The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Rose sneakily grabbed the remote for the tv. She changed the channel to a popular anime and sat down like a child to watch.
“EMMMMMMMMBER! May I pretty please have a cool Coke in a special no-spill cup?” She used anime-styled ultra-cute eyes.
The theme began and her head snapped back. “Yesssss, I wanna be a precure when I grow up!” She failed to realize they were the same age as her.
Emberdawn tilted her headless. “When did we get a tv…?” She shook off her question to bring Rose’s somewhat very specific order.
“I think we just…did?” Navy had appeared, observing Rose like a scientist with her infamous clipboard.
A murmur and glow came from inside Rose’s jacket suspiciously.
“Don’t question it!!”
Also, Navy’s infamous clipboard is a thing now and it will make many more appearances so STAY TUNED!
“Hey Rose,” she walked over to them, drinking her Coke and sweet tea, “could you put it on channel 43? I want to see if Gravity Falls is on.”
Ivie rushed over.
“FELLOW WEIRDO AND OTAKUUUUUUUUUUU.” She took the remote. “NO NO NO WE NEED SAILOR MOON. Tuxedo Mask for the winnnnnnnn.”
In other words, she liked anime.
“You know, when I grow up, I want to be a Finnish person.”
Ivie hadn’t realised that that would never happen.
Rose made the derpiest face possible. “Being a Finnish person sounds cool, but what would you do with that power? If I were a PreCure, I’d be able to save the world.”
The air wiggled as she used her imagination to imagine a person in a white bear suit. “Whoops, not you.” She proceeded to imagine herself as a four-year-old’s doodle of herself as a superhero.
In the doodle was also Ivie, as a Finnish person. Rose-doodle took Ivie-doodle’s remote and changed the channel of the TV-doodle back to Star Twinkle PreCure, which was what Rose-doodle was currently watching.
Oh wait, that’s what Rose did too.
Ivie thought. “I don’t know. I was hoping I could save the world too.”
She looked over and saw some Undertale fans. “OOOOOH BE RIGHT BACK.”
Wishi sat at her table, obsessively drawing Asriel Dreemur fanart.
Fox Trot responded by blaring Hopes and Dreams while she had Bonetrousle blaring in her headphones as she sketched The Great Papyrus
bluebell opened up the doors and walked to the counter and asked,
“can i have a kelp shake please? “
Wait you guys have that? Darn this place has everything…
Emberdawn shrugged. “When you’re an all-powerful mod, nothing is out of reach here at the tavern.”
But wait you said that you didn’t have kangaroo before but now you are saying you have everything???
“When did I say that? I, uh, genuinely don’t remember,” she said sheepishly. “And it’s more like a ‘if I need it, then I can summon it” sort of thing.”
Emberdawn made the drink for bluebell. “Five bitcoins, please!”
bluebell grabs her money out of her purse “here ya go” and she gives the five bitcoins to emb, “and i forgot one thing…thank you”
Cheetahpaw droped down right next to Bluebell, and said sup
I think I understand now.. You order a drink, drink it and be weird! Yaaaaay I can be an idiot now!
Shadow randomly stood up on her table and screamed, “YEET!” and then threw a potato that flew around the room. Then the potato grew cat ears and got a face and began singing the Team Rocket motto. Shadow sat back down with a casual smile and drank her half spilled very cold now hot chocolate as she admired her creation.
Rose caught the flying potato. “POTATO ABUSE!” She then threw the potato at Shadow’s head hypocritically. “ALSO, BEAUTIFUL SINGING YOU POTATO!”
Rose never did realize that this entire mess of a fruit was her fault. Oh well.
*Worm wiggling*
Ok then…
The Roses in the other comments suddenly ran at this Rose, dropping whatever they were doing and tackling her, eyes literally red. “Aghhhhh! Guys!”
Then a portal appeared, and a futuristically dressed Rose who looked to be in her twenties popped out. In a Deep South accent, she said, “I came for some…. intervention.” She pulled out a water gun and began shooting anticlimactically at the clones.
Fox Trot stood on a counter and began singing “I believe I can fly! I got smacced by the FBI” she then dramaticly fell and maybe broke her face
*Eats ur feet*
Yim yum
Robin looked around at the craziness. Apparently Rose was a vampire. And everyone could shape-shift. And the mods had powers where they could summon any kind of food/drink. “And here I was worrying about someone finding out about my telekinesis,” she muttered. She decided to give herself another power because why not. “I would like a room,” she announced to Ember, because she was tired. She managed to not get herself hit by the flying potato and Navy’s infamous clipboard.
(Yeet the power is… TBC)
“For how long? It’s 20 bitcoins a night.”
“Rose? Vampire? It doesn’t have anything to do with everyone having crazy powers. That’s just Rose being Rose. And you have telekinesis? YEET!” Shadow then realized she blew her cover, blinked, and turned off her mind reading, one of her many weird powers. She shrugged. “What can I say? I just threw a flying Potatobrine around the room.”
Shadow threw her potato again. It grew cat ears and sang the Team Rocket motto again, but this time every time it finished it screamed, “POTATOBRINE!!” and also it had glowing white Herobrine eyes. Shadow admired her potato.
*sucks on potatobrine*
Edit: I don’t know why I keep writing these comments but you’re all going to have suffer with them anyway
Shadow gasped. “oH nO yOu dId nOt jUsT dO tHaT”
Wren walked into the room. She looked around at the craziness and walked back out quickly before a potatobrine could hit her.
“oH nO yOu dOn’T” Shadow said and created another Potatobrine that flew around Wren and sang. 😛
Wishi woke up to the madness, then fell back asleep because she wasn’t feeling well.
Shadow stared at Wishi. “Ummm guys I think I killed Wishi with my potatobrineness…”
Navy walked in with her infamous clipboard. Everyone immediately shuddered.