concerned and confused by the current events
“Hi!” Shimmers said. She waded through the chaos to the couch and pushed some of the clutter off of it. She plopped down on it and surveyed the chaos.
“Ah! I see this place hasn’t changed a bit!” Shimmers cried as a loaf of bread zoomed over her head, and a dragon chased after it.
“nope!” Whirl mewed as she flew by Shimmer wail chasing the dragon
“NEVER SHALL THE HAZELPAGE CHANGE!” Doepaw declared, catching the bread.
Lightningshadow walks in, then sees chaos, then walks back out quickly
Freepaw does the same.
Blazestrike yanks both of them back in, then double padlocks the door and grins at them. “You’re not getting away THAT easily.”
Freepaw scowls at Blaze and storms off.
“Haha, suffer!” Dawny calls over to the group of cats who tried to escape
“Whoever enters the Hazelpage shall NOT LEAVE!” snarled Raven, flapping her wings. Fey then clapped their paws, and five dragons appeared outside of the entrance, all of them breathing bread.
Looks at blaze with extreme discomfort, then tries to climb out window
*pulls Lightningshadow off the window by their feet* “Not today! You’re stuck here with us!” Firepaw shouts at top volume.
Aquila peers around, “H-hello?” she asked, confused at all the changes.
“This place looks so different, and oh-” she breaks off sadly, “All my old friends on this page are gone.”
Her eyes glow a soft gold and a slushie appears in her hand, she sips it slowly looking around for any sign of the people she knew.
(For reference, I haven’t been on this page since about 2020 so everyone who used to be here is either inactive or doesn’t comment on this page anymore. 😛 )
“I’m so sorry, Aquila,” Coldie says gently. “But I think they’re gone.”
“Oh, I do think you’re right…” Aquila replied softly, “Do you have any idea where they might’ve gone?”
“It really is very different,” Lil murmurs, thinking back to the occasional times chi would pop in as she sank down next to Aquila.
Aquila nods slowly in agreement. “How are you doing?” she asks Lil.
“I’m doing pretty good,” Lil said, glancing over to Aquila. “How about you?” she asks, taking a sip of the unknown beverage that mysteriously appeared in her hand.
“Good also, thank you,” Aquila replies, finishing drinking her slushie and then making the cup disappear with a click of her fingers. “What’s that?” she asks curiously, gesturing to Lil’s drink.
“Yeah, good question” Dawny squawks, apearing next to the “fellow warriors”
Nightpaw wonders what’s going on. “Hai?”
Rainstripe zoomed over his head on the back of a sloth that was flying “WHAT IS HAPPENING” he shouted. The flying sloth crashed into the table sending everyone’s food flying off the table or into their faces, “Sorry” rainstripe shouted as the sloth shot away again. It shot right at Dovepaw nocking the bread out of her hand grabbing it and flying away again, eating the bread. Then it flew straight at The selling and nock rainstripe of his back and onto a bench
“SUP NIGHTPAW,” Coldie screams in the middle of chaos.
“Everything is going on Nightpaw,” said Doepaw, somehow reading Nightpaws mind. “Everything.”
“Hi!”, Nightpaw Exclaims, as he explodes the hazelpage, forcing everyone to evacuate, and walks out nonchalantly.
Rainstripe shot waffles out of his wand onto his plate, put syrup on it, took a strange green drink that was fizzing like crazy from the bar and sat in the hammock and ate the drink and waffles.
Firepaw walks in, sees chaos, and grabs some popcorn from…I don’t know.
“Here! Have some pizza!” Blazestrike shoved a slice of warm pepperoni into Firepaw’s face. “Made with my signature ingredients- olives, a garlic bread crust, and demonic possession.”
Okay get ready for some EPIC exsplosions in the near future
She came in for the first time, but everyone was so busy they didn’t realise her sneaking so she quickly and quietly grabbed a cookie, still no one saw her, so she quickly hid somewhere where she was sure no one would find her. she relaxed and chilled in her hiding spot (which was actually pretty cozy)
(ignore my comment up there i messed it up
Captain sits in the entrance to the Hazelpage. Upon seeing the chaos inside, she hesitates to walk in and settle down at a table. However, she soon gives in to the temptation, and ducks to avoid any airborne waffles and explosives. Once she settles down, she orders a large Dr. Pepper and a cheese platter for one.