The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Pear screamed as someone took a slice out of her hat. “I-I’m a cake!?” she gasped, feeling faint.
Redblaze stares at her. “What sorcery is this.” She yelps
“Well… magic,” Aquila looks up, “Probably Merlin or something…” she sighs, lost in Camelot once more.
Falling Feather, looking at the hat cake, says, “Delicious sorcery.”
Pear nervously backs away from Falling Feather.
Redblaze paces up and down. And slumped down next to the bar. “Any chance of a black currant lemonade?” She mews
A tall glass of black currant lemonade was placed down beside Redblaze. “All the chances,” Emberdawn winked.
Redblaze grins. “Thanks Embix!”
“What’s blackcurrant lemonade?” asks Aquila, “Does it taste like a fizzy ribena?”
Redblaze scowls “no it’s the best drink in the universe and you can’t use ribena- you have to use proper black currant syrup.” She takes a big sip
“I don’t like alternates of lemonade, pink lemonade and cloudy lemonade are disgusting for example, and don’t even get me started on victorian lemonade!!” Aquila frowns
“wow, i didn’t know there were so many different types of lemonade” Shadow said, surprised.
“Well you do now!” Aquila chuckles
“Noooo, don’t hate on the best lemonade,” replies Falling Feather. “Just because it isn’t all carbonated doesn’t mean it’s bad,” Falling Feather grumbles.
“Which one do you find the best?” Aquila asks, “The Victorian, Pink or Cloudy lemonade?”
…”Cloudy Lemonade,” answers Falling Feather.
“But I love pink lemonade.” Redblaze gasps
“IT’S HORRIBLE!!!” Aquila yowls
“DONT DISS THE PINK LEMONADE.” Redblaze screeches
“I DO DISS THE PINK LEMONADE!!!!!” Aquila screeches back
“Whaaaa-” Redblaze says. “Pear! You’re missing out!”
“I agree with you” says willowpaw. She then slips back into the chaos of the tavern
Flamey sat at a table, pondering two things: what her autumn or Halloween name should be, and what she should be for Halloween.
“I’m Maleficent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Riverpond screams. “For Halloweeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Everybody has no clue what is going on, but it doesn’t seem good.
“My mum says I’m to old.” Redblaze scowls. “Plus there’s the minor problem of a global pandemic.”
“Yeah just a minor one…” Aquila adds dryly.
“I hate the dumb pandemic I want to throw the pandemic in a volcano. I just want to have Halloween and get free candy is that too much to ask?” Willowpaw then throws a book out the window because anger
”Cool!” Flamey said.
“im curious, is it worth watching merlin?” asked shadow
“YES!!!” Viper replied, spraying the residents of the tavern with silly string and disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Falling Feather leans over to Shadow, whispering (in a thick New England accent),”Ya should nevah trust magicians.” Falling Feather then opens her trench coat and pulls out another show: InBESTigators.
Aquila frowns as she pulls some silly string off of her, shuddering as it gets stuck in her fur, “Viper’s right!” she smiles, “Merlin is definitely worth it, and perhaps you might even like Agravaine!” she adds hopefully.
Redblaze smiles. “It’s pretty good.”
Waits for Aquila to scream
“im on episode 2 so far its great!” shadow replied, “the great dragon reminds me of starclan so much”
“That’s what my irl friend says!!!! I don’t really think the great dragon is starclan but kilgharrah seems kinda like yellowfang to me!” Aquila grins
“Merlin and Arthur are my favorite characters. there’re hilarious” shadow replied, watching episode 3. suddenly he pauses. “who’s kilgharrah?” he asks.
“Oof I don’t like either Merlin or Arthur!” Aquila chuckles, “I agree, they are very funny though! Merlin was fine for the first few seasons and Arthur was better in the last one, in my opinion. My favourite characters are Agravaine, Morgana and Gwaine! You’ll meet Agravaine and Gwaine later! And kilgharrah is the great dragon’s name!”
“i absolutely hate uther” shadow replied “i’m surprised he even managed to imprison kilgharrah. i can’t wait for arthur to become king”
“Ooof I prefer Uther to Arthur! Uther’s okay, just extremely blinded. Arthur’s spoilt and annoying to me! :P”
shadow nodded his head thoughtfully and continued watching merlin.
Hoping the music wasn’t on anymore he went back in. “Phew”he said under is breath when he saaw music wasnt blasting out everywhere
Ferretpaw smiled, and out of no where a mouse scurries onto the floor, she creeps up to it catching it, “Yes! Oh..Who wants a mouse? I’m not aloud to eat it until others eat, and besides sharing is nice!” Am I too caught up on clan life?
“i prefer something with more flavour” said shadow, proceeding to eat a packet of sensations thai sweet chilli
Ferretpaw smiles and gobbles up the mouse, but other smells fill her nose making the mouse taste plain and stale, “eww…why isn’t it as good as I remembered?”
“Because now we’re anthros” Raven took a bite out of her cheese pizza with extra cheese. “So we like twoleg food.”
Suddenly, and a bit strangely Ferretpaw transformed into a anthro and snatched a piece of pizza off of Raven’s plate, gulping it down, “this is amazing! But is is against the code?” asked Ferretpaw suddenly feeling bad.
“We have a different code here. Eat whatever you like, we’re a little bit twoleg now anyways.”
“Nope! But maybe taking someone else’s pizza is!” Falling Feather answers jokingly.
Ferretpaw smiles.
Flamey promptly dumps a glass of water over her head. “There’s nothing about that being against the rules!” She said as she scampered away.
“Oooo I love those crisps!” Redblaze yelpd
“have you tried the other flavors?” asked Shadowwing ” i tried the roast chicken one and it was decent, but not as good as sweet chilli”
Redblaze nods and takes another pawful
Willowpaw is banging on balloons like they are drums. Suddenly one pops loudly. “Oops sorry!” She yells
Aquila flinches and jumps back several meters.
“GAH!” screams Pear, going into cardiac arrest.
Willowpaw panics and then presses pears chest trying to revive her
dead pear noises
Redblaze flops over a green book. “I have to write 200 words on TNCs for geography.” She sighs. “Are the teachers trying to kill my brain?”
“I had a similar homework!!!!” Aquila yells, “Mine was ‘write half an a4 page on how TNCs can be made more sustainable’ I did it on Wednesday and it was easy!”
“Teachers are known to have malicious tendencies…”
Aquila clicks her fingers, jumps and lands on a spinning office chair. She pushes herself around in circles making herself dizzy. “Gosh I needed a break from orchestra!” she sighs, “All these teams rooms are driving me insane!”
shadow smiled sympathetically and proceeded to fall asleep.
shadow limps into the hazelpage and collapses into a chair ” basketball training is so tiring i feel like my legs are shattered and i got psychology homework to do. whyyyy” he complained.
“I know how you feel! I was playing basketball the other day and my legs hurt for 3 days straight! Hope it’s not to hard!” Ferretpaw responds feeling bad for her mentor.
“i just hope it heals before school” responded shadow
“Yeah, it’s hard to walk through the whole school with hurt legs, especially when going up and down stairs.”
“Be glad you guys don’t do four dance classes a week, plus ride horseback every Sunday, along with basketball practice.” Flamey warned. “It terrible when you have to stretch so hard and then do so many stinking sit ups and then hold a plank for two minutes and then run so many stupid laps and then get on a horse that is a) really bouncy and b) tosses its head so the reins rub your skin raw. True story of one of my weeks. I could barely walk for the next five days. And yes, that is what my schedule looks like.”
“Wow” Shadowwing mewed, ” your schedule really is tiring.”
“It really is, but I get bored really easily, so I’m glad to do it. Besides, it means I get to see my friends.“ Flamey replied simply.
“Oh my…”
“reminds me of when i got black air forces and i walked like a penguin to stop them creasing” shadow says
Ferretpaw nodded her head.
“Psychology? Cool!” Redblaze says
” i know right! but its so hard. you need to memorize so much and my memory is really bad” shadow replied
“I relate to that!!!” laughs Aquila, “I can remember the stupidest things, like my class winding up teachers and entire scenes of films but science just flies straight out of my head!”
Rose dabs and is immediately sent to the time out box.
“Um are you okay?” Redblaze yells
Ḧiya everybody!¨ meows Dove very loudly.
“hello!” shadow yells, before plugging his headphones and watching merlin.
“Heyyyyy!” Rainy meowed.