The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Marb summons cinnamon rolls and throws them everywhere while cackling maniacally
Scorch eats them, as cinnamon rolls are their favorite bread. “I WANT MORE!” She smirks.
“THESE ARE MINE!” Marb screeches and takes her cinnamon rolls back, then eats them.
Scorch screeches louder and munches on the cinnamon buns.
Skypaw sighs, realizing she came too late to get cinammon rolls, then remembers the physics are on vacation. “Yummmy”, she says while eating cinamon rolls.
“Hey, no! Physics came back already!” Sparkpaw sets fire to Christmas Tree 5.0.
” -_- ” Says Spiro. “I have a compromise. Since you still are invested in Halloween, and most people here want Christmas, why don’t we make… A HALLOWEEN TREE WITH PUMPKIN-COLORED CANDY CANES AND HOT-COCO AND ALL OF THE CANDY AND PRESENTS???”
“THAT IS AN AMAZING idea!” Skye shouts histerically.
“YES!” Sparkpaw yowls, grabbing a black cat figure.
Scorch finishes summoning the macaw-feathered Christmas tree, which is now twenty feet tall. “Bow before the macaw-feathered tree, mortals!” She shouts.
“MORTAL?” Hollykit yowls across the tavern. She morphs into a dinosaur and crushes the tree and sends it to the fourth dimension, then morphs back to her original self. “I A M N O M O R T A L”
Scorch rolls her eyes and creates another macaw-feathered tree out of thin air.
Skye starts giggling. “I’m a macaw too!” She shouts up to Scorch. She glances at Dinousaurhollykit and shrugs.
“Great!” Scorch says. Then a bunch of macaw feathers pop up from their pelt. “Don’t mind me, I sometimes turn into a half-cat, half-macaw, and half-harpy creature. That makes it one and a half, but that’s the point.”
Spiro, a proud toucan, glowers at the three, but because there’s already such a mess in the tavern, she summons a toucan tree that is FIVE-HUNDRED FEET UP, UP THE SIDE OF MT. CRUMPET, HE RODE WITH HIS LOAD TO THE TIP-TOP TO DUMP IT –
“Oops,” Spiro says, “I got off track. ANYWAY -”
And the tree is five-hundred feet tall!!!!
Silverkit sneaks over to Sparkpaw and uses a match-haha just kidding- a flamethrower to set it on fire.
“Good job, Silverkit!” Hollykit nods approvingly.
Silverkit bows to Hollykit, then straightens up. “Your turn! Truth or dare!” She says, grinning.
“Sure. I’ll do…truth!”
“Have you ever been attacked by a magpie on the Hazelpage.” Silverkit says.
“A WHA- ohhh. No. Okay, that was fun, but I’ve got to destroy more trees as Dinosaurhollykit.” Dinosaurhollykit laughs manically as she stomps on trees.
Scorch looks at Silverkit and perks their ear as the scent of smoke made them alert.
Sparkpaw jumps back in alarm, shaking out her pelt and then rolling onto her back. She finally gets up and hisses, her pelt ruffled. “Oh no you do not!” She grabs her lightsaber and destroys the flamethrower.
Hollykit, annoyed, turns into Dinosaurhollykit and crushes the lightsaber. “We’d be better off without that, Sparkpaw!” she roars, before turning back into normal Hollykit.
Scorch looks at the broken lightsaber, and revives it using jedi magic.
“A FiNe AdDiTiOn tO mY CoLLeCTiOn” Scorch says.
“Nooo! Mine!” Sparkpaw lifts up Scorchpaw using the force because this is now Star Wars.
“Oh no. This could get copyrighted.”
Scorch hovers in the air by themself and shoots a jet of lightning like Palpatine’s. “HAHAHA!” They maniacally shouts and floats down to conjure another macaw tree.
Spiro applauds, approving of the escalation of events.
“Okay I will join you guys!” Skypaw says, sitting down with them. “But
1- No personal questions/dares
2- No harmful questions/dares
Thank you for hearing my rules book reading!” She adds joyfully. “It’s who’s turn now?”
“can i play two” dino asks.
“I think it’s your’s” (Also I was trying to avoid personal stuff) Silverkit says, scratching her head.
“Cool”, Skypaw says. “I haven’t played this since Foxpaw’s (my ‘cousin’) party! Okay…Dare, definetely!”
Amberpaw runs in blasting all I want for Christmas is you, but then she dropkicks anyone who’s git their tree up already.
“>:O” Says Spiro.
“:P” Says Scorch. “I can talk in emojis!”
“Hi Amberpaw!” Skypaw squeaks. “Silv, Hollykit, Sparkpaw and Scorch – I think Spiro too – are playing Truth or Dare, and I think I’ll join them! The bedrooms are upstairs, but there’s no silence anywhere! Also, Sparkpaw had her tail SCORCHED earlier – literally and not by Scorchpaw.” She finally stops talking. “Ehr, anyway, have a great time.”
“I dare you to make a half Halloween half Christmas tree!” Sparkpaw yowls as she grabs her lightsaber back from Scorchpaw. “That is, if you’re playing.”
“OkayIguess“, she mutters. Then she brings a found-in-the-internet picture to life (since she’s in the Tavern and Tavern is Tavern). “Does this work ?”
“Oh! That’s amazing-“
Cheetahheart sneaks up behind Sparkpaw, ready for revenge.
Inches from the back of Sparkpaw’s head, She throws a bucket of candycanes, and blasts “Santa clause is coming to town” On a mini speaker
“HA! TAKE THAT!” She yowled, then ran like heck, laughing all the way “HO HO HO”
Scorch generates a large bundle of Christmas cookies and dumps them in the tavern. “You better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch aaaah” She sings while eating the cookies.
“Oh no you do NOT!” Sparkpaw grabs a candy cane and is about to split it in half with her lightsaber but then pauses. “Hmm, you know what, these are yummy.” Sparkpaw licks it several times, but doesn’t want to eat it all at once because she savours things.
“you have like forty.” dino points out, before taking one and eating the whole thing in one bite.
“Yes, and I still have Halloween candy from six years ago. I think. Hmm, might’ve thrown it out because of that one stale rice crispy bar…” Sparkpaw tries biting a chunk of the candy cane off but spits it out immediately. “Eww! That tastes TERRIBLE!”
Cheetahheart grabs a handfull of candycanes, cracks them in half, then pops them into her mouth.
She pulls out a huge wad of paper from her bag
Here is a Christmas card for you!
And you!
And you!
And you!
“Candy canes!” Scorch takes a clump of candy canes and devours them. “Our lord and savior!”
“people seem to get mad at me when i put them in my mouth and chew them” dino says out of context-ly
“I’m not suprised.”
Flintleaf snuck up from behind and grabbed a candy cane. “You know? These aren’t actually so bad!”
“Uhh… we’re cats, not people.”
“and i’m a dinosaur and i think hollykit is too.”
“TO ALL THANKSGIVERS, SURRENDER AND WORSHIP CHRISTMAS!” Scorch yells from the macaw tree. Then they make themself vanish out of thin air.
(No macaws were hurt or abused while making the tree, it’s made with harpy magic stuff)
Skypaw looks up at scorch and giggles, rolling her eyes slightly. “Okay, okay. We get it, Scorch! No thanksgiving, just Christmas (or whatever you celebrate on the date!)!” She guaranteed them.
“Ehh… I’m still celebrating Halloween.” Sparkpaw looks up at Scorchpaw. “So I don’t have to surrender!” She yowls and uses her lightsaber to destroy the trunk of the tree. (Hopefully that didn’t hurt it… poor tree)
“…But my Birthday!” Creations complains, turning into a loaf to stay true to their name.
Creations bakes an amazing, Egg-free, Peanut-free, Gluten-free, and free of any possible allergens, B-day cake.
“MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ” Primrosepaw yowls
“I WISH TO CONSUME THE SPONGY BLOCK OF FLOUR AND SUGAR AND MILK AND HIGH CONTENT OF SUGAR-HIGH!!!!!!!” Spiro screams, already sugar-high and inwardly dreading the ultimate sugar-crash that is to come.
DO YOU HAVE MINT CHOCO CHIP?” Cheetahheart yowled, grabbing a chunk
egg sits in the corner crying because the cake is egg-free 😔
Primrosepaw rolls in “WHATS ALL DIS IM WITNESSING :0??!”
“CHRISTMAS/HALLOWEEN CHAOS, ALSO A TRUTH-OR-DARE GAME, AND MORE STUFF!!!!” Spiro yells from where she is decorating her toucan-feather tree.
“The Apocalypse!” Yells Scorchmist.
“:00” “What kind of Apocalypse?”
“HAHA FAT CHANCE” Cheetahheart yowls “I LIKE BEING CHRISTMASY” She jams a santa hat onto hollykit’s head
Hollykit violently takes off her Santa hat, then feeds it to a carnivorous reindeer-like creature she just conjured.
“S U R R E N D E R T O T H E M O N T H O F N O V E M B E R” she yowls.
“Exactly!” Sparkpaw yowls while attempting to destroy another Christmas tree.
Dinosaurhollykit begins stomping on Christmas trees manically.
Spiro turns into LoafCat so she can have magic powers. Then, she snaps her fingers and an evergreen tree appears, delicious fresh-baked buns dangling from its branches (they’re magic, so no allergies affect the eaters). She then snaps her fingers again, summoning a herd of BunKittens who swarm the tree, decorating it with bread, black-and-orange candy canes, more bread, ornaments, plums, oranges stabbed with cloves, and pillowcases full of everyone’s favorite candy.
Then, LoafCat Spiro turns into….. SANTA LOAFCAT SPIRO!!!! She then devours the cookies and milk and then, instead of bread, she shoots out Christmas presents that land perfectly all around the tree. As a finishing touch, she makes it sprout toucan feathers and adds a Jack-O-Lantern in place of the star/angel.
“HO HO HO MERRY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!” Santa LoafCat Spiro shouts, trying to make her voice sound deeper. “Here’s the Halloween-Tree I said I’d make for Sparkpaw!”
Cheery follows Spiro and turns into a LoafCat. She creates a Christmas tree made out of faux cheetah fur, covered in lego ornaments. Using all the power she could muster, she created a snowstorm of powdered sugar. She creates lego sets of everyone’s purrsona, climbing onto the balcony and magically flys over everyone, handing each cat their lego set. “MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!” She lands, exhausted, and turns back into a normal cat. She walks up to Spiro and laughs “Lets see you do that!”
“Hah! That was great Cheetahheart, but not as great as mine!” Flintleaf grabbed some christmas lights and wrapped Cheetahheart in them. “Hah!” Flintleaf chuckled, unwrapping them in one go. “I do hope you could breathe!” She blurted out, wrapping her purrsona in them. “Mine deserves them!” She looked at them in pride. “Wow Cheetahheart, that looks a lot like me! You’re actually great at this!”
Silverdusk gasps. “hOw DiD yOu MoRpH iNtO a LoAfCaT?” she shouts, while inspecting the presents under the Halloween tree. Then she raises her head, clearing her throat and adjusting her glasses that she thinks make her look smarter. “CHRISTMAS IS HERE!” Silverdusk announces, waving her tail and making snow drift down from the ceiling. She quickly whipped out a bunch of presents from somewhere. “I HAVE PRESENTS FOR EVERYONE!!!!”
“Yay!” Sparkpaw stops destroying Christmas trees.
“What is this?” Scorchmist yells, “Are we overthrowing someone?” “I’m in!” She says before grabbing her lightsaber and swinging it around.
Scorch summons popcorns and throws them everywhere, which uncannily makes the tavern look like as if it’s covered in snow. “WHITE CHRISTMAS!” They yell while throwing the popcorns.
Creations starts importing snow.
Creations ties bells to their ears.
“It’s already Christmas on the radio, why shouldn’t I?”
Silverkit watches the chaos while making a Christmas tree that she then finishes off with a preserve spell, which makes it indestructible. (Ref to Unwanteds)