The Hazelpage

The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitinglyΒ and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rusticΒ carumΒ bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.


[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]

Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls,Β three floorsΒ and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top!Β We’ve returned, freeΒ from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up yourΒ HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.

Notice Board:
Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.


  • “OMG this is the best movie I’ve ever seen” Sunfur said watching Hamilton for the first time. “Maybe I should make a Hamilton army” he said foreshadowing his future and then watching

  • Flamey plugs in her headphones and turns on Friends before switching over to YouTube and Bright Guardian Akira. She then turned on her music, but shut it off before it was even a minute into the first song. She put her headphones on the table before spinning around in her chair. β€œI’m so stinking bored!” She announced to the whole world. Suddenly she sat up, her chair still spinning. β€œOMG, guys!” She said, stopping her chair. β€œHow….” She gave her head and the world a moment to stop spinning. β€œHow long do you guys think it would take to watch every Marvel movie?” Flamey grinned. β€œI think I’m going to try when I’m crammed in the car with my brother, my parents and my puppy for 20 hours!”

    • ” Wow. A 20 hour car journey! i don’t think i could survive. i’d reckon you’d be able to finish 8 marvel movies” shadow guesses

    • “Ooooh friends!” grins Aquila, “I’ve watched the first season because there was a time when my friends were obsessed and I just watched episodes when they watched some! My favourite part was when Ross fell into nana’s grave because it was hilarious!!!!! Who’s your favourite character?”

      • β€œHonestly, I’m not really sure.” Flamey replied to Aquila. She turned to Shadowwing. β€œAnd we’re driving 10 hours one day and another 10 the next. I dont think anyone in my family could survive a 20 hour car ride. We barely survived a 10 hour drive to Yellowstone without our puppy. I seriously think that if you stuck me in a car with my family for 20 hours, you would end up having a bored, hot tired, cramped and annoyed me with two adults out cold, a stirring brother, and a happy, panting puppy.”

        • β€œYeah!” Aquila grins, β€œDo you have a favourite friends character? I always quite liked Ross! And is Yellowstone the national park? We studied it a bit in science πŸ˜›β€

          • β€œHonestly, I don’t really have a favorite Friends character right now. I’m still sorta new to the series.” Flamey answered. β€œAnd yes, that is the Yellowstone I’m talking about. I’ve been there before, but this was my first time driving straight to it.” Flamey turned pale. β€œOh gosh, I just realized that the last time I went to Yellowstone was when we were driving to my great-aunt’s funeral.”

            • β€œOhh okay!! I never really watched that much of friends, but I will still watch the odd episode if it’s on channel 5 when I’m bored! Oooh cool! We studied it because they reintroduced some wolves there that changed the landscape and we were doing how food webs affect the environment! Aw I’m sorry!!” Aquila mews sympathetically.

    • β€œRain rain go away, come again another day…” Aquila chuckles, β€œI don’t like it raining on school days because everything is wet so me and my friends have to eat lunch standing up!”

      • β€œHmmm….. I’m kinda glad I’m not you guys!” Flamey exclaimed sympathetically. β€œAnd to think! I’m from Colorado. Meaning we got snow right at the beginning of August!”

        • β€œSnow?!” Aquila gasps, β€œThat’s so lucky!!!! We only get snow in like January-February time and when it does it usually melts within a day or two!”

          • β€œWow!” Flamey gasps. β€œWe usually have snow…… well actually, it sorta depends. There was one time it snowed once during November, December, January, February, and March. Literally once. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of January. Then, we got a huge snow right smack dab in the middle of July. Colorado is very strange when it comes to weather. One day you can be seriously thinking about dumping a bucket of ice water on your head, and then the next your freezing cold if you stand within two feet of a door or window.”

          • “Same,” Lux groans, “We didn’t get any snow days during school last year… It was sad.”

        • “I’m from Michigan,” Rainpaw meowed, “So weird weather as well. September is usually burning hot and october is freezing cold and it ALWAYS snows AND rain at the same time on halloween when everyone is trick or treating while Christmas is always muddy and sad. Spring is a nightmare. It could be 80-90 degrees on day in May or June and the next day bam! Snow and below 30s. Summer could be cold but most likely burning your pelts off. This september actually feels like fall though instead of summer.”

  • ” i just finished season 2 episode 11 of Merlin!” Shadow says ” And Mordred is officially my most hated character.”

    • β€œYESSSS” Aquila agrees, β€œWe do NOT stan Mordred! I can’t remember what he did at the end of season 2, I hate him for what he does later πŸ˜›β€

        • β€œSpoilers!!!” Aquila yells in imitation of River Song, β€œBut seriously, I’m not gonna spoil it because you will so regret knowing if you know before you get there.”

  • blackie steps into the room wielding a small paper axe that he stole from his friend. “howdy mates,” he grunted, sitting on the nearest table while scanning the menu. he walked up to the counter and said to the nearest barista, “hey there, could i get a bucket of ice cream sandwiches?” and pulled out his wallet, taking out 967 pixels. “is this enough to pay?”

        • β€œI like fire!!!” grins Aquila, a little scarily, β€œAnd sure I’ll help!”

            • β€œWell I don’t knowwwww” Aquila screeches, β€œBut I LIKE it!!!!!”

                • “I…” Shadow begins, then trails off awkwardly. “Actually i don’t know. Any ideas anyone?”.

                • β€œYeah with one of those water slides that drops you from like 10 meters into the water (although I am way too scared to actually go on them…)”

                • “those water slides are the best” Shadow says ” although the ones with see through tunnels are terrifying”

                • Β¨Aquila, we must make a firepark.Β¨ Dove said evilly, looking out the window. She gave a small evil laugh to herself Β¨Mwahahahah>Β¨

                • “Omg yessssssss!!!” Aquila screeches, “Should there be fireproof suits or should we just…not bother?”

                • β€œYessss” Aquila screeches gleefully, β€œSO much fun!” She shakes her rainbow coloured hair, sending sparks flying, β€œOh and did I tell you, I’m just a LITTLE BIT crazy?????”

                • Aquila clicks her fingers and temporarily turns off the mobile phone network system thing so Redblaze can’t call, “Oh what a SHAME” she grins, her curls bouncing as she speaks.

                • “Yeah!!! I’ve had them for a while now, I just sometimes choose not to use that form! They look like River Song’s hair but in rainbow instead of her golden brown colour!” Aquila mews, a wide grin on her face and sparks flying everywhere.

                • β€œUh guys i want to help,” says willowpaw, β€œbut i cant swimmmmm”

                • β€œNot a problem!” smiles Aquila, β€œThere will be armbands in the shape and colour of your choice, oh and also floats!!! I love floats!!”

                • “Well, I know three of my OCs that can help you with your fire situation…”
                  She somehow snapped her paws and a portal opened. Her OC Venus gracefully flew out of the portal, wielding two pumpkin spice lattes.
                  “You see, this girl hates me in my cosmodog. I don’t know why it was a good idea to invite her here.” Raven transformed into a cat before Venus noticed.
                  “So, if you’re wondering how she’s useful, she has this power that grants her the ability to shoot lazers of fire of her eyes and spit sulfuric acid out of snake-like fangs.”

                • β€œAhahahahahaha that’s awesomeeeeeeeee!!!!” Aquila shrieks delightedly

        • β€œRedblaze is really smart, I bet she did great! And it’s not a test you can fail, you just get a percentage grade. I usually get from 90-100% but I have heard of someone in my year getting 6%…” Aquila mews.

        • “Yeah, i got so much homework to do” Shadow says. “And all the fun things about school are gone now that no ball games is a rule.”

          • “At my school the teachers’ rewarded our “good behaviour” (aka not splashing hand gel all over the classroom and not throwing food and uhh other stuff at each other on the concrete area we were assigned) from last week so now we are allowed to play football on the tennis courts at lunch, not that I want to!” Aquila mews.

  • β€œHELLOOOOOOOO” screeches Aquila, setting down her laptop, β€œWHAT CHAOS SHALL WE CAUSE NEXT???? I LIKE CHAOSSSSS!!!!!” She throws back her head, her curls flopping back and lets out an evil laugh. Then quickly, she recovers, β€œWhat? Do you think I’m concerning??? Well I’ll tell you one thing,” she holds her finger in the air, knowingly, β€œI’m ABSOLUTELY π˜Šπ˜™π˜ˆπ˜‘π˜ !!!!!!”

  • Bloomie made her way into the tavern. Ignoring the dozens of empty chairs, she sat down on the floor. “Is anyone up for a game of Uno?” she called, taking out a deck of Uno cards.

      • “Oh, it’s a pretty fun game!” Bloomie said. “The rules to UNO are simple once you get used to them. We’ve also included a few common house rules to spice up the game.
        UNO is a fast-paced card game played similar to Crazy Eights that includes special cards that ramp up the fun. Just like another game by the makers of UNO called Phase 10, UNO is suggested for ages 7 and above, but younger kids can still enjoy the game. It can even be a good game to reinforce numbers and colors.

        The ObjectiveThe goal of UNO is to be the first person to play the very last card in your hand. The fun of UNO is the requirement to yell “UNO!” when you are down to that last card. When playing multiple games, the winner is the player with the lowest score.

        How to Set up the GameThe dealer is determined by shuffling the deck and each player drawing a card. The player with the highest number on their card is the dealer. If a player draws a special card that does not have numbers, like the Wild card, the player should return that card to the bottom of the deck and draw a new card. If two or more players draw the same high number, those players should return the cards to the deck and draw new cards until one player draws higher than the other(s).
        After the dealer is chosen, each player is dealt seven cards. The remaining cards are placed face-down. These cards are called the “draw pile.” The dealer takes the first card on the draw pile and places it face-up next to the draw pile. If this card is a Wild or Wild Draw 4 card, that card is placed in the middle of the draw pile, and a new card is drawn.
        The player on the dealer’s left is the first person to play unless the initial card flipped over is a Reverse card. The Reverse is considered active even if a player did not play it, so it would be the person to the right of the dealer.
        A common house rule is to alternate dealers when playing multiple hands of UNO, moving the dealer to the person on the left in a clockwise direction from the last dealer. When playing with younger children, an alternative to drawing for the highest card is to allow the youngest child to be the initial dealer.

        How to PlayThe gameplay of UNO consists of each player taking turns that consist of either matching the upmost face-up card in the stack or playing one of the special cards.

        • At the beginning of their turn, a player can match either the number or the color of the face-up card with a card in their hand. If the card is matched, play continues to the next player.If the player does not have a matching card but has a Wild Card or Wild Draw 4 Card in their hand, they can choose to play the card. Wild cards allow the player to choose any color.The player must take the topmost card from the draw pile if they cannot play a card from their hand. If the drawn card cannot be played, they continue taking cards from the draw pile until they can play a card.The player is not forced to play a matching card from their hand. They can choose to play a Wild card or take a new card from the draw pile. If the player elects to draw cards, they must continue drawing until they receive a playable card. They cannot play a card that was originally in their hand after choosing to take a card from the draw pile.After the player matches the face-up card, play continues to the next player. At the start of the game, play continues to the left of the player in a clockwise direction. As the name implies, the Reverse card will change the direction of the next player from left-to-right or right-to-left.
        • A Reverse card played in a two-person game acts like a Skip card.

        If the last card is taken from the draw pile, all of the cards that have been played except the topmost face-up card should be shuffled and used as a new draw pile. This can continue as many times as it may take for someone to finally run out of cards in their hand.

        Special CardsThe fun of UNO is all of the special cards that can change the game in a heartbeat. These cards add a certain amount of strategy to a game that would otherwise be the luck of the draw. In some decks, these cards are only marked with a symbol. Other decks also spell out the special card’s name.

        • Reverse: This card reverses the order of play, switching it from left-to-right or right-to-left. It’s great to use to stop a player from going out of cards. Reverse uses a symbol with two arrows going in opposite directions, one on top of the other. The Reverse card has a color and can only be played on face-up cards with that color.Skip: This card causes the next person to lose their turn. Play continues to the next player as if they ended their turn. In two-player games, this card lets you immediately take another turn. The symbol used for Skip is usually a circle with a line through it. The Skip card has a color and can only be played on face-up cards with that color.Draw 2: This card forces the next player to draw two cards and skip their turn as if it were the Skip card. This card uses a “+2” for a symbol. It has a color and can only be played when the face-up card has the same color.Wild: This card allows the player to play on any color or numberβ€”even another wild card. They also call out a color for the Wild card, forcing the next player to use that color for play. The Wild card can be played even if the player has another playable card. Wild cards are usually black and feature all four colors on them. If the Wild card or Wild Draw 4 card is the first card turned up in a game, the first player can choose the color.Wild Draw 4: This card forces the next player to draw four cards and skip their turn as if it were the Skip card. Unlike the Wild card, the Wild Draw 4 card cannot be played if the player has a card with the same color and/or number as the face-up card. This card looks like a Wild card with a “+4” symbol on it.

        “UNO!” How to Win the GameA player is required to say “UNO” before playing their second-to-last card. If a player only has one card in their hand and another player says “UNO” before the next player begins their turn, the player must draw four new cards from the draw pile.
        If the next player begins their turn, and no one says “UNO,” play will continue as if the original player did say “UNO.” They are not forced to draw any new cards for not saying “UNO.” A player is considered to have taken their turn when they either match the face-up card with a card from their deck, play a wild card, or choose a card from the draw pile. Once they begin drawing from the draw pile, players cannot call “UNO.”
        Calling “UNO” does not win the game. The player must still play their last card. If they are unable to play the last card, they must take cards from the draw pile until they can play. It’s possible to have several UNOs before the game is won.
        If the winning card is a Draw 2 or Wild Draw 4 card, the next player must still draw those cards before the game ends. These cards are used in scoring.

        How to ScoreThe official rules state that matches are won when the first person makes it to 500 points. The winner is the person with the least number of points at that time. House rules can change the number of points needed to end the match from 500 to any other number.
        At the end of each game, all of the cards are tallied up, and the score for that game is written down and totaled to determine if any player passed the 500 point mark.

        • All numbered cards score their face value (0 to 9).Reverse, Skip and Draw 2 cards score 20 points each.Wild and Wild Draw 4 cards score 50 points each.

        A common house rule for scoring and determining the overall winner is to eliminate the player(s) whose point total reaches 500 or more, but continue playing until all but one players have been eliminated this way.”

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