The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
“Has anyone else here read The Luck Uglies series by Paul Durham?” Raven asks, “Or am I just going to be the only one who knows what a Bognoblin is?”
“I’m pretty sure I read 2 of them a few years ago,” mews Aquila, “I think I read one with a blue cover and one with a gold cover. I can’t remember any of the content though 😛”
“Oh, I am listening to the second one again and it is reminding me why I love these books so much,” Raven explains, “For example, Rye threw a fish at the Earl.” A braid, mischievous grin spread across Raven’s face.
“Oooh nice!” smile Aquila, “Come to think of it, I think I remember Rye kind of, now.”
*braid is supposed to be broad*
Aquila looks puzzledly at Raven.
I wrote *A braid, mischievous grin spread across Raven’s face.* That should be * A broad, mischievous grin spread across Raven’s face.*
“Ah I get it!” says Aquila, understanding.
I know what a Bokoblin is?
“whisper whisper whisper” Ttera whispers.
“sHoUt ShOuT sHoUt,” BlAzEr ShOuTs!
“no u” shadoof whispers
“Yo,” Peo not-whispers.
“I cannot stop singing Reviewing The Situation from Oliver!” Ttera suddenly screams.
“My school did Oliver for a school play last year!” mews Aquila, “Now I’ve got the tune in my head 😛. I can’t remember any of the words though 😛”
“At least you had a drama club.“ Falconpaw sighed. “I’ve always wanted to act, but I’ve never been able to professionally practice.”
“Yeah, I’m not in it though!” chuckles Aquila, “I just went to see my school’s production with my friends. 😛 I was going to play in the pit band with my friend but the teacher told us we couldn’t because we were in lower school, and then on the night we went to see the play the teacher asked my mum why I ‘didn’t want to play in the pit band’ eventhough she told me I couldn’t 😛 Me and my friend still haven’t got over that 😛”
“I CAN’T ACT AT ALL!” Ttera is still screeching her lungs out. “I write scripts and make props and give out constructive critism, but I don’t act!”
“Also people did you know that when you select words and right click, there’s a thing that says ‘Transformations’. You can click on that and make you words uppercase/lowercase! I am very pleased with that.”
“I can’t act either!” yells Aquila, “The only reason I get good grades in drama is because of the fact I organise my group because I’m loud and bossy! And I can do voices accurately so I usually end up acting an old person or a person with an accent because I can mimic voices and tones pretty well.“
Falconpaw purrs in amusement. “I’m very dramatic. And very commanding. I bet if we were going to do a war inspired play I’d be in the top ranks of the army! Y’know, like a General.” She then puffs out her chest. “Or, if it’s The Lion King, I’d make an excellent Scar… or Adult Simba, because… I have a terribly deep voice for a she-cat…”
“I don’t have much experience in acting,” Pinestripe mews, “But it’s pretty fun.”
“It really is!” Falconpaw meows enthusiastically.
“Yup” Redblaze agrees
“Hmm, should I do random things, watch new episodes on OUaT (new to me) or rewatch season 1 of OUaT?” Red asks from the corner, her finger (paw?) raised over her computer screen.
That scene in your avatar should be a bananana boat through a river of pudding with piñatas
Cuz why not?
Also I choose the first option
“It’s the green, it’s the green, it’s the green you need!” Ttera says randomly to nobody in particular. “And when I looked into the future it’s the green that I see.”
Raven looks at Ttera, perplexed, “Is that from something, or are you just saying random stuff?”
“Dr Facilier says it!” replies Ttera. “Also has anyone noticed that every single Disney villain has a song, but Jafar doesn’t? He sings a reprise. A REPRISE.”
Mommy knows best!
Oh yeah! And most of them have green eyes or something green about them.
“GREEN IS THE BEST! Another Disney villain fact: Gaston has SKULLS in his eyes when he plummets to his death.
Redblaze looks at Ttera in alarm. “Yikes”
Falconpaw yowls with a very powerful deep voice. “Oh my teeth an ambitions are bared… Be Prepaaaaaaaaaared!”
“Oh, my teeth and ambitions are bared… be prepaaaaaaaaared!” Falconpaw meows in a very deep and powerful voice.
“I LIKE GREEN,” says Peb.
You just reminded me of something, Ttera!! thx
my little brother (7) says murrymaids instead of mermaids
i dont know how you reminded me of that
“I am a woman of many talents.”
“HEWO!!” flower cheered, “I’m on a road trip and I FINALLY found wifi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Hey does anyone want to do Pixel Perfect?” Ttera asks.
Goldenberry’s head popped up from nowhere. “I would be delighted to,” she says in a weird British accent. She stands up and promptly trips over a chair.
“Whatcha saying?” Aquila meows, in her awful impression of an American accent, “We British aren’t that polite, you know, just a stereotype 😛” she continues, speaking in her usual very English accent.
“Come on over to America!” Whitepaw says in her terrible Southern accent. *starts doing the Gibbler Gallop*
as someone who lives in southern america I’m vaguely offended 😛
Crookedmoon walks in, and sees Whitepaw doing the gibbler gallop. Crookedmoon runs over and starts with her. “and sparkle and sparkle, and spin! spin! spin!”
“And spank, spank, spank!”
Redblaze looks confused. “What’s the gibber gallop?!”
“What’s that?” asks Aquila, looking rather interested.
Hollykit stares in disbelief of seeing someone do a dance from one of the absolutegreatestshowsever. She’s slightly scared.
“You can tell me about it,” Falconpaw meows in her deep American accent, “Although Americans seem much ruder, if you know what I mean.”
“Hey!΅ Whitepaw says
Falconpaw stuttered, “N-no o-offense, I meant. I’m American too, b-but I’m talking about people that a-aren’t on the Blog, if you know what I mean.”
“Really?” asks a very british Aquila, “I always thought you Americans seemed rather polite and civilised whereas we british are kinda rough and play tough.”
“There are a whole lot of people here who are quite the opposite. Every other word is a swear word and they are very, very rude.” Falconpaw scoffs, having flashbacks of the dreaded public school she used to go to. She recalls that she had no friends, and she was dismissed as an annoying kid, even though… she isn’t… She sighed. “I don’t even feel like I belong here in America.”
Redblaze laughs. “Your first sentence just described me and Aquila’s school perfectly!”
“Do you guys go to the same school?” Falconpaw cocks her head.
“Yup” Redblaze says
“That’s pretty cool!” Falconpaw meows.
“Yes it is!” grins Aquila, “I got Redblaze to join BlogClan because I was sneakily looking at it in DT and she was sat next to me and was interested!”
“That’s awesome! Me, being the only Warriors fan at any of my schools, that is.” Falcon meows.
I think there’s one other year nine who has read some of it but idk
“There is?” asks Aquila, slightly surprised.
Redblaze nods. “Yeah she told me in the library after she saw me reading them and we know each other from…… somewhere though I feel kinda guilty because I don’t know/forgot her name”
“Awww I’m sorry.” mews Aquila, “I go to a public school and some of the kids there are real jerks. 😛 They also swear almost every word 😛 Sometimes it’s hard to feel like you belong but I promise you, you do and even if you don’t feel like you belong in America, you most definitely belong in BlogClan!”
Falconpaw purrs. “Thanks!”
Aquila smiles, “No problem!”. Her moment of wisdom is over and she goes back to being her usual crazy self 😛
“Come over to Great Britain!” Ttera calls over. “We have scones! And jam! And bagpipes! And highland dancing!And other stuff that I can’t be bothered to say!”
“I’d truly love to go over there!” Falconpaw meows. “It sounds amazing!”
Highland dancing XD
Don’t forget the London buses and…….
tea? (okay I don’t even like tea and I’m English soooo)
“Nice,” says Ttera in her voice which is naturally British. “I like it here.”
“Yes Britishness!” yells Aquila, “I’m so not stereotypically British though, I hate tea and scones (sc-on-s not sc-own-s 😛) and I do NOT have a posh accent!”
Yes! Tea is nasty!
I say it like sc-own though.
Okay it’s sc-own usually but when you eat it it’s sc-on
(Get it? s-gone)
Okay, okay that was terrible
“Ahhh you’ve told me that one before!!!” shrieks Aquila, “It’s a sc-on!!! Sc-own sounds posh 😛”
“I love scones!” screeches Ttera. “HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE SCONES? I don’t like bagpipes though. But I love shortbread. And hate irn bru.”
“Scones have bits of fruit in.” states Aquila, “Also, my schools ‘pizza’ recipe in DT is a scone mix with pizza toppings on top, which may have put me off scones for life. 😛 I don’t like irn bru either 😛”
Redblaze flicks her tail. “Not all scones have fruit! You can get cheese ones! Cheese scones are nice!”
She laughs about the pizza. “My sister brought a pizza home and I swear you could have used it as a cannonball”
“Yessss Smudgepaw let me try a piece of hers on the bus home and it really did taste like a scone 😛” Aquila chuckles, “Cheese scones are okay but I’d rather have an almond croissant!”
Redblaze bounces up excitedly.
“What about a pain au chocolat? Those are nice! Also cinnamon buns”
“Yes they are… but almond croissants are simply the best!!!!” yells Aquila
“Cinnamon buns are life, Redblaze. Simply life.” Falconpaw purrs.
Cinnamon buns are life. It’s wha keeps me going. I know that every year, we go to North Berwick, and every year, we get cinnamon buns.
“Aaah! Lucky” Redblaze yelps. “I can make cinnamon buns but I’m not sure if they’re any good or not”
Redblaze blinks. “You should here our art/rp/computing teacher thought he sounds like he’s come out of the Victorian era”
(Very English accent XD)
“Yes he really does, and art with him is so borriinggg 😛”
(I just realized that this conversation is less about Pixel Perfect and more of a long advertisement for the UK.)
(yes it is. This is weird.)
Redblaze blinks. “You’re right but…………………….. who wouldn’t want to hear about the UK right?”
she smiles nervously.
Tyrantstorm finally jumps onto a table.
And also:
“Where did you get those coconuts?”
Please get my references
Crookedmoon stops doing the gibbler gallop and hides her right hand(the one with six fingers) behind her back. 😉 I know it’s not a she that kills his father, but we had to make some changes. 😉
No, I am Inigo Montoya
Apparently my cousin dressed up as him one Halloween
Look at the bottom of this comment
Stab stab
“The Princess Bride!!!!! Yesssssssss!!!!!!!!!
It’s almost inconceivable!”
Raven winks at the last part of her speech.
“My way is not very sportsman like,” Tyrantstorm says.
Redblaze has somehow found an old TV and is fiddling with the remote.
“Does anyone know how to get Doctor Who on this?” she yowls
Yes, you stop yelling, and put your rage somewhere else, like the tv. You just got hit the tv until it seems like it’s broken. 😉
“Nah but I’ll put Merlin on for you,” Aquila winks. Her eyes flash gold and an episode of Merlin starts playing, In a land of myth, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy/man, his name? Merlin…
“Nah, let’s put on the Dragon Prince.” Ttera turns into a Remotescreen elf and uses her magic to change it to the Dragon Prince.
Redblaze jumps up. “Yes!!!!! Dragon Prince!!!”
“What’s that?” asks Aquila, beginning to play Merlin on her phone instead.
“Aquila!” Redblaze yelps. “You have to watch it! It’s on Netflix and I think you’d like it because there’s battles and fighting”
“I don’t have Netflix 😛 I watch Merlin on BBC iplayer which means I could also watch Doctor Who if I got desperate 😛” mews Aquila
“Allow me.” Falconpaw meows. The TV screen shines with the opening scene of Doctor Who.
Redblaze turns to Falcon, eyes wide. “How did you do that?”
“The Force.” Falconpaw replies, smiling.
(Yes. Be surprised.)
Redblaze closes her eyes and puts her paws together like Baby Yoda.
The TV explodes.
“Oops” she mews guiltily
“Well…” Falconpaw kneaded the hardwood floor with her tan paws. “There’s always next time!” She plopped into a nearby chair, her heart beating rapidly at the sudden burst of electricity that the TV sent out.
Redblaze starts at the floor
“My Doctor Who episode………”
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get another TV. No big deal.” Falconpaw meows.
Redblaze frowns.
“Nah I’ll go into the TARDIS and watch it instead. Why didn’t I think of that before?”
A blue police box materialises and Redblaze steps inside.
“Alright then. Farewell, and may the Force be with you.” Captain mews.
“I can’t wait for quarantine to be over.” Raven mumbles to no one in particular.
(Right I forgot this existed again 😛 )
Silver nods. “Does anyone else want to join the kitchen raid of the century?”
“Count me in.” grins Aquila, her eyes flashing gold. She flies across the room and lands ungracefully beside Silver.
“I’ll join if we can eat while we’re doing it.” 😉
What Crooked said 😏
“Hmm… yes,” says Turtle, a mischievous smile across their face.
Rewrite the Stars.
Whos the chef?
“As long as pies are involved.” Ttera turns into a Foodeater elf and gets out her weapon, a giant spoon.
Redblaze jumps up.
“Pies and cinnamon buns” she mews sagely.
“Yes!”Bright lets a small smile flash across her face. She thens leaps across the room to land beside Aquila and Silver, crashing to the floor. She rubs at a bruise on her leg. “Oww…..”
“Here,” Aquila reaches out her hand to help Bright up, but trips over her own foot and falls flat on her face.
Ttera tried to pull them both up, but her spoon topples over, squashing her on top of Aquila and Bright. “Oops.”
Falconpaw puts up a paw, and slowly, the three cats are back on their feet.
Redblaze nods solemnly.
“Young feline within thee the force is strong”
(I just typed that sentence and realised I needed to make it sound like Yoda)
Falconpaw nods respectfully. She now has a Jedi robe on.
Aquila, who has never watched StarWars, wonders if a Jedi is something to fear. Anyhow, it doesn’t really bother her as she trains as a high priestess.
Falconpaw senses Aquila’s fear. “A Jedi Knight is nothing to fear.” She meows.
Redblaze’s tail magically transforms into a yellow lightsaber and she waves it around, accidentally slicing some pieces of furniture to bits.
“Unless you are a sith” she meows solemnly.
(Or furniture)
“A knight, huh?” mews Aquila, “Like with a horse and sword? What’s a sith?” she asks Redblaze.
Falconpaw (now Captain) grips a green lightsaber between her jaws. She purrs. “True.” Turning to Aquila, Captain continues. “Not with a horse. And a Sith is always to be feared.” She meows grimly.
Redblaze blinks. “Jedi use their mind not their muscle to fight usually (though muscle is useful too) and they tend to use lightsabers which is like an ultra- hot glowing sword. Sith are dark jedi who use a bad version of the force.”
“Can I be a sith?” asks Aquila hopefully, “I like evil!”
Captain stared at Aquila in complete shock.
“What?” asks Aquila, “Evil is good!” After a moment she adds, “wicked is good!”, thinking of the maze runner.
“IM BORED” Red yells from the door, the procedes to do many cartwheels in a row whilst singing High Hopes by P!ATD
Snowpaw sees Reddawn doing cartwheels and joins her, singing High Hopes.
*sings in a terrible voice* “High, High Hopes for a living*
Redblaze yawns in the corner.
“Lockdown is boring I can’t wait for summer holidays.” she mews.
(Although what will I do in the summer holidays if we’re still in lockdown?)
“I want the summer holidays as long as it isn’t super sunny and hot!” yowls Aquila, “I hate the heat!”
(You can yell about doctor who with me because I just finished Merlin and I’m going to start doctor who tomorrow! 😛)
“Ah, summer. It’s the time when I look out the window of my RV and see six thousand wasps,” the small kit mewed.
“Summer! Yes!” *jumps in pool* “Ahh, this fells bad on my fur!” *jumps out* “Oof, I forgot it hated water.”