The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
“I haven’t been here in a long time; sorry!” Brightspark yelled as she enters.
“That’s okay!!” screeches Aquila
Continuing me and spirits phantom of the opera lyric screaming thread 😛
Feel free to scream the next part of the lyrics if you know them too 🙂
Night time sharpens, heightens each sensationnn
Darkness waits and stirs imaginationnn
(Spirit yes I thinks we are going through the whole musical 😛😛😛)
(Yessssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛 )
Silently the senses abandon their defenses
Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor
Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender
Turn your face away from the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light
And listen to the music of the night
(All phantom fans join us!!!! We are singing/typing the entire musical!! Waaaaaaaiiiiiitttttttt, Aquila, are we going to do Love Never Dies as well?)
(Can we do the notes/Prima Donna Song? I haven’t seen love never dies)
Close you eyes and let music set you free
Only then, can you belong to meeee (whoa bit creepy Erik :P)
(We can do Prima Donna next! 🙂 You should listen to the soundtrack of love never dies!!!!! My favourite song from it is my siggie and I feel it’s underrated because it’s a similar style to love never dies (one of the songs) and love never dies is like the main theme. I listen to soundtracks of musicals I will probably never watch, like my and my friend agreed that if I listened to Hamilton sound track she would listen to poto soundtrack so now I have ‘you’ll be back’ playing itself over and over in my head 😛)
(Continuing convo with Peb)
Silver shrugs and stirs her drink aimlessly. “It gets kinda boring after a while,” she admits. “I’d love to experience homeschooling. Must be nice, being able to do school in your pajamas and getting up for snacks whenever you like.” Silver paused. “Well, I suppose we’re all being homeschooled right now.”
“Yeah, that’s one of the cool things,” Peb says. “Everyone’s getting a taste of what homeschoolers get!”
“I’m enjoying homeschooling!” mews Aquila, “I finish all my lessons in half the time I would if I were at school and the only thing I miss is my friends 😛”
“Yeah,” Peb agrees.
Hi i am back. When I came here i ate pizza and eve knows hair
“Hi!” Peb says. “I’m about to have pizza for dinner.”
YEET! (sorry, i felt like it)
( Not sorry 😛 )
“BEET!” (sorry, not sorry 😛 )
(I don’t even know 😛 )
(bruh how did u all miss this one)
“Heya!” Brightwing interrupts cheerfully. Anyone want to have a silent disco? Like, right here? Right now?”
“YES,” pen calls from across the tavern.
Ravenpaw walks in shyly. “Hi everyone!” She says cheerfully, “This is my first time here!” 🙂
“Hey, Raven!” Red calls from across the room. “I don’t know if Peb is still doing it, but look out for pies……..”
Peb winks, pulls out a tray from don’t-ask-where and says, “Oh, I have more than just pies, plus some new cakes….”
Hi! I will keep watch. 🙂
(Random note: Oh my stars, I just went all the way back to the first page of the Hazelpage and just started reading. (Kate came on here???))
“Cool!” Peo says. “I didn’t know that. I’ll go check it out. Byeeee.”
She zips away.
“Hey,” Raven asks, “Does anyone have any Apple Cider Donuts, preferably warm?”
Peo pops up behind her with her pastry tray and a grin. “Yep!”
“can i have some pastriessssss”
“YeP!” Peo holds out the tray.
“Pastries are amazing!” Red calls, showing up from her yeet. (check for May, 17……..)
Stormsong walks in. She walks around for a while. “Hi, this is my first time in here!” she laughs. “What’s going on?” She’s eating a sub. All food under the sun seems to be offered in this place!!
“Hi!” greets Peb. Her eyes fall on the sub. (is that like a subway sandwich?) “That looks good!”
(It could be from Subway or someplace like DiBella’s or Wegmans. Yep, one of them submarines, lol :3)
Storm grins. “You have a lot of food!” she notices with a laugh.
Raven walks in happily, “I found Apple Cider Donuts!!” She yells, “Does anyone want to share?”
“YES!!” Bread calls from who-knows-where. (woah, bread?? I must be hungry………………….oops…………I’ll go get food now…….)
“Yay!!!!!!!!!” Raven hands Red a donut, “Now you don’t have to call yourself bread because you’re hungry!” 🙂
“Can I have a donut?” asks Aquila hopefully.
“Yay!” Aquila mews happily!
( lol 😛 so me )
shadow yeets in from 12938765 years ago “hello for i have returned to this page” and poofs away again into the hole of inactivity
“Shall we pull her out from the hole of inactivity?” Aquila asks Peb.
“Yes!” Peb agrees. She reaches into the hole of inactivity, groping around searching for Shadoof.
Aquila joins her, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she searches.
Red joins Aquila and Peb, randomly sticking her head in to look
“Hi!” Raven says randomly to anyone listening.
“HEYO,” Peb replies