The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
BTW 2 I’m also a Merlin fan and have watched every episode of every series twice over, and a couple episodes even more
*appaluds* I’ve only watched every episode once! 😛
Also my warrior name is Mercy (mainly because it’s a reference to many things I love, Doctor Who included)
Oh my gosh hi!!!!!!!!!
Ooof your warrior name used to be Silvermist and before that Violet 😛
Get your own account Mercy!
crow watches everyone with slit eyes while eating a cookie
“Are you eating another cookie? You know cats can get diabetes, right?” Captain mews.
“i am immune to diabetes dont worry” says crow, tilting his head at captain
Captain stares at Crow in shock. “Okay then…” She proceeds to back away slowly.
“>:]” says crow
“How can you say…?”
“Hello, fellow cats,” Flower says in a British accent, “I feel overwhelmingly tired! If I fall face-first onto the floor, please, leave me there.”
“Okay then!” Aquila replies in her impression of an American accent, which apparently is very bad eventhough I think it’s a fair impression 😛
“Oh, that’s nothing. I can’t speak Japanese without sounding like a man.” Captain groans.
“I can’t speak Japanese at all! Apart from this: watashi wa neko chan.” chuckles Aquila, “I think it means ‘I am cat child’!”
“I is learning how to speak latin!” Ttera joins in. She frowns. “Although I can only say mainly things t do with dark and plants. Which isn’t very useful. Latin full stop isn’t very useful!”
“Aquila is Eagle in Latin and that’s all I know!” grins Aquila.
“That’s actually interesting to know!“ Captain mews.
“Latin? Who speaks Latin?” Captain asks, quoting Tony Stark as always.
“I know chinese for cat! Mau Mau”
“well chinese for cat is technically ‘猫’ but i just know that because im chinesee and the pinyin is ‘mao’ but it sounds sort of like mau in english hmm” says croww
“NEKO WA TABETE TSUKI,” Hollykit screeches.
Redblaze frowns. “I’m not sure what you americans mean when you say “British accent” you could mean Welsh, English, Scottish or Northern Irish!”
Aquila smiles at the residents of the HazelPage. She uses her Dalekness to levitate, her eyes flash gold with magic and a half-mask appears on her face. She then perches on the edge of a table swinging her legs back and forth and humming phantom of the opera under her breath. Mindreading, anyone? she thinks, wondering if there are any telepathics in the room.
Sup, Aquila? Red thought back at her. Let’s see how many we can find! Mindreaders that is.
Aquila gasps slightly and her leg thuds against the table leg before she regains her composure. Thank goodness, she thinks, I was beginning to think I was the only one!
You wish, thinks Ttera, staring intently at everyone.
Where did all you mind readers come from? thinks Aquila, her emerald eyes slightly furrowed in confusion.
We come from this planet called Uurth, explained Ttera’s thoughts. It’s got a bunch of plants and water.
Ah of course, thinks Aquila, I am perhaps a raxocoricofallapatorian but alas you shall never know for sure. Perhaps I am but a mere mortal? Who knows.
I am a mind reader and y’all know it.
Yes Bright! Aquila gives a slight nod of her head.
My psychic powers far outmatch yours Aquila
You wanna bet on that?! frowns Aquila, Magic and telepathy are both great skills of mine…
but what about time travel
I’ll grow a tardis… Aquila shrugs.
the TARDIS is not something that can be grown, it must be mastered
Then who’s to say I can’t master it?
(What, I swear the doctor said the TARDIS was grown, which was why he said that he couldn’t build another one!)
(Yeah, they are said to be grown 😛 At the very least, the core is!)
you do not know the way
And then you know the way? Aquila raises her eyebrow.
I do know the way
maybe not the right one but I doTeach meeeeee!!!!! Please Redblaze!!!!!! I want a TARDIS!! Aquila thought-yells.
Redblaze winces as Aquila’s screech had given her a headache.
first you must fight of a battalion of daleks so you can get to Gallifrey and steal a TARDIS
Daleks are my favourite, can I be a Dalek instead? asks Aquila, They can time travel too!
Redblaze frowns no they can’t, they’re just very hard to kill
But how did they get to all those different places in time and alternate worlds if they can’t timetravel?
time travelling is different to not aging
Ttera grabs a radio and puts on We Are Young because she’s obsessed with that song now.
“Toniiiiiiight, we are youuuuuung,” she sings along.
“I don’t know this song” Redblaze mews
“And… we’ll set this world on fire?” Hollykit sings.
Willowkit tries to draw the tavern, but with everyone walking around and stuff she gives up and remembers she should have known this would happen. So she calls out, “Anyone wanna come with me to the mountains and take over the Tribe?”
“AHAHA YES!” Ttera squeals, swinging the huge warhammer in her hand.
Redblaze ducks out of the way of Ttera’s hammer.
“Why do we live in such a violent society?” she mews to no-one in particular. “I heard that in America people are allowed to walk around carrying guns”
Snowpaw is bored so she asks everyone, “Does anyone want something from Chick-fil-a?”
Captain raises her paw immediately.
“Me!” Bright yowls.
“Ok, so what do you two want?” Lil says.
“I want 20 chicken sandwiches, 10 sodas, 2 deluxe chicken sandwiches, 5 spicy chicken sandwiches, 5 spicy deluxe chicken sandwiches, and then for the main course,” flower begins
“Everything.” Captain mews.
“Everything except meat, please”
“That’s almost everything!” Captain mewed in amusement. She stifled a purr.
“Yes it is!” Bright purred back. She stuffs a sugar-covered freshly baked donut in her mouth.
“Two chimken tenders please!” Hollykit mewed excitedly, before stopping. “But no sauce. NO. SAUCE,” she said intensely.
“Chimken tenders?” Captain mewed, puzzle in her voice. “I’ve heard of chicken. I’ve also heard of chimpken, on YouTube. It’s Tucker the golden retriever’s way of saying chicken. But I’ve never heard chimken!“
“Chick-fil-a? Is it a restaurant? Or a takeaway?”
“Chick-fil-A is one of the largest American fast food restaurant chains and the largest whose specialty is chicken sandwiches.” – Wikipedia.
“I didn’t know either!” smiles Aquila
“Good question, I don’t know at all” 😛
“i dont live in a place with chick-fil-a so like-” mutters crow
“Neither to I Blackie!” Redblaze says. “I’ve never even heard of chick-fil-a!”
Redblaze grins at no-one in particular
“I started watching Hamilton yesterday”
“Did you like it?” asks Aquila, stopping mind reading and speaking out loud.
“How was it?” Captain asks, tail winding in the air.
“It was more than a bit confusing but it was alright. My mum made us all watch it and then complained that she didn’t like musicals” Redblaze says with a mrrow of amusement.
“She didn’t know it was a musical, or what happened?” Captain asked, purring with content.
“She knew it was a musical but didn’t know what happened. To be honest, I have no clue either. Something to do with the American Revolution? I remember that Britain were kind of the bad guys and we were all laughing about it” Redblaze purrs with amusement.
“I think the deal was Britain wouldn’t give away any of their land…” Ttera narrows her eyes in confusion. “Honestly, I don’t know! I only know about the Scottish Wars of Independence. Like, ask me anything about it and I’ll tell you. But that’s the only history I know.”
“I don’t know history!!” yells Aquila, “Somehow I get really high marks on the tests though, so I’m probably going to take it for a GCSE! I do know mythology though! I find mythology interesting!”
“What is the scottish war of independence?” Asks willowkit as she gets out her note pad and begins aggressively coughing because starbursts are wayyyyy to sweet for her. Seriously, please tell me. I love history. I really like the French Revolution
“It was when the Scottish people decided to break free from the English and run there own country.” Ttera strokes her chin. “I don’t remember if Scotland won though. It started when King Alexander was riding on his horse on a rainy night, and they found him lying beside a cliff edge. He had somehow fallen off the cliff. Anyway, then someone decided to ask the English king, uh, Edward, I think? Probably Edward who was gonna be the Scottish king. And Edward didn’t choose Robert Bruce and they weren’t very happy about that, so a war started and that was the end of all peaceful things. I think that’s how it went, anyway.” Ttera shrugs. “Something like that.”
“Well” Redblaze muses. “Scotland is still technically part of England sooo…..”
“Yeah honestly I fthink we lost.”
Redblaze thinks for a moment.
“I think the only revolution I know about is the French one but there was a lot of violence about Northern Ireland’s independence”
Ttera stops swinging her warhammer. “Can I be real a second, for just a millisecond, let down my guard and tell the people how I feel a second.”
why do I hear that in Blixemi’s rapping voice
“Will anyone notice if I take that plate of cookies in the kitchen…” Flower wonders out loud.
Hollykit quickly halted to a stop. “Is that a threat?” the tiny gremlin mewed.
do you want it to be a threat*Quickly grabs the cookies before anyone can* “These are mineeee 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
she looked around the room for any response.
Redblaze furrows her brow in concentration. “It’s not a question of what you will take but what order you will eat them in”
What do you think, Red? I’m guessing either the cookies or cake.
perhaps the cookies first
“I’m not a mindreader,” Hollykit whimpered.
“uHhHH cookies?”
Redblaze smiles. “We can teach you the way”
Redblaze snatches a cookie and dives under the table. “uh… hooray?”
Aquila grabs a bowl and makes a trifle. She then picks up her book and flips through the pages, reading first the ending and then her favourite parts.
Redblaze bounces over but accidentally trips over Aquila and lands headfirst in the trifle
“Ahahaha!!” laughs Aquila, grinning. Tears start to fall down her face as she cries with laughter, a big smile on her face, “Redblaze, how do you even do these things?”
“NO!” Ttera dashes over to the trifle. “TRIFLEY! YOU HAD SUCH A PROMISING FUTURE. WHY? WHYYYYYYYYY?”
Redblaze licks the cream off of her whiskers, looking very guilty. “Uuuhh blame Aquila! She was in the way”
“Was not!” complains Aquila, “You were just clumsy!” She hugs the trifle bowl to her chest, “Ttera the trifle’s still alive, it just has a Redblaze’s head shaped dent in the middle!”
“That makes it better, right? Count yourselves lucky- no other trifle in the world has a dent shaped like my head in it” Redblaze smiles nervously.
*grabs the cake* “I get the hole thing!”
*kicks open door and skreeches*
seriously!! Ive been to every page!!! how do I not know about this? and how do I find it besides recent purrs???
“Search hazelpage when you click blog” says Willowkit while she calmly eats a cream puff and writes. “It is a fun and random roleplay. And please dont kick down the door. Want cream puffs?” She asks, drizzling her own with strawberry sauce
Dont mind if i do!” says Ivykit
“If you class people with warhammers as the best, then yeah. I guess so.” Ttera pops some popcorn into her mouth.
Redblaze grins. “Helllooooo. Welcome to the Hazelpage Ivykit! Only the best BlogClanners hang out here!”
depending on what you class as best“I’d say weirdest and craziest is more accurate.” corrects Aquila
Redblaze sighs. “That is the truest thing I’ve heard allllllll day
“Hello there, Ivykit!” Captain mews.