The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Ivykit walks into the Hazelpage and says “well it’s been a looong time since I’ve been here!” she pulls up a chair next to a potato and asks “since when did poatos eat?” and picks the potato up to take a bite out of it, but thinks better of that. “Raw potatos taste like starch. I think I’ll try something new and get the uhh tofu and seaweed fish and chips with some chocolate milk. Anyone know if they have dark chocolate milk? that would be genious.” (whoops new page)
“Don’t eat the potatoes!!!!” Aquila gasps, “Shadow and Sandy and their Potatobrine will get you on that one! And dark chocolate milk sounds delicious, you should ask the bar staff if they have any!”
“Dark chocolate milk? That’s a thing?? THAT’S AMAZING!!!” Red yells from her corner
Pear, who has morphed into the potato, shakes with terror as she nearly gets devoured.
Pear the potato remains silent, as potatoes cannot speak, but everyone knows she means”How did this happen?”
Aquila prods the potato with her hand, “Hey, is this some kind of magic??”
The potato rolls off of the table, and smashes. Pear™ emerges from the mess of potato and says, “Wow, that was crazy!”
“It’s a miracle!” Redblaze yelps
“I can see comments!!!”
I can’t see anything now but I’m still here guys!
Tired from her time working as a weaver, her paws sore, Snowpuff heads into the tavern, and flops herself down on a stool. She requests the plumpest piece of meat they have, and lays down a single gold coin, hoping it would be enough to pay for a meal.
Redblaze marches in.
“The Blog is fixed!” she yowls. “Hurrah!!”
She then walks over to the bar
“Could I have a glass of hot vimto to celebrate?” she mews
“Hot vimto?!” Aquila frowns, “I always have it cold. Well that is when my mum lets me have it, she hates it because of all the sugar!”
“Make that two!” yells Ttera, who has just realised she is always yelling for some reason 😛
Redblaze frowns
“It hasn’t got that much sugar in it since you need to dilute it. Aquila you haven’t Lived until you’ve tried hot Vimto” she sighs
“Cold Vimto’s fine with me,” Aquila shrugs
Rose peers at the suddenly shifted walls and floors. Everything looked so… Different, and yet the same.
What the heck had happened?
He checked his watch and nearly cussed aloud. It’s been almost a week!
Did time freeze?
“Time pocket,” shrugs Aquila, mind-reading Rose, “It’s the only thing that makes sense, right? We were stuck in a time pocket for a week whilst no time passed on the blog. Time still passed inside the time pocket, hence our watches. Somehow, we were delivered from the time pocket and appeared here.” She sits down on a table swinging her legs as she speaks.
“I, sorry what?” Redblaze splutters over her hot vimto
“Time pocket, like the timelords were trapped in. You know, the one with the master’s drum beat… 1234, 1234, 1234 and so on.” Aquila mews.
“Ohhh I get it” Redblaze mews.
“How very nefarious of them”
“Heyyy, no mind peeking,” Rose spoke in a mock stern tone. “And yeah, that makes sense theoretically at least. But how did the mods acquire the magical prowess to do all this? It’s really intriguing, actually.”
“Well I think the mods are all timelords…” grins Aquila, “They trapped us in a time pocket after watching too much Doctor Who. Quite ingenious really if you think about it!”
Flamey stomped in, still fuming about the fact that Ttera had refused to teach her dark magic. “She is a vile, mouse-brained, hippo-bellied, bat-blind, scorpion-eyed, snake-hearted, corpse-breathed heap of fox dung!” Flamey muttered to herself as she sat down. “Can I please have some nachos?” She asked.
A plate of nachos was placed on the table in front of her.
”Thanks, Embix!” Flamey said, digging in. She devoured the nachos within a few minutes. “Mmmmm, those were some of the best nachos I ever had!” She exclaimed. She pulled out her laptop to start searching random memes. Suddenly she froze. Flamey jumped up onto the table. “Oh my gosh, guys!” She yelled. “Do wolves always feel hairy, or do they feel like there’re wearing clothes?”
“Language!” Navy reprimanded without looking up, instead lazily flicking over the page of her book.
Flamey gave Navy a disgruntled look before sitting down again. She grabbed her laptop and summoned a bit of wind, a trick she had learned by herself, and brought herself into the air before flipping upside down. Her pure red cloak fell off, but she simply summoned another gust of wind to set it on her chair.
Navy wandered in, making sure to park her Tardis carefully before she entered. “Wow” she sighed, flopping onto a comfy purple armchair that definitely hadn’t been there a second ago. “I haven’t been here in a while. Can I get some orange juice? I can pay.”
A glass of orange juice was placed down in front of her.
“Thanks Embix!” Navy chirped, sliding over the pixels and sitting back in her armchair to daydream.
“ohmygoshitsaTARDIS!!!!!!” Aquila screams, “Can I take a look?? I love TARDISes!!!” She pauses to take a breath, “Are you by any chance a timelord?”
“I might be.” Navy replied, her eyes still closed. She tossed the key to Aquila. “Try not to let her drift into the middle ages…”
Aquila attempts to catch the key, misses, and goes to collect it off the ground. “Cheers,” she grinned at Navy, “Don’t worry, I don’t like the middle ages, I’d much rather go to the Victorian era!” She pushes open the door with a happy smile on her face.
“Same!” Navy called cheerfully from her seat, as the door shut with a small click.
Aquila jumps a little at the click but grins happily. “Huh, I wonder how this works!” She flicks a few of the switches and presses some buttons, “This should be fun!!!”
(Navy, what does your TARDIS look like on the inside? 😀 )
(oh no, now you ask me! It’s probably a lot like 11’s second interior but with multiple levels like the first one he had, if that helps. The outside is shaped like a portable library.)
(Ooooh that’s really cool!!! So multiple layers like the layer on top with the controls and then the one underneath where Clara put the turkey? 😛 And ooof I didn’t even notice eleven had two different interiors XD)
Aquila and the TARDIS disappear off of the Hazelpage, what is 5 minutes later in Hazelpage time the TARDIS reappears and Aquila steps out. Her hair is now half a foot longer, she has a sunburn across her face and she is panting hard, “Wow, I only just got to the TARDIS in time,” she gasps, “Wait…how long was I gone?”
(Yep! But it’s kinda like there are also multiple different platforms linked to each other staircases. I have also decided that there are floor to ceiling bookshelves.)
“I haven’t even kept track of how long I’ve been here in this armchair so it could’ve been anything from an hour to two days” Navy replied. “Where did you go?”
(Ahh I see that! 😀 And yay bookshelves!!!)
“Hmm not to bad then,” Aquila smiles, “I was worried I might have disappeared for months, or even years! It’s so easy to be a few years out of where you want to go…” She shakes out her hair happily, her curls, that look a bit like River’s, springing around her head, “Where did I go? Well…it was complicated. I wanted to go somewhere hot, but where the TARDIS took me was right next to a sun in a neighboring galaxy, so I got burnt as soon as I stepped out of the TARDIS,” she gestures to the sunburn stretching across her face, “And then, well I went home to Gallifrey, and I landed months before the last great time war broke out. I spent several happy months with my family there, but then the whole war started and I had to leave, wouldn’t want to mess up a fixed point in time, eh?” She laughs nervously, “Not that that’s ever happened to me before…”
Redblaze peeks out from her similar-looking TARDIS
“I have a strange feeling that this is turning into a Whovian den” she mews ruefully
“Ah well” Navy sighed. “I suppose we’ll have to find our own den one day, but this one will have to do for now.”
Redblaze nods. “Your siggie is very appropriate” she mews
Redblaze grins and sips some more of her hot vimto
“You two are so lucky to have TARDISes!” Aquila mews, “They wouldn’t let me have one, something about me being irresponsible and clumsy.” She grins slightly, “Didn’t stop me taking a vortex manipulator though…”
“Must’ve been desperate then!” Navy grins back. “I guess they started having a lot of people steal stuff constantly after The Doctor left.”
“Of course!” Aquila chuckles, “The Doctor started a whole craze of “borrowing” time-travel equipment. But anyhow, I prefer the vortex manipulator, the TARDIS is…bulky but the vortex manipulator is small and sleek!” She shows the vortex manipulator in the form of a wristband around her arm.
Redblaze wrinkles her nose. “Cheap and nasty time travel” she mews
“Excuse me!!!” Aquila yelps indignantly, “My vortex manipulator is neither cheap, nor nasty and it’s an awful lot more transportable than your TARDIS!”
My sister downloaded a duck thing that runs around your computer and he tracks in mud, brings in memes, steals the cursor, and writes notes for you. My mom deleted it though.
Redblaze bounce into The Hazelpage. “It’s my last day of freedom before school starts!” she yowls
“SAMEEEEE” yells Aquila, from inside Navy’s TARDIS, “But that’s quite obvious, since we go to the same school!”
Redblaze grins “yup”
Flamey suddenly lost her concentration, and the wind currents holding her in the air stopped. She toppled on to the floor. As she got up, her eyes were wide as she exclaimed “Wait! Aquila, you and Redblaze have your first day of school today? Lucky! I’ve been in school for two whole stinking weeks now!”
Redblaze screws her face up. “Oof but I think you started your holidays before we did.”
“Yeah!” Aquila somehow yells from Navy’s TARDIS, “We finished school on the 17th July.”
”Hmmmmm……. that would explain it,” Flamey said. “It’s so unfair that at my school we go back before Labor Day!” Flamey screamed before sitting down and fiddling with her amulet that contained a rare stone in it. (Yes, exactly like Doctor Strange. I’ve got the cloak (it can’t move on it’s own though 🙁 ), I’ve got the attitude, so all I needed was the amulet!)
“Labour day?” Redblaze asks
Ttera is being abducted by aliens. “I’m okay!”
Flamey looked up from her computer, which she had just gotten out. “Hmm? What?” She said before going back to searching up memes.
Red sneaks into the hazelpage and grabs a hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon and flies up to sit down in the rafters in a corner with her computer to watch The Song In Your Heart (6×20 OUaT) again and observe the chaos around her.
Redblaze’s eyes narrow in on the cinnamon. “Hey are there any buns to go with that?” She says to no-one in particular
Aquila grabs her laptop, places it in her rucksack and climbs up the beams to sit near Red, but instead of watching once upon a time, she opens her laptop and flicks through the episodes of Doctor Who. “First episode of season 8, and first episode of the twelfth Doctor, sounds good right?” She grins and plugs in her headphones so she doesn’t disturb everyone.
“Good choice! I love Deep Breath. The cast are all amazing and historicals with the Paternoster Gang are my favourite!”
“Yeah!!! I find Strax so funny! It was a long episode to watch though, I found it hard to sit down the whole hour and a quarter!”