• Before I unveil the winner of this competition, I’d like to give all of the people who participated an honorable mention (also, the order I do them in doesn’t matter).

    Creationkit, your pixel cover art was fantastic! Your creativity with the three vines in the background was awesome, and you expressed Softpaw\willow amazingly!

    Wolfsong, your cover art was very expressive and beautiful! I really liked how you did Lizardfur, and the background was a very fitting color!

    Nightpaw, your design was super creative with their tails as the trunk of a willow! I really liked the amount of floof you used, and you nailed their fur colors!

    Tinylight, your style was really nice and creative! The way you drew their heads like branches on the tree was very unique!

    And to all those who didn’t finish on time, I’m sure your cover art was amazing and fantastic and creative as well!

    And without further ado, the winner of my art contest is…

    (Prizes on next comment)

  • Here are the links to your secret pages:




    Now, if you want to be in the book, there are four Clans:

    LeafClan is a secretive, proud Clan that lives in the trees; usually peaceful; Softpaw\willow belongs to LeafClan.

    StormClan is a strong, fierce Clan that lives in a pine forest; Shadowdawn belongs to this Clan.

    NightClan is a misunderstood, trustworthy Clan that lives on the moor; Lizardfur belongs to this Clan.

    StreamClan is an open, friendly Clan that lives in a marsh; none of the protagonists live in this Clan.

    If you want to be in the book, please reply to this comment within a week and tell me what Clan you want to be in along with your personality, gender, pronouns, and purrsona. Thanks!

    Again, fantastic job to everyone who participated!

  • If silver stream lived PART 1
    Greystripe watched his kits and his mate, he totally forgot about Tiger claw watching him. He forgot bout everyone but Silverstream. Her eyes were filled with joy. Fireheart was sitting a few tail-lengths away. He purred, Fireheart looked at him his eyes filled with joy. Greystripe thought he saw a flicker of fear. Greystripe turned to see Cinderpaw and tiger claw looking at silver stream and her kits. ok, what do you think that’s part one?

    • 🪴🐾🇺🇦Bracky is very exited for Easter! (She\her, Brackenpaw\claw)🇺🇦🐾🪴 says:

      Sorry, but that story contest ended a long time ago. But it’s good!


    Hello! I’m hosting another writing contest <3
    Here are your prompts (you can do up to three):
    Stormfur didn’t stay with the Tribe
    Mudclaw became leader instead of Onestar
    Briarlight DIDN’T get paralyzed
    Bright Stream lived
    Evil Alderheart
    Scourge was good
    Mapleshade wasn’t banished
    Millie and Graystripe were just friends and never had kits
    If Ivypool and Dovewing had a brother, and THEY were the Three

    There is no word limit, but I would prefer it if you could keep it at two pages or less. If your story is over 400 words, please don’t post it in a comment. Also, the story has to be at least 350 words long, so don’t just put one paragraph.

    This contest ends on May 10th, 2022, so you will have one month for your stories.

    But what do the top three stories win?
    FIRST PLACE gets three secret pages and a trophy!
    SECOND PLACE earns a couple of secret pages and a second place medal!
    THIRD PLACE gets one secret page and a third place medal!

    This contest starts… NOW!!

      • 🔮🐾🇺🇦Spiro hopes all of your day is great! | Spiritpaw\willow, she\her | Click my name!🇺🇦🐾🔮 says:

        yay!! Can’t wait to see your story <333333333

    • I’m entering! i’m entering! I’m doing Mudclaw became Leader instead of Onestar(boo Onestar, sorry all Onestar fans), Mapleshade wasn’t banished and Ivypool, Dovewing + brother were the Three! First I’ll do the Three prompt. Part 1 of Doves, Ivy and Streams coming soon!

      • Actually, I’m doing these three prompts:

        Briarlight DIDN’T get paralyzed
        Briars of Hope

        Mudclaw became leader instead of Onestar
        The Star of the Wind

        Mapleshade wasn’t banished
        In the Shade of a Maple Tree

    • The Three Vines (dovewing, ivypool and their brother)
      Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf had just figured out about who their true mother was.
      The fox-hearted traitor! Hollyleaf thought, Why had I thought I’d be special?
      She was a less than an ordinary warrior. Her mother was a medicine cat, and her father was from WindClan. She was HalfClan, and born to a medicine cat, meaning her birth broke two codes.
      Hollyleaf’s brothers were mad too.
      But why would her mother- no, Squirrelflight- do this to us? She would never forgive them!
      It wasn’t fair! Why did they get away with ruining my life? Hollyleaf thought.
      Once I tell the clans, it will surely be over for them both.
      (note, not how I think of hollyleaf)

      Chapter One:
      Vinekit shook his paws nervously.
      His sisters didn’t know why or what was going to happen, but he knew, and he was most certainly scared.
      He remembered the dream like it was yesterday, when a grumpy old she-cat visited him from StarClan.
      “Hello, young Vinekit,” a scarred grey she-cat said.
      “Who-who are you?” Vinekit squeaked.
      “Yellowfang, medicine cat of ThunderClan long ago,” she said, “That is not important. I have come to give you a prophecy.”
      “A prophecy?” He twitched his whiskers, “I’m not a medicine cat.”
      “You won’t be, don’t worry,” Yellowfang murmured. “There will be three, kin of Firestar’s kin, who will hold the power of the stars in their paws.”
      “But Hollyleaf’s dead,” he squealed.
      “Not them, fool!” she snapped, “You and your littermates will save the clans!”

      ima finish the rest on doc

  • 🔮🐾🇺🇦Spiro hopes all of your day is great! | Spiritpaw\willow, she\her | Click my name!🇺🇦🐾🔮 says:

    Ok, so since nobody’s entered yet and it’s been a few weeks, I’m extending the contest ten more days – It will end on May 20th, and hopefully at least one person will enter so I can give away my secret pages 😉

      • Millie and Graystripe were just friends and never had kits
        By Sunshinepaw
        Graystripe, safe at the end of his journey to find the clans, slept next to a kittypet he had met when he was captured by twolegs. The memory of meeting that kittypet still shone brightly in his mind. The kittypet’s name was Millie. She helped him escape from the twolegs and he was very grateful for it. He just realized how much he liked her. It was just like falling in love again. Yet, he could not forget his former mate, Silverstream, who had died giving birth to his kits. “Would she be angry with him for finding another mate?” Graystripe wondered. Feathertail had died and Stormfur was staying with ThunderClan with his mate, a Prey-Hunter from the Tribe of Rushing Water. Brook Where Small Fish Swim was a nice cat and a good hunter, although she was not used to ThunderClan hunting tactics.

      • The memory of meeting Millie still shone brightly in his mind the next morning. He was assigned to the dawn patrol with Sandstorm as patrol leader, Millie, Ashfur and Brook. While refreshing the ThunderClan scent markers, Millie asked, “Graystripe, can you tell me if this bramble bush is part of the border?” “ Sure,” he answered. “ I want to talk to you,” Millie hissed softly when Graystripe approached. “What do you want to talk about?” Graystripe asked. “Can you be my mate, Graystripe? There’s no other cat I like as much as you.” Millie meowed.
        Those words felt like a heavy blow to Graystripe. He wasn’t ready for this. He’d never thought about taking another mate. “I’m really sorry, Millie. I really like you, but I have never thought about taking another mate. I’m sorry, Millie, but I can’t be your mate.” His heart heavy, Graystripe padded off, following the patrol back to camp.
        It was the night Millie had asked Graystripe to be her mate. At the ThunderClan camp, Millie curled up in her nest. Her mind whirled. “I thought Graystripe liked me. Why didn’t he tell me he has another mate? Perhaps he doesn’t like me after all. I’ll go to sleep. Maybe this is only a dream,” Millie thought. The next day, Millie and Graystripe both got along as usual.

  • Briars of Hope
    Part 1

    Briarpaw was not a life-saver.
    Instead, she was the one who almost died while other innocent cats saved her life and died.
    For one, Honeyfern. The kind, young golden she-cat with the brave heart had already earned a starry pelt due to a cursed adder. Briarpaw, Briarkit at the time, had been attacked by the snake, but Honeyfern saved Briarpaw’s life.
    And now Longtail. The tom had been crushed by a tree whilst shoving Briarpaw out of the way of the falling tree.
    Briarpaw blamed herself from the deaths of those two brave warriors. Millie told her not to; but Briarpaw’s dreams were plagued by a hissing, tortoiseshell cat.
    It’s your fault. If you never existed, Honeyfern would have never died. Blame it on yourself. If Longtail hadn’t worried about you, he wouldn’t have been crushed by the falling tree.
    The eerie, but strong, voice hissed in Briarpaw’s ear, joined by an unearthly chorus of threats, blames and growls.
    “No!” Briarpaw screeched, hurling herself at the tortoiseshell.
    She had enough of their screaming, of their blaming, of their hissed threats! A strange, numb feeling overcame the dark brown apprentice as she passed through the cat.
    “Wha – what?” Briarpaw twisted as soon as she hit the ground.
    The tortoiseshell’s fiery, copper eyes burned into Briarpaw as she crouched there, paralyzed in fear. “Choose wisely, youngster,” the she-cat growled. “Will you join us? Or not?”

  • Briars of Hope
    Part 2

    Briarpaw wondered if she should regret her choice.
    No! she told herself. It was Mapleshade, the cursed traitor from long ago! I don’t want to trifle with that dark she-cat!
    But Briarpaw still wondered if her choice had been wise. Mapleshade had acted like Briarpaw couldn’t change her mind. Was it good? Those thoughts interrupted her peaceful dreams, while the Dark Forest cats had left.
    “Briarpaw.” a voice hissed.
    Briarpaw whirled around.
    “Listen to me, Briarpaw.”
    “Who are you?” Briarpaw squeaked.
    “Don’t worry, youngster. Don’t blame yourself; your choice was wise.” Spottedleaf whispered.
    “Then why are you here?” Briarpaw asked.
    “I have a prophecy for you.” Spottedleaf told Briarpaw; her voice turned eerie, soft and mystic.
    “I’m listening,” Briarpaw mewed.
    “When the moon is full
    Truce be broken
    From the darkest of forests
    Power rise.
    Only Ivy and Dove
    can save
    the Clans.”

    Briarpaw shivered. “It must mean Ivykit and Dovekit!” she exclaimed.
    “And none can do without the other,” Spottedleaf told her, and vanished, leaving a trail of stars where she’d left.

  • Briars of Hope
    Part 3

    Briarpaw shivered in the cold leaf-bare breeze. “C’mon, Briarpaw, let’s go sit vigil for Ivypaw and Dovepaw.” Blossompaw nudged Briarpaw.
    Immediately, the dark brown apprentice filled with shame. She blamed herself for the death of the Saviors. Not long after Ivypaw and Dovepaw had been apprenticed, Briarpaw, her mentor, and the Saviors’ mentors went on a patrol that quickly ended in a disaster when rogues attacked. Briarpaw had leaped to save Ivypaw from one of the rogues, but hesitated, thinking What if I can’t do this?
    But then the rogue delivered the killing blow, and Dovepaw had died from her wounds when they returned to camp.
    So now Briarpaw was left with the threat of an unfulfilled prophecy hanging over her. So now Briarpaw was just a mouse-brained kit hiding in the shadow of blame. So now Briarpaw was just an ashamed apprentice with nothing left to do.
    From the darkest of forests, power rise.
    The verse from Spottedleaf’s dreaded prophecy echoed in Briarpaw’s mind.
    The – the Dark Forest! Realization hit Briarpaw like a flash of lightning.
    Now she knew what she had to do.
    Mapleshade just had to let her change her mind.


    “Ha! The little rat changed her mouse-brained mind!” Mapleshade screeched.
    “I did. I want to join the Dark Forest.” Briarpaw hissed.
    “Well, the battle is tomorrow; so come along, my little Briarpaw, I’ll show you around.”

  • Briars of Hope
    Part 4

    “Good luck,” Blossompaw whispered. “You are the only one who can change our fate.”
    “I’ll try my best,” Briarpaw mewed back.
    Deep inside, though, she knew she couldn’t do it. She had never before. But she could try.
    Briarpaw fell into a deep slumber, settled on the moss.
    “Mapleshade!” she whispered.
    Mapleshade appeared in a brilliant flash of light. “Yes?” she asked.
    “The light.” Briarpaw meowed hesitantly.
    Mapleshade narrowed her eyes.
    “StarClan has created a light. A flower, and when Bramblestar rips off it’s petals, the light floods out.” Briarpaw fumbled.
    “A danger,” Mapleshade concluded.
    “Yes. We cannot continue this.” Briarpaw whispered.
    “I’ll take your word,” Mapleshade said. “We’ll lay off the attack.”


    StarClan and the Clans had defeated the Dark Forest and it’s followers due to the Dark Forest’s hesitation to strike…and Briarpaw.
    “I have three new apprentices to make warriors.” Bramblestar announced dramatically. “Bumblepaw, step forward. You have trained hard. You shall now be known as Bumbleleap. Blossompaw; you are no longer an apprentice, and your warrior name shall be Blossomlight. And Briarpaw, you were brave and full of courage; without you, all of our pelts would shimmer with starlight. You shall be known as Briarwish, for the hopes and wishes you’ve fulfilled.”

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