Warriors Fan Fiction Organization

Looking for where to post links to your fanfics and find links to other people’s fanfics? Click here!

If you’re organising a group fan fiction project, this is where you can discuss your projects with other writers, or scout for new writers for your project. This is also where you should start new group projects as well, including stories that feature BlogClanners. Happy writing!

kit4 001 - Copy (3)

[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]

Wattpad provides an excellent platform for reading and sharing fan fiction. You might wish to use that instead to share your stories. I am not favouring Wattpad. It’s the only one I know of, and I’m sure there are many other platforms out there you might prefer. It’s up to you!

If you can’t make an account on any site, you may use justpaste.it! If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!


  • blogclan name: Hawthornclaw
    name in book: Sabrina Brightspirit
    nickname: Bright
    appearance: a girl with gray eyes, light brown hair, and freckles across her nose
    age: 12
    height: 5 ft 2 in
    gender: female
    day clothes: black and white pants, purple shirt
    personality: kind, funny, smart, optimistic
    likes: magic, books, funny things, unicorns
    dislikes: bad people, being alone
    favorite color: purple
    good traits: kindness, intelligence, funniness, generosity
    bad traits: easily gets angry, is sometimes very sad, EXTREMELY optimistic
    skills: swimming, reading, playing checkers
    strengths: food, unicorns, books, someone making her angry
    weaknesses: tomatoes, being alone, bad people, heat
    fears: being alone, creepy dolls, evil cats (?), really super very hotness
    hobbies: reading, watching tv, movies, and plays, singing, dancing, swimming
    quirks: evil cats ( I DON’T KNOW WHERE THIS CAME FROM)
    3 preferred powers:
    1. underwater breathing
    2. teleportation
    3. invisibility
    skill in modern/herbal medicine: yes, in both, but herbal mostly
    family members names: Mary (mother), Paul (father), Diana (sister), Henry (brother), Moon (cat)
    description of family members: Mary, black hair, green eyes, Paul, brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, Diana, black hair, green eyes, Henry, brown hair, blue eyes, Moon, black pelt, amber eyes
    friends on blog: don’t really know anyone that much. but everyone’s my friend
    favorite subject: writing and history
    weapon: grappling hook
    accessories: blue necklace, purple hat
    rate skills: Running: 4, climbing: 2, Swimming: 10, stealth: 9, fighting: 6, strategy: 8, flexibility: 7

    • Sorry didn’t see other stuff.
      POV: ?
      can I kill you: give me a heroic death
      backstory: um, IDK
      other: DON’T SHIP HER WITH ANYONE!!!

  • Hello everyone, if you would still like to help with my story, you still can! I still except creatures, but I do need sisters. The form is up there. Thanks and I hope to work with you! (:

  • REPOST! This got buried.
    Okay. I am still writing Thunder Academy but I want to do lots of other stuff to because I am a multitasker. 🙂
    I am now making a fan fiction contest. 😛

    Plot: Your OC is finally becoming a warrior. You have already found a she-cat/tom who wants to be your mate and everything is perfect. But, your mate dies and you dropped into depression. Then, you meet a kittypet. Somebody willing to love you again. What do you do? Betray your Clan and love this kittypet or stay true to your Clan and leave love behind?

    There are 3 winners.

    1. The most beautifully written

    2. The most relatable

    3. The best OCs

    Okay. The prize is I will write a story for you. You get to choose the plot. 🙂

    Now, I want to be clear about one thing;
    Blood is acceptable but NO GORE! There is a difference.
    Blood is like a slight trickle or like a wound that bleeds heavily
    Gore is like tearing somebody’s guts from their stomach
    See the difference?

    Okay, it’s due by the 27 of July. if it is submitted any later it won’t be official. Okay? 🙂

    • Oh boy, I have about 20 days to write my whole story 😛

      (I finished the allegiances, at least!)

  • *Repost*

    I have Rosepaw, Bluefire, Potato, Blueheart, Spottedspirit, Willowstep, Cheetahspark and Hawthornclaw's forms.

    Blu and Wistep, you need to fill out the add on #1 of the form. :)


    Anyway… yeah. I’m doing a blogfic!


    Life is boring. Nothing ever happens in Eirenis.


    But something happened. It’s quite amazing, but quite sad too.

    But life just took a little twist.

    Someone – an official by the looks of it – bursts into my bedroom, grabs me by the arm, and drags me out the front door.

    No one said goodbye, not even my sister. They just stared at the back of my head while the official threw me into an official-looking car.

    They bring me into a lab, where they stick needles in my arm, attach electrodes to my forehead, and tell me I needed to defeat the Void. Bam , my normal life was thrown down the drain. Nothing felt real.

    They said it was a simulation. Was it? It felt real, but it didn’t feel real. Nothing made sense.

    But when I stand up, my life began to change. When I allow my feet to touch the ground and climb and let my mind clear, I realized I wan’t alone.

    And we’re all back on our feet.

    But… there’s something out there. Something none of us understand. Something terrifying.

    This is where we run.

    This is where you hide.

    This is the story of how we bloomed.


    In a utopia known as Eirenis, everything is equal; everything is the same. When several tweens and teens are pulled from their homes and schools by mysterious individuals, they are brought to a lab and plunged into a virtual world known as the Simulation. It was supposed to become a way to connect with people and train for a greater force known as The Keep. It was also a prototype world, making it and the people in it fragile. But when they find strange misshapen buildings, the course of their life has changed. Strange animals begin to leap out at them, and when they are pulled back into reality, they realize the strange, twisted virtual world has become a reality.

    Hopefully that made sense! Now, for the sign ups:

    BlogClan Name:
    Full Name in Story:
    Age (At least 12 yrs old):
    Height (In feet and inches):
    Day Clothes:
    Favorite color:
    Good Traits (At least 3):
    Bad Traits (At least 3):
    Strengths(At least 4):
    Weaknesses (At least 4):
    Fears (At least 4):
    Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
    Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic):
    First names of family members (In case we do a family scene):
    Physical description of family members+pets:
    Friends on the Blog:
    Favorite subject:

    Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

    Flexibility (Physical):

    Add on #1:

    Can I kill you?:

    • Ooh nice! 😁

      BlogClan Name: Craterpaw/pelt
      Full Name in Story: Crystal-rose Pate
      Nickname: Crystal or Rose
      Appearance: tall long-legged girl with long wavy-blond hair and hazel eyes
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 12
      Height (In feet and inches): 5″5′
      Gender: female
      Day Clothes: purple and pink zigzagged t-shirt and teal legginigs
      Personality: nice, friendly, sporty, sassy, bossy, brave
      Likes: sports, people, nature
      Dislikes: bugs, waiting, losing
      Favorite color: purple
      Good Traits (At least 3): friendly, helpful, brave, kind, smart
      Bad Traits (At least 3): bossy, sassy, stupid at times
      Skills: sports, strength, strategy
      Strengths(At least 4): strong, knows how to talk (like knows how to make someone mad), smart, dodges well
      Weaknesses (At least 4): gets angered easily, can be stupid if SUPER mad, can forget stuff quickly, gets lost in thought
      Fears (At least 4): bugs, big animals, loud sudden noises, dark
      Hobbies: sports, running, reading, partying, talking
      Quirks: strong but scared of stupid things
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Storms (can make it rain, conjour lightning, make small tornadoes, etc.)
      2. Super speed
      3. Super strength
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): knows herbs really well, but would rather fight.
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Mom: Merissa; Dad: David; little brother: Jacob; older brother: James
      Physical description of family members+pets: Merissa: short woman with long wavy brown hair and hazel eyes; David: tall, Long-legged blond-haired man with blue eyes; Jacob; tall for his age, blond-haired boy with blue eyes; James: short long-legged boy with light brown hair and blue eyes; Cocoa (chocolate lab): big dark brown dog with big ears and blue eyes
      Friends on the Blog: everyone 😄
      Favorite subject: math
      Weapon: knife or fists
      Accessories: Fitbit

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Climbing: 10
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting: 10
      Strategy: 6
      Flexibility (Physical): 4

      Add on #1: what do you mean by that?

      POV?: that would be awesome! 😁
      Can I kill you?: yep but please make it not a death equivalent to green cough 😉
      Backstory: loved her family, and had always loved sports and fighting. Was kinda odd but loved people.

    • BlogClan Name: Snowswirl
      Full Name in Story: Viviant Viantia (idk, I just made up some last name)
      Nickname: Vivi or Viv (preferably Vivi)
      Appearance: long limbed, brown/dirty blond curly hair in pigtails (middle of backish length), freckles
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 14
      Height (In feet and inches): random length 5 feet 8 inches
      Gender: female
      Day Clothes: black pants or shorts, bright t-shirt, black zipper sweater
      Personality: happy a lot, good with friends, bad with new people, funny sometimes
      Likes: ninjago (tv show), books/reading, video games (I don’t know what else 😛 )
      Dislikes: loud noises, annoying/loud people, people in my face
      Favorite color: purple (or green)
      Good Traits (At least 3): smart, funny, good at puzzles
      Bad Traits (At least 3): cant make people feel better when they are sad, bad under pressure, forget to think before talking sometimes
      Skills: good at monkey bars, kind of good at different terrains 😛 that does not make sense
      Strengths(At least 4):
      Weaknesses (At least 4): doing stuff under pressure,
      Fears (At least 4): the dark a little, running out of air, a tiny bit afraid of heights (I get very scared before once I’m up then I’m usually ok)
      Hobbies: figure skating, clarinet
      Quirks: “hypermobile” in the shoulder, elbow and thumb, pick fingers and thumbs when bored (technically not supposed to do that 😛 )
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Ice
      2. invisibility
      3. teleportation
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): nope
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): (mom) Avi, (dad) Bob, (brother) Drew (these are all made up)
      Physical description of family members+pets:
      Friends on the Blog: everyone
      Favorite subject: umm lets go with math
      Weapon: dual swords (if not then battle axe)
      Accessories: none
      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing
      Running: 5
      Climbing: 7-8
      Swimming: 7
      Stealth: 8
      Fighting: 7
      Strategy: 9
      Flexibility (Physical): 10
      Add on #1:
      POV?: if you want to
      Can I kill you?: yeah but not like “yep she died and nobody cares” (have at least one person care)
      Backstory: uh, grew up in a normal family (in the country) and one time during school someone took her away to this “simulation”
      Other: nope

    • POV?: Sure
      Can I kill you?: …maybe
      Backstory: She’s had a mostly normal life, but is very imaginative and creative. When she was chosen for the Simulation, her parents didn’t want her to go along with it. However she disobeys them and goes anyway.
      Other: wanders off if bored, sometimes gets lost in thought

    • Oops, here it is. 😛

      POV?: Sure!
      Can I kill you?: As long as it’s some type of sacrifice and contributes to the plot 😛
      Backstory: the “mysterious individuals” requested volunteers for the Simulation. Without another thought, Willow’s parents dragged her away from home to be experimented on. (woooo that was bad 😛 )
      Other: Cool idea! 🙂

    • ooohhh this seems really interesting 😀

      BlogClan Name: Swanfeather
      Full Name in Story: Swan… Feather? 😛 Or Swany as the first name, it might be more real-namey
      Nickname: Just Swan(y) I guess 😛
      Appearance: brown a bit over shoulder lenght hair, blue-green eyes, light skin
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 15
      Height (In feet and inches): uhmmm I have n idea how accurate this will be but the converter says 5.3 (163 cm)
      Gender: female
      Day Clothes: jean shorts or jeans (depends on the weather), black t-shirt with the word ‘art’, blue converse
      Personality: I filled this from the bottom so I guess my personality’s prety much listed there in the traits/strenghts/weaknesses section, but you can ask more if needed 😛
      Likes: cats, books, summer, friends
      Dislikes: bugs, cold, loneliness, boredom, annoying/show off people who think they know everything
      Favorite color: blue and purple
      Good Traits (At least 3): creative, hard-working, loyal, smartish
      Bad Traits (At least 3): stubborn, too perfectionistic, if somebody goes too far I might argue with them reeeally badly (a nice contrast for my skill of solving arguements others have sparked 😛 ), I take reaally long to trust someone & call them a friend
      Skills: drawing, dancing (?), writing I guess
      Strengths(At least 4): I never understood the difference betweens skills and strenghts 😛 but good memory, pretty wide knowledge of many (unimportant) things, uhh languages I guess 😛 aaaand good at trying to calm down arguements
      Weaknesses (At least 4): bad at sports, low stamina, showing (bigger, such as crying/hugging) emotions, can’t sing at all? 😛
      Fears (At least 4): bugs, very high places, death, being all alone in serious/important situations
      Hobbies: dancing, drawing, reading
      Quirks: can’t think of anything
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. hydrokinesis
      2. electrokinesis
      3. you can use your imagination 😛
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): probably no
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): I guess you can call my sister ‘Sugar’ 😛 Is it possible to have my parents just as “swan’s mom, swan’s dad”? 😛
      Physical description of family members+pets: no pets, my sister is almost 5 centimeters taller than me and she has jaw-lenght blondish hair and green eyes, my mom’s one hecking cm taller than me, she has brunette/blnde mix dyed hair that’s really fuzzy :P, anddd my dad has the same colored hair as I do on a (low) ponytail, a beard + small moustache 😛 (people mistake him as a tattooed motorcycle man but he’s more of a nerd, really 😛 )
      Friends on the Blog: Blue, Peto, Snowy, Lion, Dew, Wavey, Fallen, Icy, Sunny, anyone really.
      Favorite subject: art, history, Finnish/English
      Weapon: bow and arrows I guess
      Accessories: –

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 5
      Flexibility (Physical): 2 😛

      Add on #1:

      POV?: that’d be great 😀
      Can I kill you?: preferably no thanks!
      Backstory: You can use your imagination on this one 😛
      Other: can’t wait 🙂

    • BlogClan Name: Rainshine
      Full Name in Story: Raina Yu
      Nickname: Rain
      Appearance: Small oriental girl with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes.
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 16
      Height (In feet and inches): 5’4
      Gender: Female
      Day Clothes: Hoodie and leggings/t-shirt and capris//running shoes
      Personality: Tries to be happy and optimistic most times, but will be annoyed and might cry when she is and frustrated. When alone, she’s kinda sad. Acts like a three year old sometimes (immature)
      Likes: drawing, painting, art, music, sports, nature and pretty things
      Dislikes: annoying people, bug bites, and scary things
      Favorite color: PINK AND THE COLOURS OF THE SKY
      Good Traits (At least 3): Determined, hardworking, leadership abilities, and happy most of the time!
      Bad Traits (At least 3): Stubborn, sometimes ignorant, can be inconsiderate
      Skills: Art, music, soccer, good with kids and colours, math
      Strengths(At least 4): Determination, creativity, problem-solving, dependable, physically small
      Weaknesses (At least 4): Too critical on others and herself, insecurities, doesn’t always knows what’s best for herself, judges too easily, weak (physically)
      Fears (At least 4): Scary things, bugs and insects, heights, fear
      Hobbies: art, music, sports, reading
      Quirks: Constantly bouncing around when happy, always cold
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Shapeshifting
      2. Flight
      3. Weather Control
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): Yes, mostly herbal
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Avi (dad), Eve (mom), Alex (brother)
      Physical description of family members+pets: Avi-dark tan, 6′, short black hair. Eve-light tan, wavy black hair, 5’6. Alex-younger, light tan, long short hair (ears), 4’9, 13yo
      Friends on the Blog: eh Canadians love EVERYONE and maple syrup ooh maybe I like Maple the best. (Spottedspirit, Rose, Cheetah, Star, Jazzy, Maple, Potate, and everybody I just don’t wanna put them here just in case they think i’m annoying (ToT))
      Favourite subject: Art, Math
      Weapon: Whatever does the job, like a machine gun. Or a pistol. Or whatever you want, if that’s not PG enough I guess 😉
      Accessories: None
      Running: 8
      Climbing: 6
      Swimming: 5
      Stealth: 8
      Fighting: 4
      Strategy: 9
      Flexibility (Physical): 4
      POV?: Sure
      Can I kill you?: Yes
      Backstory; idk much about the world so idk basic basic life i guess
      Other: Can I haz a ship???

    • BlogClan Name: Spidersong
      Full Name in Story: Isabelle Rodriguez
      Nickname: Elle
      Appearance: Tall girl with medium brown hair and hazelish eyes
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 13/14
      Height (In feet and inches): 5’7
      Gender: female
      Day Clothes: Cropped black hoodie, jeans and converse
      Personality: Shy, kind, stubborn, short tempered
      Likes: Cats, reading, music
      Dislikes: Insects
      Favorite color: Turquoise
      Good Traits (At least 3): Kind, “patient” (sorta), thoughtful
      Bad Traits (At least 3): Shy, short tempered, wayy to stubborn 😛
      Skills: Piano, music, eh
      Strengths(At least 4): Can run, is persuasive, good with words
      Weaknesses (At least 4): Forgetful, inpatient, will get mad easily, lazy 😉
      Fears (At least 4): Insects, awkward social situations, drowning, being stabbed *shudders*
      Hobbies: Music reading internet
      Quirks: eh can’t come up with any
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Can influence mind
      2. Cause people to see illusions
      3. Wind
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): Nope 😛
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene):
      Older brother- Sebastian. Little brother- Adrian
      Physical description of family members+pets: um older brother is like really tall. dark hair, green eyes (I will be forever jealous) and little brother has brown hair and hazelish eyes like me.
      Friends on the Blog: There are lots ehh
      Favorite subject: Music, ELA
      Weapon: Short knife
      Accessories: nah

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 7
      Swimming: 2
      Stealth: 6
      Fighting: 8
      Strategy: 7
      Flexibility (Physical): 5

      Add on #1:

      POV?: Sure
      Can I kill you?:Yup 😛
      Backstory: idk
      Other: nah

    • I can’t wait!

      BlogClan Name: Ivykit
      Full Name in Story: Holly Evans
      Nickname: Holls ( Welp that’s the nickname of the character Holly in my mum’s books so 😛 )
      Appearance: tall girl with long, wavy, super-dark-brown-almost-black hair and blue eyes
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 15 I guess?
      Height (In feet and inches): 6”2’
      Gender: Female
      Day Clothes: magenta, black and white zig-zagged tank top with black leggings that have white stripes down the sides and black sneakers
      Personality: silent, dark, probably won’t speak much
      Likes: quiet, books, drawing, somewhat singing
      Dislikes: going through mental depression, loudness, socialism
      Favorite colour: black.
      Good Traits (At least 3): hmmmmm. Hmmmmmn. 😉 😛 Bravem smart, independent
      Bad Traits (At least 3): sarcastic, silent, GREAT at lie telling, rude, modest
      Skills: somewhat great at singing, though she hates to admit it, lying (like meh 😛 )
      Strengths(At least 4): books, songs, the night, (uhhhhhh,) and . . . cats?
      Weaknesses (At least 4): gets angered SUPER easily, can’t take a joke, takes things personally, and depression
      Fears (At least 4): the depression that she suffers from, flies for some reason 😛 , (idk why I hate flies! I just do! ) losing her fave things and . . . life . . .
      Hobbies: Drawing. Reading. Singing. That’s what I do every day. So why not make her do it too? ( 😛 😉 )
      Quirks: chews things when nervous or excited or just if she wants to ( 😛 also like meh 😉 ), never feels the heat in food even if it’s super hot
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Idk if I have any, but – oooooooh! MRMC! (Mind reading + Mind control?)
      2. Telekinesis
      3. Manipulation ( storm control )
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): totaly completely, though the doesn’t say so
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene):
      Mum – Aileen
      Dad – uhhhhh, Alex?
      Little sister – Stella
      Little brother – Logan
      Physical description of family members+pets:
      Friends on the Blog: pretty much anyone! Rosepaw, Blu, Potato, Maple, Jazzy, Rainshine, you, anyone!
      Favorite subject: art?
      Weapon: BOW AND ARROW!!!
      Accessories: round green earrings that look like peas ( 😛 ) and a silver sparrow pendant

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 10!
      Climbing: 6
      Swimming: 5
      Stealth: 9.9
      Fighting: 7
      Strategy: 9
      Flexibility (Physical): 8

      Add on #1: what does that mean? 🙂 😅

      POV?: usually I say no, but yes please!
      Can I kill you?: . . . . . . . . . . Hmmmm . . . . . . . no, thank you, because if she lived, it would show that she had got past her depression and thoughts in suicide. But I don’t really mind.
      Backstory: idk, something that she was depressed and attempted suicide and somewhere someone took her and this simulation thing happened
      Other: she’s actually quite sweet, but she began to feel depressed so she’s quite shut to people now, and thanks!

    • BlogClan Name: Starpaw
      Full Name in Story: Izarkia Firesong
      Nickname: Zarie
      Appearance: Tall Asian girl with long silver-tipped black hair and icy eyes. Her eyes change color depending on what she’s wearing due to the band of silver around her eyes. She has big hands and feet, and small eyes.
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 13
      Height (In feet and inches): 5’4″
      Gender: Female
      Day Clothes: Aqua and silver T-Shirt with golden zentangle designs, a purple and black jacket sometimes tied around her waist, galaxy yoga pants, and silver and black sneakers.
      Personality: Secretive, smart, clever, quiet, fiercely loyal, fights for what’s right, can be kind, sometimes comforting, occasionally funny, sarcastic, manipulative, can be rude, and mysterious.
      Likes: peace and quiet, support from her few friends, people agreeing with her, music, and hanging out with her few friends.
      Dislikes: unfairness, prejudice, loud noises, people ignoring her, betrayal, and one of her friends ditching her.
      Favorite color: Hmmm… all cool colors, plus white and black. (all cool colors includes their metallic and neon forms)
      Good Traits (At least 3): smart, loyal, brave, competitive, and sometimes friendly
      Bad Traits (At least 3): sometimes rude, manipulative, sarcastic, and sometimes a little bossy
      Skills: strategy, flexibility related things, thinking on her feet
      Strengths(At least 4): Flexibility, memory, fighting, she’s really smart and knows all sorts of things, and surviving in harsh conditions
      Weaknesses (At least 4):arguing, doing something under pressure, gets mad easily, waiting around with nothing to do
      Fears (At least 4): her loved ones dying, watching someone get hurt or dying and she is helpless, having to kill someone, small spaces, and storms when she’s out in the open.
      Hobbies:music (piano, violin, singing, etc.), art, reading, writing, dancing and ice skating, sports, and wandering around.
      Quirks: Wanders around kind of weirdly, small spasms that make her leg or arm jerk out
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Music (when she plays an instrument or sings, there are sound waves coming out of it that are sorta like explosions and blows)
      2. Ice
      3. Shadow
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): Yeah!
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Mother- Moraine Father- Oplin Sister- Moonaria
      Physical description of family members+pets: Moraine is a tall woman with tanned skin and shoulder length black hair. Oplin is a tanned man with spiky black hair and piercing gray eyes. Moonaria is a skinny 5’5″ girl with long legs and pale skin. She has long black hair with an electric blue streak down to the middle of her back. She has iridescent rose gold eyes.
      Friends on the Blog: Rosepaw, Cheetah, Spidey, Ivykit, Ivy, Wistep, Icy, Sunny, Wollow, Flamey, Jazzy, Juni, Maple, Frosto, Rainshine, Libby, Potato, and everyone else!
      Favorite subject: Math, art, music, reading, writing, maybe I should stop now… 😛
      Weapon: Violin with a bow that can turn into a sword/spear whenever she wills it. And of course the violin bow can turn into a bow and arrow thing.
      Accessories: a golden cuff on her right arm that conceals a small dagger

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 6
      Climbing: 1
      Swimming: 4
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting: 9
      Strategy: 10
      Flexibility (Physical): 1010101010101010 (sorry, I;m actually flexible irl soo…)

      Add on #1:

      Can I kill you?: Sure, but make it sentimental and she died of something honorable
      Backstory: When Zarie heard about the Simulation, she was automatically willing to go. Her parents were slightly worried, but they always wwanted Zarie to rtry new things. Zarie, as she had been starting to feel depressed and lonely lately, thought the Simulation might help her get a break from her real life.
      Other: she’s ambidextrous, and knows sign language as well as Chinese, French, Spanish, Latin, English, and Russian as well.

      • The music power is taken. 🙂 If the violin was part of the music, maybe your weapon could be the gold cuff? 🙂

    • BlogClan name: Shadepaw
      Name in the story: Jason Simber
      Nickname: Jay
      Appearance: Boy with wavy brown hair and gold eyes
      Age: 13
      Height (In feet and inches): 5′ 4″
      Gender: Male
      Day Clothes: Casual T-shirt and jeans
      Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, a bit bossy, courageous
      Likes: Animals, people
      Dislikes: Insects, getting dirty
      Favorite color: Blue
      Good Traits (At least 3): Courageous, loyal, intelligent
      Bad Traits (At least 3): Can be aggressive at times, a bit annoying, bossy
      Skills: strong, can run fast
      Strengths(At least 4): can run fast, intelligent, quick-thinker, fights well
      Weaknesses (At least 4): Low stamina, not good at jumping, sometimes repulsive, fidgety
      Fears (At least 4): bugs, ghosts, jump-scares, creepy noises
      Hobbies: reading
      Quirks: Strong, but has low stamina
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Invisibility
      2. Teleportation
      3. Controlling elements (fire, water, etc.)
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine? ( In blogfic): Not really
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Mom: Fiona; Dad: Bill; Sister; Jesse
      Physical description of family members+pets: Fiona: Not too tall, long brown wavy hair, glittering gray eyes; Bill: a muscular tall man with straight black hair, deep hazel eyes; Jesse: Tall, slim girl with straight, black hair, long eyelashes and green eyes.
      Friends on the Blog: Everyone, I guess 😀
      Favorite subject: Math
      Weapon: sword, arrow
      Accessories: Backpack full of mandatory needs to survive

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 6
      Climbing: 3
      Swimming: 8
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting: 9
      Strategy: 9
      Flexibility (Physical): 7

      Add on #1:

      POV?: Sure, why not?
      Can I kill you?: As long as it’s not really a dumb death. 😛
      Backstory: Ran away from family because they were abusive, ended up with the others this way.

    • BlogClan Name: Silentsong
      Full Name in Story: Nyx Sicari
      Nickname: None
      Appearance: Petite lightly tanned girl with a faded scar on her left arm pixie cut black hair and blue eyes, black glasses
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 14
      Height (In feet and inches): 5 feet even
      Gender: Female
      Day Clothes: a blue/black capped sleeved tunic over black leggings and well worn running shoes
      Personality: Introverted, cruel/snarky when annoyed, prickly
      Likes: books, being alone, silence
      Dislikes: large crowds, people she doesn’t trust at her back, loud noises
      Favorite color: dark green, dark blue or black
      Good Traits (At least 3): good listener, good mnemonic skills,imaginative, accepting of others
      Bad Traits (At least 3): prickly, doesn’t trust people easily, can’t work well with others, doesn’t accept help even when needed
      Skills: can fade into the background, knows plant poison, adapts well, doesn’t make decisions based on emotion
      Strengths(At least 4): smart, strong(physically), strong in her beliefs, articulate, selfless
      Weaknesses (At least 4): legally blind with out glasses, doesn’t admit weakness, what she loves, can be a hypocrite, selfless
      Fears (At least 4): large crowds, people behind her, being hurt emotionally, being blackmailed
      Hobbies: karate, writing, listening to music
      Quirks: always wants to correct other people when they make a grammar mistake, isn’t afraid of heights but hates jumping from high up, and plays chicken on busy streets
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. manipulation of light
      2. illusions
      3. see all possible futures
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): Yes, I know both herbal and modern medicines and plant poisons
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Mother:Gillian Siblings- Cyrus( olderbrother), Karka( younger sister),Henri( younger brother by a year)
      Physical description of family members+pets: Coda( tabby and white she-cat) Mother has shoulder length reddish brown hair freckles and hazel eyes petite, Cyrus has brown hair and hazel eyes tall , Henri has brown hair and grey eyes an inch shorter than me, Karka has black hair and hazel eyes freckles and tall
      Friends on the Blog: Irismist
      Favorite subject: English
      Weapon: Twin long daggers
      Accessories: A silver locket and a silver anklet

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 10
      Climbing: 6
      Swimming: 7
      Stealth: 9
      Flexibility (Physical):3

      Add on #1:

      POV?: Sure
      Can I kill you?: Sure
      Backstory: bullied harshly by older brother and so jumped at the chance to escape by doing the Simulation even though she would be leaving her younger siblings behind, goes in part to give her mother one less child to have to feed
      Other:Head in the clouds

    • BlogClan Name:
      Full Name in Story: Jasmine Jean Breez
      Nickname: Jasmine, JJ
      Appearance: Tall-ish, buttersctoch-haired tannish girl with forest green, slightly hazel, eyes, a large nose, small eyes, and large ears
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 13
      Height (In feet and inches): 5′ 3″
      Gender: Female
      Day Clothes: Laced shorts with a black t-shirt tucked in, a red unbuttoned plad overshird, and black sandals
      Personality: Kind, sarcastic, smart, headstrong, funny, annoying
      Likes: People, being part of a team, being helpful
      Dislikes: Crowds, being unprepared, revealing secrets, being sick in a time of need
      Favorite color: Pink
      Good Traits (At least 3): Fun, kind, smart
      Bad Traits (At least 3): Annoying, overprotective, disorganised (hey just because I hate it doesn’t mean I want to clean it up)
      Skills: oh ummm quick thinker, fast
      Strengths(At least 4): Quick thinker, good at climbing, good at balance, fast
      Weaknesses (At least 4): Slow on the ground, can’t memorize anything, easily tired, more likely to forget what she’s doing
      Fears (At least 4): Bees, fish (allergies), anger, anything disgusting
      Hobbies: Painting rocks
      Quirks: Uhh Painting rocks 😛
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Water manipulation
      2. Solar manipulation (sun)
      3. Lunar manipulation
      (As you can see, I like manipulation)
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): Yes (and some in real life)
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Mom (dosen’t call her anything but mom, same goes for dad), Dad, Lucas (brother), Emma (sister)
      Physical description of family members+pets: Mom – Short woman with reddish hair and lots of blonde highlights as well as grey/blue eyes | Dad – Tall, very tan man with an army haircut and hazel eyes | Lucas – Tallish, tannish butterscotch haired boy of 15 with forest green eyes | Emma – Tallish pale girl with freckles, brown hair with blonde highlights, light turquoise eyes, and freckles. | Nutmeg – Small tortoiseshell she-cat with green/amber eyes and a cream tail-tip | Pepper – Big, fluffy white and black dog with chocolate eyes and spotted brown paws – Austrailan Shepard/German Shepard mix
      Friends on the Blog: Rose, Cheetah, Spidey, Star, Sunny, Icy, Spotted, Crater, Maple, Rainy, Ivy, Wistep, Wollow, Wavey, Iris, Potato
      Favorite subject: Science!
      Weapon: Bow and Arrow because I can kinda shoot it and I’m not good with any other weapons – aka I’m more likely to miss (but also shoot from afar)
      Accessories: A silver necklace with a moon and five stars
      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing
      Running: 4
      Climbing: 8
      Swimming: 8
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting: 4
      Strategy: 6
      Flexibility (Physical): 7 (I walked around with my legs on my shoukders yesterday 😛 )
      Add on #1:
      POV?: If you want
      Can I kill you?: Yes!
      Backstory: Ooh uh normal 😛 or I just never talk about it, yeah I just never talk about it
      Other: Nope!

    • BlogClan Name: Wavesplash
      Full Name in Story: Wava Aquamarine Petalia (idk 😛 )
      Nickname: Wave, Wavey, Aqua
      Appearance: Short, long legs, pale but tanned skin, freckles, green eyes, long, wavy dark blonde/light brown hair
      Age (At least 12 yrs old): 15
      Height (In feet and inches): 5’1
      Gender: girl
      Day Clothes: purple shirt with a cat on it, black hoodie, soft skinny jeans, black boots, black beanie with cat ears and a purple lining
      Personality: bright, caring, compassionate, optimistic, positive, gives good advice, socially awkward, whimsical, witty, sarcastic, ambitious, passionate, stubborn, over-analytical, smart, clever, calm in emergencies, creative, imaginative, zones out a lot, a procrastinator, a perfectionist
      Likes: books, candy, junk food, animals, cartoons, having friends, being included in stuff
      Dislikes: bullies, discrimination, homework, PE
      Favorite color: purple
      Good Traits (At least 3): compassion, creativity, courage
      Bad Traits (At least 3): ambition, stubbornness, sensitivity
      Skills: writing, drawing, singing, playing saxophone and ukulele, animating, acting
      Strengths(At least 4): gives good advice, calm in emergencies, always has a plan, notices little details
      Weaknesses (At least 4): cares too much what others think, overly critical of herself, no physical skills whatsoever, scared
      Fears (At least 4): death, things involving death (like bodies), social stuff, chronic illnesses
      Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, animating, singing, playing saxophone, playing ukulele, band, winterguard, analyzing and obsessing over books, cartoons, and musicals, dancing, acting
      Quirks: idk
      Rank your top 3 preferred powers:
      1. Telekinesis
      2. Invisibility
      3. Probability manipulation
      Do you have any skill in modern/herbal medicine?( In blogfic): maybe a little
      First names of family members (In case we do a family scene): Dad is Cameron, Mom is Isabelle, brother is Ice, sister is Sophie
      Physical description of family members+pets: Dad- Dark-skinned, broad-shouldered, dark green eyes, curly black hair, glasses
      Mom- Long legs, freckles, amber eyes, curly blonde hair
      Ice- Tanned skin, skinny, shaggy chocolate brown hair and eyes
      Sophie- Dark skin, tall, short hair dyed red, amber eyes
      Melodie- short-furred calico cat with lime-green eyes
      Zeke- tiny, long-furred black kitten with round grey eyes and a dark grey “mane”
      Friends on the Blog: you, Sky, Streamy, Wistep, Wollow, Blue, Swany, Fawny, Ottie, Sunny, Frosty, Moon, Silv, Cheeto, Ollie, Juni, Rainy, Peto, Lion, Maple
      Favorite subject: band
      Weapon: dual silver swords
      Accessories: silver hoop earrings, silver saxophone necklace

      Rate these skills 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing

      Running: 4
      Climbing: 6
      Swimming: 7
      Stealth: 8
      Fighting: 5
      Strategy: 9
      Flexibility (Physical): 2

      Add on #1:

      POV?: sure
      Can I kill you?: no
      Backstory: uhhhhhhh

  • Hi everyone, my book, (official name: Willowood) is still going! If you would still like to do it, please go to older comments! I can only have one more sister, but I can have as many creatures as you (and I) want! Also, if you would like to be a cousin, I need 2, so just do the same things as sisters! If you don’t know what the story is about, it’s about 3 sisters who spend the summer at their relative’s house in a small town, where they find a magical world! So far, people who are working with me are Potato, Bluefire, Cheetahspark, Spottedspirit, and Rainshine! Remember, I need 1 sister, 2 cousins, and as many creatures as you (and I) can do. Thanks and I hope to work with you! (:

    • I’m reposting. If you would like to help, please do! The plot is up there, and some important stuff! I need 1 sister, 2 cousins, and many creatures. Here’s the form. (also, if you chose sister before, but you also want creature, you can send a creature form, and same if you chose creature but also want sister). Please do not send a cousin form until I get 1 more sister. If I don’t choose sister please! Now the form:
      Name (first only please!):
      kind of creature (if creature)
      gender (if sister,YOU MUST BE FEMALE, but creature or cousin is either):
      looks like:
      powers (if creature):
      age (if sister, now, you must be older than 10, but younger than 15) (if sister or cousin):
      outfits (if sister) 1 night, 6 day, 1 swimming (if cousin, 1 night, 3 day, because you don’t see them much):
      Thank you so much and I really hope to work with you! (:

      • Sure! I’ll be ur sister!
        Name (first only please!): Sandie I guess?
        kind of creature (if creature)
        hobbies: drawing, playing guitar
        likes: her hobbies 🙂 , emo coz why non XD
        dislikes: loudness, socialism, people that are annoying
        gender (if sister,YOU MUST BE FEMALE, but creature or cousin is either): Female
        looks like: tall-ish VERY tanned girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes
        powers (if creature):
        personality: Dark, punk-rock, slightly arrogant
        age (if sister, now, you must be older than 10, but younger than 15) (if sister or cousin): 14?
        outfits (if sister) 1 night, 6 day, 1 swimming (if cousin, 1 night, 3 day, because you don’t see them much):
        Night – https://goo.gl/images/uzui3V litterally this like Heather Chandler
        Day 1 – Red tank top with black leggings that have white stripes down the side and black sneakers.
        Day 2 – the same as night 🙂
        Day 3 – https://goo.gl/images/ovEqLh
        Day 4 – https://goo.gl/images/LTrrhz this with black really thin tights and black boots
        Day 5 – leopard print red dress, also with black really thin tights and black boots
        Day 6 – red, black and white zig-zag t-shirt with black shorts and sneakers
        Svwimming – anything red XD

        Yay! Thx!

        • thanks Ivy! But please make your night clothes pajamas. Nice outfits though. You are officially in my story! Thanks.

          • Oh yeah! I keep getting confused with night clothes and formal clothes 😛 anything red, and make that her day clothes #2

            • Thank you! You really like red. I like the outfits you chose!

      • Sister is now closed. But cousin is open! Also, does anyone know how to make a secret blogfic place? If you do, please tell me!

  • REPOST (with a few edits)
    I’m making a Warriors High story, and instead of being cliché and keeping the cats’ original names, I’m giving them relatively human ones.
    The story will revolve around the PoT and OotS main generation, so if anyone could help me by listing all of the cats in that generation, that would be appreciated. No, I do not mean copying and pasting stuff from allegiances pages. I mean like the cats who were around the age of Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf. Cats like Cinderheart, Ivypool, Dovewing, Tigerheart, Bumblestripe, Icecloud, Hazeltail, etc.
    Another important thing is human names! Currently I’ve thought of a few names, but if you guys come up with better ones or come up with human names for the cats that I haven’t done yet, please share them!
    What I have so far is:
    Ivypool – Ivy
    Cinderheart – Cindy(Cynthia)
    Icecloud – Icylin
    Foxleap – Loki or Fox, help decide please!
    Hollyleaf – Holly
    Poppycloud – Poppy
    Jayfeather – Jay
    Dovewing – Bella or Ella, please help me decide!
    Hazeltail – Hazel
    Lionblaze – Leo

    That’s all I have right now, please comment your ideas for names for other cats or for new names for the cats whose names I’ve already thought of!

    • For Dovewing, I think Ella. 🙂
      For Foxleap, I like Loki.

      Briarlight < Briar
      Bumblestripe < Blaze or Benjamin
      Blossompool < Dahlia
      Rosepetal < Rose
      Lilyheart < Lily or Lia
      Cherryfall < Catherine
      Snowbush < Samson
      Honeyfern < Honey

  • Repost for this form! It’s for a boarding school fanfiction, with a few extra things thrown in. No guarantees it will be written and every body who signs up will be in. But if I’ve seen you around often and I feel that your form is well done, you should get in!!

    Blogclan name:
    Human name (please a normal human name like Emily or Lyla or something):
    Favorite color:
    Human appearance (can be irl or persona):
    On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
    Good at multitasking:
    You are more introverted, extroverted, or both?
    Closest Blog friend/s:
    Name for a pet:
    Do you get homesick?:
    What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?:

    Here’s whose I have:
    Rainshine (I need the new questions from you)
    Frostfire (I need the new questions from you)
    Bluefire (I need the new questions from you)
    Shivy (I also need the new questions from you)
    Wistep (I need the new questions from you)
    Wavey (I need the new questions from you)

    So I need the new questions answered by Frostfire, Bluefire, Wavey, Wistep, Shivy, and Rainshine! And anybody else can sign up!

    • Blogclan name: Starpaw
      Human name (please a normal human name like Emily or Lyla or something): (why normal? 🙁 ) um, Isla Firesong
      Personality: Secretive, smart and clever, quiet, fiercely loyal, fights for what’s right, can be kind, tries to make sad people feel better, sarcastic, manipulative, can be rude, and mysterious.
      Favorite color: All cool colors and their metallic and neon forms, plus white, black and SILVER!
      Gender: Female
      Human appearance (can be irl or persona): Tall Asian girl with long silver-tipped black hair and icy eyes. Her eyes change color depending on what she’s wearing due to the band of silver around her irises. She has big hands and feet, and small eyes.
      On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
      Brave: 8
      Focused: 10
      Kind: 7
      Organized: 10
      Good at multitasking: 10
      Adventurous: 4
      Patient: 10
      Devoted: 5
      You are more introverted, extroverted, or both? both
      Closest Blog friend/s:Rose, Cheetah, you, Icy, Jazzy, Maple, Wollow, and a bunch of other people but I’m too lazy.
      Name for a pet: Arie
      Do you get homesick?: Sometimes
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: outcast nerd
      POV?: YAS

    • Name For a Pet: Willy
      Do You Get Homesick: if I’m away for a long time
      What Kind of Person Would You Be: outcast
      PoV: yes please

      • Ooops I just saw the list of people you already have 😛 I really have to read these things.

    • Blogclan name: Riverfrost
      Human name (please a normal human name like Emily or Lyla or something): Story Harford
      Personality: Kind, unpredictable, friendly, cold to those who don’t break down her walls, intelligent, lighthearted, sarcastic, sassy, snarky, determined, passionate, mysterious
      Favorite color: Any kind of blue, violet, green, coral and pink shade
      Gender: female
      Human appearance (can be irl or persona): Lithe and curvy slightly tanned girl with wide, almond shaped green eyes with central heterochromia (golden color), as well as a splotch of gold in her left iris. Has wavy light copper-brown middle back hair that fades into golden brown at bottom and straight teeth.
      On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
      Brave: 9
      Focused: 8
      Kind: 9
      Organized: 9
      Good at multitasking: 7
      Adventurous: 7
      Patient: 4 😛
      Devoted: 5
      You are more introverted, extroverted, or both? I’m both, but a little more extroverted (ENFJ-A)
      Closest Blog friend/s: You, Silv, Ottie, Star, Rose, Wistep, Wollow, Sunny, Icy, Embix, Blue, Swan, Peto, Frosto, Cheetah, Wavey, Sky, Spidey, Crater
      Name for a pet: Maylin
      Do you get homesick?: Sometimes
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: semipopular (as in a group of friends, doesn’t get involved with dramas)
      POV?: Yes please

    • Name for a pet: Spark
      Do you get homesick?: eh sometimes
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: outcast/unnoticed
      POV?: sure

    • Hi can I still do this?
      Blogclan name: Hawthornclaw
      Human name: Mary Brightspirit
      personality: kind, smart, happy
      favorite color: purple
      gender: female
      human appearance: tall pale girl with brown hair in ponytail and green eyes
      how_are you?
      brave 5
      focused 6
      kind 10
      organized 3
      good at multitasking 4
      adventurous 9
      patient 4
      devoted 8
      introverted, extroverted, both: ????????
      closest blogfriends: don’t know any one all that much
      Name for a pet: Fluff
      do you get homesick: YES,YES,YES
      kind of person: smart but not bullied or anything like that
      POV?: Sure that’d be great!

    • Blogclan name: Emberpaw
      Human name (please a normal human name like Emily or Lyla or something):um, is Ember considered normal? If not, then Emma.
      Personality:smart( but is awful at math), energetic, show-off, daring, reckless, kind, really, really likes animals,
      Favorite color: turquiose
      Gender: female
      Human appearance (can be irl or persona): short, skinny, short brown hair, bright blue eyes
      On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
      Brave: 10
      Good at multitasking:4
      You are more introverted, extroverted, or both? Extroverted. Very, very extroverted.
      Closest Blog friend/s:Um,I dunno.
      Name for a pet: Teddy
      Do you get homesick?:Not really
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: Noticeable. Very noticeable.
      POV?: YES!

    • Name for a pet: Mila
      Do you get homesick?: Yes
      What kind of person would you be?: Not the most popular friend group. But maybe in the third popular friend group or something like that.
      Yayyy can’t waitttt

    • Blogclan name: Shadepaw
      Human name (please a normal human name like Emily or Lyla or something): Nico Frost (Is that normal?)
      Personality: Sarcastic, funny, friendly, brave
      Favorite color: Blue
      Gender: Male
      Human appearance (can be irl or persona): Tall boy with spiky hair and glittering blue eyes, has very sensitive hearing.
      On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
      Brave: 8
      Focused: 4
      Kind: 8
      Organized: 9
      Good at multitasking: 6
      Adventurous: 7
      Patient: 4
      Devoted: 8
      You are more introverted, extroverted, or both? Introverted when meeting new people
      Closest Blog friend/s: Technically everyone
      Name for a pet: Milo (Dog)
      Do you get homesick?: Yes
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: Unpopular, yet very smart
      POV?: Sure, why not?

    • Blogclan name: Spidersong
      Human name (please a normal human name like Emily or Lyla or something): Elle
      Personality: Friendly, shy at first, short-tempered, stubborn, competitive
      Favorite color: Turquoise
      Gender: Female
      Human appearance (can be irl or persona): Tall latina with medium brown hair, and hazelish brownish eyes
      On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
      Brave: 8 (on a dare)
      Focused: 6
      Kind: 8
      Organized: 5.9
      Good at multitasking: 9
      Adventurous: 8
      Patient: 6
      Devoted: 7
      You are more introverted, extroverted, or both? Intoverted usually
      Closest Blog friend/s: Cheetah Jazzy Rosie Crater Star Riv Aster Icy Silv Wistep etc.
      Name for a pet: Reina
      Do you get homesick?: Nah
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: Between unnoticed and popular
      POV?: Sure

    • Blogclan name: Spottedspirit
      Personality: sassy, sarcastic, rude
      Favorite color: black
      Gender: female
      Human appearance: pale skin with black hair. Her hair is tinged with lime green and her eyes are ebony black. Her limbs are lanky and she is very flexible.
      On a scale from 1-10 (1 being not at all) how _ are you?
      Brave: 6
      Focused: 10
      Organized: 1
      Good at multitasking: 10
      Adventurous: 5
      Patient: 1
      Devoted: 5
      You are more introverted, extroverted, or both? She’s more extroverted
      Closest Blog friend/s: Rosesong, Rainshine, Mapledrift, Jazzy and Cheeto.
      Name for a pet: Whisper
      Do you get homesick?: naw
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: nerd
      POV?: yes, please

      Name for a pet: Tallie
      Do you get homesick?: Rarely.
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: I’m a nerdy outcast 😛
      POV?: sure!

    • Name for a pet: Mocha
      Do you get homesick?: a little, but I can deal with it
      What kind of person would you be (i.e. popular, nerd, outcast, unnoticed, etc)?: band/theatre nerd, I have my group of friends that I’m usually with and a few other friends
      POV?: sure!

  • I am in need of help with my Blogfic,Thunder Academy.
    I was hoping to make a secret page, but I don’t know how, so that’s cool. 😉
    I will give you a prompt and a character and you can do the writing. I will basically just outline the whole darn thing. 🙂
    Base it off of your own experiences.
    If you are too busy, don’t bother, but I need to get this done or I will abandon the project.
    Spottedspirit the Great

  • ‘ve dropped Dark or Bright? because its waayyyy too hard. In replace, I’m creating a new blogfic called Dream World.

    You run. Your pets are beside you. All of you know that you have to get away from the people.

    You see,life was peaceful and ordinary – until a few months ago. Aliens took over Earth. At first,it wasn’t that bad: they just made some simple rules. But now,one announcement struck all. The aliens said “get rid of all pets. See that em free,kill them. They don’t deserve to suffer by being with all you puny,selfish,humans. If this is not done in a week,the pets will be killed and you will be went to prison”

    All the children at the boarding school houses knew they had to run away, so that was what they were doing.

    No one knows where they’re to go, what they’re going to do, they just have to get away from humans and not go back – not until this cruelety has stopped.

    Basically children lived in a neighborhood that had a few houses for boarding schools. Life is wonderful: the boarding school children are allowed to have pets,there’s a stable to keep horse,and a store and petshop are in the neighborhood so you could walk to it. But then,aliens who took over the planet border to end people owning pets. The children run away into the forest with the pets. One night,they all get powers in their dreams . The dream spirits tell them that they are the ones who have to end the aliens, but the animals and dream spirits will help.

    Here’s the form:

    BlogClan name:
    Human name:
    Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three):
    What power do you prefer(see below):
    What power do you prefer for your pets(see below):
    3 outfits(2 day, 1 night):
    Friends on BlogClan:

    Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
    Finding food(like berries):
    Herbal healing:

    Is it okay if you get caught or die?:
    Is it okay if your pet does some how?:

    The powers for children are:
    Telkenesis (I hope I spelled that correctly)
    Ability to talk to most animals

    The powers for pets are:
    Shooting small bolts of lightning
    Freezing things for a few minutes,making ice and snow appear
    Creating small fires that can or cannot burn objects
    Lifting objects with air and floating
    Growing and destroying plants
    Creating waves where there isn’t any(or is) and making a drizzle

    • BlogClan name: Rosepaw/song
      Human name: Rosetta Calavera
      Nickname: Rosette ( 😛 )
      Age: 13
      Appearance: Tall light tanned girl with long dark brown wavy/curly/frizzy hair
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three): Clara, a big Clydesdale horse with a dark brown coat, white socks and black eyes
      What power do you prefer(see below): Ability to talk to most animals
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): growing and destroying plants
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night):
      1. Jean shortalls over a black paint splattered crop top and army boots with rainbow socks underneath
      2. Long jeans with a quarter sleeve pastel pink shirt, those flats that crumble up when your feet aren’t in them, rainbow socks
      3. Long flowing lavender night gown with a small bow on the chest and short blouse sleeves, dark crimson shorts, uhhhh rainbow socks 😛
      Personality: Friendly, bubbly, playful, silly, serious (should the situation require seriousness), SINGER
      Likes: Singing, dancing, hugging, jumping, skipping, playing, friends, more singing, being loud, Pizza
      Dislikes; Big storms, people being mean, ruining things, being ignored, awkward silences, broccoli pizza ( 😛 )
      Fears: Strong thunderstorms, tight spaces, being eaten/being small and THEN being eaten
      Friends on BlogClan: Cheetah, Star, Spidey, Jazzy, Spotted(heart), Spotted(spirit), Snowswirl, you, Potato, Maple, Sunny, Icy, Sundance, Ember, eVERYONE

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 5
      Climbing: 6
      Running: 7
      Sneaking: 9
      Strength: 4
      Strategy: 10 ( 😛 )
      Finding food(like berries): 7
      Herbal healing: 5

      POV?: Yes plz
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: Yes, but later in the fic plz
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: Same as above
      Other: nah

    • BlogClan name: Emberpaw
      Human name:Ember
      Appearance:short, skinny, short brown hair, bright blue eyes
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three):Teddy, small brown scruffy terrier mix, big brown eyes, loyal, barks a lot, cuddly, suspicious of strangers
      What power do you prefer(see below): ability to talk to most animals
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): creating small fires that can or cannot burn objects
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night):1. t shirt with cat on it, shorts, turquoise sneakers 2. blue leopard print t shirt, shorts, flip flops 3.(night) nightgown with puppy on it
      Personality:energetic, smart, terrible at math, show off, daring, reckless, kind, really really likes animals, adventurous
      Likes: animals, adventure, reading, writing, nature, fun
      Dislikes; math, meat, being bored, being told what to do, mean people
      Fears: big fires
      Friends on BlogClan: I dunno
      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Finding food(like berries):10
      Herbal healing:8
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?:I guess, if it’s really necessary, but make it really dramatic
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: Same as above
      Other: Is a vegetarian.

    • BlogClan name: Cheetahspark
      Human name: Chiara Sparke
      Nickname: Cheetah, Cheeto, etc
      Age: 14
      Appearance: lean, long-legged tan girl with long, straight caramel-colored hair with darker highlights, and cat-like emerald-green eyes
      Name and descriptions of pets: Spark: small cheetah with green eyes (why this girl would have a pet cheetah is beyond me). Jasper: large mahogany bay stallion with black mane (also why this girl would be able to hide a horse from aliens in the forest is beyond me)
      What power do you prefer: telekinesis
      What power do you prefer for your pets: Jasper has lightning and Spark has fire
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night): day: army green shirt and light blue jean shorts; maroon cotton shirt with dark blue jean shorts.. both day outfits have white converse. Night: t-shirt and shorts
      Personality: outgoing, bouncy, energetic, friendly, daring, adventurous, funny, sarcastic, slightly annoying and irritable
      Likes: food, animals, cheetos, tv, books, nature, musicals, multiple fandoms, uhh
      Dislikes: rude or mean people, feeling useless, wasting time
      Fears: snakes, spiders, being murdered, being alone
      Friends on BlogClan: Spidey, Rosie, Moon, Ottie, Iris, Libby, Silv, Kinky, Moorey, Ast, Wist, Maple, Dusk, Foxie, Beechy, Bramb, Jazzy, Blu, Star, Riv, Fallen, Mistle, Flame, Potato, Icy, Spotty, LITERALLY EVERYONE

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 7
      Climbing: 6
      Running: 10
      Sneaking: 8
      Strength: 3
      Finding food(like berries): 7
      Herbal healing: 2

      POV?: YASS
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: umm sure but if I die MAKE IT FRICKIN SCAR THEM FOR LIFE
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: ^^
      Other: 😛

    • BlogClan name: Spottedspirit
      Human name: Harley Davidson
      Nickname: Harles
      Age: 13 and 1/2
      Appearance: tall with lanky limbs, and blonde hair. Her eyes are turquoise and her skin is pale. She wears pigtails and has huge braces on her teeth. She dyes one pigtail black and the other one is dyed red.
      Name and descriptions of pets: She has a lynx: His name is Joke and he is a normal lynx but has a scar from his eye to his flank and one black eye, one red eye.
      What power do you prefer(see below): second-vision
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): creating small fires
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night):
      1# https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1089/5480/products/23_2.jpg?v=1510729030
      3# http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1196/4866/products/gown_5349_crimson_600x.jpg?v=1495293831
      Personality: sassy, sweet, kind of psychotic, crazy
      Likes: candy, dancing, just walking around aimlessly
      Dislikes; rude people, sane people
      Fears: drowning, and heighths
      Friends on BlogClan: Rosesong, Cheeto, Jazzy, Spidey and Rainshine is my mentor. 🙂

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 2
      Climbing: 10
      Running: 8
      Sneaking: 10
      Strength: 4
      Finding food(like berries): 7
      Herbal healing: 2

      POV?: yes, please
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: only if it effects the plot line and the characters. So, not a greencough type death.
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: go ahead
      Other: she pansexual

    • BlogClan name: Potato
      Human name: Macy Wolfe
      Nickname: Mace
      Age: 15
      Appearance: Dark skinned curvy girl with shoulder length curly brown hair and green eyes
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three):
      Keon- this https://goo.gl/images/FgS6j9 (Its huge I know) but red with lighter red stomach and chin and dark red back, ears, feet, and nose with gold eyes
      What power do you prefer(see below): talking to animals, but if not, telekinesis
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): Waves
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night): Green Marvel crop top with black leggings and boots
      Light yellow button down short sleeve with dark green shorts and white sneakers
      White tank top and black basket ball shorts
      Personality: Distrusting to newcomers, snappy, goofy around friends, loud, energetic, likes crowds (just doesn’t like talking to people), hard time opening up, pushes her friends to help
      Likes: Candy, Keon, cuddles, traveling, cities, her friends, dancing, singing, cooking
      Dislikes; The dark, (good thing she’s in a forest) being alone, mean people, being treated like a child, bears, bugs
      Fears: Dark, bears, death, losing friends
      Friends on BlogClan: Maple, Star, Rose, You, Cheetah, Everyone!
      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 4
      Climbing: 4
      Running: 7
      Sneaking: 8
      Strength: 6
      Strategy: 3
      Finding food(like berries): 6 (But only because of Keon) on her own, 4
      Herbal healing: 1
      POV?: If you want!
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: Near the end if possible
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: (me in real life NOOOOOO) Ummm I guess maybe before she dies
      Other: Do you need Keon’s personality?

    • BlogClan name: Blueheart
      Human name: Kelly
      Nickname: Blue (Bulle by Emma(Swan) and Peto)
      Age: 12
      Appearance: Tall, broad-shouldered girl with thick, dirty blonde hair in a ponytail, and blue-gray eyes
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three): Danny – He’s a tall, broad-shouldered dark dark dark brown (almost black) doberman labrador mix dog with russet brown markings, floppy ears, a long, thin tail and soft chocolate brown eyes.(He’s brave, loyal, playful, strong, and love to play with his chewy(what he calls his dog toys) and he is “dumb” but I hate it when people call him that) Star -Small, lithe, silver tabby she-cat with tiny white paws, tail-tip, chest, and ear-tips. She has thin, short fur and bright, kind, green eyes. (She is shy, kind, gentle, but fierce if you mess with her, and she’s also very loyal) Wolf – Large black mare with a long mane and tail, with darker patches and lighter patches scattered around and dark blue eyes. (Brave, loyal, fierce, snarky, and also very loving)
      What power do you prefer(see below): Mind-reading definitely
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): Danny, lightning. Star, ice/snow. Wolf, fire.
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night): Black sweatpants, black sneakers, black jacket. Black sweatpants, black sneakers, gray jacket. Ummm just put me in a onesie or something idk 😛
      Personality: Brave, loyal(my life is all loyalty nothing else at this point 😛 ), snarky, caring, thoughtful.
      Likes: Once Upon a Time, reading/writing, watching YouTube/TV, Kpop(Mostly Stray Kids)
      Dislikes; Sonic the Hedgehog, anime(unless I decide to watch it myself) annoying people, PEOPLE EATING BEHIND ME
      Fears: BUGS, losing the people I love, dying
      Friends on BlogClan: Emma(Swan) and Peto are my best friend here. But I’m also friends with Icy, Sunny, Wavey, Fallen, Moon, and practically everyone else 😛

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 5
      Climbing: 7
      Running: 7
      Sneaking: 6
      Strength: 9
      Strategy: 8
      Finding food(like berries): 5
      Herbal healing: 7

      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: As long as it’s bravely
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: As long as it’s bravely.
      Other: This sounds really cool, I’m excited 🙂

      The powers for children are:
      Telkenesis (I hope I spelled that correctly)
      Ability to talk to most animals

      The powers for pets are:
      Shooting small bolts of lightning
      Freezing things for a few minutes,making ice and snow appear
      Creating small fires that can or cannot burn objects
      Lifting objects with air and floating
      Growing and destroying plants
      Creating waves where there isn’t any(or is) and making a drizzle

    • BlogClan name: Moon (Moonebreeze/paw)
      Human name: Luna Breezelin
      Nickname: Luna?
      Age: 13
      Appearance: Tall, skinny, girl with long, straight jet black hair tipped in silver. Ice blue eyes.
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three): Valkyrie (Val): Tall dappled gray Hispania-Arab mare with a stormy black mane and tail.
      What power do you prefer(see below): Talking to animals (mainly horses)
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): Small lightning bolts
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night): 1: Dark blue riding fleece, beige breeches, tall black boots. Black riding helmet. Matching dark blue saddle pad for Val. 2: Dark purple riding fleece, dark gray breeches, short black paddock boots, dark brown/black half-chaps, black riding helmet, matching dark purple saddle pad for Val.
      Personality: Smart, fiercely loyal, persisitent, hard on herself, natural leader, often bossy, quick.
      Likes: Horses (show-jumping), animals, reading, writing, drawing, soccer, basketball, being in charge.
      Dislikes: Bugs (especially spiders)
      Fears: Spiders, death, natural disasters, lsibg those I love
      Friends on BlogClan: Silv, Ottie, Cheetah, Spidey, Rose, Star, Ivy, and most others.

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 5
      Climbing: 5
      Running: 9
      Sneaking: 8
      Strength: 6
      Strategy: 10
      Finding food(like berries): 7
      Herbal healing: 7

      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: Preferably not, but if I have to (only to save someone)
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: Please please no
      Other: Val’s bridle is black with classic snaffle bit and silver gems across browband. Black close contact jumping saddle.

    • BlogClan name: Rainshine
      Human name: Rainie Yu
      Nickname: Nah (That does Not mean you can call me nah it means no nickname k)
      Age: 16
      Appearance: Shortish oriental girl with thin black hair usually in a ponytail and brown eyes
      Name and descriptions of pets: Cat
      What power do you prefer(see below): Telekinesis
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): Growing and destroying plants
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night): Night: pink nightgown Day: Pink hoodie and leggings or pink t-shirt and shorts
      Personality: Tries to be nice but ends up tempted to disclude people, calm under pressure and good problem solving but not that great at people skills and thinking about others peoples thoughts and emotions
      Likes: the sky, feeling safe, art, soccer, music
      Dislikes; being scared, bugs bugs bugs, being uncomfortable
      Fears: heights, bugs in nasty places (like ew there’s a bug under that leaf there it’S HUGE), fear
      Friends on BlogClan: Spottedspirit, Rose, Maple, umm whoever wants to be my friend I don’t want to be the annoying person who thinks everyone is their friend yknow

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 4
      Climbing: 5
      Running: 7
      Sneaking: 8
      Strength: 4
      Strategy: 9
      Finding food(like berries): 8
      Herbal healing: 8

      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: YES
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?:Yeah
      Other: SHIPPP please?

        A grey tabby and white she- cat, and if it’s possible a mouse that I can hold? Grey and small girl mouse. Naming them Melody and Mila (the mouse is mila)

    • BlogClan name: Ivykit
      Human name: Malika
      Nickname: nu plz
      Age: 13
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three): Brownie – super dark brown she-cat with amber eyes
      What power do you prefer(see below): Second sight (I feel like a traitor shhh don’t tell E.G. I will never tell her. I’m not a very good deputy 😛 You probably have no idea what I’m talking about unless you know our Cake Team XD 😛 )
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): creating small fires that can or cannot burn objects
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night):
      Night ~
      Orange onesie with white polkadots

      Day 1 ~
      Orange hoodie, yellow top, blue jeans, and orange sneakers.

      Day 2 ~
      Uh, orange tank top, black leggings and white sneakers.

      Personality: serious but funny, kinda friendly
      Likes: books, her MP3 player and headphones, if that’s not too old for this time in the future? MUSIC. Drawing
      Dislikes: BROCCOLI. Loud noises
      Fears: same as above 🙂
      Friends on BlogClan: Rosepaw, blu, Cheeto, Potato, rainshine, frosto, Spottedspirit, everyone!

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 8
      Climbing: 7
      Running: 9
      Sneaking: 9
      Strength: 7
      Strategy: 9
      Finding food(like berries): 10
      Herbal healing: 9

      POV?: hmmmm, ho thanks 🙂
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: caught, yes, die, only if it’s like, cool, not a trap or anything – she’s sneaky.
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: nu plz don’t kill of Malika
      Other: https://goo.gl/images/EBQbNC and https://goo.gl/images/v3iQ5v

    • BlogClan name: Wavesplash
      Human name: Wave 😛
      Nickname: Wavey
      Age: 15
      Appearance: Short, long legs, pale but tanned skin, freckles, green eyes, long, wavy dark blonde/light brown hair
      Name and descriptions of pets(they can be anything that can live on land exept for turtles and lizards or something else that:s tiny or slow)(max is three):
      Mocha- Long-furred, fluffy brown she-cat with a cream belly and paws, a long feathery tail, and dark amber eyes
      Jade- Tiny light brown squirrel with dark brown flashes down back and jade-green eyes
      Scarlet- reddish-orange fox with a white underbelly, muzzle, and paws, blue eyes, and a pointed nose
      What power do you prefer(see below): telekinesis
      What power do you prefer for your pets(see below): lightning for Jade, creating fires for Scarlet, and creating waves for Mocha
      3 outfits(2 day, 1 night): purple shirt with cat on it, black hoodie, soft skinny jeans, purple converse, black beanie with purple lining and cat ears, silver hoop earrings, silver saxophone necklace
      Turquoise shirt with white musical note on it, floaty transparent pale blue and white skirt, black leggings, black boots, aquamarine stud earrings
      Oversized lavender shirt with a white paw print on the front and three small paw prints at the neckline on the back and dark purple pants with white paw prints
      Personality: bright, caring, compassionate, optimistic, positive, gives good advice, witty, sarcastic, cares too much what others think, ambitious, stubborn, passionate, over-analytical, smart, clever, a perfectionist, a procrastinator, sensitive, creative, imaginative, zones out a lot, calm in emergencies, socially awkward, whimsical, bubbly with close friends, has a strong moral code
      Likes: books, candy, junk food, music, cartoons, musicals, band, drawing, writing, making people laugh/happy, being included in stuff
      Dislikes; bullies, discrimination, PE, social stuff
      Fears: death, things involving death (like bodies), social stuff
      Friends on BlogClan: Blue, Peto, Swany, Fawny, Maple, Lion, Ottie, Moon, Silv, Riv, Frosty, Wistep, Wollow, Sky, Streamy, Arkie, Jetty, Beech, Rose

      Rate these skills from 1-10(with 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing):
      Swimming: 7
      Climbing: 6
      Running: 4
      Sneaking: 7
      Strength: 5
      Strategy: 9
      Finding food(like berries): 8
      Herbal healing: 5

      POV?: sure
      Is it okay if you get caught or die?: I can get caught but please don’t kill me
      Is it okay if your pet does some how?: eeeeeeeeeh I don’t like it but I do have three…

  • I’m considering a Blogfic, but my writing always comes out really weird and with barely any description. So, if you’re intrested in helping write it, reply to this comment! I didn’t put the form on here because I’m not sure if enough people will join. But it’s kind of like WoF and Warriors together! 😛

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