The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
crow lifted one brow and did finger guns at the nearest cat/person next to him.
“hehehehheh,” flowerpaw chuckles, “IM soRry ArE YoU PoInTeD THAT AT ME, if so Im giving you five seconds to rethink your life choices!!”
(meh grammar skills…)
Aquila gasps in the background but then loses interest and turns on her phone, plugs in her headphones and starts watching clips on YouTube.
Peo crept up behind Blackie and poked him. “Boo.”
shadoof tackles peo and says “hello good evening” with a completely straight face
“Hello good morning,” Peo replies while being tackled, as it is almost lunchtime for her.
Flower turned to her friends and started talking, “I got bored so I drew a cat and named it Foxflower then I found out someone already named a cat that so this one is a different one I guess, then I drew another cat and named it Flowershadow, then I drew one and named it Greyfawn, also I’m drawing one named Petalstream, I hope no one has taken those names…” she looked down at her paws, then sat up straight again, ” then I went on a bike ride, the worst part of all this is I don’t have a phone to chat with my friends and they are almost never on their laptops…”
Again Flowe stared at the ground in disappointment.
“How are all of you?” she asked politely.
“I am good!” Raven says, “I have trouble getting in touch with my friends sometimes, too (it will get better 🙂 ). Was the bike ride fun?” Raven pauses to eat one of her quadrillion (that is a real number) strawberries, “I don’t personally have any cats named that, nor would I mind if you used them. 🙂 “
“The bike ride was brilliant, thank you for asking!” Flower gushed, ” I’m glad you’re doing well. And those berries you gave me were delightful!! now as much as I love a civil conversation…I must go and get wild, it’s what I live for!!”
Flower rescued herself and walked away with glorious plans for jumping off the roof and into the bushes dancing in her head.
“you can tag along if you’d like, but I would warn you…I am a true cat, either wild or calm, no in-between, you don’t wanna be around when I unleash my dark side!”
(anyone else thought of the song “darkside” gets stuck in my head all the time:) )
“Um, I think I’ll pass… Thanks for inviting me though!” 🙂
Is my name clickable?
Yes it is! 😀
(I have a question about the email part in the comments tho—where does that information go? Will you see my name and stuff?)
Maybe you should ask that on the blogteam page…? 😀
Oops, I missed that bit of the comment.
We don’t do anything with your email 🙂 It doesn’t get stored unless you make a WordPress account. Sometimes, we’ll use your email to sift through comments to find a specific comment (like a first comment) or see how many comments you’ve made, but otherwise, we don’t really use your email for anything. Occasionally, we might contact you through your email if there’s something serious going on or if it’s requested, like someone asking me to send them the contents of an article to them so they can rewrite it 🙂
Hope that answers your question!
If you click on Moonstar’s name, they have a website and the option to post comments. It requests your email in order to post a comment so I was just asking them about that. :)) Thanks though!
I thought you were asking about comments on the blog 😛
That was actually reassuring to me, Thanks Emberdawn!
(I think Peb was asking for Moonstar’s site which they were talking about in their comment and which also needs an email to comment, I believe)
“ Who wants mangas?!” Yowls Willowkit while she gets out a t-shirt cannon containing warriors mangas
“MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Raven screeches!
Willowkit fires a Rise of Scourge in the direction of Ravenpaw
I have that one, Graystripes Adventure and Ravenpaws path!!
“Ooooh nice!!” grins Aquila, looking up from her phone.
Willowkit yowls, “ I got Ravenpaw’s path and Graystripe’s adventure!” She fires a Ravenpaw’s path at Aquila
“Yay!” Aquila screeches and starts to read it, her eyes skimming the pictures.
“Me, me, me!” Crimson squeaks, jumping up and down!
Willowkit restocks the cannon and fires a SkyClan and the Stranger at Crimsonclaw
Echo bursts through the doors wearing a pirate hat and holding a cutlass.
“Gimme your gold, ya landlubbers!” she shrieked. She winked. “How’d ya like my new outfit?”
“EVERYONE!” Echo held her cutlass in the air. “Embix has taken over RecentPurrsLand! We must attack! Arrrr, me mateys! ARRRRR!”
“I am a one-woman army!” She called back, drawing a sabre and flourishing her pirate coat that she suddenly was wearing. “You’ll never take me alive!”
“Then you shall never get to the treasure trove I keep!”
“Treasure?!” Aquila’s eyes whip around and she is transported back to when she was in a school play of ‘Peter Pan’ (I was one if the pirates 😛)
“A treasure in a secret place whose name is passed from person to person,” whispered Embix. “A legend spoken only in passing…”
“Tell me!! Is there a map?!” Aquila’s eyes widen as she takes in Embix’s words and she asks like a kit begging for a story.
“Of a sort,” she responded. Embix gestured above herself. “There’s a set of clues somewhere here and only the cleverest of the clever can find them.”
“Ah yes,” Aquila smiles knowingly, “I found that a few weeks ago, it took me a while though, I had first looked for it in September and I found it in May.” 😛
Embix winked at the people listening. “Maybe I’ll part with some secret pages from my treasure trove for people who find my secret hiding place.”
Reading that train:
Me: **GASP** the Ember Den?
Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. You just have to find out on your own 😉
Aquila’s comment confirmed my suspicions 🙂
Why so much mysteriousness? 😛 If I didn’t know what it was I would be completely confuzzled 😛
“You must tell me, Aquila!” Crimson gasps.
“Kay!” Aquila smiles, “Embix already gave you a big clue: she gestured above herself.”
(Basically look above the words in her comment, literally 😛)
“ah the mysterious, fortunately for you i cannot read clues at all so i shall figure out Another Day”
“Ah, it’s okay, arrr.” Echo sat down. “Moonbreeze has down it, arrr. Good on ya, Moonbreeze. Arrrrr.”
“arr, me mentor has saved the day”
“I trimmed your comment to be more friendly to our mobile BlogClanners!”
“Oh. Okay sorry about that 😀.”
Wait I said an emoji?How does one pronounce an emoji 😛
I have done the impossible.
“teach us your WAYS”
“Hello.” Katt gazes around, then leaps up to the ceiling and does a handstand while saying yeet.
“Helloooooooooo” yowls Aquila
“Yeety,” says Peb. “Very impressive.”
“good day katt”
Tony struts into the tavern. “Hello, no autographs, please.” The black-and-white cat with a torn ear and arc reactor meowed. “I’m here for a break, not for publicity.” He smirked as he sat at an empty table. “I’m a true cat, don’t you say otherwise. Wild, free, and very smart.”
“Iron Man??” asks Aquila, “You know, Swift, I was doing a quiz with my family and one of the questions was ‘What is Iron Man’s other name?’ and I beat all my family because I knew the answer from all you marvel obsessed Blogclanners 😛”
“Well, that’s good to know. My other name is Tony Edward Stark. Tell your family that.” He meowed.
Tony StarkkkkkkYes it is… as you can tell I have a case of SIMA (Severe Iron Man Addiction)…Sunbreeze sits down near Tony. “You’re Tony Stark, aren’t you? It’s strange to see a Stark so far away from home.”
“Yes, yes I am. Listen, I know it’s strange, but I like this place. Better than some of the other taverns I’ve been to in LA.”
Stormsong longs to tell him she’s a fan, but he asked for no publicity, so she just sits down nearby and watches to see what’ll happen next.
Tony notices that Stormsong is watching him. He gestures his tail to her, then paws at the seat. “Come here, don’t be shy. I know you want to see me, it’s more obvious than the conversations in this tavern.”
staaaaark???Yes, Tony Stark!!!!!“WHY MUST THERE BE SCHOOL? WHY CAN’T I JUST BINGE WATCH ALL 7 SEASONS OF OUaT???” Red yells randomly.
“I feel you” grins Aquila, “but I prefer to watch TV shows spaced out, like one episode per day so I don’t finish them too quickly 😛”
(Basically every TV show I like has ended years ago any there’s no way that there will be any more seasons of them so I like to space them out so I can cling onto them for longer 😛)
(One TV show I liked ended a looooooooong time ago, yet I watch, like, 10 episodes a day, which is 5 hours of my life spent each day. Oh yeah, the special episodes are even longer, so… sometimes 6 or even 7 hours of my life.)
“IDK,” Peo yells back.
“Because teachers want us to slave away two thirds of the year” responds Willowkit darkly while she burns her science notebook and watches it turn to ashes
I tried to keep watching OUaT, but I just couldn’t. Also, have you ever looked at the family tree? It is much more confusing than the warriors family tree even.
“There is something more complex than a warriors family tree?!?!?!?” Raven squeaks, half confused, half astonished.
“Is that possible??” gasps Aquila, “Once me and Redblaze tried to make a simple warriors family but it ended up spanning 3 pages of my planner and had stars and letters everywhere because the families are so interrelated 😛”
“Yeah, I’m thinking about doing one starting at Firestar and Sandstorm if I get really bored or finish my Fanfic.”
“Good luck with your family tree!” grins Aquila
“Yeah!” Red says enthusiastically. (I actually completed the warriors family tree of Firestar, by using up around 10 pages of google docs. I don’t dare dabble in Warriors and OUaT genetics 😛 )
well when you say it like that…
“NOOOOO IT’s NOT ABOUT THAT,” Peo protests.
“Aye, matey. (Is this our Cap’n speakin’?) But those who like Warriors be great, savvy?” says Pirate Stormsong.
“And yet they won’t do leafxmoth.” Sighs willowkit, watching the last of her math homework burn in the fireplace
Goldenpaw randomly pops out of nowhere and screams, “MOTHPOOL!!”
“We need this to be canon” says Willowkit as she stuffs cheddar popcorn in her mouth
Peo randomly recalls the [humiliating] time she walked into her co-op class wearing a clown costume with a rather disturbing curly red wig.
Her brain sometimes..
She grimaces, sips her bubble tea, and hopes there are no mind readers like herself around.
“Hmm….what are you thinking about? Perhaps something embarrassing?” Katt asks randomly.
shadoof looks peo in the eye. yall remember im still here right peo, right? you know very well that im also one. it is alright, your secret is safe with me she thonks to her. suddenly, since she has no self control, embarrassing memories flood her brain cell and she mentally goes, gosh freakin dangit-
My mentor taught me the secrets of the mind reading art, thinks Aquila, a smile on her face.
“Heh, Peo that sounds amazing.” Red says mischievously. yes, i am a mind reader, and i am still here, ya know that right?