The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Lilaca decides to finally tread into the lands of the Hazelpage and screams “HEY DO YOU MIND ME BRINGING ONE OF MY OC DOGS HERE?”
Since nobody answered and Lilaca was getting bored, she held a duplicate of Hawk’s
button and hovered a paw over it ready to press at anytime. Pressing the button would teleport IRL Likwid or IRL Hawk into the hazelpage, but she wouldn’t bring a little bit of chaos without consent from her comrades.Redblaze jumps behind the counter
“Dog?! Where?!”
“AHH DOGGGGG!!!!!” yells Aquila, wild excitement in her eyes, “Where? Where? Can I pet it? Pleaseeeee?”
“Wellllll would you like this dog from the present or future?” asked Lilaca, about to press the
button.“Either’s fine!” grins Aquila, slightly confused but very excited at the thought of a dog!!!!
Redblaze has no idea what to put in this comment so sits down and stares at anyone who comes close
Ttera stares back. She stares….. and stares… and stares… and stares…
Aquila’s eyes dart between the two, her excitement growing even more, “is this a staring contest?”
Ttera narrows her eyes. “I suppose it has.”
She turns on western cowboy duel music.
Aquila watches in anticipation, sipping her apple juice calmly.
Redblaze narrows her eyes and reaches for a cinnamon bun
(in reply to Flamecloud on the previous page)
“Sure, I’d love it if you join!” Pinestripe mewed happily, “We need more fellow writers here!”
“What if we started a writing club?” Captain suggested.
“That’s a great idea!” Pinestripe exclaims, wondering why she hadn’t thought of that sooner. “Should we do it here or find a secret page for it?”
“FOUND ONE!” Ttera yells.
“Here you go. But you only get it if I’m in it too 😛 .”
“Thanks, Ttera, that one will work great!” Pinestripe mews, “And of course you can be in it,” she smiles, “all writers are welcome.”
“Thank you!”
“OH MY GOSH YES!” Ttera leaps up, then remembers the staring contest. “Darn it.”
Redblaze grins.
“A writing club would be awesome Pinestripe!” she mews, still keeping her eyes on Ttera
“Oooh, fun!” Flame meows happily.
“Can I join?!” Bright does her best puppy eyes and stares up at Captain.
Captain smiles and waves her tail. “I suppose you can.”
Bright says nothing, only does a happy dance and purrs.
“I’ll join!!!” Sunpaw screeches, very uncharacteristically loud. She becomes a bit extroverted when she is excited.
Redblaze looks up from her computer screen.
“Hey, I just took an alignment and MBTI personality test! Have any of you guys done any?”
(I got Neutral Good and INFP btw)
“Yes I have!” Aquila grins, taking a bite of her chocolate cookie, “I’m an ENTJ-T -a turbulent commander- and a True Neutral!”
“I’m turbulent too” Redblaze mews
“Turbulent is unstable, right?” asks Aquila, “That makes me an unstable commander, oof. It is pretty accurate though, I’m not a very stable person, I change my mind all the time!”
“I don’t think it means unstable but it’s not really stable either” Redblaze mews with a grin
“The dictionary says it’s like a storm!” grins Aquila, “That makes me like a storm!”
“And me…” Redblaze mews, looking slightly worried
“Well if you’re a storm, you’re a very calm one!” smiles Aquila.
Redblaze smiles nervously
“You should take a look inside my head, it’s chaos in there”
“Nothing compared to the chaos and destruction raging in my mind!” laughs Aquila
“I’m infp Mediator and Chaotic Good”
“I got adventurer!” Ttera shouts across the room.
“Ah, please!” Captain mews, “I don’t have to do a test to know that I’m adventurous! I can easily prove it myself!”
“I’m not adventurous, I’d much rather stay inside and read a book/watch TV than go outdoors!” chuckles Aquila.
“Me too!” Ttera yells. “Except when I go for walks with my mum. We always get lost and bird droppings are always somehow involved.”
“That’s cool!” laughs Aquila, “My family’s walks usually consist of everyone arguing and me getting some kind of injury. Today I went on a walk and got stuck by a load of stinging nettles!”
“That happens to me every time I go on a run- the path is riddled with them” Redblaze mews sympathetically
“Oh I always fall into stinging nettles because I don’t look where I’m going!”
“INFJ-T (advocate) and Lawful good for me,” Flame says.
“Hey, Aquila!” Snowpaw shouts. “We haven’t ordered dessert yet!”
“Oh gosh, we haven’t!” Aquila yells back, “Hmm, Embix, do you have creme caramels here?”
“I need a nickname of some kind,” Sunpaw mews to no one in particular. “Sunpaw just seems so long.”
“Uhhh, Sunnie, Suns, Su, Solar, ahh idk, I’m bad at nicknames- there’s a reason mines in Latin, I couldn’t think of any good ones in English!” Aquila mews.
“I never thought of a different language…” Sunpaw mews, “Maybe I’ll try something like that! Thanks for the help!”
“Sol is Spanish for sun!” Redblaze mews
unhelpfully“Suni maybe?” Ttera screeches. “Or Lux? Or Solis?”
“Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll keep them in mind!”
Sunpaw turns to Ttera and Aquila. “I think I’ll go with the nickname Lux! Thanks for all your help!
“Oooh nice! Light in Latin!” grins Aquila, “We both have Latin nicknames!!!”
“Latin?” Captain mews. “Who speaks Latin?”
“Apparently no one anymore. Although I did use to think Latin was still a spoken language. When I say use, I mean up and till just under a year ago.” mews Aquila
Captain purrs. “No one speaks Latin. It’s a dead language!” She pauses. “Right?”
“In some ways” Redblaze mews. “Every animal has a scientific name which is in latin and a lot of elements in many languages come from Latin”
“That is very true actually!” Aquila meows, “my real name is derived from Latin and so are many others!”
“I named the types of cosmodogs after latin words!” said Lilaca.
Solstella, bellums, glacies, petrams, and nanus anyone“Solstella would be Sunstar, right? Sol being the sun and Stella being a star.” asks Aquila.
Redblaze nods
“Sol is Spanish for sun and Spanish gets a lot from Latin sooo.”
(Estrella is Spanish for star)
Willowkit takes in a big breath and screeches with all her might, “Why do i need 182,782,817,087 sheets of homework? I already know this stuff! If these teachers were good, we wouldn’t need so much cause we would understand what they’re saying!” She starts to breathe quickly, then pours herself a cup of peach lemonade and places a cream puff on a plate then begins eating. Quickly she finishes and says to all cats still in shock from her screech, “thanks for listening to my rant” she then presses a button and a trampoline emerges from the floor.
“Because teachers are secret evil agents who are going to rise up and rule us all,” Lux groans, agreeing with Willowkit’s rant.
(No offense to any teachers put there. Y’all put up with our craziness and deserve more!)
“Now that is a truth! But my year 8 science teacher must be a REALLY good actor because she was so forgetful and unstrict that my class took full advantage of her and did no work so we always got set hours of science homework every week… I’m really hoping she’s not my year 9 science teacher, I don’t want to fail my science GCSEs and we start our coursework in year 9.” adds Aquila.
“My history teacher is EVIL but my maths teacher just doesn’t care” Redblaze mews.
“My deputy head is horrible,” Ttera shouts across the room. “He favours his step-daughter, who is a DEMON.”
“oorgh favouritism sucks” Redblaze sighs
“My primary school deputy head was horrible too.” Aquila meows, “She was also my year 4 teacher and we hated each other. I remember one time she yelled at me in front of the whole school in assembly for 5 minutes and then yelled even more because I started crying. But that’s over now.” Aquila brushes her hair away from her face and smiles.
“That sounds even worse than you-know-who” Redblaze says.
“We made a character based on one of our teachers” Redblaze purrs
“Yeah she was worse than you-know-who!” chuckles Aquila, “She was best friends with my year 6 teacher who hated my entire class! He told us we were the worst students in the whole school which was probably true, to be honest!”
“Can’t be worse than my class,” purrs Ttera. “At least 3 times a week someone comes in to shout at us.” She blinks. “Wait are you guys IRL friends?”
“Yes, they are! Classmates, too.” Captain answers.
“That’s so cool!” Ttera exclaims. “I wish I had a classmate on here.”
“Same.” Captain admits.
“Yes! Redblaze is only in some of my classes though, she’s not in my form group and we do quite a lot of lessons in our form group classes, but we are in the same half of year and in the same Maths, French, PE and DT classes. We have the same history teacher but that’s just coincidence!” Aquila mews
Redblaze sighs
“A horrible, horrible coincidence.” she pauses
“Wait, did we have the same history teachers last year too?” she wonders
“I think so! I sat at the front near the book boxes and your form’s one was there!” grins Aquila, “I hated that seating plan. I hate sitting at the front under the teacher’s eye.”
“I was the opposite” Redblaze laughs. “I was right in the back corner”
“Lucky!!!” sighs Aquila, “I remember at my year 7 parents evening he spilt his tea all over the table and all the paperwork and it was soooo funny and I couldn’t stop laughing!!!”
“I doubt he found it funny” Redblaze points out with a stern look at Aquila
“It was VERY funny! He was all flustered and my mum went to get him another cup! My dad laughed a bit too.” Aquila grins.
Willowkit purrs in sympathy
Aquila smiles at Willowkit and nods her thanks.
Redblaze turns to the old TV in the corner of the tavern
“Has anyone here seen Line of Duty?” she calls.
“I should warn you though, it is a fifteen”
“No, but I’ve heard of it! Loudpaw (she goes to our school and went to my primary, see if you can guess who…) used to watch it and she probably still does!” mews Aquila.
“You should watch it Aquila! Loudpaw… hmm. Are they Kawaii obssesed?”
“No no no! Kawaiipaw didn’t go to my primary and she would hate Line Of Duty! Loudpaw… you met her at an adventure camp when we were all primary school aged.”
“OOOOOHHHHHHH right I know who you mean” Redblaze purrs. “Perfect name”
“Yes it is rather!” chuckles Aquila, “Although Foghornpaw would have been funnier…”
Redblaze rofls
Willowkit looks at the amount of people in the room and freezes. “Does coronavirus exist here?” She asks as she starts disinfecting the room.
“Nope! We keep this tavern virus-free!”
“Good,” mews Ttera. “I don’t want no dirty virus.”
“How valuable is toilet paper here?” asked Lilaca.
“Yeeeeahooooooo!!!!” Captain leaps into the air. “We don’t need that virus in here, anyway! Hakuna Matata!”
😛A mysterious figure sidles up to the counter, looking shiftily side to side. He rubs his unshaven face and settles into a chair, grumbling.
Rubbing the counter, he mumurs, “I haven’t been here in ages. Look at the place….”
Then his hood falls down to reveak bright rainbow colored hair.
“Rainbow hair?!” gasps Aquila, “I am jealous!”
“Uwu yes rainbow hair, I am gay,” Rose replies. “With my certified Rainbow Dye powers, I can give you the Rainbow Hair too.”
He waves his hands. “I’l need a few ingredience first, though. Can you get me… the blood of my enemies, a frog tooth, and toothpaste made from the horn of a unicorn? Or toothpaste is fine.”
“Blood of your enemies?!” grins Aquila, an excited look in her eyes, “Who are these enemies?” She then pulls a frog out of her coat pocket and knocks out one of its teeth (it was wobbly anyway 😛) and reaches into another pocket and pulls out her mint toothpaste. “Here!” she holds the items to Rose, smiling slightly wickedly.
“Ohohoho, I’m gonna like you,” Rose grinned, taking the items greedily. “Now, in order for the colors to really pop, I’m gonna need to think of a really bad enemy I have.”
He paused, deep in thought. “Now, there’s Lulu, and Fifi, and Rosita Chiquita Chihuahua, buuuuut I’m gonna go with this one.” He pulls out a piece of paper and points at a handsome man with an outrageously large nose. “That’s a caricature, of course, but eh. He’s an ex of mine, long story, but I need at least two pounds of the red stuff. Think you can handle it?”
Rose’s smile matched Aquila’s only more sinster.
Aquila’s eyes widen and she sniggers at the picture before hurriedly hiding it with a cough. “Of course I can handle it!” she laughs, waving her hand and knocking a glass off a table. “Oops!” she grins and looks around for Rose’s enemy. There. She spots him and prowls forwards, pulling her cat Honey out of another pocket. Swiftly, she approaches the target and grabs a 2 pint jug from another pocket. She places Honey on the target’s shoulder and grins, “now bite, honey.” Honey obeys and then pins down the target as Aquila catches the blood. A few yelps and groans later, it’s finished.
She runs back to Rose, a smile on her face as she holds out the jug to him, “here!”
Redblaze frowns.
“How does that even work?” she mews
“In real life I guess you could get it like an ombre? Must be a pain to redo once the roots start to show though…”
“FOOD FIGHT!” Ttera yells, splatting Captain in the face with a custard pie.
“I WANT TO JOIN, I LOVE FOOD FIGHTS!!!!!!” yells Aquila, thinking of the many she was in on summer camps and at school. She also remembers how they all ended very badly; one where her summer camp group lost their lunch break and one at her school when she and her friends evacuated the site as a teacher arrived, one of her friends and the wall covered in an exploded banana. She grabs a banana, wacks in against a chair a few times to get it mushy and holds it at the ready.
Redblaze grins. “We had a food fight on our school bus once although it didn’t end well”
she grabs a custard pie and throws it at Ttera
“I think you might have told me about that before!” laughs Aquila, “I wish I went on your bus. The most exciting thing that ever happened on mine was an old granny who swore at us.”
Bright tosses a pie at Ttera, with a shriek of excitement. It lands on Ttera with a satisfying splat.
“Ive never been in one” mutters Willowkit. She gets out her marshmallow fluff cannon and yowls “ready, aim, fireeeeeeee!”
Captain perks her ears as she licks her lips. “Oh, of course you realize this means war? Because two can play at that old game!” She gathers some custard pies, holds one in a tan-colored paw, and yowls with all her might. “CHAAAAAAARGE!!!!!!!” She yeets the pie she was holding, which lands on Ttera. Captain stifles a laugh. Ttera does not look amused!
Snowy slips into the tavern after long travels, not being here for several months. She recounts the good times and the friends she hasn’t seen is forever. Slopping down on a stool, Snowy orders a single plump vole and lays her pixels down.
Redblaze pads up
“Hi! I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before” she mews
“Ah, hello! I am Snowpuff.”